Earlier this year I read and fell in love with Mark Doty‘s What Is The Grass, part memoir part analysis of Leaves of Grass through its various iterations. I‘m not at a place in my life where I‘m going to do a deep dive into analyzing the changes between each of the editions of Whitman, but it still made me want to read the first edition and get a general sense of the differences between it and the deathbed version.👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
#weirdwords #weirdwordwednesday Every time I look this up it still just means reincarnation. If Whitman were using some incomprehensible Greek term for that, sure, but the guy who‘s obsessed with it is writing the introduction to the introduction of this volume which makes him some 1960s poet who‘s not on my radar. Still, he‘s taught me something new, which is always cool. @CBee
#Bookmail!!! Reading Mark Doty‘s What is The Grass last month convinced me I needed to read the original 1855 text and my facsimile copy arrived today and it‘s sooo pretty!!! I may not get to it till April but I‘m super excited ❤️❤️❤️
#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon
🔖 Not a crafty person but I do manage to make bookmarks. These are a sampling of ones I have made.
🙏 i am thankful for hot coffee and a good book!
Want to play?@Crazeedi @ozma.of.oz @Butterfinger @DaveGreen7777 @RamsFan1963 @Texreader
📖 Leaves of Grass (Walt Whitman)
✍️ Stanislaw Lem
🎞️ The Life of Brian
🎸 Led Zeppelin
🎶 Links 2-3-4 (Rammstein)
“I believe in the flesh and the appetites,
Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a
Divine am I inside and out, and I make holy whatever I touch or am touch'd
The scent of these arm-pits aroma finer than prayer,
This head more than churches, bibles, and all the creeds.“
Remembering Walt Whitman on his birthday.
#44-46 of my year and I‘m going to read 3 of my short, but brilliant I‘m sure, books so that I can stay ahead of my goodreads goal and not feel rushed when I read my longer books 😅 I have read Catcher in the Rye way back in high school but I‘m due for a refresher course. Phoebe was always my favorite so it‘ll be nice to revisit as an adult now.
I admit I was sceptical at first. Who does one translate poems? I read Whitman in English first and loved his texts. But how would they sound in German?
Well, there was no need to be afraid. It's a great translation, that respects the original and transports Whitmans feelings and depths. One travels through Americas wilderness with him, goes to War and gets old.
A book worth reading over and over again.
I managed to survive my first book of poetry. I read the first edition from 1855, and it seems the better edition is the deathbed edition. I plan to read the deathbed at some point, but I think I need some more experience with poetry before I dive back into Whitman.
I‘ve got this thing with night imagery...maybe because I always wanted to go to space. 🤷🏼♀️
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
I can honestly say I have no idea what on Earth happened in this one either. It seems a long list of thinks Whitman thought were great...???
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
This is officially the STRANGEST description of parents I‘ve ever read.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
I could see this as a really cool way of starting a story about a child...and yet that‘s not really where this poem went.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
I didn‘t understand much of this poem, but this is still a GREAT way to describe the talking heads in Congress right now.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters #congress #talkingheads
This one made sense, maybe because I‘m somewhat familiar with the historical events of the time. I‘m going to have to look into the audio version when I read the death bed edition. I seem to understand better when I hear them.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
Slowly but surely making my way through Whitman. I think I have about 6 poems left. So 6 more days of Whitman before I can move on to something a little less intense. I‘m still planning to read the death bed version, but I think I need some more poetry experience, first.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
This was another odd poem. It‘s clearly an ode to the human body and the greatness of it, but some of the parts of confusing and even really odd.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters #Sully #DrMike
He may be all these things, but he was also obsessed with masturbation in this one. It was very odd. No idea how any of that fits in with anything else.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
This is a very odd poem. I thought I knew what it was about for a minute there, but I‘m totally confused now.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
I THINK I UNDERSTOOD THIS ONE!!! I think. Maybe. Possibly. I might have. 🤷🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🍷
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
I am so confused in what this man believes about life, death, and the after life.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters #philosophy #religion #confused
Everything in life is well-considered...accept all the stupid stuff people do without thinking about it first. Then it‘s just stupid stuff. lol
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
Philosophy is everywhere!!! I think it haunts me!!! Stalks me?
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters #philosophy
I‘ve made this button (so I only have to push one thing) for this combo of emojis that I keep using while reading poetry. This is going to save a lot of time I can use to be confused about what I‘ve just read, instead.
#poetry #poetrymatters #confused
Maybe it‘s because I‘ve always loved writing. Maybe it‘s because I just finished Emily of New Moon. Maybe it‘s because it‘s yet another writer, writing about writing.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
Like religion, music, art, literature all come from within, not without.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
I like this. I think it‘s a true look at religion and religious texts.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
Greed and wonder. Interesting combination of things. I suppose they could be flip sides of the same coin.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
This is interesting. Women and girls are equal to men and boys.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
Finally finished the first (epic) poem. I found at least a few places I highlighted, with the note “Sully ???” I get why Andrew Lipsitz chose Whitman for him.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters #Sully
Oh look at that, found the bit about Sully. Change a few words in the last line and it‘s exact.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters #Sully
Oh god, it‘s reminding me of Nagarjuna!!!
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
Okay, this first poem is 90 bloody pages long, so it‘s going to take more than a day.
#WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList #BlameDrMike #poetrymatters
I need some more diversity in my reading, so I‘m taking in a little bit of poetry (I‘ve always felt awkward reading it for some reason - accept Shakespeare‘s sonnets 🤷🏼♀️), so my current plan is to just stop in with this book once a day and read a poem. It could take me all year to read it, but so be it. #BlameDrMike
#DrQuinnMedicineWoman #DrMike #Sully #Michaela #DrQuinn #WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #DrQuinnReadingList
Sorry I missed opening day, I‘m just now able to post my wonderful #readinthenewyearswap package from @Dawnrod1970! I love everything! You spoiled me & did way too much!! I ❤️ the socks, tea, candles, & candy!! I‘ve been meaning to get another coloring book, so that‘s perfect! I have really been enjoying classics lately, so this poetry classic is perfect! And Helen Oyeyemi has been on my TBR forever. I‘m so excited to read this! Thank you SO much!
That time Sully read dirty poetry *not* about the ocean to Dr. Mike and a whole new generation decided it was time to check out Walt Whitman.
#DrQuinnMedicineWoman #DrMike #Sully #Michaela #DrQuinn #WaltWhitman #LeavesofGrass #AboutTheOcean #NotAboutTheOcean
“Loafe with me on the grass...loose the stop from your throat.” I finally got around to reading this poetry collection and I‘m happy I did. It feels much more contemporary and is more sexual and physical than I expected. I loved the mix of the natural world and then the people who inhabit it. It‘s clear how different this body of work is from other poets of the time and is worthy of its praise.
A first edition of Leaves of Grass on display at The New York Public Library in their Walt Whitman:America‘s Poet exhibit. ❤️