Our power is out, but at least reading doesn't require any electricity.
Our power is out, but at least reading doesn't require any electricity.
I loved this book! I want to live in the Fleet.
I very much hope there will be more Wayfarers books.
My 3rd book finished for #24in48!
I'm on my 3rd book of #24in48. Loving it so far.
I'm so lucky to have several cat helpers for #24in48. I do wish he wouldn't chew on my library books, though.
I'm about halfway through my first book. Having a wonderful time!
Went to the library today to get a few more books to add to my #24in48 stack for this weekend. I also have a couple of possible audio books and a ton of stuff on my Kindle.
I am super excited about my second 24 in 48! Last time I made it to 21 hours. I'm hoping to do the whole 24 this time.
I really didn't like this book. I want a dystopia to feel realistic and scary and I just didn't get that from this one. I thought the premise seemed arbitrary and a little silly and none of it ever seemed believable to me.
42 pages in and so far I feel pretty meh about this. It just doesn't seem like it has anything new to say. Still hoping, though.
Loved this book. I adored Elma, who was just so honest and human. I feel like I actually learned a lot about the early space program in the US even though this is set in an alternate timeline. The sexism/racism was infuriating, but the book was still hopeful. Super excited to read the next one.
Reading some Agatha Christie with my coffee. I always like reading Christie when I'm stressed or sick, but I could really do without the casual racism and sexism. I would love suggestions of any more modern authors that are similar. I just don't know where to start with mysteries.
I started out being absolutely fascinated by this book. I love first contact stories--especially ones with very alien aliens--so this looked like it was right up my alley. And it seemed like there were so many interesting ideas and questions being set up, but I felt like there was no follow through on any of it.
I see now that there is supposed to be a second book, where maybe some of this will be explained, but I'm not sure I will read it.
Love this comic so much. It's gorgeous and just so good. And the exploitation movie poster style art is amazing.
I surprised myself by really liking this one. It's not the sort of thing I normally read, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I definitely need to try to read outside my comfort zone more often.
Well, I didn't quite make it to 24 hours of reading, but I think I did pretty good for my first try. There's always next time! And I definitely had a lot of fun spending most of the weekend reading. I finished 5 books plus half of the one I tagged. Looking forward to the next readathon!
I have many beloved books from childhood, but these might be some of my favorites. (As you can probably tell by the ridiculous number of pages I dogeared.) I loved Anne of Green Gables, but I loved Emily even more.
#childhoodreadschallenge #24in48
I loved this book. It was beautiful and sad and ominous and funny and completely different than anything I expected from a zombie novel.
First book finished for my first #24in48.
This book is full of great quotes. The writing is amazing.
A little over 7 hours read so far in #24in48.
Now for some coffee and and back to reading!
Switching to Agatha Christie this morning until I wake up a little more.
Starting my first #24in48 ! So excited!
Trying to choose books for my first #24in48 this weekend. I appear to be having a little trouble paring things down. There are more possibles on my Kindle and I was considering going to the library tomorrow. At least I won't run out of things to read.
Beautiful day for reading on my porch.
I can't quite believe I've never read this one before. Liking it so far.
I wanted a lot more from this book. It just didn't really work for me. I felt there was a serious lack of world building and that's most of what I'm looking for in a dystopia. I would have preferred to know a lot more about what was actually going on in the world and maybe a little less about every random thought that went through Cedar's mind.
Reading and hiding out in the air conditioned bedroom. Not quite sure what I think of this book yet.
This book was just so sweet and funny and exactly what I wanted to read right now.
Working on my Hugo Awards reading. Voting ends July 31st and I still have lots to get through!
This book was amazing! I wish everyone would read it. It was heartbreaking, but still hopeful. Just wonderful.
"Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong The key is to never stop doing right."
This book is heartbreaking.
This book seemed like it wasn't sure if it was about bees or if it was using bees as stand-ins for people. I had a hard time getting through it. I really just wanted it to be about bees.
My favorite dystopian novel is probably The Handmaid's Tale. But there are so many great ones that it is a little hard to choose.
@Liberty @LittleBrownBooks
My #5fordinner finally! Thanks for the tag @Simona !
I chose some of my favorite feminist science fiction writers. I would probably be too intimidated to talk, but would love to just listen to these brilliant women.
Clockwise, from top left:
▪️Joanna Russ
▪️Joan Slonczewski
▪️Ursula K. LeGuin
▪️James Tiptree, Jr. (Alice B. Sheldon)
▪️N. K. Jemisin
And if anyone hasn't done this yet and wants to, consider yourself tagged! 🙂
I absolutely adored this book! It was amazing. But it's so short that I really don't want to say much about it. So if you have any interest in it at all, you should probably just go ahead and read it. 😉
This book! ❤
(And it even matches my comforter.)
Re-read (or rather re-listen, as this was the audiobook.) Loved Tim Curry's narration!
Crocheting cowls and listening to A Series of Unfortunate Events.
My belated birthday present arrived yesterday! Love this book so much!
Coffee in my favorite April Ludgate/Parks and Recreation mug and a short book while I wait for some library holds to come in.
Oh, I liked this one! I wish there had been more about Company and the society Marghe came from, but overall very good. The world was interesting and I loved some of the characters.
I thought the first three books in the Newsflesh series were clever, original and super fun to read. I usually don't care much for zombie stories, but they were hard to put down. This one didn't quite make it to that level. It felt a little too much like a lesser reboot.
I keep wavering between Pick and So-So. I really did like this book. I thought the world was fascinating and I loved that it was a murder mystery, but I think I just wanted more from it.
My adorable cat, Serafina Pekkala, is helping me with my reading today.
I know people really love this book, but, while I liked it at first, I had trouble finishing it. Too much magic for me, I think.