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Zwei an einem Tag | David Nicholls
Gerade stelle ich mir dich mit vierzig vor! Es ist der 15. Juli 1988, und Emma und Dexter, beide zwanzig, haben sich bei der Abschlussfeier kennengelernt und die Nacht zusammen durchgemacht. Am nchsten Morgen gehen beide ihrer Wege. Wo werden sie an genau diesem Tag ein Jahr spter stehen? Und wo in den zwanzig darauffolgenden Jahren? Werden sich die beiden, die einander niemals vergessen knnen, weiterhin immer gerade knapp verpassen?
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One Day | David Nicholls
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What a beautiful edition 😍 and what makes it even better is that via Waterstones points and gift cards I only ended up paying £2.41 for it!! 📚📖


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 3w
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One Day | David Nicholls
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It's One Day Day!! 📚📖

wanderinglynn I loved this book! 2mo
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One Day | David Nicholls
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#SummerSouls Day 28: #Rollercoaster romance-friends-lovers kind of vibe in our book club pick for June/July with college kid who is home from Seattle. Dexter is definitely not endearing himself to me one third into the novel that our 22 year old and I are reading aloud. We read one chapter a day.

Eggs Brilliant 👌🏼 3mo
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One Day | David Nicholls
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Sometimes, a whole bunch of holds come in on the same day 🤩

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One Day | David Nicholls
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If you loved the series adaption of #OneDay by David Nicholls as much as I did, you will definitely recognize these stairs in Edinburgh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿! It‘s called The Vennel and is right next to the famous Grassmarket. When you climb up these stairs, you get a wonderful look of the castle 🏰!

One Day | David Nicholls
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Absolutely bloody gorgeous.
I saw so much of myself in Emma. Such a relatable novel, packed with humour, emotion, and spirit. I laughed, cried, and everything in between. This is a really easy read and perfect for people who wanted to enjoy "Normal People" but found the characters unrealistic and pretentious. I loved it. But, yes, I'm still crying.

One Day | David Nicholls
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Squeezed this one in ahead of my other books after watching the Netflix series. I don't often read romance novels, but I loved this one - despite knowing exactly what happens. The series is brilliant but as always the book is even better.
✅ loved the storytelling from both sides
✅ Emma's character is hilarious and so relatable
✅ so many great 90s references and memories
👎 I guarantee you'll cry at some stage

One Day | David Nicholls
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView 😊💕
Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author 😁

1) Nearly 3 years ago I packed up my life in York and moved back in with my parents. 3 years?!?! What am I still doing here?

2) The tagged is one of my favourite books of all time. Apparently another adaptation has come out recently. I need to watch it because the film was cack.

Yuki_Onna Is it three years already?!?(I remember you posted about your moving back with them on here...)🫢 7mo
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna It'll be 3 years in Spring. Wow. I need to get a move on and earn some money. My beloved sofa is still in storage!!!! Only problem is I keep spending all of my money on books and vintage Polly Pockets 🤔 7mo
Yuki_Onna 🤣👏🫶 That's well spent, girl! (- Isn't it just creepy how time flies?🫢) 7mo
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TheSpineView Time does move do fast. Thanks for playing! 7mo
Santie I moved in Jan. Collecting books is so much fun until you have to move them 7mo
RaeLovesToRead @Santie Haha, this is true! Managed to sneak most of mine into my parents' house, but my collection has grown since then... 7mo
Santie @RaeLovesToRead I also have the bulk of my collection at my parents‘ house. 7mo
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One Day | David Nicholls
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I keep hearing about this Netflix show and how it‘s based on a book and sounds right up my alley…. Decide I should read the book first and then watch the show only to see on my Goodreads account that I read it and gave it 4 stars in August 2016…. And have no recollection of it! 😂
Debating rereading or reskimming or just going to the show?? I guess I liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Hate when that happens! Am I the only one?

Ruthiella I don‘t think I have ever forgotten a book wholesale, but then, if I‘ve forgotten, how would I know? 😂 It happens. 7mo
Elizabeth2 It‘s definitely happened to me. Found a book on my shelves and thought, that‘s shelved wrong, I‘ve never read that. Nope. On Goodreads there‘s a rating. No idea what the book was about. It went in the donate pile. 😂 7mo
Crazeedi Oh I've done this too! Thinking oh I'd like to read, then goodreads tells me I read 5 years ago, lol 7mo
Jerdencon @elizabeth2 @crazeedi good to know I‘m not alone! (edited) 7mo
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One Day | David Nicholls
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Happy Valentine's Day!! Valentine's book, nails, coffee 🌹☕ who needs real love when there are romance novels on the world 😉💖

ElizaMarie Oooo Love this manicure! 7mo
Ruthiella Happy Valentine‘s Day 💘 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Valentine‘s Day 🩷 7mo
RaeLovesToRead This is one of my favourite books of all time 🥰 7mo
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One Day | David Nicholls
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Thanks @thegreensofa for putting this on the #AuldLangSpine list for me! You can‘t help but get so deeply attached to these characters; love them, hate them, want to shake some sense into them. Beautifully written; compassionate and heartbreaking all in one. I couldn‘t help but yell, “WHAT?”, reread the same sentence 5 times and have to take a pause before finishing. Heartbreakingly beautiful and moving this book. ❤️

thegreensofa What a great review!I‘m happy you enjoyed it, I agree what up and down trip, you hit the nail on the head with shake some sense into them. 8mo
thegreensofa (I hit send by accident, I wasn‘t finished lol. Now I forget what I was thinking!!🤪). Anyway, great review! 😁. 8mo
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One Day | David Nicholls
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Waiting for my (hopeful) last appointment EVER with my hand surgeon, starting my first #AuldLangSpine read! Thanks @thegreensofa for the recommendation. 💕

thegreensofa The cover looks better on a real book! Mine was the same cover on eBook. I hope you enjoy it! 😃 8mo
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One Day | David Nicholls
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It's the second time that I've read this book but it has been many years. I love being transported back to the culture of the 90s and the bittersweet relationship between the 2 main characters tugs at my heart strings each time.

One Day | David Nicholls
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#manicmonday #letterO @CBee @The_Penniless_Author

📖 One Day (David Nicholls)
✒ Richard Osman
📺 The Office (UK)
🎤 Oasis
🎶 Once in a Lifetime (Gary Moore)

Easy choices when it comes to song, book and TV show...

One Day | David Nicholls
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Never heard of this book or this author before a friend gave it to me. She picked it up at a dollar bookstore. Sometimes you find hidden treasures this way.

One Day | David Nicholls
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1. Don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, but have enjoyed Galentine's Day with @peaknit (books and chocolate swapped of course)!
2. Tagged book was the first one I thought of!
Thanks @Kshakal @TheSpineView #two4Tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 3y
RaeLovesToRead One Day is one of my favourite books of all time 🥰🥰 3y
JenReadsAlot @RaeLovesToRead So I randomly picked it up when I was in Edinburgh on vacation because my kindle died! Had no idea where it was set or how much I would love it! 3y
RaeLovesToRead I keep meaning to read his other novels, but I don't want him to break my heart again 💔 3y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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RaeLovesToRead This book 😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤ The film... meh 😄 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Ast_Arslan @RaeLovesToRead never read the book. Watched the movie once... didn't like it 😂 3y
RaeLovesToRead The book is one of my all time favourites. The film is quite true to the book but it loses all its charm. 3y
Eggs Saw the movie - 😭 3y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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I'm rubbish at writing top 10s because I get to number 10 and realise there are about 50 books I've missed out. Weird that my favourite books, largely, aren't written by my favourite authors... 1,2,3 & 5 are unlikely to change. I have a feeling this list is going to change over the next few years... and I'm pretty sure Stuart Turton is going to write his way into my top 10 soon...

Anyone want to share a fave book of all time or 3?

Ruthiella You just have to qualify “Top Ten THIS MINUTE”. That allows for later editing. 😅 3y
Mandoul 😅 @Ruthiella totally agree! Murakami and Pratchett would be in there for me, but I would need a few coffees to decide which ones. Probably also the tagged book from this year. 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella Haha YES!!! Waking up this morning a few have changed already 😅🤣 I love writing lists though 😄 3y
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RaeLovesToRead @Mandoul I absolutely love Murakami, but I can't think of an individual book that I liked more than these.. Pratchett I've never really gotten into (yet?) I do, however, have the tagged book. I shall boost it up the TBR 😊😀 3y
Vansa I've resigned myself to the fact that my top 10 will have at least 100 books on it😂😂 so what I do now is try to compile a top 10 for each year! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Vansa Haha, same... I love writing lists!! I have a feeling some of the books I have coming up on my TBR are going to be quite special so I'll have to make room on my favourites list 😁😊 3y
vivastory For me the “Gaaah..“ on #10 speaks volumes on how hard this would be 😂 3y
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory Hehe, totally. This list is missing about fifty books 😄 Maybe in a decade or two I'll have a more definitive list... maybe 3y
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One Day | David Nicholls

Part of this book crushed me. My work colleague at the time loaned it to me and told me he through the book across the lab when he got to the bad bit.

One Day | David Nicholls
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Happy One Day Day!!!

A wonderful book set over twenty years on this day.

Amiable Oh, I loved this book 🥰 3y
RaeLovesToRead One of my favourite books of all time! 3y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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This was included in a list on a booklover's blog containing the titles of all the best romance books. I liked a few on the list, so I figured this was probably a good one to try. It was made into a movie that Anne Hathaway starred in. (❤ her!)
This was really really good.
Emma and Dex meet on their graduation day, July 15 1988. They begin their topsy-turvy friendship from that point on. We get a glimpse into their lives every year on July 15.

Amiable I really enjoyed this book. 4y
ItsAnotherJen @Amiable Have you watched the movie? I haven't yet, but will. Anne Hathaway should be perfect as Emma! 4y
Amiable @ItsAnotherJen I didn't even know it was a movie! I will have to look it up now! 😃 4y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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One Day | David Nicholls
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This was a fantastic palette cleanser! I loved the detail and related a lot to the characters! I‘m glad I read this one!

Ncostell I read this one this year as well and really enjoyed it too. 4y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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🥺😭🥺😭😭🥺🥺 ahh my heart hurts, but in a good way... so glad I finally got around to reading this. Loved the movie before I realized it was a book . Book of course is better! Need to watch the movie again and bawl my face off some more.

One Day | David Nicholls
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Happy One Day day ❤️📚📖

wanderinglynn ❤️ Loved the book. 4y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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I was quickly drawn into the story of Emma and Dexter told in snapshots from July 15th every year for 20 years. I enjoyed watching them transition through different stages in their lives and relationship. This was a pretty polarizing book on Goodreads but I loved this book despite the sometimes unlovable actions of its characters. Nicholls really wrote a convincing female character and I loved the dialogue in this book as well.

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One Day | David Nicholls
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Very good. Love the characters and the story even though this is a reread it feels like I am reading it for the first time. As the characters and story are just as fresh and timeless. The original 'what if and fated to be together' love story.


One Day | David Nicholls
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Truly a sentimental journey for these two, Emma and Dex

@OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

MMFinck Loved it! 4y
OriginalCyn620 Loved it too! ❤️ 4y
Eggs @MMFinck @OriginalCyn620 ❤️🖤❤️ 4y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️ 4y
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🖤❤️ 4y
Megabooks Oh yeah. I‘m not usually a romance person but I liked this. 4y
Eggs @Megabooks ❤️🖤❤️ 4y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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5-11-20: My 36th finished book of 2020! 🌟🌟🌟🌟I really liked this one! #oneday #davidnicholls 👍🏼📖#️⃣3️⃣6️⃣

One Day | David Nicholls
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5-11-20: My new bookmark that I received for Mother‘s Day. It‘s perfect! 💖📖

One Day | David Nicholls
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Maybe it's just the here and now but I'm 65 pages in and avoiding doing any reading as I don't want to pick this up.
So disappointed as it gets so much love but all I'm seeing so far is clichéd unreal depiction of twenty something graduates #bail 😔😔😔

Birdsong28 It might seem that now but there is such a twist to this story that you need to keep going 4y
TrishB I didn‘t like it. But it‘s just not my sort of thing I think. 4y
Balibee146 Thanks @TrishB and @Birdsong28 I've put on hiatus just now and will try another few chapters when I'm in a different head space. 😘😘 4y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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Struggling to focus on reading but going to give this one 50 pages to decide.... So much for staying home meaning loads of reading 🙁 Horrible movie cover but I got it free on an office little library lol 😁

Birdsong28 One of the best books ever ❤️😍📚📖 4y
Balibee146 Great to hear @Birdsong28 i need something engaging.... Enjoyed the first few pages 👍 4y
TheLudicReader I loved this book. 4y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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“It used to be Emma who made the conciliatory calls and smoothed things over, but in the eight months since their marriage they seemed to have changed places, and he now found himself incapable of doing anything while he knew she was unhappy.”

One Day | David Nicholls
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🎶I've sailed a thousand ships
But no matter where I go
You're the one for me baby
This I know 'cause it's
True love🎶


Birdsong28 One of my ultimate favourites 😍 📚 📖 5y
Cinfhen Love that book cover 5y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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#Movember #Cherish
I‘m always a fan of David Nicholls writing... A perfect mix of sentimentality and humor for me....
Lovely words here... “ #cherish your friends” 💕

Cinfhen Wonderful advice xx I #cherish our friendship 💜💜💜 5y
Amiable I just read this book last month! It was a delightful read. 5y
Chrissyreadit I love this quote 🧡🧡🧡 5y
KarenUK Ditto! 😘😘😘😘 @Cinfhen 5y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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The two MCs write letters to each other for many years.


#SoaringScores @CrowCAH @Cinfhen

Birdsong28 Love this book!!!❤️😍📚📖 5y
CrowCAH Is the book an epistolary novel, all written in letters? 5y
julesG @CrowCAH Not exactly. It is epistolary-ly. It's always the same date of year over a span of 20 (?) years. But it's not just letters. 5y
CrowCAH @julesG gotchya, seems an interesting way to write the book. 5y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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7 days. 7 covers you love. No explanation. Tag a new person to participate each day.

#7days7covers #coverlove

@thereadingunicorn - Wanna play??

mcctrish I loved this book 5y
Amiable Just read this last month —it was so good! 5y
StephanieGeiser @Amiable @mcctrish I loved it! And was pleasantly surprised to see the movie held its own against the book! 5y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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Emma and Dexter keep meeting up on the same day, but years apart.... lots of people loved this but I didn‘t particularly like either Emma or Dexter...

Birdsong28 Ten years old this year but still one of my ultimate favourites 😍 📚 📖 5y
Cinfhen I wasn‘t a fan, either 🤪😆 5y
arlenefinnigan Good choice! 5y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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This book hit me like a sucker punch to the soul with a story filled with melancholy, snarky humor, missed opportunities and an ending I did not see coming. I couldn‘t put it down.

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One Day | David Nicholls
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As someone who has raised kids from infancy to adulthood, I say yes to this assertion. They should definitely come out talking with basic practical information. 😄

LauraBeth I think we prefer ours before she could talk 😹 5y
AlaMich “This activity center leaves me jaded.” 😆😆 5y
Clare-Dragonfly As a parent of a toddler… I feel this so hard 😂😂😂 5y
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Caroline2 Yes!!! 👏 😆 activity centres leave me jaded too!!! 5y
Amiable @LauraBeth I had one like that, too! 😀 5y
Amiable @Clare-Dragonfly It‘s been 20 years, but I still feel your pain! 😀 5y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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When you‘re at work and trying to get stuff done but you keep looking over at the book in your bag and all you want to do is just get up and walk away and find a quiet spot to sit and read. Sigh ....

MommyWantsToReadHerBook Aw and it's such a great book! 5y
Amiable @MommyWantsToReadHerBook I‘m only on Year 3, but I‘m already invested! 5y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Amiable I really liked the depiction of how things progressed 5y
BittersweetBooks This describes my daily struggle 😂 5y
Amiable @BittersweetBooks Right?? 😬😀 5y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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#bookhaul from my stop at the local library annual book sale. I‘ve already read and loved the Lisa Genova book, so I picked it up for a friend. The others? Just impulse buys. Like 90% of my book purchases. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Moony Oh "One day" is one of my favorite books ? 5y
Amiable @Moony Good to hear! 5y
Lcsmcat I liked Less. It was good on audio. 5y
Amiable @Lcsmcat I‘ve been ambivalent about reading it. But for $1 I figured “why not?” 😀 5y
Birdsong28 One Day is so good!!! 📚📖 5y
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One Day | David Nicholls
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This came up on my FB memories! It looks like it will be sunny now till Autumn 🤞📚📖

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