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Boys Don't Knit
Boys Don't Knit | Tom Easton
32 posts | 29 read | 47 to read
Meet Ben Fletcher, an Adrian Mole for a new generation Ben Fletcher must get to grips with his more 'feminine' side following an unfortunate incident with a lollipop lady and a stolen bottle of Martini Rosso from Waitrose. All a big misunderstanding of course. To avoid the Young Offenders unit, Ben is ordered to give something back to the community and develop his sense of social alignment. Take up a hobby and keep on the straight and narrow. The hot teacher he likes runs a knitting group so Ben, reluctantly at first, gets 'stuck in'. Not easy when your dad is a sports fan and thinks Jeremy Clarkson is God. To his surprise, Ben finds that he likes knitting and that he has a mean competitive streak. If he can just keep it all a secret from his mates...and notice that the girl of his dreams, girl-next-door Megan Hooper has a bit of a thing for him... Laugh-out-loud, often ridiculous, sometimes quite touching, and revelatory about the knitting world, BOYS DON'T KNIT is a must for boys and girls...
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Boys Don't Knit | Tom Easton
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Loved this #LMPBC pick from #GroupN! A hilarious yet poignant coming-of-age story of a 17 yo boy trying to maneuver his way through trouble-magnet friends, embarrassing parents, teacher crushes and trying to hide his new obsession with knitting (thanks to the terms of a lame yet enlightening probation requirement). Loved Ben, his dry, sarcastic wit and his wise-beyond-his-years take on life. Recommended, especially for YA fans. 4.25⭐️

CarolynM Love the sound of this. Stacked.🙂 4y
robinb @CarolynM It was a fun one, with lots of laugh-out-loud moments and a lead worth cheering for. Would love to hear what you think! 4y
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Boys Don't Knit | Tom Easton
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Up next, my other #LMPBC read for #GroupN.

@SaturnDoo @Wastedmindsx


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“We creatives are allowed to be slightly sinister.”
3.5 stars. Full review soon on my GR.
Would have never picked this up on my own & I really enjoyed it. @SaturnDoo @robinb Will try to send out tomorrow!

tpixie My son crochets... welcome to Litsy! 4y
CloakNQuill @tpixie Thank you! 4y
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CloakNQuill @robinb my sister never sent the book, so I just went to the post office. For some reason it gave us 2 addresses. The one you sent on the list & the same one but South East. I just wanted to give you a heads up 4y
robinb @Wastedmindsx it should get here either way. I usually leave the SE off. Thanks for the heads up! 😊👍 (edited) 4y
robinb @Wastedmindsx Elizabeth, I got it! Thanks! 😊 4y
CloakNQuill @robinb Hope you enjoy! 4y
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What a super fun YA novel about finding yourself, breaking societal expectations, and creating a found family. It had a few rough patches (really did not need all the ink spent on pervy teenaged boy antics) but overall a solid pick.

#stayhome24in48 #24in48 #readathon #catsoflitsy

JanuarieTimewalker13 Your kitty is beautiful!!!😻 5y
CareBear 😻😻😻 5y
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LibrarianRyan I liked this book. It has a sequel, and a companion, but I have not read them yet. 5y
silentrequiem @LibrarianRyan I bought the sequel earlier as soon as I finished this. It might be the next book after done with th Pinsker. 5y
Leftcoastzen 😻❤️ 5y
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Well that's a YIKES. 😬
#stayhome24in48 #24in48 #readathon

readordierachel 😲 I will never look waffle cones the same 5y
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Thanks (and no apologies necessary) @MaleficentBookDragon - I was a bit slow in realising I had to click through to accept 😂
This one has been on my radar for ages - looking forward to it! #JolabokaflodSwap

MaleficentBookDragon You're welcome. And I haven't given up on a package for you and @Lizpixie 5y
Lizpixie @MaleficentBookDragon no problems Chelle, I live in hope!🙌 5y
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Boys Don't Knit | T. S. Easton
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Finished my first book of the new year (Knit) and started the first LGBT book club read of the year (Carry On). Boys Don‘t Knit was a fairly light read and almost made me want to take up knitting myself. The characters were interesting and I enjoyed some of the humor — not laugh out loud, but I smiled. Going to file this one into some of my reading challenges too!

#bbrc #teenangst #lollipopfiction #booked2020 #winter #liveandlearn

LibrarianRyan I agree. I liked this book. It wasn't excellent, but it was fun. There is a sequel about his sister called Girls Don't Fight I believe
bibliobard @LibrarianRyan there is also a sequel about him going to New York (a prize he won from the end of the book). Not sure I will read the sequels, didn‘t really capture my interest enough to continue necessarily. 5y
LibrarianRyan @Shakespearience Oh yeah. Forgot about that one. I had no desire to read the rest either. 5y
Cinfhen Yay for knocking off some prompt challenges 🧡 5y
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Boys Don't Knit | Tom Easton
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I could have easily finished this book in one setting with how much I was enjoying it. The story is really engaging and the writing style is wonderful. The postive message is really great and I found myself really relating to the protagonist, Ben, so much, especially when he talked about his anxiety and how he couldn‘t stop focusing on all the things he was stressed about, even when it would‘ve been better to work on one at a time.


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Front-porch reading with my eldest who is home from college 😍 She lent me this cute story about a boy forced to take a knitting class as part of his probation. He discovers he's a natural, and this becomes the context for the story as he navigates the stresses in his life. It tackles the usual coming-of-age issues: a father who doesn't understand him, a girl he can't figure out, and bullies. Not especially deep, but an enjoyable read. #YAL

britt_brooke What a cozy and beautiful reading spot! 6y
RaimeyGallant Cool. 6y
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"I'm aware that keeping a diary is considered part of the female domain, but in my life, with the family and friends I'm stuck with, it is the only reason I haven't run away and gone to live in the woods."


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Bette Nice selection! 👍 8y
Alisnazzy Hell yeah to 1Q84! Murakami forever!!!!! 8y
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Book mail!

Thanks SO much for all of the goodies, Ryan! You are amazing. 😃

kspenmoll Looks wonderful! 8y
Shaila Omg! 😂😂 My son used to knit (in private, of course!!) I'm kind of mad...he never finished my two-tone alpaca wool scarf 😕 8y
sprainedbrain @Shaila That is awesome!! 8y
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I love this story. It‘s about relationships, on all levels. It‘s
about what it means to be a man. What it means to be a good member of society. This book is full of heart, will make you laugh, and even rip off 50 Shades of Gray, while remaining completely clean. To top it off, I just found out that there is a sequel.
#beatthebacklist #chamberofsecrets #diary #LitsyAtoZ #B #MountTBR. Full review on Goodreads

8little_paws This book looks awesome!! 😁 8y
rubyslippersreads Your drinkware is all so cute! 😻 8y
LibrarianRyan @rubyslippersreads thanks. It was from a friend as says "you are as special as a caticorn 8y
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Mimi28 I agree with both of them 😎👍 8y
LeahBergen This sounds great. 👍🏼 8y
classiquemots That Jabba the Hutt mug is amazing! 8y
LibrarianRyan @mauvewords smugglers bounty from Funko. I also have C3-P0. And my guy added to my addiction. I told him I wanted to so a Star Wars kitchen for the next house so he got me Star Wars kitchen stuff for Christmas. 8y
classiquemots @LibrarianRyan re: C3-P0 mug, I've just spotted it! And this sounds soo cute, literally life goals!! 😍 (edited) 8y
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SO CUTE! Makes me want to step up my knitting game. 😸

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I am in love with this book. Longer review tomorrow.

BookishMarginalia I loved it! 8y
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Yes please draw my eyebrows on ! I'm only on page 3 and already laughing.

julesG As a knitter the title alone is an incentive to read the book. If it's hilarious, it's even better. 8y
MeganAnn Hilarious!! 😂👏🏻 8y
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So here is my #TBR for Feb. based on past history I will only read two of these. But we shall see. Two are library so here's hoping I get those done. #fiestyfeb

BibliophileMomma Love your 🦉 bookmark. 😍😍 8y
LibrarianRyan @Tiffness83 thank you. I've had it forever. 8y
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#readjanuary #fonts love these fonts.

Cinfhen Me too, 😎 8y
Larkken Dark Crystal! ❤️is the book about the movie or a similar story? (edited) 8y
LibrarianRyan @Larkken it's a fiction book. Haven't read it yet, but it is either a retelling of the movie or a companion novel. It's supposed to be a series. Saw it a few months ago and had to have it. 8y
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This was so much fun! I really geeked out with all of the yarn and knitting talk

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Great book! As a knitter, I loved the parts about knitting and Ben's new friends from knitting class. I also enjoyed some of the cultural references, like watching The Great British Bake Off. The story was a bit shallow and the ending tied up pretty quickly, but am enjoyable read.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I think I might need this one! It sounds amazing! 8y
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I'm really enjoying this book, but this is my first week of school and I'm so tired! I teach middle school math - any other Litsy teachers out there? Have a great school year! 📚🍎

BookishMarginalia I teach 11th and 12th grade English and AP English Lang -- and yes, it's exhausting! 🤓 8y
Wannabe_Quijote I teach college psych. This semester I'm abroad with 13 students in Argentina. Exhausting but fantastic! 8y
BookNerdBritt I teach third grade and I am WIPED. Thank the stars for the upcoming three-day weekend. 8y
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SheilaChew Thanks for the # @BookNerdBritt 😄! 8y
MissKatie I teach, too! I'm a hospital teacher, and I work with kinder-12th. No day ever looks the same as the one before, but it's fun that way. 😊 8y
Bookworm83 I teach middle school reading. I'm exhausted, too 😁 8y
SheilaChew @MissKatie I used to be a hospital teacher too - it is fun but also heartbreaking work. The kids are so great, right? 8y
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Super fun read! Never knew a knitting competition could be so action-packed or suspenseful! Thoroughly enjoyed this book! Thanks to @JaimitaPR and @BookishMarginalia for the loan.

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Pretty sure whoever edited overlooked the fact that 'darn' was being used in its verb form here. Darn it! (See what I did there? Ok that was lame, I know.)

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My 14th and last read for the #24in48 #readathon . I most likely won't finish, but I definitely won't finish if I don't start! Thanks to my reading buddies @JaimitaPR , @BookishMarginalia , and Rachel! It was a great weekend.

BookishMarginalia Indeed it was! I finished 4 books (will start my 5th one now), and had a blast! 💜💚💜 8y
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Funny, charming novel about a teenage boy whose best friends keep getting him into trouble... The inevitable happens, mayhem ensues, and Ben has to make amends, be on his best behavior, AND fulfill the terms of his probation: write a journal, help out the lollipop lady, and take a class at the local community college. He chooses to take knitting, even though everyone knows boys don't knit! Ben gets his nerd on, and we cheer him on. Give it a try!

Mayread Are you a knitter as well as a reader? 8y
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Boys Don't Knit | T. S. Easton
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Loved this fast, entertaining read about a boy, his troublemaking friends, and his decision to keep his knitting quiet. One of the things that struck me as I read this was how the dad's offhanded, slightly homophobic comments affected his son's decision to stay in the knitting closet.

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Bibliogeekery There are no words for the awesomeness of that quote! 🏹🏹🏹 8y
WanderingBookaneer @Bibliogeekery : If you like that quote, you're going to love the narrator. 8y
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A boy who knits! A hilarious, sweet, and quirky read. Ben was such an enjoyable narrator--one that you'd like to take for a friendly drink when he was older. Not Martini Rosso!