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Charlotte's Web Book and Charm
Charlotte's Web Book and Charm | E. B. White
Wilbur the pig is desolate when he discovers that he is destined to be the farmer's Christmas dinner until his spider friend, Charlotte, decides to help him.
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

“You have been my friend,“ replied Charlotte. “That in itself is a tremendous thing.“ This line tells the central theme of friendship and the deep bond between Charlotte and Wilbur.

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

I would use this book in my classroom to teach students about friendship, loyalty and the cycle of life.

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

The first book published in 1952, is the only version of the story. The book has become a classic children's novel, telling the story of a pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a spider named Charlotte. This is a story of traditional literature

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

“One of the most important things in the world is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.“

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

The key lesson from Charlotte's Web is the importance of friendship and kindness. True friends, like Charlotte, will go out of their way to help and support one another, even in difficult times. This is a good lesson to teach students.

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

Charlotte's Web is a story about a pig named Wilbur, who befriends a wise spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur's life is in danger of being slaughtered, Charlotte weaves “Some Pig“ into her web to convince the farmers that Wilbur is special. Her efforts save Wilbur's life, and the story highlights friendship, sacrifice, and the cycle of life.

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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At the bottom left is the book I've had the longest, but it's not inscribed and also only special to me because I've had it since I was 5. But Charlotte's Web was given by my favorite great-aunt and uncle -- maybe when I was 8? -- and is much loved. I

#aboutabook #giftedtoyou

Texreader This is so sweet 🥹 2mo
LeahBergen That‘s lovely! 🥰 2mo
dabbe 🩶🖤🩶 2mo
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TheBookHippie Awe. 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Treasures ❤️ 2mo
AmyG I have my Charlotte‘s Web, too. One of my most favorite books. How special. 2mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Too exhausted and sick to do the whole thing. 😷

1. Charlotte's Web

2. Enchantress from the Stars

3. The Town in Bloom/Dodie Smith

4. The Education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N

6. Seven Nights in June/Tia Williams

7. Miss Pym Disposes (probably)

8. Hogfather/Terry Pratchett

9. Outlander

10. Doomsday Book/Connie Willis

12. Sex Tips for Girls/Cynthia Heimel

13. Voyage to Yesteryear/James Hogan

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Not totally without hope, but super sad ending nonetheless. 🥹
#WithSadEnding #AboutABook #FolioSociety

Eggs True💔🥰🩷 2mo
wanderinglynn I cry every time! 😭 2mo
dabbe 😢😢😢 2mo
PurpleyPumpkin @Eggs @wanderinglynn @dabbe This one always gets me!😭 2mo
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Charlotte's Web | E B White
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🕷️ ❤️ 3mo
Eggs 🖤🕷️🩵 3mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Eggs Excellent 5mo
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Charlotte's Web | E.B. White
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I thought I hadn‘t read this before, but I show it marked as read but with no date on GR.

Overall, I enjoyed this. There was a moment where I though Wilbur demanded too much of Charlotte. Lay off, pig, she is already saving your life. I really enjoyed the other animals on the farm, especially the geese and even Templeton, who is a bit of a jerk.

vivastory 😂 😂 Great review 9mo
batsy Wilbur and Templeton getting called out is very funny 😁 9mo
Bookzombie @vivastory Thanks! @batsy 😁 Thanks! 9mo
Reggie Lololol 9mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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My third time reading through this one, first with my kiddo. Written for its time, I did a fair share of helping him understand words no longer used but I think it helped keep him engaged a bit longer with each read-aloud session because he was listening for words he didn't automatically know.

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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“I don‘t understand it, and I don‘t like what I don‘t understand.”

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to visit a few different states in Australia, and this was posted at the front desk of our hotel in the Blue Mountains. Points for trying, but let's be honest, if I get bit by something I won't have the wherewithal to identify what kind of creature it is let alone its sub-species.

#ScaratlonPhotoChallenge for prompt #spider


Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Charlotte's Web | E.B. White
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4⭐️ 1st book for #deweysreadathon; a nice read to start off with. I started at the start time but fell asleep at around 6:30 am and woke up about 30 minutes later. #deweyoct #readathon #childrens #middlegrade #2023 #bookreview #fiction #classics #newberyhonor #greatamericanread

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Charlotte's Web | E.B. White
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“Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. Although he loved her children and grandchildren dearly, none of the new spiders ever quite took her place in his heart.“ - E.B. White

Charlotte's Web | E.B. White

I discovered Charlotte's Web in my elementary school library. The story of Charlotte and Wilbur's friendship touched my heart. I formed a personal bond with the characters and learned the value of selflessness and kindness

Charlotte's Web | E.B. White

E.B. White's “Charlotte's Web“ is all about friendship and helping others. In the classroom, it's a great way to talk about kindness, empathy, and the circle of life. You can also discuss how the author creates characters and hidden meanings in the story.

Charlotte's Web | E.B. White
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I looked everywhere for my copy, but had to make due with this screenshot of my favorite book about #cobwebs for #AutumnPlease

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🕸️🖤🕷️ 12mo
Eggs Absolutely 👍🏼 🐖 🕸️🕷️ 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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LiseWorks That's a good one. 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🕸️ 12mo
dabbe #nothingbetter 🧡🎃🧡 12mo
Eggs Great choice🕸️🖤🕷️ 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Eggs Perfect 🕸️🖤🕷️ 12mo
MissyD One of my all time favorites 12mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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I enjoyed revisiting this childhood classic this month. Charlotte's Web was never my favorite growing up, and I still don't love it, but it's a decent read and I can see why so many people are fond of it. For me, growing up in a farming community, even as a kid it was hard for me to get past the sentimentalizing of raising animals for slaughter, which I realize isn't actually the purpose of the book, ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) but I still don't like teaching kids that animals spend their lives in terror, knowing that death lurks around the corner, when they simply don't haha So this book gets an A+ for themes of friendship and loyalty, but a D- on accurate representation of farming practices 😂

Thanks so much for hosting this buddy read @megnews !!

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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Charlotte‘s eggs hatch but most of her babies take off on the wind. Three stay behind and Wilbur tells them of how he and their mother were such great friends. 😭
The End

Roary47 I just keep thinking about Wilbur wanting them all to stay. He is such a kind hearted creature. I‘m glad there was a few that stayed. Where does a new born spider come up with that name for A? Honestly, only heard of it in this book. 😅 14mo
dabbe #allthegoodfeels 💙🖤🩵 14mo
mrp27 All the good feels indeed. From heartache to happiness. I always loved that charlottes family stayed with Wilbur and always would. 13mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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The worst chapter. Charlotte just be left behind at the fair. At Wilbur‘s pleading, Templeton brings her egg sac down to the crate to return to the farm with Wilbur.

AnnR Every once in a while, I'd feel a bit sorry for Templeton. Then his nasty attitude would come out and any empathy would disappear. Poor Charlotte, though. The saddest chapter. 14mo
TheAromaofBooks Even with the heavy foreshadowing, this chapter absolutely blindsided me as a kid!! SO sad!! 14mo
Roary47 Her little wave to say goodbye. 😭 14mo
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dabbe And she waved with the last strength she had. #sob 😭 14mo
sblbooks This was so sad, and she couldn't even go home.😢🕷🕸 14mo
mrp27 Such a sad scene! 14mo
julieclair So very sad. And Charlotte was an elegant lady right up to the end. 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Absolutely perfect. As delightful to read as an adult as it was as a child. Many thanks, @megnews , for choosing this as the August #ChildhoodReminiscenceRead .
#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks
#BigFabBeatles Challenge (Author named White) @CSeydel

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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I‘ve read Charlotte many times both as a kid and as an adult, each time equally as charming and each time with a tug at the heartstrings. Such memorable characters.

tpixie Salutations! One of my favorite words!! 14mo
Bren912 It was one of my favorites as a young girl. Thank you for reminding me that I can still enjoy as an adult!!! 14mo
mrp27 @tpixie Such a great word! 14mo
mrp27 @Bren912 Of course! 🤗 As an adult I still love to read middle grade fiction. 14mo
tpixie @mrp27 💙 🕷️ 👋🏻 🐷 💙 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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My how times have changed. Wilbur wins a special prize and Fern doesn‘t even stick around to see it.

AnnR Even with the reread, I was a little surprised how uninterested Fern seemed in Wilbur's award. (edited) 14mo
mrp27 Yes, Fern lost interest quickly. Always broke my heart her interest didn‘t last long. 14mo
dabbe She also got on my nerves asking her mom for money again and again--right in the middle of Wilbur's big moment! 14mo
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TheAromaofBooks Honestly that part of the story was unbelievable to me. That Fern would start to not want to spend all her time at the barn makes sense, but completely ignoring Wilbur during his big moment - that just doesn't vibe with her character. 14mo
Roary47 @TheAromaofBooks @dabbe @Ann_Reads @mrp27 I think that her interest was gone because she was around others. I find my students tend to be different people around their family and then their friends. So since she was in a public place she needed to show her “cool” side. She likely deep down was there for him. This is pretty characteristic for that age group I think. I dunno could be wrong, but a play I watched of this showed Fren in this light. 14mo
julieclair Yes, very disappointing that Fern acts this way. 14mo
TheAromaofBooks @Roary47 - I hadn't thought of it that way before, but I could see if someone had teased her about spending so much time with the animals that she would be more sensitive about it. 14mo
dabbe @Roary47 Good read on that age group. Appearances matter so much then. 😍 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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5✨ I‘ve read this several times now and I feel I get something new out of it each time. I loved doing a buddy read on it this time. Charlotte is a great friend who helps Wilbur the pig not become dinner. It is such a great book for all ages, but definitely one of the greats in the children‘s book world.

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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I haven't revisited this book since reading it to my nephew back in 1985. As an ol' lady who's feeling like Charlotte at the end of the book, the story is as fresh and moving and meaningful as ever. What I really noticed this time was White's power with lists like the food Templeton finds at the fair: “a deviled-ham sandwich, a piece of Swiss cheese, part of a hard-boiled egg, and the core of a wormy apple.“ Some writer indeed. Thanks, @megnews.

TheBookHippie We read this every March - with my little readers -I love it so . 14mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie I bet you give an awesome audio! 🤩🤩🤩 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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@megnews, Vansa, mrp27, dabbe, sblbooks, TheAromaofBooks, Roary47, julieclair, Ann_Reads

Even though I didn't chime in much, I enjoyed reading what everyone had to say and revisiting this much beloved book from childhood.

Hope you'll forgive me for the cartoon; I just couldn't resist! 🤣

Amiable 😆 14mo
Ruthiella 😂 14mo
Singout That‘s hilarious! 14mo
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Daisey This is so wrong in the context of the sweet story that is Charlotte's Web, but also hilarious. 14mo
dabbe @Daisey I know! I was torn between posting it or not, but the satirical side of me won. This time. 😃 14mo
Vansa This cartoon is very funny 😂😂 14mo
dabbe @Vansa 💙🖤🩵 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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All the stars! I had to finish. This is a childhood story that will always live in my heart and a classic that will never die. It is the perfect story.
Thank you to the group that discussed it with me. It made the rereading even more enjoyable.

sblbooks Thanks for the invite! This is my first time reading it. 5⭐ 14mo
Roary47 I might finish it today too. It‘s a re-read, but I could read this one again any time. When was the boxcar children going to start? Tuesday? I need to make sure I have the first book. 14mo
Vansa Thank you for this! Lovely read 14mo
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mrp27 Thanks for hosting, I finished early too! 14mo
megnews @Roary47 not til sept 1. So you have a little time 14mo
AnnR I also finished early, as I used listening to the audio version as an incentive to ride my exercise bike. Thank you for hosting, Meg. 🐖🕷🕸 14mo
julieclair Thank you for choosing this. What a delight. 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Wilbur awakes to find a tired Charlotte and her magnum opus-an egg sac full of 514 eggs! Templeton returns after a night of gorging himself on fair food with bad news about Uncle pig next door already winning. Humble Wilbur gets another buttermilk bath and is called to the stage for a special prize.

sblbooks I had no idea spiders gave birth to so many at one time. 14mo
megnews @sblbooks me neither 14mo
TheAromaofBooks I love Charlotte, but the idea of 514 spiders at once is a little terrifying 😂 14mo
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Roary47 @sblbooks Right?! I was thinking that too. @TheAromaofBooks when Wilbur mentioned all of them running around I was thinking of a few horror movies I‘ve seen. 😱😭 14mo
AnnR @Roary47 🙂😱😁 14mo
mrp27 I was so mad at Templeton breaking the news like that! 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Templeton has a blast at the fair and brings back the word humble for Charlotte‘s web. There were a couple pics of Templeton but I had to include this one from the last chapter. This quiet night between Charlotte and Wilbur is so sweet.

Roary47 I like how humble is the last word. It depicts Wilbur so well. 14mo
sblbooks I love that quiet night scene as well, Meg. 14mo
julieclair I did get a hoot out of Templeton‘s wild night at the fair! 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E B White
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Eggs 🖤🕸️🕷️ 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Everybody runs off to enjoy their favorite parts of the fair.
Are you a fair goer? I went once in 6th grade and sneezed 100 times in a row and my eyes swelled shut. Needless to say, I haven‘t been back. 😞

Roary47 We are a small town so ours is pretty lame. We see the animals and eat the food. The line for the cinnamon rolls wraps around the building for good reason! In the story I forgot how grumpy Uncle was. I‘m glad Wilbur is a kind and friendly pig. 💛 14mo
sblbooks I enjoyed going to the mountain state fair when I was younger. I loved the animals, food and the rides. It's been several years since I've been. It's harder to get around since I injured my ankle and can't walk as well. This is a fun chapter, but I'm worried about Charlotte. 14mo
Vansa Yes, when I lived in a small town! First ( and last) time I ever went on a Ferris Wheel- we call them giant Wheels here. It was super fun at first and then I was terrified and spent the rest of the ride crying. My poor dad kept trying to comfort me and tell me it would be over soon😂 14mo
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dabbe We used to go every year because my husband's mother always entered her crafts and baked goods. She won numerous blue ribbons, and it was always the highlight of her year. 💙🎡💙 14mo
mrp27 Growing up every year we would go to the LA County Fair. But being Los Angeles there wasn‘t much focus on animals or baked goods as it was pretty large. I loved the rides and all the snacks of course. 14mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh yes, I was a big into 4-H so fair week was a huge deal. We pretty much lived there, and even stayed the nights in the dairy barn some of the time. So many good memories!!! 14mo
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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Wilbur gets a buttermilk bath in preparation for the fair. Charlotte and Templeton tag along clandestinely. At first Templeton refused until he found out what a rat smorgasbord a fair can be.

AnnR According to info I found online, the use of milk baths dates back to Roman times. Buttermilk in particular contains a high amount of lactic acid, which has exfoliating properties. Given the price of a quart of buttermilk, I don't think I'll be trying this anytime soon. 😋

sblbooks I'm glad Charlotte was able to tag along, so Wilbur won't be lonely at the fair. 14mo
mrp27 Interesting about the buttermilk. Was always glad charlotte made the trip with Wilbur and even though Templeton and I have different food tastes I was even tempted by the idea of all the fair food. 14mo
megnews @Ann_Reads I seem to recall a book I read years ago with a woman who washed her face with buttermilk. But I can‘t think which book 14mo
Roary47 @Ann_Reads thank you for the research. I was curious about if it helped with Wilbur not getting red. I‘ve always been to fair and seen all the pigs were sunburnt. I‘m not sure exfoliating would help in that regard. 14mo
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