What a delight to finish a book you adore and discover that it is the first in a series! November 22 can‘t get here fast enough!!
What a delight to finish a book you adore and discover that it is the first in a series! November 22 can‘t get here fast enough!!
Very satisfying conclusion to this wonderful trilogy. Loved it.
Taking advantage of the glorious day to do some outside reading.
The kindle version is on sale at the moment. #kindledeal #kindledeals
My local indie bookstore owner has been raving about this one and now I see why. I think I got book whiplash from all of the twists and turns. Loved it!
Four days of vacation and two completed books, both of which I enjoyed immensely. Not too shabby. 😊
I‘m intrigued by the thought of a limited series of Station Eleven, but hope they stick to the book.
My mom passed away yesterday afternoon. She was a voracious reader and always encouraged my sister and me to read. She was the coolest mom when I was in junior high because she bought Judy Blume‘s books for me when other parents wanted them removed from school libraries. My copy of Are You There God? It‘s Me, Margaret was borrowed by a lot of my friends whose moms were not as open minded.
The last four months have not been great, and I‘ve not been able to read much or, frankly, concentrate on much else as I‘ve been dealing with some significant parental health issues. This book has kept my attention and I hope that it gets me out of this slump. I‘ve missed reading and Litsy. I‘m hoping to be back on here more frequently soon.
These new Out of Print shirts are amazing. I especially like the Leia one, but I‘ll end up with all of them. https://www.starwars.com/news/out-of-print-star-wars-clothing-exclusive-reveal
Flavia is an excellent lunch companion. 😊
We had 6” of snow overnight and it‘s still coming down, so we‘re making the best of the day as we weren‘t able to go to Chicago to The Lightning Thief musical as planned. Younger one has a friend over, oldest is playing D&D with friends, and DH is going to watch football. I‘m curled up under a blanket with a good read. All things considered, not a bad day.
My oldest and I complete lots of puzzles over the kids‘ holiday break. Our latest is a bookish one. We bought a B&N one that is made up of covers of sci-fi/fantasy books. That one is up next.
This is the first book I finished in 2019, and the rest of the books I read this year have a lot to live up to. I adored Washington Black, and read it in two sittings-could not put it down.
If you‘re planning on buying kindle books in the next few days, click on the digital day banner on the amazon home page. On the digital day page, scroll down and there will be an end of the year offer. That offer, once activated, will give you $6 in ebook credit if you spend $35 on kindle books between now and the end of the year. (Wish I‘d seen it before I hit up today‘s daily deal. 😉)
Tomorrow, all of my in-progress reads are being abandoned temporarily for this book. I LOVE the Rot and Ruin series, and am thrilled that he‘s writing more in that world. 🎉🎉🎉
It‘s a re-listen to Station Eleven while walking laps at our local high school kind of day.
The kindle versions of the books in this series are $1.99 at the moment. #kindledeal
I read this last week and loved it. The kindle version is $1.99 right now. #kindledeal
We‘re predicted to get 5-8” of snow through tomorrow night. This seems like an appropriate read.
I took my youngest to see Twilight a couple of weeks ago when it was rereleased for its 10th anniversary. She blew through the movies and I suggested that she read the books. We checked out Twilight a week ago today and she‘s currently about 1/3 through New Moon. Even though the books are problematic (we‘ve had lots of conversations about how neither Edward or Jacob are not great boyfriend material), I love seeing her so excited about reading.
One of our local libraries is killing it with author visits/signings this year. Colson Whitehead last month and Nnedi Okorafor last night. My oldest and I got our copies of the Akata books signed and everyone received a copy of Shuri. Nnedi is an absolute delight-a very engaging speaker.
13 pages into my library‘s copy of this, I went out and bought a copy for my bookshelves. This is literary catnip of the best kind.
Finished this one today while on our way to a marching band competition. It took a bit for me to get my head wrapped around the book and get into it, but once I did, I couldn‘t put it down.
How did I not know this was coming out??!! I NEED THIS.
Amazon introduced new Fire and Alexa products today, and for a minute, I thought it was April 1st.
My youngest adored this book and had to stop and gush about it every few pages while we were reading earlier. I didn‘t get much of my book read, but didn‘t care. ❤️
I‘ve been to many author events/signings over the years, and this evening was one of the most enjoyable. He was delightful.
10 minutes to Colson Whitehead!!
Lunchtime reading. I‘ve read other books on the same subject, but Woodward is the author I trust.
My doctor was running 40 minutes behind today, but this lovely book was excellent company while I waited. In fact, I was irritated that I wasn‘t able to finish the last 20 pages before she came in. 😉 Grand Central Terminal is one of my favorite buildings in NYC.
Life got in the way of reading this week, so I‘m returning this two days late. But the book was so good that it‘s worth the fine.
Super excited to have picked this up for such a great price today. #kindledeal
I will read anything that Kate Christensen writes. This one grabbed me and wouldn‘t let me stop until I‘d finished the book. (Thank goodness for the light on my paperwhite. My youngest has a migraine and light hurts her. So I‘ve turned down the light to where I can read and it doesn‘t bother her.)
Washing kitchen and bathroom rugs at the laundromat. Not my favorite place to be, but I‘ll get some reading done, so there‘s that.
“I‘m only going to stop in for one book.” she said. And the universe laughed.
Apparently, I‘m reading all the Obama staffer books this year. It‘s much lighter than the last one I finished, The World as It Is, but I enjoyed it very much. This line from the end of the book really struck me: “The future is female because there‘s a storm of kick-ass women on the rise who will remember to reach back with both hands to help others climb up with them.”
It took a bit for me to get into this one, but once it had me, it was hard to put down.
The paperback edition is gorgeous! Love this cover.
My precious! Choosing this over fireworks tonight. I‘m happy with my choice. 😊