Chapter 29: marriage through the eyes of Casaubon? #hardpass #justno #absolutelynot #whatapig #andnowweknowwhytheycalledlydgate #notthattherewasanydoubt #whatwasinthatletter #igottaknow #pemberlittens
Chapter 29: marriage through the eyes of Casaubon? #hardpass #justno #absolutelynot #whatapig #andnowweknowwhytheycalledlydgate #notthattherewasanydoubt #whatwasinthatletter #igottaknow #pemberlittens
I don‘t know whether I‘m more disturbed that FB suggested this in my feed or that this book is in the Litsy database. #justno
My cohort put my absolute favorite review of my book on a mug and I‘m dead 😂☕️📚 Best birthday gift EVER. No irony, I freakin‘ love this. #stayhumble #justno