" I realized pretty quickly I couldn't marry a man without a bookshelf."
My first book in a new genre (for me). Thanks for the recommendation @JeanMarieMartin
This is happening.
Getting ready to start this. I hope it meets my expectations since I loved the prequel.
Lovin this book!
"You can't make better of the dead, sweet child," she said, "though I reckon death could make the better of us."
Starting my own little reading challenge
My goodies from the library. I've started and put down two of the four. I need to finally finish them.
My first book club read and discuss. I'll have to listen in this case 😆
Just two more needed to complete this series.
My very first book winning! I'm excited. Has anyone read this?
I've had a horrible day and then I seen a little book sparkle . One of my favorite authors liked my suggestion for a new story series. Thank you Danielle Paige...you made my day.
Thank you @Centique My first tag post. I kinda feel like a school
girl being picked for the team lol.
My 5
1.Frances Mayes
2. Danielle Paige
3. Will Schwalbe
4. JK Rowling
5. DR. Michio Kauku
I'm not sure who to tag so feel free to add your 5. I'd love to see everyone's choices
Happy Reading!
1. The Sauer castle.
2. The cool, crisp air and the beautiful colors.
3. Chocolate Chilli
4. Both
5. Do you read the book before you see the movie?
1. Harry Potter
2. Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
3. Yellow
4. Tiramisu
5. Daisy
A Tale of Two Kitties. My reading companions.
Well, look at that . Thank you. You've all been so nice.
New book. I've never read anyything from this author. Thoughts or suggestions of her work?
Ive yet to read these books. The author is a fellow Kansan. I met her last year at a British faire. She even autographed both books for me.
Starting this today. I usually read a ebook and paperback simultaneously