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Il maestro e Margherita
Il maestro e Margherita | Michail A. Bulgakov
Prefazione di Mauro MartiniTraduzione di Salvatore ArcellaEdizione integraleSatana in persona, giunto a Mosca sotto le spoglie di un mago insieme con un bizzarro corteo di aiutanti, sconvolge la pigra routine della capitale sovietica. Alle tragicomiche sventure di piccoli funzionari e mediocri burocrati della vita e dellarte, fa da contrappunto la storia damore tra uno scrittore, il maestro appunto, e Margherita, la sua inquieta e tenera amante. Pubblicato per la prima volta sulla rivista Moskva solo nel 1967, questo romanzo eccezionale, ironico, poetico, originalissimo ebbe subito un grande successo, conquistandosi a pieno diritto un posto tra i classici della letteratura del Novecento.Vieni con me, lettore! Chi ti ha detto che non esiste sulla terra un amore vero, fedele, eterno? Venga tagliata la ripugnante lingua al mentitore! Vieni con me, mio lettore, soltanto con me, e ti mostrer questo amore!Michail A. Bulgakovnacque nel 1891 a Kiev, dove si laure in medicina. Dopo la rivoluzione si stabil a Mosca, collaborando con dei giornali e dedicandosi allattivit letteraria. Nel 1925 la rivista Rossija cominci la pubblicazione del suo primo romanzo, La guardia bianca, presto interrotta. I rapporti dello scrittore con il potere non furono facili e durante gli anni di Stalin le sue opere furono proibite. Bulgakov mor nel 1940. La maggior parte di ci che scrisse, tra cui Il maestro e Margherita, fu pubblicata soltanto dopo il 1965.
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The Master & Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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This was a wonderfully strange book with underlying themes of good and evil. Ultimately, it‘s satire that pokes fun at organized religion and how hypocritical people can be. There are so many characters that it was difficult to keep track of all their names at first, but after a while it got easier. Continued in comments ⬇️

jen_the_scribe The devil and his retinue arrived in Moscow and laid so much chaos in their wake that you tended to feel bad for the characters; until you learn of the characters‘ usual dealings. The story moves back and forth from Moscow (the present day for the story) and to Jesus‘s execution. I had trouble finding the connection between the two stories (other than the obvious religious aspects) but Bulgakov does a great job connecting it all towards the end. 3w
IuliaC Great review! A very good book indeed 3w
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The Master & Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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A little beach reading 😊

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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The Master & Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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My Sunny boy keeping me company… also very glad he‘s nothing like the cat in this particular book 😬

Leftcoastzen Sunny!😻 1mo
dabbe #sunnyboy 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
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The Master & Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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My kind of Friday night party… 🥳 🍻 🍿 🎮 📚

Leftcoastzen Perfect! I need to read that! 1mo
jen_the_scribe @Leftcoastzen I‘m about halfway through and it‘s really good so far! Strange, but in a good way. 1mo
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The Master & Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I‘ve always wanted to read Russian literature and somehow never got the chance. Now I have three books by Russian authors, including a couple of classics, waiting for me in my TBR pile. This one is up next…

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The Master & Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov

Personally loved this for its political and social commentary along with its surreal plot and seemingly nonsensical moments. If you're not a fan of metaphorical writing (or of people getting hit with chicken) this is most definitely not for you, but if you're willing to suspend your disbelief give it a try!

The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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For day 1 of the #wintergamesphotochallenge I‘ve got this absolutely beautiful red cover of the master and margarita! I love penguin clothbound classics so much tho I can never quite justify buying copies of books I already own 😬

#wintergames @Clwojick @StayCurious

Clwojick So pretty! ❤️ 10mo
Gissy Beautiful edition ❤️👌 10mo
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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First chapter - Excellent, felt energised, ready to dive into what felt like a fun book.

Chapters 2-39 - Realised I understood less than 3% of this book. Slogged through.

Epilogue - Felt as fun as chapter one, just a shame the wrap up was on something I didn't understand.

I feel bad for all cats hindered by this novel.

Two stars - shame on me.

Ruthiella I‘m definitely going to read this one with a reading guide! 13mo
MommyWantsToReadHerBook Excellent review! 13mo
Michellesibs @Ruthiella That's a really good idea. I'm going to try and watch the film in the hope it sheds some light on what I read! 12mo
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Just purchased this baby….I had the tagged edition but It doesn‘t have footnotes like this one….and let‘s face it, this is to die for….French flaps and deckled edges. I‘ll give the other edition to the library after I finish the book. It will be nice to compare the two. My buddy read partner has the same one. Wish me luck. I‘m such a slow reader and I think this is going to take me forever.

sarahbarnes It‘s such a fantastic book! I hope you enjoy it. 14mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 14mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 @sarahbarnes oh, that‘s great to hear!! And thank you!! 14mo
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JanuarieTimewalker13 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I know, right? The last thing I wanted to do was to purchase a book but this is a keeper…it‘s stunning! 14mo
bridge12 Yeah! This makes me so happy. It‘s a slow read but truly fantastic 14mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 @bridge12 It‘s going to be slow going for me bc there‘s so much to learn, but I just noticed the Ukrainian words on the flaps…very cool!! 14mo
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I had a lot of fun with the pace, energy, chaos and surreal humour in The Master and Margarita. I felt I missed some of the allegory and references through my lack of knowledge of Bulgakov and his experience in the Soviet Union, but this depth also makes reading about the novel very rewarding. 7/10

The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I read this book 10 years ago and I didn't like it. I think I was not mature enough. Now I thought I should read again and I liked it so much more!

The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Went to Barnes and Noble and used my gift cards today. I went specifically for the T. Kingfisher and Emily Wilde book and was pleasantly surprised to find the tagged book on a display front and center when you walk in and I've been curious about it, so I had to get it. I've been meaning to read The Golem and the Jinni for years and now I have the sequel so I have to read them. 😂

The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I know this is old but I just discovered it and I‘m doing it!
1. Tagged! M & M is fantasy and satirical allegory.
2. Paranormal horror, post-apocalyptic, and dark comedy. Does this already exist?
3. Splatterpunk self-help. I don‘t think this is really doable . . . 😂

RaeLovesToRead Love it! Would the following count for 3, do you reckon? 1y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Here is a picture of all the official books we are reading for the podcast. Bordering on too much really.

Ruthiella Ambitious! 👏👏👏 2y
Suet624 Fantastic books! 2y
Tkimsal That‘s a lot of books! Hope the podcast is multiple episodes. 2y
Therewillbebooks @Tkimsal yeah we have time! 2y
Bookwomble Bordering?! 😆 2y
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The Master & Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I loved this classic novel from 1930s Soviet Russia. The Devil comes to Moscow & we follow his mischief & the lives of the literati & theatre managers whose lives are upended as well as a philosopher & his mistress. It‘s fun, absurd & satirical but also says much about living in a dictatorship & the impact of religion.

Megabooks That is a fantastic cover! 2y
Abailliekaras @Megabooks isn‘t it! 2y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Book mail 💌 recommended by a few people, love the cover

Smrloomis Loved this when I read it years ago… I‘ve meant to get back to it again one of these days… hope it works for you! 2y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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This book took me FOREVER to finish. I‘m not sure what one thing it was—I felt like it had small text, long unusual names, lots of characters, I kept falling asleep & it felt disconnected. You might ask, why a pick then? It was a unique story that came together well in the end & one that will stick with me a while. A story of love, evil & the good in evil. Chaos & finding peace. Loved this line that the moon rules. Rings true in my house.

The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Russia best beware. Woland and Behemoth may decide to make a return trip. A frenetic satire about the oppression and stupidity inherent in life under repressive regimes. A little gory, darkly funny, and completely crazy.

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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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On layover coming home after my grandma‘s funeral and contemplating Jesus.

The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Stuck on a train being held at the station before the one I‘m trying to get to for an unspecified length of time 😨

Grateful to have the master and margarita for company

suvata Good book 🥰 3y
sarahbarnes One of my all time faves! 3y
Bookwomble I hope you finished your journey without too much of a delay 💗 3y
ponyflorist I rate this book 😁 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Excited for another month of #bookspinbingo - hoping having one ticked off already helps me with getting lines completed this month. First up now is my reread of the master and margarita - one of my absolute all time favourites which I‘m loving rereading 🥰


TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Looks fantastic!!! 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Spontaneous lunch out to celebrate an excellent performance review at work. I keep walking past this little independent bakery and decided today was the day to go in!

I started my reread of the master and margarita on audio today and I‘m enjoying listening while I eat.

Amiable Congrats on your great review! 3y
Tamra Yay for you!!👏🏾 3y
LiteraryinPA Yay! 3y
shortsarahrose Yay for the good review! Also, that looks like the perfect lunch. That chocolate croissant looks amazing 😋 3y
Simona 👏Congrats 🥂🍾 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Day 3: I had to put this down last year. Not because I found the book bad, but because 2021 stole my “thinky” book mojo. I really struggled to think deeply. I hope to try again soon!

Nebklvr This one definitely takes concentration. A wild ride. 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I am voting this one of my favorite classics of all time, and only after the first read, at that! Bulgakov‘s novel, published posthumously and written completely in nail-biting secrecy under Stalin‘s regime, is Russian tragicomedy at its finest with a massive helping of magical realism. Plot: Satan and his diabolical retinue pay a visit to 1930s Moscow…to read the ensuing events therein is one tremendous literary treat.

vivastory This is one of my favorites of all time. I think I'm due for a reread. 3y
Blueberry I looked it up on Goodreads. Sounds fascinating. 3y
BookwormM Loved this 3y
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Holy cow! I have FINALLY finished this wonderful book ❤️ I loved it exactly as much as I thought I would. Will certainly have this in my reread pile.

Fair warning for ADHD humans- personally, I was very distracted by all the “minor” characters (they were all important for the world/story build) a la ASOIAF but with no index. That‘s why it took me so long to finish. Also with minimal church/bible knowledge.


JanuarieTimewalker13 One question: what is ASOIAF, guessing it‘s a book title and I need to know….lol 14mo
bridge12 @JanuarieTimewalker13 it‘s stands for A Song of Ice and Fire- the Game of Thrones series. Lots of characters 14mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 Oh, yes!! Thank you. Ok, you‘ve prepared me well. I started the book last night! 14mo
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Finally read this book! Such a wild ride! There‘s a lot that goes on in this book to say the least. It really has something for everyone; there‘s comedy, tragedy, philosophy, etc. Really just a blast to read as well. Did a more in-depth review on my booktube channel which can be found at:


Anyway, this book was fun but also profound in many ways. Would definitely recommend. 🙂👍

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A searing hot day, a pain in your chest, a stranger who speaks your language…and the most interesting conversation of your life!

TiredLibrarian Love this cover! 💖 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I loved this masterpiece of magical realism, satire and dark humour.

Stalinist and officially atheist Moscow is visited by Satan disguised as a mysterious magician whose exquisite suit ignites a disaster targeting the city's sinful literary elite. The Master, potentially an alter ego of the author, the writer of a monumental novel, finds resolution for a fulfilling life alongside his lover Margarita in the devil's five dimensional world.

ChaoticMissAdventures What is that gorgeous looking dessert?
IuliaC @ChaoticMissAdventures it's a combinatiin between an eclair and a creamy tart; I've just discovered it and am still trying different selections 😁 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures @IuliaC love that! So much fun to get a variety of new things and sample them all 😍 3y
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Graywacke Such a fun classic. Nice review! 3y
IuliaC @Graywacke thank you 😊 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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TK-421 Great quote! 3y
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Julia Harris
The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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I‘m so angry!! I just tried to read my review (from 2016) on Goodreads for the tagged book and it‘s gone!! I can‘t find a copy anywhere else. It was one of those that I worked hard on and was particularly proud of, and I don‘t remember a word of it now! 😭 To add insult to injury, the comments are still there, complimenting me on a “great review, so insightful and entertaining.” Well, I will definitely be writing future reviews in Google Docs. 🤬

Bookgirl That would also upset me. And I‘ve started this book at least five times 😂 3y
vivastory They had a major glitch that erased a ton of reviews. I only review on GR sporadically, but use it to track my reading & this kind of error has been my fear for awhile now. Seriously tempted to back up with a paper journal 3y
CindyMyLifeIsLit @bookgirl It is definitely different and doesn‘t work for everyone, but I loved it! That‘s one reason I put so much effort into the review. 😢 3y
CindyMyLifeIsLit @vivastory That‘s awful! I was not aware of that. This is a lesson learned, but I feel like an idiot. Who DOESN‘T know that something like that could happen? 🤦‍♀️ I‘m going to back up (somehow) from now on! 3y
EvieBee I‘m so sorry! I stopped reviewing there for the same reason. I post on my blog and put a link on GR. But I have some older reviews that were my best ones that I haven‘t relocated. I should probably do that soon. 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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The Master and Margarita is a novel by Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov, written in 1928–40 and published in a censored form in the Soviet Union in 1966–67. The unexpurgated version was published there in 1973. Witty and ribald, the novel is at the same time a penetrating philosophical work that wrestles with profound and eternal problems of good and evil. It is considered a 20th-century masterpiece.

readingjedi Such a great cover! 3y
BookwormM Brilliant book 3y
suvata @BookwormM Yes, it was. I think It‘s the kind of book that I will read over and over again. 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Trying to finish out the month with these six books. #HighExpectations #Bookstagram

BennettBookworm The Immortalists was exceptional! 3y
suvata @BennettBookworm Looking forward to it 3y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Dropped off 39 books and other stuff at the thrift shop. Did I leave empty-handed? Nope 😂.

And even though I have two other translations/editions of The Master and Margarita, couldn‘t resist this Penguin Classics Deluxe edition 😍. Now I just need to read one of them 🙊!

BarbaraBB I still haven‘t read that one either! 4y
wanderinglynn And a puzzle! 🙌🏻💚🧩 4y
Leftcoastzen Seldom see Van Dorens anymore.I read that Boyle so long ago, I remember liking it , but can‘t remember what it is about. 4y
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Ruthiella Well, at least you didn‘t return with 39 more books! I‘d say you showed real restraint!😉 4y
ValerieAndBooks @BarbaraBB it‘s a #1001Books, so it‘ll be read someday, right ☺️?? 4y
ValerieAndBooks @wanderinglynn it‘s a Monet painting— hope it has no missing pieces 😊! A friend has bought them from thrift shops for years with only a couple duds, so hopefully I‘ll be lucky. Have really gotten into puzzles more in the past year (like many people have). 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Leftcoastzen I‘ve read a few Boyles but it‘s been a while since I last read him. And Van Doren — yes, seem you can only find them online but I never bothered to order. His bio on Benjamin Franklin is supposed to be good. So if I like this one (about the constitutional convention) I‘ll seek out the Ben Franklin one 4y
ValerieAndBooks @Ruthiella haha! Restraint is hard when it comes to books 😅. 4y
LeahBergen Nice!! I really need to do a thrift shop drop off soon. 👍🏻 4y
Suet624 Great selection! 4y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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#LMPBC Round 11 - #GroupS
@suvata @HOTPock3tt @sprainedbrain @Bits

Here are a few I‘ve been thinking about for our group. Thoughts?

sprainedbrain I can honestly say any of them would be great! I have two on my tbr already, but they all look fun. 4y
HOTPock3tt I haven‘t read any of them and the blurbs on litsy seem fun! So either choice is cool with me 😎 @suvata 4y
suvata If @Bits hasn‘t read it yet I think I want to go with (edited) 4y
Bits @suvata I haven't read it! Sounds good! 4y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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„You pronounced your words as if you don‘t acknowledge the shadows, or the evil either. Would you be so kind as to give a little thought to the question of what your good would be doing if evil did not exist, and how the earth would look if the shadows were to disappear from it?”

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This was definitely an interesting story filled with elements that were slightly absurd and entertaining. There's definitely social commentary about Soviet Russia as well as the fantastic. I may be biased but I appreciate a book with a good cat character in it so this was definitely a good one in my eyes. This was also my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin for the month @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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I paused my reading for a bit because I was finding it funny how everyone kept saying the cat was “so classy” only to find out the stand was hiding a reading buddy that came to join me. Idk if I‘d call Sierra a classy cat but it‘s a good day when she deigns to sit with me.

Leftcoastzen So cute!😻 4y
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I‘m trying out using a tablet stand to help me hold up my books and it seems to be working so far. I‘ve been using the thumb ring page holder but on bigger trade editions they‘re not as successful because the weight of the book is still an issue.

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I didn‘t finish anything at all this week so even though I‘ve made a dent in the two books I‘ve started it feels like I haven‘t accomplished anything. Bookly says both books are being read at half of my normal pace but the writing is a bit more dense than I‘m used to I guess.

My goal is to finish the tagged and get to at least 75% of The Terror

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I‘m trying to catch up with the schedule I made in order to finish the three books I want completed by the end of the year. Callie is offering me support while I read the tagged since it‘s the closest to being on schedule. Sorry The Terror you‘re falling even more behind because I want an easy win today. #CatsOfLitsy

CaroPi Perfect picture for one of my favorite books ever! 4y
sharread What a cute kitty! 😺 4y
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The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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Managed to finish two books this week and enjoyed them both. They each ticked off a box for challenges I'm participating in which is nice.

My goal for the week is to finish at least one of either The Terror or Master and Margarita. Should I finish them I'll head into Prince of Thorns which will conclude all my challenge commitments for the month.

The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov
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"What would the earth look like if all the shadows disappeared? After all, shadows are cast by things and people. Here is the shadow of my sword. But shadows also come from trees and living beings. Do you want to strip the earth of all trees and living things just because of your fantasy of enjoying naked light? You're stupid."

aa_guer2021 My mom read this to me in the original ❤️ 4y
The_Penniless_Author @ruskigurl16 I wonder how it holds up in English. I've heard this translation (the one I photographed) is probably the best, but I always wonder what I'm missing. 4y
The_Penniless_Author @Milara I hear you. I have a pretty extensive list of books I should reread, only because I think I was too young to fully appreciate them the first time. 4y
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