Happy #HobbitDay 😁
#MedievalTolkien #FellowshipOfTolkien
I loved it! I loved the story and it was so frustrating to leave it as it was just beginning. All the characters were so intriguing.
I loved Christopher's commentary, though it was in places a bit too granular for my understanding.
I lived the chapters about the Silmarillion. It wasn't what l was expecting, because l noticed other, different relationships with Tolkien's work. I wanted more! ⬇️
I enjoyed this unfinished piece of Arthurian poetry by Tolkien, along with the accompanying essays by Christopher Tolkien (that make up most of the book). Overall, though, it was a bit unsatisfying—I wanted a little bit more from all of it (but that‘s my own issue, not an actual problem with the book). “The Poem in Arthurian Tradition” made me want to study the poem in the context of an Arthurian Literature course, to go deeper into the sources ⤵️
Chiasmus: a figure of speech in which the grammar of two parallel phrases is inverted
#WeirdWordWednesday #WeirdWords #FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
From “Speech and Silence in The Lord of the Rings: Medieval Romance and the Transitions of Eowyn”
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
After finishing The Fall of Arthur this morning, I pulled this book from my shelf this evening. In the introduction, the description of this essay relating Eowyn to a female medieval knight seemed a perfect complement to my earlier reading. It‘s a truly interesting analysis of Eowyn‘s character development from court lady to acting lord of Rohan to shield maiden and finally to wife and healer.
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
I finished this book with breakfast this morning. As with many of these incomplete works by Tolkien, it‘s a combination of fascinating and frustrating. They always leaving you wanting to know and be able to read more. I‘m so grateful to Christopher for putting the work into sharing this, but I only recommend it to serious fans of Tolkien‘s writing process or readers interested in various versions and retellings of the King Arthur legend.
Reading Tolkien‘s commentary about Old English Verse this morning. I really do enjoy this poetic style.
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
#MedievalTolkien #FellowshipOfTolkien
I'm not so far behind.
It's unlikely that l will finish today, but I'm aiming to finish over the weekend 😁
@Daisey @wordslinger42 @BookwormAHN @BethM @TheAromaOfBooks @curiouserandcurioser @BarbaraJean @Susanita @AllDeBooks @Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes @AnishalnkSpell
This is my favorite line so far in this section, “The Evolution of the Poem.” Even after works were published, they weren‘t always safe from further revisions by Tolkien.
“As a rule, indeed, no manuscript of my father‘s could be regarded as ‘final‘ until it had safely left his hands.”
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien