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And That's a Wrap
And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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Feel movie-star fabulous every day while wearing one of Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby's wrap-style fashions. From a chic one-sleeved shrug to a string-tied tunic, these five patterns take crochet beyond anyone's expectations. Put on a flared and flirty vest, drape yourself in a dreamy ruana, or settle an elegant stole around your pampered shoulders. Each garment will amaze and delight the diva in you!
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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July #wrapup #bookspinbingo

Total read = 21
1 novel, print
3 graphic novels
11 children‘s picture books
6 audiobooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Fabulous month!!! 2y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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June #wrapup #bookspinbingo

Except for finishing The Night Strangers on Sunday, I didn‘t read much this week so no bingo after all.

Total read = 14
3 adult fiction
1 graphic novel
4 children‘s picture books
6 audiobooks (some of these I read in print a little)

And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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Looks like I won‘t get another book finished this month. But I read 14 books which is better than I‘ve been doing. Work went crazy and we‘re even more short staffed than usual as we went someone home yesterday to give her knees a break so I‘m working -0 hour shifts the rest of the week. Looking forward to starting #Scarathlon tomorrow though! Go #TeamSlaughter !

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 great job!! 4y
CocoReads Ha and I just realized -0 hours isn‘t a shift. That‘s supposed to be 10 hour shifts. One of the nurses said to me yesterday “you‘re here again” and my reply was “I‘m always here”. For only working 40 hour weeks (44 this week) it does feel like I‘m always there.🤣😜 4y
Clwojick You did great! ♥️♥️ 4y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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That‘s a wrap for #reversereadathon!
4 comics
2 graphics novels
2 books
1 audiobook

I love this format ♥️

Megabooks 🥳🥳🥳 5y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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LOL apparently I seriously underestimated how much I would read this year...hit my 2019 goal at the end of July?? 🤣🤣

Redwritinghood Time to revise! 5y
sudi 👏👏👏👏 5y
Johanna414 Nice! I‘ve found that since joining Litsy, I read more than ever. Be prepared for your TBR to get out of control! 😂 5y
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kaysworld1 What I do when I get close to my challenge goal then I up it by 5 and keep doing that till the end of the year. 5y
bromeliad @Johanna414 I know! I've only been here for like 2 weeks and I've already noticed that my TBR has close to doubled! 😅 5y
bromeliad @kaysworld1 Ooh, good idea! 5y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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I finished #192019challenge ... and I‘m as sad as I am happy about it 😕/❤️🤷🏻‍♀️
This has been an amazing enriching reading journey, & I‘m so glad I went on it.
@Marchpane thank you SO much for coming up with this & sharing it - it‘s the best thing I‘ve ever done as a reader ❤️

If anyone is looking to take on something like this, do it. Try doing 192021 - you have 2 1/2 years to do it. You will be so glad you did 🥰

And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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March was a fantastic reading month, and the readathon this weekend helped a lot.

I read 21 books (so far this year that makes 56!)
1 DNF (We the Living)
4815 pages (1200-ish just from the readathon)

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Great job! 📖💖 5y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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It‘s plenty late for me to post this (why does work have to get in the way?), but here it is. I took a more relaxed approach to this #24in48 #readathon, and I really enjoyed myself! I was actually aiming for 12 hours, so I‘m quite happy with surpassing that goal. Add to that that I read 3 books and got to socialize with wonderful Littens all weekend and I‘d say this was a screaming success! Can‘t wait to do it again in July!

Librarybelle Great job! 5y
Bookzombie Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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PurpleyPumpkin @rubyslippersreads Well spotted! It has some lovely prints included as well. 5y
hes7 Nice! 🎉 5y
UwannaPublishme Yay! That‘s the way to do this Readathon. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I really wanted to join in, but still too busy around here. 5y
PurpleyPumpkin @hes7 Thanks so much! 5y
PurpleyPumpkin @UwannaPublishme I missed reading with you! But I totally understand. I thought you might be busy. And hey, there‘s always the next time. 👍🏽😉 5y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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#yearinreview #2018wrapup

113 physical books • 70 audiobooks • 61 ebooks • 37 comics • 24 DNFs

22 from Prime Reads • 16 from the library • 14 from Scribd • 12 ARCs • 6 First Reads

And that‘s it for #2018! 🥳🎉❤️📚

Kaye Great numbers and very organized! 6y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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#booksandbubbles #readinthenewyear I‘m having a very low-key new year‘s eve this year, so this is as bubbly as I‘m going to get. Thanks @hermyknee for this fun photo challenge. I wish everyone a happy, healthy, peaceful, and prosperous 2019. Cheers! 🥳🥳🥳🥳

hermyknee ♥️ 6y
Cinfhen Same to you ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Magpiegem Happy new year xxx 6y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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Can't believe the summer is almost over. Hopefully I can keep up my reading when I go back to work otherwise I will never met my goal.

ferskner So many great choices! 6y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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This is much more than I thought I would finish since I had my head in the music clouds this month. 🤩😁Have quite a few in progress that I will be able to add to my May reads very soon. #AprilWrapUp #AprilBookishMadness #AprilStats #ReadingResolutions #WrapUp #HopIntoSpring

TheLibrarian Mo Williams books are adorable. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎉👍🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🎊 6y
vkois88 Pretty good list! 6y
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rachelm We just got into Elephant and Piggie over here and I'm loving it! 6y
MatchlessMarie @TheLibrarian @rachelm I might give them another try but my kid really wasn‘t into these lol 6y
rachelm We loved the Going for a Drive and Invited to a Party (esp the latter) 6y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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#NovemberWrapUp So here‘s what my November looked like with my books!
Finished books: 8 (finishing a couple tonight!)
Favorite book: This Mortal Coil
Least favorite: The Animators (on audio) or Bad Call (but NOT bad books)
Includes 3 ARCs this month plus my #LMPBC read
AND two #BOTM books
Also #catmojogiveaway book #TotalCatMojo 😻
OVERALL - a great book month 👍🏼
#NovemberReads #NovemberWrapUp

kamoorephoto **Note: I plan to read ‘The Animators‘ in copy; it‘s probably better that way... 7y
Reviewsbylola Great month! 🎉🎉 7y
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And That's a Wrap | Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby
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#24in48 survey

1. I finished 3 books already in progress (1 audiobook, 2 print). I also read 3 comics, 1 graphic novel, & 4 books. I read over 1400 pages, & listened for about 8 hours.
2. I stopped clocking at 24 h - maybe all told was more like 27.
3. Great prizes, & lots of chances to win
4. Can't think of a thing🙂
5. Yep!

Thanks for doing this again!


Reviewsbylola Whoa, great job! 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Bookworm83 27....wow!!!!! Great job! 📚🎉📚🎉 7y
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