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Perfect Mother
Perfect Mother | Aimee Molloy
THE MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK OF THE SUMMER--SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING SCANDAL'S KERRY WASHINGTONAn addictive psychological thriller about a group of women whose lives become unexpectedly connected when one of their newborns goes missing.A night out. A few hours of fun. That's all it was meant to be.They call themselves the May Mothers--a group of new moms whose babies were born in the same month. Twice a week, they get together in Brooklyn's Prospect Park for some much-needed adult time.When the women go out for drinks at the hip neighborhood bar, they are looking for a fun break from their daily routine. But on this hot Fourth of July night, something goes terrifyingly wrong: one of the babies is taken from his crib. Winnie, a single mom, was reluctant to leave six-week-old Midas with a babysitter, but her fellow May Mothers insisted everything would be fine. Now he is missing. What follows is a heart-pounding race to find Midas, during which secrets are exposed, marriages are tested, and friendships are destroyed. Thirteen days. An unexpected twist. The Perfect Mother is a "true page turner." --B.A. Paris, author of Behind Closed Doors
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There are too many characters to keep track of and I don‘t think I‘m gonna be able to get into this. The plot is interesting but the writing style I‘m just not able to deal with.

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My current read. Decided to try out a new genre and age range since I‘ve been reading a lot of ya recently.

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A perfect mother follows a new mothers group who are suddenly a part of a crime, as they try to balance motherhood and solving the crime. Very honest look of those first few months of having a newborn. The storyline kept me guessing until the last page.

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This was the January FOTL read for our little local library. It was a read some/listen some for me. I almost gave it up because a couple of the characters annoyed the peewodden outta me, but I‘m glad I stuck with it. It wound up being a pick and I thought it had done clever parts. One of the characters never did stop annoying me but I learned to put up with her. 😂 I may check out more from this author. She was new to me.

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Gonna do better with #Roll100 this year. Here are my January choices. @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Awesome! Good luck! 2y
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A new mommy nightmare, the mystery of a missing child, the stigma of motherhood and how you should be 100% focused on your baby until you return to work...

I felt frustrated reading this novel. I feel like I knew the ending right at the start which ruined most of the tension. There were a couple of good twists, but it just didn't build up to feel like I needed to know what happened.



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This one was just okay for me. So many characters to keep straight and storylines and the ending felt rushed. It was a good twist, but I just felt like it came out of nowhere even though there were a few hints to how it was going to come together in the end. It was good, but just not anything that really made me super excited to keep reading or finish.

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This novel was for me like a cozy mystery in some way. Everything started with the #MayMothers group. All these women were going to have their babies during that month. They support each other but there are secrets. The author said that the idea came from a group she used to attend. One of the babies will disappear and a murder will occur. The group will make their own investigation. I didn‘t see that twist coming. 3.5⭐️

Gissy May 2022 #TheBookSpinBingo #Mother relationships @TheAromaOfBooks
#2022ReadingGoals read more books old in tbr
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#MayMoms- Single: Just one of many tough obstacles to single parenting, a mom‘s evening out with girlfriends…reluctancy to participate, after all, who is going to care for baby?
After being convinced that everything will be fine, it goes wrong in the most devastating way. The worst fear for any parent. A different level of fear without a partner to shoulder the burden and pain, when the struggles of motherhood are solitary in their resolution.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤😱 stacked! 2y
Eggs Yikes 😳!! I did read this one …. (edited) 2y
Nute @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Can‘t wait to chat with you about this book.🙂 2y
Nute @Eggs Your first post said, “I gotta read this book.” Then your next post corrected that statement to “I did read this one.” So funny to me because that‘s my mode of operation too! I‘ll get to a particular page in a book and get a sudden feeling, ‘Hmm. This seems familiar.‘ My first thought is usually, ‘I wonder if I saw a film adaptation?‘ I never think that I have already read the book. Not until I check Goodreads. Good grief!🥴 2y
Eggs @Nute 🤣🤣 so what does this say about us??? Brain overload? Memory loss? 🤔 2y
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I have mixed feelings.
1) Narration by Cristin Milioti is spot on ?
2) The story brings up (and only mildly exaggerates) the challenges new mothers face behind closed doors.
3) I found the storyline a bit meh throughout. I mean, baby-napping can really only be committed for so many motives...it wasn't too hard to figure out the "why?" in this story, but I didn't really figure out the "who?" until near the end.
Overall; ⭐⭐⭐⚡

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Sunday read... 🤓

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Hard pass. I did not enjoy this book much at all. The narrative was extremely confusing. My issue is not with the multiple viewpoints but with the sloppy way that the author moved between them. Often, more than one viewpoint was portrayed in the same chapter with no definitive transition. It may have been salvageable if it had finished strong. The ending was the greatest weakness. Rushed, absurd, lazy... "the crazy lady did it" strikes again.

Clare-Dragonfly Ugh, head-hopping is one of my pet peeves! 3y
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Chugging right along to another one that‘s been on my shelf for a while. Hoping to finish this last one before tomorrow 🤞🏼

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#20in4 #Readathon #ThePerfectMother #AimeeMolloy

The May Mothers is a group of new moms whose babies were born in the month of May. They meet in the park for much-needed adult time. One night they go out for drinks and Winnie‘s baby is taken from his crib by the time she returns home. There is a heart-pounding race to find Midas as secrets are exposed and friendships are destroyed. Good book - too many characters that got confusing. Keep a list!

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This is one of those books that you can't really say too much about it without possibly giving the mystery away. This is about a group of women (and one man --who they refer to as Token...funny haha) who all became mothers in the month of May and are so-called the May Mothers. They decide that they need a night out for drinks and when they do...one of the Mothers' baby is taken. From there or maybe before that even..let the duping begin???

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Pick mostly, with some caveats: it was hard identifying narrators‘ voices, there were loose ends hanging about, and resolution was vague-I had to look up spoilers and explanations online...but it kept me engaged. #unexpected twists #forevernovember @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

BiblioLitten That‘s a beautiful figure! 🥰 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
Eggs @BiblioLitten from my eldest and her children ♥️♥️ 4y
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This was a decent thriller that kept me intrigued til the end. Not Pulitzer worthy but a solid way to spend the afternoon. 3.5⭐️


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I was confused for 99% of this book and even though the ending was mostly satisfying, I think I am still confused.

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I can‘t figure out these characters!!! #identity #flyhighjuly @Eggs

Eggs Haven‘t read this!! 4y
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Starting this tonight

SarahBradley I LOVED THIS ONE! 4y
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This book just didn‘t do much for me. All the character jumping throughout the story left me a bit confused to who was who anymore. Midway through I just didn‘t care who was who, what the husband‘s name was or whatever. The ending was a big huh for me also. I had to reread it and still scratching my head. The book is still readable though and that‘s why I gave it a so-so.

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Currently reading!
I‘m about 60% through and I‘m enjoying it so far!

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An engaging listen about a baby that goes missing from his crib while the moms from a mom's group are having a night out. Similar conflict to The Couple Next Door, better-written but murky. Fast- paced, the sporadic switch in pov was confusing. The ending was a bit unclear, as well. I had to google a summary to learn what happened, and, in the process, discovered I wasn't alone.

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I have read this before, and just read it AGAIN. It's the mother in me 🤣🤣🤣

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I surprisingly enjoyed this book. Okay well, it reminded me of when my kids were little and I was apart of a birth club and we were all insanely obsessed with babywearing. Their would be feuds and petty fights and backstabbing. So for me this was relatable in a way. We all had our own stories behind our group of crazy baby wearing ladies.

It wasn't insanely predictable and I enjoyed it. I've been a few of these women.

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Homemade blueberry muffins.

Just started this one yesterday and am enjoying it so far. Reading has been a struggle lately.

SW-T Muffins look yummy 😋 5y
keepingupwiththepenguins Oooh yum! You've triggered a craving! 😋 5y
Hpickett7 Thanks! Blueberry muffins have been my favorite forever. Real blueberries! 5y
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This thriller about a kidnapped baby during a steamy July was perfect during this steamy July. The characters were a little over the top, and while the who dunnit was easy enough, the why was unexpected, so much so that I flipped back to the beginning to see if there were clues in the first chapter. A solid read overall.

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First weekend in forever without work or commitments! 🙌🏻 Enjoying some coffee and starting a new book! Happy Saturday!

Crazeedi Relax and enjoy your well deserved rest!! ❤️ 5y
Jilly6183 @Crazeedi Thank you! 🤗 5y
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The book was pretty good. Some parts could have been left out, but it was still a good book. I loved the ending.

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Every mother‘s worst nightmare. This book touches on all the new mom guilt!

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4/5! ⭐️

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I loved this fast paced mystery thriller. Couldn‘t put it down! 4/5! ⭐️

BlameJennyJane Pretty!!🌺 5y
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Finally a pretty good mystery with a surprise ending!

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Quick and fairly predictable with an ending that was maybe a bit too over the top. Not quite the right book for me.

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May bookstack ✨

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I see that I‘m in the minority, but I didn‘t care for it. I found the behavior of the characters to be preposterous. A couple of them (especially one!) become so obsessed with the mother of the kidnapped baby that it crosses over into disturbing. The ending felt very contrived (to me, anyway). Glad if you liked it, though! 😁

MelKelsey I agree about the creepy infatuation with the conflict! 5y
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A group of new moms go out for a girls night; after, one of their babies is missing. The story reminds me a lot of leane moriarty, and has plenty of twists. Tbh, I did not see the end coming, even if it was pretty outlandish. Still a quick and fun read.

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This was a fast, thrilling read but probably not the best timing for me to be reading it. It gives a person a lot to think about while they‘re pregnant.

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I really enjoyed the pace of this thriller and I‘m not much of a thriller gal.
Also thought that the character development was great and all the flashbacks and changes of point of view were well constructed.

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Fast paced, you won‘t be able to put it down, it‘s not the greatest book I‘ve ever read and wouldn‘t rave about it, but it‘s still a really good read.

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I really SHOULD be spending Sunday with the above but I prefer not to. Getting sucked into this one instead. It‘s a good palette cleanser thus far.

Life‘s too short to worry about cleaning clothes you won‘t be able to wear for a few more weeks anyway.

TrishB Yep 5y
Bklover Excellent decision!👍 5y
Kalalalatja I would have done the same! 5y
saresmoore It‘s a great day to avoid laundry. 5y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB @Bklover @Kalalalatja @saresmoore At the very least I should probably move the suitcases from where we dumped them right inside the front door. Out of sight, out of mind! 5y
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A very quick read, fast-paced whodunit revolving around a group of new mothers and a missing baby. I liked some of the new motherhood fears that were explored, and felt that the author did a nice job of portraying sleep deprivation, postpartum depression, mom guilt, and “mommy brain.” There were many convenient plot points and some threads left unfinished but the final twist was a surprise that I didn‘t see coming. An enjoyable quick read for me.

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While this did hold my attention well enough to finish it in two days, I ended up being pretty underwhelmed. The characters all behave so ridiculously and seem not to have two shreds of common sense amongst them. I didn‘t mind the multi-POV structure like some people did, but it did make the story feel a bit meandering. And the reveal was a total cliché and had the stupid “villain helpfully explains their villainy to everyone” trope. Meh. 2/5 ⭐️

Reagan Haha I love the villain explains their villainy. Nailed it! Sorry this was a wash for you 😞 6y
alisonrose @Reagan-reads Yeah, it wasn‘t terrible but just not great or memorable really 6y
Reagan @alisonrose absolutely. It was entertaining while reading but I couldn‘t provide too many specifics. I think I read it after a few really awful ones so maybe that led me to a more favourable review. 6y
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Proposed subtitle for the paperback edition: “A bunch of women make the absolute worst and most inane decisions at every possible opportunity.” I mean, the story is holding my attention and all, but sweet jumping Jesus, these chicks need help.

Louise Hahaha! Nicely stated! 😆 6y
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From the synopsis and reviews, this might end up being one of those dime-a-dozen woman-penned not-very-thrilling thrillers...and the blurb on the front is from an author I‘ve read one book from which I really disliked...BUT! I‘ll still give it a try because you just never know... #nowreading

Reagan It was not bad and I wholeheartedly agree about All The Missing Girls. I bailed hard. 6y
alisonrose @Reagan-reads Yeah, I barely got myself to finish All the Missing Girls, gave it one star. So far this one is at least holding my interest better! 6y
Reagan I was also excited when I heard that Kerry Washington was turning it into a miniseries. 6y
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Perfect Mother | Aimee Molloy
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This one will keep you on your toes! .... So thankful that I didn‘t join a Mommy group FYI.

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Since I didn‘t get to finish this one yesterday I‘m going to try my best now while my wonderful boyfriend works on my car