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Come un fiore ribelle
Come un fiore ribelle | Jamie Ford
31 posts | 51 read | 48 to read
Seattle. lalba e il piccolo William si stropiccia i grandi occhi neri. Ancora avvolto nelle coperte, riesce quasi a sentire quelle canzoni sussurrate alle sue orecchie in una lingua antica. Ma da cinque anni che non ascolta la voce di sua madre. Da quando entrato nellorfanotrofio e la disciplina ha preso il posto delle carezze. E lodio diventato la regola. Perch William diverso da tutti gli altri, William cinese. Eppure oggi un giorno speciale. la data fissata per il compleanno di tutti i bambini dellistituto e finalmente William trova il coraggio di fare la domanda pi difficile. Vuole sapere cosa successo a sua madre. Le parole sono vaghe, ma lasciano intuire una risposta che trafigge il suo cuore come una lama: morta. William non ci crede. Non vuole arrendersi a questa verit. Lui sa che ancora viva. E c solo una persona con cui confidarsi: Charlotte, una cascata di capelli rossi e la pelle delicata come un fiore. Le sere passate con lei ad ascoltare la radio, a mangiare caramelle alla menta piperita o abbracciati, di nascosto, per paura di un temporale, sono i pochi momenti di felicit per William. Charlotte lunica a credergli e insieme decidono di fuggire dallorfanotrofio per cercare sua madre. Ma ad aspettarli c un mondo pericoloso e oscuro. Il mondo violento delle strade di Seattle, diviso dalla povert dei primi anni Trenta. Il mondo proibito dei locali, delle scintillanti insegne dei teatri e dei club. Proprio qui, William incontra uno sguardo che non ha mai dimenticato. Quello di una giovane cantante cinese. Deve scoprire chi e cosa nasconde. Nessun ostacolo troppo grande da superare. Nessuna difficolt insormontabile. Ci sono domande che per anni sono rimaste soffocate. E adesso la speranza forse pu tornare a crescere. La speranza di essere amati e finalmente al sicuro. Dopo il bestseller mondiale Il gusto proibito dello zenzero, un successo senza paragoni che ha emozionato i lettori di tutto il mondo dominando per settimane le classifiche italiane, Jamie Ford torna con il nuovo attesissimo romanzo, Come un fiore ribelle. Un libro potente e ancora pi intenso che conferma Ford come uno dei pi grandi scrittori di questi anni. Un inno allamore nonostante tutto. Nonostante la guerra e la violenza. Nonostante le difficolt e l'abbandono. Un sentimento dalla forza indissolubile. Un amore capace di sconfiggere anche lodio pi profondo.
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I took my #WeeklyForecast picture yesterday, but already need to update it, as I've read three of the very short books from the shelf already!! Do you ever have a book that you think you'll like but you just can't quite start it? I'm that way with the tagged book, which has been in the windowsill all month but keeps getting passed over. Maybe this week. I've added some February reads, although I'm still missing my #LMPBC books, #TrappedonanIsland

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd), and #BookSpin. I started Mr. Mulliner Speaking this morning - Wodehouse is hilarious as always. Knocking off some smaller reads has been good, but I have to finish The Secret Keepers for the next step in my #BookChain !!
@Cinfhen - hope you're having a fabulous trip!!!
Kangaj1 I have the tagged book on my Feb list for #Roll100 - it has been languishing on my shelves. 1y
RosePressedPages I don‘t know why, but I do that a lot. I‘ve got books I think I‘ll love or am excited to read but I‘ll keep putting it off. Maybe it‘s because I‘m worried it won‘t live up to the hype I‘ve built up in my head? 1y
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My May #bookspinbingo list. Looking forward to a great month of reading. Summer is almost here!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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William Eng is a 12 year old Chinese/American boy living in an orphanage in Seattle in the 1930's. The orphans go to the historical Moore Theatre where William watches an actress named Willow Frost and is convinced that she is his mother, Liu Song. William and his friend Charlotte escape the orphanage so he can look for his mother. The story then shifts to the 1920's and we get the backstory of William's mother.

EadieB It is an emotional journey of seeking lost and found love. The writing is beautiful and I found the era of the 1930's black and white movie industry very interesting. I definitely will be reading soon the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet which is Jamie Ford's debut novel. It has been on my TBR shelf for a long time. 2y
Jensol77 The are both awesome reads!!! 2y
EadieB @Jensol77 Great! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I've had this on my TBR for quite a while. 2y
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William is a 12 year old boy living in an orphanage in 1934 Seattle. William suspects actress Willow Frost is his mother, and sets out to find her with his friend Charlotte.

Most of the characters are one dimensional unnecessarily awful and EVIL monsters. William and Charlotte unrealistically think and speak like adults.

Depression era Seattle was interesting to read about. It was clear the author did their research in this area.


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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ While very sad in places, this is excellently written novel that explores Seattle‘s Chinatown in the 1920‘s and 30‘s—a very rich setting. Totally recommend! #TBRRead #WinterGames #JingleBallers

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My little song will keep you beside me
Thinking your name as I sing 🎶

William Eng, an orphaned Chinese-American, hears his mother‘s haunting song...perhaps she is alive. He runs away to try and find her


#ayupaugust @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain

squirrelbrain I loved Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet - stacking this one! Great choice.... 5y
Cinfhen I read another book by this author but it was only ok 5y
Eggs I think Hotel was my favorite among the 3, with Willow Frost a close 2nd. But I would try anything by this author @Cinfhen (edited) 5y
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I loved this book. So much suffering and love. Definitely one of 2018 favorites.

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Am I supposed to regard the empty space in my heart as my own failing-my own inability to stop the bleeding caused by my mother? You can't expect children to sew their own gaping wounds without leaving a terrible scar.

I can't stop the tears. Thank you Jamie Ford.

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TK-421 ❤️ 6y
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JoScho 🧡🧡🧡 6y
TK-421 ❤️ 6y
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Finished this yesterday morning. Didn't impress me nearly as much as Hotel On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. I'm trying to read some of my TBR in my home library. Now I can donate this to the Friends of the Library sale and make room for new finds. 😉📚

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...no one is all bad or all good...life would be much easier if that were the case. Everyone...was a confusing mixture of love and hate, joy and sorrow, longing and forgetting, misguided truth and painful deception.

readordierachel Love that. So true. 6y
Eggs ❤️❤️ @ReadOrDieRachel 6y
CarolynM Yep 6y
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Another great Jamie Ford 💙💜🖤💖

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If you like this author, this book is available as a Kindle loan right now. I snapped it up. Also A Study in Charlotte

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At long last I have got round to one of the books @CaroPi sent me for the #halloweengoespostal book exchange.
It is a fast flowing read and easy to empathize with the main characters. I am 98 pages in and hoping for some happier turn of events.

Rusty37 I love that cover! 6y
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Jamie Ford's books are always from the HEART.

William lost his mother but not to death. He knew in his heart that she was still alive and he would find her some day, but he had to escape from the orphanage to do that.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Looks like another great one!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
SilversReviews @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks A tear jerker, but good. 6y
Eggs ♥️Jamie Ford♥️ 6y
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SilversReviews @Eggs Me too. ♥️ 6y
ReadingisMyPassion I enjoyed this book. 6y
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Hi everyone! 👋 Yesterday I started reading book number 10 of the year and I honestly can‘t believe I‘ve read that many books already. Last year I did not start out this year this strong
This is a picture of a book I read a few years ago that I absolutely loved. I highly recommend it if you love historical fiction or are looking for a book with an Asian main character. -
QOTD: How many books have you read so far this year?

minkyb 6 and that is pretty much my average! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful pic!! ❤️ 6y
Booknerd2 His other 2 books are amazing as well. If you haven‘t already read them, I highly recommend. 6y
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Andrew65 Going well this year. 👏 6y
oddandbookish @Booknerd2 I really want to read them! 6y
oddandbookish @Andrew65 Good to hear! 6y
oddandbookish @minkyb That‘s really good!! 6y
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Today's Word: WISTFUL

SONGS OF WILLOW FROST by Jamie Ford was about making decisions, living with regrets, and longing for what some folks have and what you were deprived of. #Yesvember17 #YESvember @Libby1

Another beautiful read by Mr. Ford.


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Well I can't participate in the readathon today because I have work to do this afternoon. But first I am going to snuggle up with this book and my coffee.

🎉👏🏻 Cheering all you dedicated #deweysreadathon participants on today!!

jpmcwisemorgan I‘m going to an Anime on Ice event tonight so I won‘t be participating in the full #readathon but I‘m doing what I can! 7y
MeganAnn @jpmcwisemorgan an anime on ice event sounds so cool! Have fun! 7y
jpmcwisemorgan Thanks! I have no idea what I‘ve got myself into but new things are good, right? 7y
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"The library is like a candy store where everything is free ".

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About to start @bookandabrew's February read!!

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Adding this to my TBR after it came as part of my monthly Book 📖and a Brew ☕️ subscription

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A name like Jamie Ford doesn't sound Chinese. His relatives changed their name to fit in the US. To hear Jamie Ford tell the story is touching. He's a great guy & solid citizen. #BooksByAsianWriters #ReadJanuary @RealLifeReading

Booknerd2 Have you read Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet? Also a great read!!! 7y
Godmotherx5 @Booknerd2 Yes, I have. I couldn't find my copy for the photo. 7y
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Looking back at my Goodreads shelves, there were some excellent books #publishedinthe2000s. #readjanuary

MeganAnn Songs of Willow Frost is on my TBR shelf. Glad you liked it! 7y
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The soundtrack to today's amplification and making plates for the genetic analyzer in the lab. Here's hoping for no equipment malfunctions!

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Jamie Ford ripped my heart into a thousand pieces and then mended it back together again, better than new. This is one of the most touching books I've ever read. I had all the feels. Set around Seattle in a racially turbulent time, it's the story of a young Chinese orphan. Highly recommend this one.

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Story about an orphaned boy's search for his mother and a revelation of the journey that leads to that point. I struggled with the beginning, became intrigued in the middle but felt the ending fell flat.


Struggling with this one. I am probably a third of the way through and I feel like it is slow and a bit redundant. Should I push through or bail?

MrBook Give it to the half-way mark perhaps? 8y
Traej73 Just past halfway and I will stick with it. Thanks for the push @MrBook 8y
MrBook 😎👍🏻 8y
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I couldn't resist getting Ford's second book, and boy I was not disappointed. Though the pages may hold triggering content for some, I highly recommend it to see the trials and tribulations of a mother and son, who are brought together again.

Jensol77 At first you're so angry at the mother and then you realize she was just as much a victim of circumstance as her son. Powerful read 8y
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