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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Part of me loved the bits of humor in the book. Another part of me honestly had no clue what was going on sometimes—to be fair to the book, I was distracted a lot while reading, so may have missed info. I plan to read this again in the future to see what I may have missed. But, I leave this list feeling a bit let down. Oh well! #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade #192025 #1927

rubyslippersreads I don‘t think I‘d reread this one, but I‘d definitely try more by the author. 3d
Librarybelle @rubyslippersreads I‘d try another one of hers too, probably sooner than I would reread this one. 3d
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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Ruthiella I also dug that reference. How appropriate since this group is an offshoot of that original #Pemberlittens Jane Austen group read. 😃👍 3w
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella I legit squealed! 3w
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Librarybelle The reference was a delightful surprise! 3w
Bookwormjillk That reference was the highlight of my day. 3w
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk mine too!!!! 3w
rubyslippersreads At least Milton recognizes that he‘s Mr. Collins and not Mr. Darcy. 😆 2w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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My copy finally arrived! I did read the first chapter on Hoopla, but I dislike reading on my phone. Now to catch up! 😃

BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! I don‘t know if we‘ve seen this cover yet! 3w
Ruthiella @BarkingMadRead I don‘t think we have! 3w
willaful I'm the same, so wish there was a way to get hoopla books onto an ereader! 3w
Ruthiella @willaful IKR? I can also use my tablet, but that‘s also unwieldy. 3w
willaful @Ruthiella yeah! I have a terrible old kindle fire, which is only marginally an improvement. 3w
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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I‘m in the minority of the #HashtagBrigade to say I liked the novel. Gaskell, whose husband was a Unitarian minister and lived near the factories and mills of England, sets as her MC a “fallen” woman and her path to redemption. This was a bit controversial at its initial publication, and it certainly is darker and more rooted in faith and redemption than her other novels. But, I get the sense that she is shaming her Victorian audience ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ for their judgement of character on someone who has lived through a perceived sinful time. Ruth, a truly good person whose naivety (and the Victorians of certain classes did shelter their daughters from the world, so think of this another moment of Gaskell pointing out the inconsistencies of morality) brought her down to a “bad sinner” level, shows the true Christian values, along with the Bensons. I think Gaskell is showing how quickly ⬇️ 3w
Librarybelle ⬆️ the populace tends to cast the first stone without knowing all the details or are quick to judge a good person for one bad action. There are the layers too of sympathy tugging at the reader, and I can almost see a Victorian reader wondering at how this sympathy changes their thoughts about a person they know in a similar situation. I do prefer Gaskell‘s more sweeping novels—North and South and her studies of Cranford—but kudos to her for this! 3w
Librarybelle Thanks for leading us through this, @BarkingMadRead #PemberLittens 3w
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Cuilin Wonderful review!!!! I agree I do think she is trying to shame Victorian readers into rethinking some of their belief systems. I also think that in order not to alienate her readers, she had to add penance. Our modern sensibilities struggle with this. 3w
Librarybelle Thanks, @Cuilin ! And yes…our modern sensibilities definitely struggle with this! 3w
dabbe A wowza review! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
julieclair Excellent review! I liked this novel, too, for a lot of the same reasons. 3w
quietjenn I completely agree! 3w
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The Hotel: A Novel | Elizabeth Bowen
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I love the cover of my edition for this month‘s #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade read!

Lindy Yes, that is a pretty cover 🙂 4w
BarkingMadRead Ohhhhhh I love this cover! 4w
Tamra Gorgeous! 4w
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kspenmoll Love it! 4w
Cuilin I have the same cover. Love it. 4w
Deblovestoread 💜💜💜 4w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4w
julieclair I want to be there! 4w
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Pirates and Prejudice | Kara Louise
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#Pemberlittens we're off to high seas for this month's #JaneAdjacent. Grab a copy of in your favorite format. Read at your own pace. Dictionary Post will be up September 30th. 🎩🌊🏴‍☠️ #12MonthsOfJane

julieclair I think this one will be sooo fun! 🏴‍☠️ 4w
willaful I'll give it a whirl. 4w
SarahBookInterrupted Add me please 4w
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#ReadAway2024 #ForTheLoveOfBooks

My last fully completed book of August, finished tonight for #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent It‘s a soft pick for me, just a bit too YA, I liked the author‘s second book, Ghosted, a Northanger Abbey retelling better than this Pride and Prejudice-based one. Georgie just seemed too young & there weren‘t enough pages to flesh out Will & Lizzie (& because it‘s P&P, I was more interested in them). Still, not a bad ⬇️

DebinHawaii …effort & I‘ll probably read her new Sense and Sensibility retelling at some point. 4w
TheSpineView Awesome! 4w
Crinoline_Laphroaig I felt the same. Enjoyed it but not as much as Ghosted. Too much teenage angst. 4w
DieAReader 🥳Great! 4w
willaful I'm planning to read Ghosted in October. 4w
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I liked the clever approach the author took to this YA, contemporary Pride and Prejudice retelling, making the focus on Darcy's sister, here in high school. I actually think it might have been better if the book hadn't insisted on putting the Lizzy/Darcy story into the mix as well; the plotting felt overdone, and there was enough going on just for Georgie. cont.

#JaneAdjacent #Pemberlittens

willaful The strong suit of the book is her journey from a person who desperately needs to feel loved and wanted -- and as such, is ripe for exploitation -- to a whole person building a meaningful life that can include love in it.

I listened to the audiobook, which is mostly excellent, but the more dramatic, angsty passages felt a bit overdone.
Crinoline_Laphroaig Thank you for joining in! I agree the audiobook got a bit much in the angsty parts. 4w
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It's time for #JaneAdjacent Book Club.
1️⃣ New read. Audio and Print. I read Ghosted - A Northanger Abbey Novel with #PemberLittens last year. So when I saw the author had written a book about Georgie Darcy, I immediately wanted to read. LOVE the cover.
2️⃣ Always Lizzy Bennet.
3️⃣ Georgie and Lizzy conversations. ⬇️

Crinoline_Laphroaig 4️⃣ “My big brother, Fitzwilliam Darcy, could suck it.” Great opening. Set the tone.
“I could help Fitz Darcy be happy, for once in his goddamn life.”

“Me and my new boyfriend, this charcuterie platter, are going to find somewhere we can be alone.”

5️⃣ I always feel like September/after Labor Day is the perfect time for a fresh start. Give me a new planner, colored pens, pencils,stickers and I'm sooo happy.
Crinoline_Laphroaig 6️⃣ No, I wasn't in Band but I love to watch them.

7️⃣ I'm kinda of klutzy, so tripping over my own feet is something I'm used to. Plus I feel like that would be easier to recover from.

8️⃣ Wickham plays trumpet? For some reason I found that hilarious. Then the fact that he was a great trumpet player but too cool to show up for practice seemed so Wickham. Also I could totally see modern Wickham running a plagiarism ring.⬇️
Crinoline_Laphroaig I spent some time at the beginning of the book yelling at Georgie when she made bad decisions. I really enjoyed when she stood up for herself with Wickham and had adult conversation with Darcy.

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willaful 1. New read. I chose audio, which was mostly very good, except for a tendency to feel OTT in the more emotional passages. I generally liked it and would read more by the author.

2. I also really liked this book's Lizzy.

3. George and Fitz by the hot tub.

4. Since I listened to the audio, i don't have text to refer to. :-( The opening is very funny.

5. I do a little through my kid, who's in community college. It's fun to take her shopping.

willaful 6. Nope, though I was in several school choirs. I also enjoy watching them especially at Pride parades.

7. I'd much prefer being able to make expensive mistakes and not be worried about the money than to fall. 😂

8. I thought this was a clever take and an excellent way to approach the retelling for a YA audience. Much better than the “remixes“ recently published.
Crinoline_Laphroaig @willaful there were moments when the angst was just to much on audio. Especially at first. But I enjoyed it not quite as much as 1mo
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#Pemberlittens It's almost time for #JaneAdjacent Book Club! This month we're discussing Accomplished by Amanda Quain. I've discussion questions ready to go. I'll post them later today. Bit earlier than normal but tomorrow starts busy holiday weekend. 🎩 📖📚


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