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Indianapolis: The True Story of the Worst Sea Disaster in U.S. Naval History and the Fifty-Year Fight to Exonerate an Innocent Man | Lynn Vincent, Sara Vladic
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A human drama unlike any otherthe riveting and definitive full story of the worst sea disaster in United States naval history. ENTHRALLING. Kirkus Reviews (starred review) OUTSTANDINGA MUST-READ. Booklist (starred review) GRIPPING. Publishers Weekly Just after midnight on July 30, 1945, days after delivering the components of the atomic bomb from California to the Pacific Islands in the most highly classified naval mission of the war, USS Indianapolis is sailing alone in the center of the Philippine Sea when she is struck by two Japanese torpedoes. The ship is instantly transformed into a fiery cauldron and sinks within minutes. Some 300 men go down with the ship. Nearly 900 make it into the water alive. For the next five nights and four days, almost three hundred miles from the nearest land, the men battle injuries, sharks, dehydration, insanity, and eventually each other. Only 316 will survive. For the better part of a century, the story of USS Indianapolis has been understood as a sinking tale. The reality, however, is far more complicatedand compelling. Now, for the first time, thanks to a decade of original research and interviews with 107 survivors and eyewitnesses, Lynn Vincent and Sara Vladic tell the complete story of the ship, her crew, and their final mission to save one of their own. It begins in 1932, when Indianapolis is christened and launched as the ship of state for President Franklin Roosevelt. After Pearl Harbor, Indianapolis leads the charge to the Pacific Islands, notching an unbroken string of victories in an uncharted theater of war. Then, under orders from President Harry Truman, the ship takes aboard a superspy and embarks on her final world-changing mission: delivering the core of the atomic bomb to the Pacific for the strike on Hiroshima. Vincent and Vladic provide a visceral, moment-by-moment account of the disaster that unfolds days later after the Japanese torpedo attack, from the chaos on board the sinking ship to the first moments of shock as the crew plunge into the remote waters of the Philippine Sea, to the long days and nights during which terror and hunger morph into delusion and desperation, and the men must band together to survive. Then, for the first time, the authors go beyond the mens rescue to chronicle Indianapoliss extraordinary final mission: the survivors fifty-year fight for justice on behalf of their skipper, Captain Charles McVay III, who is wrongly court-martialed for the sinking. What follows is a captivating courtroom drama that weaves through generations of American presidents, from Harry Truman to George W. Bush, and forever entwines the lives of three captainsMcVay, whose life and career are never the same after the scandal; Mochitsura Hashimoto, the Japanese sub commander who sinks Indianapolis but later joins the battle to exonerate McVay; and William Toti, the captain of the modern-day submarine Indianapolis, who helps the survivors fight to vindicate their captain. A sweeping saga of survival, sacrifice, justice, and love, Indianapolis stands as both groundbreaking naval history and spellbinding narrativeand brings the ship and her heroic crew back to full, vivid, unforgettable life. It is the definitive account of one of the most remarkable episodes in American history.
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I just got done reading this book. I enjoyed it! It was so impactful about what happened to the Indianapolis. I also added this book to the #ISpyBingo challenge for the space for waves. I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

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6 brothers who fought for our freedom... the youngest, bottom right, didn‘t make it home 💔 🇺🇸

TheKidUpstairs ❤❤❤ 3y
tracey38 3y
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The first DNF of the holiday season! I‘m definitely interested in learning more about this Indianapolis but this book is boring, boring, boring.

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Honoring the men in my family who served in WW11. My grandfather is the top right. I didn‘t get to know him well because he died when I was 6. All came home except their brother Elvin who perished on the USS Indianapolis... so sad, he had a wife and baby here at home and was only 18.. 😓 Can you imagine sending your 6 sons to war?? I can‘t...


They didn‘t fight and die for us to lose our freedom.🇺🇸

AmyG I cannot imagine sending any child to war. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG me either ! And especially 6 💔 4y
Eggs Lovely tribute 🤗🇺🇸👏🏻 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs thank you!! 🇺🇸❤️ 4y
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An incredible amount of detail in this book about the history of the US Navy cruiser, the Indianapolis. Classified missions (including delivery of the components of the atomic bomb), a Japanese submarine torpedo attack, a sinking, sharks, a delayed rescue, a court-martial, and those who worked to clear the captain‘s name. Quite the sea disaster story!

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Honoring the men in my family who served in WW11. My grandfather is the top right. I didn‘t get to know him well because he died when I was 6. All came home except their brother Elvin who perished on the USS Indianapolis... so sad, he had a wife and baby here at home and was only 18.. 😓 Can you imagine sending your 6 sons to war?? I can‘t...


Thanks to all who have and continue to fight for our freedom 🇺🇸

AmyG I can‘t imagine sending any of my children to war. Great pictures. My step-father fought in the Phillipines. The greatest generation. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG I can‘t either Amy and to lose the baby... yes, this was the greatest generation. We will never see men like these and your step father again... 💔 4y
Texreader This is a gorgeous American history. Thanks for posting! 4y
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Sleepswithbooks Reading my current book ... it‘s shocking that the age of these men averaged 18-22.... they‘re just babies fighting... Veterans remember repeatedly hearing on the battlefield as these young men lay dying, their voices calling out for their mothers 💔 4y
Eggs @AmyG @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Texreader @Stacypatrice Great post! Yes greatest generation indeed. In HS, many of our classmates were drafted to Vietnam war 😓😓 4y
peaKnit Amazing❤️ I read a book about the Indianapolis, what a harrowing story, so sad. 4y
mrp27 Beautiful post! My grandpa served in the Air Force and my dad was a marine in Vietnam. Both passed 3 months from each other in 2011. God Bless all the men and women who served and sacrificed. 4y
Hooked_on_books Yeah, it was a different time. I can‘t even imagine sending 6 sons to war. Both my grandfathers fought in the Pacific in WWII and survived. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @peaknit yes, it was 🇺🇸💔 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Stacypatrice Elvin was the youngest. He was 18. 😓💔🇺🇸 4y
curiouserandcurioser @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks beautiful testimony, Misty♥️ my dad served 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @curiouserandcurioser thank you Penny and thanks to your dad 🇺🇸🙏🏻 4y
curiouserandcurioser @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks, Misty, and thank you to everyone who has and does serve🗽 4y
JaclynW Oh wow! That would be tough to send any of my kids off to war (6!). Lovely pictures. 4y
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I felt pride in these vets, than a mix of heartbreak/horror as I read of their suffering. Fury over the unjust conviction of McVay, which is a huge, black blot on the Navy‘s history that has NOT been removed; on the contrary, elected reps issued apologies DESPITE the Navy, whose official stance never changed. THAT is a shameful travesty of justice. I 100% recommend this book, but be forewarned—it may be one of the hardest things you ever read.

TheSpineView Welcome to Litsy! 💜📚💜📚💜💜 4y
BookishMe Hello! 4y
CassieT Thank you and hello! 👋 4y
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Wow...just getting to McVay‘s court-martial, and the “good ol‘ boys club” is alive and well in the WORST way here. Really changes the way you view a lot of powerful historical figures, including Nimitz. Such a miserable shame.

Lesanne Welcome to Litsy! 4y
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My great uncle Elvin (bottom right) was the only brother who didn‘t make it home. He was only 18 and died on the USS Indianapolis 😓 My grandfather is last brother on top row.

Thanks to all of our Veterans 🙏🏻 🇺🇸❤️.

I really want to read this book 🛳

Eggs Great tribute 💔😓 5y
Leftcoastzen what an amazing group. thanks to our vets. (edited) 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Leftcoastzen thank you ❤️❤️ 5y
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CassieT God bless our veterans! 🇺🇸🎗 I definitely recommend this book, but just know that it is a very difficult read. So many horrible stories of suffering and then a shameful half-century of cover-up by the US Navy. Worth your time, but painful to read. ❤️ 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CassieT probably not a good time to read it... my great uncle who was killed left behind a new wife and baby 😓😓😓 4y
CassieT Completely understand the need to avoid it then. So many of these men had similar stories and every last one of them was a tragic loss. God bless your family. Our nation is stronger because of such courage, but the cost is nothing short of heartbreaking. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CassieT thank you so much!! It‘s important not to forget all of the many heroes who gave up their lives for our freedom 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙 4y
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This book was compelling, but also heartbreaking. I‘ve been listening to it in doses for the past several months just because the authors do such a great job making you feel like you were there. The courtroom scenes were very good as well- I got a similar feeling to when I listened to the podcast Serial. Don‘t skip the appendix either!


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#TIL about the expedition to examine the wreckage left by the USS Indianapolis. I didn‘t know this had happened.


EadieB Sounds like a very interesting book! Enjoy! 5y
Bookwormjillk @EadieB yes, it was very good. Highly recommend! 5y
EadieB @Bookwormjillk I'll have to check it out! 5y
rsteve388 4 pts 5y
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These guys certainly needed rescuing... one of my favourite books of last year.

Cinfhen I‘ve stacked from your previous post about this book!! Sounds excellent 5y
DGRachel @Cinfhen It is so well written and compelling. I had an ARC through NetGalley, but loved it so much that I bought a hard copy when it was released. 5y
Cinfhen That‘s definitely a sign of a great read!!!! 5y
squirrelbrain I agree @DGRachel - so compelling. Even though I‘d read a synopsis so had an idea of what happened, I felt like I was holding my breath throughout.... 5y
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#TIL how the timing of this tragedy made the news doubly unbearable. Families found out about the sinking of the USS Indianapolis at the same time they found out the war was over. #NFNov

rsteve388 4 pts! 5y
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#AyUpAugust #Day12 #TooMuchTooYoung Most of the seaman on the Indianapolis when she went down were just boys. A large majority were 21 & under, quite a few had lied about their age and were only 17. The hell they went through, a torpedoed ship, injured friends, 5 days in the water with no food, no drinking water & sharks was an experience that the survivors still have nightmares about 70yrs later. Too much horror on too young shoulders.

Cinfhen I love a good survival story! This one sounds awesome 5y
squirrelbrain @Cinfhen - this was one of my top books last year - it‘s so good isn‘t it @Lizpixie ? Thanks for posting! 5y
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I decided to spend shark week reading about the U.S.S. Indianapolis and some of the heroes of WWII. It‘s a fascinating piece of history with heart breaking consequences and survivor accounts that deserve to be told. This book is personal, devastating, and also honest about so many mistakes made but not on who actually took the blame and his exoneration. I loved every page and am so glad I picked it up. It never should be about the sharks.

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Bottom right is my great uncle Elvin who died at sea on the Indianapolis... He was only 18 years old... He was married and had a baby on the way... 💔 His brothers pictured here all served in WWll and made it home...


tracey38 💔 My grandfather was one of 5 brothers who all served in one form of the military. My grandfather served in bother Vietnam and WWII. They were amazing men in that generation!. 5y
tracey38 ***in both 5y
AmyG Wow. 💕 My step-father was in the Phillipines in WW II. Yes @tracey38 It was truly an amazing generation. 5y
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BeansPage Misty this was an amazing book!!! Enjoy it my friend ❤️ 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheReadingMermaid I‘ve got to read it especially due to my family history!! 5y
BeansPage Yaaaasss girl!!!! 5y
BeansPage My review of this book is a little corny but if you want to I'll post you a link 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheReadingMermaid that would be great!!! Thank you!! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheReadingMermaid great review 💗🙌🏻 5y
BeansPage 😘😘 5y
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I was not sure about this book, it was recommended by a friend and author so I dove in. It is moving and a tale told very well.

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I took a different route for my #audiowalk today to see my favorite apple tree, but it wasn‘t blooming yet. It was nice to see different sites though.

DivineDiana Fascinating! 🍎 5y
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Listened to this fascinating audiobook while planting and weeding tonight. I keep having to take breaks on this one since I know what‘s coming.

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#bookhaul 1st shipment from B&N sale!

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Audiocooking this morning.

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Started a new book today on my #audiowalk. I‘m looking forward to learning more about this subject.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks My great uncle died on this ship... He was 19 and had just gotten married 😓😓😓 5y
Eggs Sounds good 5y
ReadingOver50 I have always been fascinated by this story. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Bookwormjillk I know... out of 6 brothers who went to war, he‘s the only one who didn‘t make it home... 💔💔 5y
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Loved this book, scary how the navy covered up what really happened for 60 years and if wasn‘t the fact of it being mentioned in Jaws no one would have known better

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#NonFiction2019 #SomethingWrittenByAWoman The tagged book is also my”Written by a Woman” square on my #NonFictionBingo card. I was riveted by this book, it really makes the sinking & the chaos and death after seem so real. Those men are the only ones to know what happened that night & they were, to a man, defending their captain. That it took the Navy so long to exonerate him( and they danced around the issues brought up)infuriated me so much!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa This is the first I‘ve heard of this one, sounds enthralling! 5y
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Look at these endpapers! Aren‘t they fabulous? It‘s a actual picture of the wreck taken by an ROV coz it‘s too deep to dive. This was a fantastic book, I think because it was made so personal by the survivors accounts the authors either got firsthand by those living & written testimonies by those no longer with us. I love Quints monologue in JAWS about the sinking but the truth is much more complicated. Using as my V book.4.5⭐️ #LitsyAtoZ #LetterV

BookBabe 👌🏻 5y
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Getting started on the second half of Indianapolis whilst enjoying some summer watermelon. Watermelon is the best thing to eat in summer, especially on what will be the hottest week so far in Sydney, 39C(102F)today, 40C(104F)tomorrow & 44C(111F)Friday!🥵I love my hubby for putting ducted air con in our house🥶

BookFreakOut Not sure if I'd take your heat over our predicted 9 degrees for this weekend, they're both awful! 😣 I'm in the US. 5y
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Back to my #NonFiction2019 I‘m just over halfway done with this book,the boat has now been sunk and the survivors have just been picked up by the rescue aircraft & boats that came to her aid, 4days too late for a lot of sailors unfortunately. There were a lot of heroes in the water for those awful days & a few cowards as well. Still can‘t see how the navy managed to pin it on the captain yet, I‘m just about to hit those chapters. Prepare for rage!

DGRachel Yeah...lots of rage. I loved this book, but it definitely made me rage-y in parts. And tears. Lots and lots of tears. 5y
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Bk3 Of 2019 is another non-fiction about a boat during war. This time it WWII & the boat is the Indianapolis, made famous by the scene in Jaws where Robert Shaw tells the story of delivering the bomb before being torpedoed. Of the almost 900 men that went in the water, barely 300 survived the next 3 days of dehydration, hypothermia & the circling sharks. Their mission was so secret, no one knew they‘d been sunk until it was too late for so many.

Suet624 Yikes. How awful. 5y
Mdargusch I‘ve had this in my tbr stack for months! 5y
squirrelbrain I found this book fascinating, and it made my top 18 of 2018.... 5y
DGRachel This was so well written. One of my favorites of 2018. 5y
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If you‘re planning on buying kindle books in the next few days, click on the digital day banner on the amazon home page. On the digital day page, scroll down and there will be an end of the year offer. That offer, once activated, will give you $6 in ebook credit if you spend $35 on kindle books between now and the end of the year. (Wish I‘d seen it before I hit up today‘s daily deal. 😉)

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getting my boyfriend to become a reader is a great accomplishment of mine.

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Reading Indianapolis on Veterans Day! Respect and love to all my fellow vets! #GoNavy

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While the story of the loss of 3/4 of the sailors in the sinking of the Indianapolis is incredibly compelling, I had some frustrations with the structure of the book. I found the occasional use of a nonlinear timeline confusing in places. There is also the utilization of some historic racism without the acknowledgement as such. But overall I did enjoy this.

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I would highly recommend this book to anyone who's interested in the military, Naval History, US History, the history of World War II or even just history in general.

Please read my full review here:

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The #SummeroftheBail continues. I‘ve officially walked away from four books, two of which have been hanging over my head for months. I‘m not loving my current reads, either, so there‘s a good chance I‘ll start September with two or three more bails, but I‘m not quite ready to give up on them. I had a lot of lackluster reads, as well, that I powered through, but the four pictured above were all 5-star reads and I loved them.

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I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway and I just can‘t get to it! Ugh! I really need to read about the #soldiers and the tragedy of this ship sinking. Background is a photo of my father in his US Navy uniform. 😁 It has occurred to me that we never really discussed his WWII experiences and it‘s too late now. I guess the veterans never really want to relive the horrors of war.

Lizpixie None of the men in my family who served talked about it either. Except for my Uncle Brian who used to get drunk with my dad and talk about Vietnam. I used to hide & listen to him and his stories were horrific. And we were banned from waking him up coz if you startled him he‘d wake up punching. #warishell 6y
Reviewsbylola You are seriously his twin. It‘s crazy. 6y
emilyhaldi Love this photo. So handsome!!! ❤️ 6y
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emilyhaldi @Lizpixie funny, my husband's Uncle Steve only talks about Vietnam when he's really drunk (which is somewhat often 🙄) and the stories he tells are horrifying 😱 6y
Cathythoughts What an amazing picture ❤️,he is so young 6y
Cinfhen Beautiful photo 💙 6y
mrp27 Great picture. ❤️ 6y
Centique A beautiful photo - what a handsome young man he was! 6y
Mdargusch I can‘t even imagine what it would be like @Lizpixie 6y
Mdargusch You can tell I‘m his daughter! @Reviewsbylola 6y
Reviewsbylola Uncle Steve is a cool dude. I bet he knows how to cut loose! @emilyhaldi 6y
Meredith3 Omg I would LOVE to hear his stories about WWII 6y
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Washing kitchen and bathroom rugs at the laundromat. Not my favorite place to be, but I‘ll get some reading done, so there‘s that.

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Birthday weekend Day 1: take the day off to sit by the pool and read a book and get terrified of sharks 🦈

SaturnDoo Happy Birthday 🎉🎈🎉🎈 this is my birthday weekend too!!! 🤣😂Your day 1 is better than mine...I will be going to work in an hour. But the rest and relaxation will start when I get off at 10 pm tonight!!!! 6y
katrrosee @SaturnDoo Happy Birthday twin!! 6y
kspenmoll Happy birthday!!!🎉🎉 6y
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JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 6y
CouronneDhiver Have an amazing weekend!!!! 🎉🌻🥂🎁 6y
SaturnDoo @KatrinaRose thank you💜❤💜❤💜❤ 6y
mabell Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂📚🎁🎈 6y
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Just...read it. Please. Buy a copy. Borrow it. Whatever. Just read it.

All. The. Feels.

TrishB Great review 👍🏻 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Excited to get my hands on this - thanks for the great review 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Outstanding review! 6y
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DGRachel @TrishB @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @CoverToCoverGirl Thanks! I seriously cannot praise this book enough, but have tissues handy. So. Many. Tears. 6y
CareBear Now that‘s how you sell a book! 💕 6y
DGRachel @CareBear Thanks😊 6y
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20 books read, the tagged book just squeaked through last night and was my favourite of the month, followed by Circe and The Perfect Nanny.

Litsy Reading Challenge - 1 (25/25 - finished!)
PopSugar Reading Challenge - 1 (37/40)
Litsy AtoZ title - 0 (23/26)
Litsy AtoZ author - 1 (24/26)

Oh, and I discovered Libby! 😻😻

TrishB Great stats 👍🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola The tagged book sounds riveting. Great month 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
squirrelbrain Thanks @TrishB ! @Reviewsbylola - it was absolutely fascinating and to think I‘d never even heard of the Indy before.... I certainly learnt a lot but it was so well written as well. 6y
mariaku21 I'll have to check this out on Libby! 6y
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My tentative #AugustTBR includes the three books I started in July (top row), which are all really good so far, a couple of NetGalley books that release on 8/7, a library book, and this month‘s #AgathaChristieClub selection, which I‘ll be listening to on audio. Hugh Fraser is the narrator and he‘s hands down my favorite Christie novel narrator. I also want to do the #BOTMBacklist challenge, but I don‘t know if I‘ll have time. 😔

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I‘m slowly making progress through this book. The writing is exquisite, the subject matter, absolutely heartbreaking. Many tears have already been shed, but I wanted to take a moment to gush over the quality of the hardcover book itself. It‘s beautiful, the paper feels lovely, and the charts/maps are stunning. If you have any interest in history, do yourself a favor and buy this book in hard copy.

LeahBergen I‘ll be treating myself to this one! 👍🏻 6y
DGRachel @LeahBergen It‘s pricey, but I think well worth the investment. 6y
Hollie Stunning indeed. Stacked! 6y
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The sinking of the USS Indianapolis was the worst naval disaster in US history. My great uncle Elvin was aboard and we believe he died in the sea. (from what our family was told) He was only 19 years old, was married and had a baby on the way. Out of 1,195 only 316 survived. 😢😢

Debiw781 ☹️ 6y
DGRachel 💔😔 6y
Dragon So young 💔 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Dragon I know.. just a baby 💔💔 6y
LeahBergen Oh, how sad. 💔 6y
Redwritinghood He was so young! 💔💔 6y
Nebklvr How horrible. I ordered this but it isn‘t going to be easy to get through 6y
Jas16 That is so sad. 6y
Rebesta How sad. I‘m intrigued to read this and learn more about it though. I‘ve also had an interest in the Edmund Fitzgerald sinking. I think of the families of these sailors, and my heart breaks for them. I felt the same after watching Titanic. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Debiw781 @DGRachel @Dragon @LeahBergen @Redwritinghood @Nebklvr @Jas16 @Rebesta I know... 6 Malone brothers served in WW11 and all came home except him... 6y
CoverToCoverGirl As a genealogist I find that family connection especially interesting/amazing but also so tragic.. so many stories that need to be told, remembered and honoured! 6y
Mdargusch Having this image in my head of your uncle will make this book even more poignant. Thanks for sharing! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Mdargusch you‘re welcome ❤️❤️ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CoverToCoverGirl yes, they do... ❤️ 6y
CouronneDhiver I‘m so sorry for that loss. Thank you for sharing, though. A great many families were left broken in that way. Incredibly sad 6y
tammysue That‘s so sad. Thanks for sharing, I‘m sorry to hear that. ❤️ 6y
squirrelbrain @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks - I‘ve just finished this book and didn‘t know a thing about this tragic incident beforehand. How poignant for you that you lost a family member in such a terrible tragedy. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @squirrelbrain 💔💔 How was the book? I plan to read it at some point... 6y
squirrelbrain @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks - it was excellent - one of the best non-fiction books I‘ve read. However, not an easy read at all, in terms of emotional impact. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @squirrelbrain thank you ❤️ I‘ll wait a while 6y
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Excellent, honestly I think this story is crazy but can‘t always pay close attention to the amazing detail in the book.

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Thank you Goodreads! I won this nonfiction book in their giveaway!

I‘m anxious to read this account of the sinking of the Indianapolis after it delivered the Hiroshima bomb. It was the worst naval disaster in United States history. 900 make it into the sea but only 315 survive the elements.

#weak #heatofjuly

readordierachel Sounds intense! 6y
Reviewsbylola Nice!! 6y
emilyhaldi 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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DGRachel I‘m still working my way through it, but it‘s really good so far. Very well written and compelling. 6y
Mdargusch It‘s a lot bigger book than I was expecting @DGRachel but I‘m glad it‘s compelling! 6y
squirrelbrain Ooh I just ordered this earlier after reading a great review in The Times (UK). I can pick it up tomorrow.... 6y
BarbaraBB I never knew this story. 6y
Redwritinghood I just bought this. It sounds fascinating. 6y
Hollie Woohoo for winning! 6y
RebeccaRoo7 What painting is that in the background? I love it! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks My great uncle was killed during this disaster... He was 19 years old and hadn‘t been married long. His wife was pregnant when he died... 😓 stacking this one... 6y
Mdargusch Oh wow! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks - now I really need to read this! 6y
Mdargusch Thanks! @RebeccaRoo7 Something we bought years ago because I loved the way the water was painted. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Mdargusch me too!! I will post a pic of him and tag you 💜 6y
RebeccaRoo7 @Mdargusch it reminds me of a mix of Van Gogh's, Cezanne's, and Monet's painting styles. 6y
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#BookMail Pt2 I‘ve been fascinated with sinking ships since my dad got this beautiful book about the Titanic when I was about 8.Since then,I‘ve read books about Titanic & it‘s sister ship The Britannic,The Lusitania & the Andrea Doria.I‘d never heard of this one until watching Jaws,that scene on the boat where the Captain talks about the sinking”Eleven hundred men went in the water” Best monologue ever.Full clip here:


Mdargusch I won this in a Goodreads giveaway! I‘ve never heard about this disaster so I‘m anxious to read this book. 6y
Lizpixie @Mdargusch did you watch the video? He pretty much nailed it, that fear & dread of the sharks circling closer & closer. I still can‘t swim in the ocean coz of this movie!🦈 6y
Mdargusch No! I didn‘t even know there was a movie. 6y
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Lizpixie @Mdargusch the clip is from Jaws, it‘s the scene where Chief Brody, Richard Dreyfus & the fishing boat captain are sitting around the table in his boat drinking & comparing scars, when the Captain shows a scar & says this monologue about being a survivor of the sinking & the sharks. It‘s one of THE best monologues ever on film. 6y
Mdargusch I do think I‘ve heard someone else mention that dialogue @Lizpixie 6y
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Sorry for all the posts today. I‘ll make this the last one, but I just had to share the gorgeous end papers in the hard back version of this book. I‘m so excited to have this in my hands and grateful to NetGalley for the ARC, because I probably never would have picked this book up if NetGalley hadn‘t made it sound so interesting. The writing is incredible and the hardback is gorgeous.

dsfisher Wow 6y
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I haven‘t finished the ARC from NetGalley, but this book released yesterday and I‘ve loved what I‘ve read so far. Since today is the first day I‘ve left my house since Saturday, I stopped at B&N over lunch to grab it. Maybe having the print version will inspire me to read, since I haven‘t even cracked a book at all in two days. #migrainessuck #bookhaul

robinb So sorry for your pain...no fun! 😔 6y
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I‘m reading an ARC via NetGalley, and Litsy, listen... I usually avoid all things WWII, but this book so far is incredible! The writing is phenomenal. I‘m only putting it down because I must get sleep before work tomorrow. I am beyond grateful that Wednesday is a holiday and I will have the whole day to read. This book releases on July 10th and unless there is some catastrophic change in writing, I MUST BUY IT! 💸💸

Bklover Wow! Stacked! 6y
bookwrm526 I‘ve been looking for a really good book on this topic, glad to hear you are enjoying it! 6y
ReadZenRites Great review! What I know of that event, the tragedies that followed, and one of the most horrific misuses of prosecutorial discretion in military judicial history, the book will be a must-read for any historian or NF reader. 👍🏻 6y
Mdargusch I‘m so glad to hear this! I won this on Goodreads so now I‘m excited to read it! 6y
Quirkybookworm This is a great story! 6y
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