Books that I aim to read and conquer this year. In the past two weeks, I have not read much as I have gone through a four stage process to secure an English teaching job. I sincerely hope I have enough time to read these books whilst working .
Books that I aim to read and conquer this year. In the past two weeks, I have not read much as I have gone through a four stage process to secure an English teaching job. I sincerely hope I have enough time to read these books whilst working .
Jakob Von Gunten is a student at the Benjamenta Institute where students are taught to serve and “stay small“. Written like whimsical thoughts and observations on life with ambiguities and philosophical ramblings, this is a brilliant book that stands alone in its style of prose. It is a must read!
This is another book with an unreliable narrator. Through the narrator, you learn to understand the mindset of a sociopath, narcissist and a person who is in constant denial. Throughout the book, she craves to be loved the most. This is a good and solid book but not the best unreliable narrator. The Tin Drum, Steppenwolf and The Interrogation are much better. Still a recommended read though.
John William's Stoner on how the meaning of “love“ can change with time. #classics
This is one of the best unreliable narrators in literature. Oskar's eccentric nature made this book endearing to me. It's a book about atonement written in such a creative and subtle nature. Osakr's narration is like no other literature character.
By Rainer Maria Rilke. From “The Book of Hours“. Admired and respected by Stefan Zweig. One of the forefathers of poetry. #poetrymatters
I used to read in this cosy second hand bookshop in Thailand. How I miss it. The smell of the second hand books and the natural sun light that just flows through that window. Wish I could be there reading now!
“Life is always surprising us-not by its rich, seething layer of bestial refuse- but by the bright, healthy and creative human powers of goodness that are for ever forcing their way up through it. It is those powers that awaken our indestructible hope that a brighter, better and more humane life will once again be reborn.“
Maxim Gorky
This was my major classic in 2021. At nearly 1500 pages, it stands as quite an intimidating book. It is a complex book that is layered with the biblical story, mythology, history, analysis and philosophy. I had to read the book slowly as Mann tries to convey so many ideas on each page and Mann's prose can be ambiguous. At times, it can feel like you are trying to figure out a puzzle when reading Mann's prose. This is a extraordinary book!
Completed my first book of 2022! I consider Zweig to be a master of short stories like Chekhov. His prose is highly descriptive and the pacing of his stories flow at a fast, engaging pace. I don't consider this to be Zweig's masterpeice though as I think his autobiography “The World of Yesterday“ is truly his masterpiece. Regardless, I still highly recommend this book of short stories to anyone.