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The Blackthorn Key (The Blackthorn Key, #1)
The Blackthorn Key (The Blackthorn Key, #1) | Kevin Sands
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Ryan Elford
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I started to read this book and I got four pages in and I did not like it. It made no sense. The one guy wanted to build a cannon and his brother was doing something else, and it was just so confusing. I don‘t like it.

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

The Blackthorn Key was a phenomenal read. Its genres are historical/paranormal fiction. The story is set in 1665 in London England. The novel contains many codes and puzzles in which the main character (Christopher Rowe) has to decipher. Kevin Sands has really created a masterpiece of a book. I would highly recommend The Blackthorn Key if you love suspense, mystery, action, and fantasy rolled all into one fantastic novel! @MrsBabki

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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The Blackthorn Key looks at the life of Christopher Rowe- a young apprentice apothecary who must use his knowledge and skills to save London before a terrible secret gets into the wrong hands. A multitude of murders put London‘s apothecaries into danger and many begin to fear the worst. As the Cult of Archangel strikes again, Christopher finds his master Benedict Blackthorn, dead in their shop.

shay.pytlarz Benedict leaves a piece of paper behind that is filled with codes that Christopher must decipher in order to save the world. 4y
shay.pytlarz Puzzles, symbols, and codes are a motif that the Kevin Sands uses throughout the book. Sands uses these puzzles to actively engage the reader into the adventures that Christopher goes on. 4y
shay.pytlarz If you are looking for a historical fiction that is filled with secret codes and puzzles, then this book must be your next read! 4y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Shay! I read this novel last year but I don't think I could read the rest of the series. What about you? Would you try the rest of the series? 6/6 4y
shay.pytlarz @MissYaremcio I definitely would try to read the rest of the series! I‘m pretty sure I actually have the second book at home lol 4y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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This book, is beyond words. It‘s full of action and is so well written, I could read it a thousand times over and never be bored of it. Kevin Sands used so many confusing yet mind grabbing codes that all came together in the end. No matter what kind of books you like, give this a read, you wouldn‘t be disappointed!

Rain Li

I recently finished The Blackthorn Key and I enjoyed it, although it would not be one of my favorites. The story was good, although there was nothing special about it, in my opinion. All in all, it was a quick read, I enjoyed it, and I would recommend this book to everyone.

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

I am currently reading the blackthorn key by kevin sands. I have read this book before but it keeps catching me off guard with the plot twists. I enjoy the genre of this book and would recommend this to anyone who likes murder mystery and books based in the 1600s. I would rate this 8/10

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Christopher Rowe is a young apprentice who works in a shop full of magic. He works alongside his beloved master Benedict Blackthorn, Christopher spends his days creating powerful medicines and recipes of magic. But when a mysterious cult of murders haunt the streets of London, Christopher has no choice but to solve the mystery. Before it‘s too late. I would rate this book an 8/10, I enjoyed it! It was a quick read for me!

MrsBabki I never thought I would like this series, but I did! Read them all which is unheard of for me! 5y
Cfischbuch The second book is all about the Plague, which ties into your Social Studies. I agree the whole series is worth reading. A great combination of history and adventure. 5y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Genre: HIstorical Fiction, Paranormal Fiction
Date started: November 14, 2019
Date finished: November 20, 2019
Why I chose this book: I chose this book because it's full of mystery and it was had an interesting plot.
Summary: In the year 1665, and an orphan apprentice named Christopher Rowe (protagonist) is assisting his master Benedict Blackthorn.

jash_v Benedict is a kind and smart person, and he encourages Christopher to be better than him. But then, a strange cult started, and it began to murder all of London apothecaries (people who sell medicine.) He knew that he and his friends would be in danger, so he tries to stop the cult by solving riddles, codes, and it leads him to the truth about the Cult of the Archangel. 5y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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The Blackthorn key is about a boy named Christopher who‘s master (teacher) comes home late at night with burns on his back. After a few short days Christoper comes home to his master tied with rope and dead. Heartbroken him and his best friend Tom search to solve the mystery behind his death. While uncovering the true meaning behind his work. If you like books that are about mysteries and adventures you will love this book! The genre is fiction.

MissYaremcio I'm glad you are liking the book so far Lina! Remember, genre isn't just fiction but another specifier. 5y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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The Blackthorn Key was a very good book with suspense and mystery. The wording was good and something that I liked about the book was that the recipes used by the apothecaries were used by real ones in the setting and timeframes of the book. Some parts of the book were a little dragging but once you got past them it got very flowing.

MissYaremcio Great review Cameron! The summary left me wanting more! Keep up the great work! 5y
Jeran_Lynnes So beautiful Cam, I love it 👌 5y
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Summary: It's the year 1665 and Christopher Rowe is an orphan apprenticed to the great apothecary master Benedict Blackthorn.Except for a fewexplosions here and there,his life is great.His master is kind and intelligent,andChristopher has what it takes to become a great apothecary himself.The book did not appeal to me as much as I thought it would,so it was hard to read.I think this book is also targeted to a younger audience, judging by the theme

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Genre : Paranormal fiction
Date started : 10/1/19
Date completed : 10/16/19
How did you choose this book : It interested me in the library
Who was the protagonist; what was his/her problem and how was the problem resolved ? (next post)

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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When a cult of murderers go around London a boy named Christopher Rowe and his master find themselves in a dangerous place. And when Christopher finds something that could end the world he doesn‘t know who his allies are... I would say that the tone is dark but your friends are always there. If you like magic and suspense this is for you.

DrexEdit I like magic, suspense, AND London. Stacked! 😊 5y
MissYaremcio Very nice Hayden! You captured this novel well! I‘ll be to sure to add it to my need to read pile! 5y
MrsBabki Well done! 5y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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I think for the first time ever I am disappointed in #Bookoutlet. I ordered some GN for my swaps. One came in as vol 2 instead of vol 1, and the other came in in the movie tie in edition which was NOT what I ordered.

Then there is this. This is clearly a used book. I do NOT buy used books for swaps (I give books used by me, but I don‘t buy them). I knew it was scratch and dent but as you can see from the library markings...👇🏻

LibrarianRyan Their customer service is normally great so hopefully I will have no problems. 5y
BethM That‘s frustrating. 5y
silentrequiem Their CS should fix this. I had similar issues before and they made it right. 5y
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LibrarianRyan @silentrequiem I hope so. I once received a moldy book and they were great. They couldn‘t replace it as they no longer had it but they refunded it and gave me a $5 gift card. Super nice. Hopefully I can just exchange this. 5y
Leftcoastzen Wow , I have never gotten a clearly used and/or ex library book from them . 5y
LibrarianRyan @Leftcoastzen yeah. Except for all the markings it seems like a brand new paperback. No folds, no bends. It‘s almost as if the library changed their mind about the purchase. But it should still NOT be marked Scratch and dent. 5y
Leftcoastzen Totally agree 5y
LeahBergen What the?? 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai So frustrating. 5y
Avanders Wow .. I wonder.. how this happened? Maybe they didn‘t realize they were receiving library books? I‘m always trying to give people the benefit of the doubt... 😬🙃 5y
LibrarianRyan @Avanders my guess is that the library jobber barcodes and stamps the books for the library and then the library canceled the order. Or that‘s my thought. 5y
Avanders Oooh that would make sense. Doesn‘t change things for you, the bookoutlet customer, but at least there‘s some sense 😁 5y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Starting this one this week. A recommendation by a friend.

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

It was a good book I read it at the start of the year and it was done just like that I loved it.

Cfischbuch You have time to pick up the second book before school lets out. The third is my favourite. Happy reading. 5y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Read to my son. This is pretty interesting.



Mommamanzi I loved this book!! So did my 12 year old! 6y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

I really liked this book at first it was a little slow but it got really good after the slow part. The covers are very appealing. It was not confusing at all it was very easy to follow.And it also created a good picture in my mind.I would recommend this book to most people that just like a good long read

Cfischbuch I enjoyed figuring out the codes / ciphers, and really liked the characters. Book Three - The Assassin‘s Curse is well worth reading. 6y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Really enjoyed this one and already grabbed the second in the series.

julesG Just bought this for my kids the other day. We loved the first line so much. 6y
aprilpohren @julesG It's a great read! A little on the graphic/gory side but not overly so. Very engrossing and I fell in love with the characters! 6y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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This is middle school reading at its best. Adventure, history and puzzles are combined with a great story and a comforting conclusion. I really enjoyed it

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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I was very excited to meet Kevin Sands at Word On The Street in Lethbridge today - I have a very sentimental attachment to his book, The Blackthorn Key, as it was the first book I was able to read cover to cover after having my stroke.

LeahBergen Oh, how wonderful. ❤️❤️ 7y
DebinHawaii That's awesome that you got to meet him! 💜 7y
Dragon Glad you were able to meet him! He looks like a nice person. 👍🐉 7y
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kspenmoll So happy for you!!' 7y
Jaimelire These moments of joy in our lives are so precious. Glad you got to meet him.❤️ (edited) 7y
Libby1 🌼 7y
StaceyKondla @LeahBergen @DebinHawaii @Dragon @kspenmoll @Jaimelire @Libby1 Thank you all for the nice comments 😊 It really was a great moment and he was very nice 7y
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Love 🌹

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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I'll take three-word titles starting with The for $500, Alex #holidayreads #vacation

8leagueboot If I see the word "Irish" in any title, I immediately want to read it haha 7y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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This was an enjoyable read. Had a few good twists, and pulls you into the period. The main characters are likeable and easy to root for. I cringed a little when they were using Mercury, imagining kids reading this wanting to play with it, but the use is authentic for the time, so it makes sense.

It was a little odd in the audiobook version listening to the decoding. The reader read each letter/symbol -- lost in translation without seeing it.

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Heading to the beach for a week in a few days, and I think I've assembled the book pile that's coming with me. #summerreads #beachreads

BookishTrish I'm keen to get my hands on the Tasha Alexander. Let me know how it is, pleased 7y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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"Tom raised his eyebrows. “Master Benedict keeps cannon fuse?” “We use it to light things from far away,” I said. “You know,” Tom said, “things you have to light from far away probably shouldn‘t be lit at all.”

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Ein genialer Auftakt der Blackthorn Reihe, der mich auf ganzer Ebene begeistern konnte.
Ein gut durchdachte Handlung, ausdrucksstarke Charaktere und eine Spannung die sich immer mehr aufbaut.
Dazu gibt es Wendungen, die vollkommen gelungen sind und alles in den Schatten stellen.
Emotional, magisch und sehr spannend.
komplette Rezension auf dem Blog.


The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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I managed to finish this today. It is classified as a 9-12yr old novel. It is historical fiction with some good action and adventure, alchemy and intrigue. I may read book 2 if I can wrangle up a copy.

BethFishReads I really liked this and am looking forward to the 2nd 8y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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I haven't been on Litsy since last weekend as I ended up in the hospital with a stroke on last Monday. Overall I am very lucky, but do have some recovering to do. The stroke has given me terrible headaches and affected my vision. It has taken me 4 days to read 200 pages of this kids book - but you know what? I'm reading and I am never going to stop

Jenni_Capps Glad to hear you are ok... sending good vibes your way ❤️ 8y
Clare-Dragonfly Oh no! I'm glad you're in recovery and not giving up! All my best wishes for speedy healing. 8y
ScorpioBookDreams Thinking of you 💕💕 8y
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DGRachel Sending positive, healing thoughts your way! 💗 8y
AnnieReads Best wishes on a speedy recovery! 8y
LeahBergen Oh, no! Thinking of you and sending hugs. 💗💗💗 8y
kspenmoll So so sorry. Rest up as much as you need to recover- sending positive energy, esp for reading. Happy you are ok. 8y
Redwritinghood Glad to hear you're doing ok. I hope you recover quickly. 8y
Dragon Glad you are reading and have such a positive attitude! Take care of yourself! 💐 8y
BekahB Oh no! I hope you start feeling better soon. 8y
NCNY Glad you're okay. Feel better and good luck with your recovery. 8y
RanaElizabeth Oh my gosh, best wishes on a quick recovery! 8y
Grrlbrarian Sending you healing thoughts and best wishes! Hang in there! 8y
NatalieR So sorry! Wishing you a speedy recovery. ❤️ 8y
[DELETED] 3323341091 oh my! glad to hear you are recovering 😘. 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Sending healing thoughts and hugs! Fortitude, friend! 😘 8y
Megabooks Wishing you a the best recovery possible and sending many positive thoughts!!! 💜💜 8y
Bookzombie I'm so sorry! Sending you healing thoughts! 8y
SharonGoforth Healing thoughts for a quick recovery are headed your way! 8y
Cinfhen Best wishes for a speedy recovery ❤💐 8y
TrishB Hope you're on the mend ❤ 8y
Bookworm54 I'm so glad you are still reading! Keep up those positive vibes! Hope you have a fast recovery x 8y
ErikasMindfulShelf Hoping for a speedy recovery. 💐💐 8y
Reviewsbylola Oh no!! Prayers for a fast recovery. 8y
EloisaJames I'm so sorry about the strike--I hope you get better right away! 8y
My_novel_obsession Get better soon! 8y
AmandaL I'm so sorry that happened. Feel better. 8y
Dan_SpiderCrafts Sorry to hear. Best wishes on recovering soon! 8y
ValerieAndBooks Yikes. Hope you are feeling good again really soon! 8y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

I read this for book club. I never would have picked it up on my own but I did like it. The apothecary elements were interesting, it read well, and the action kept me going. I liked it-- it just didn't have that special sparkle that makes me love a book. But I am going to read the sequel.

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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"Benedict once mentioned his apprentice had a friend so loyal that no matter what ludicrous scheme the boy concocted, Thomas Bailey would be there, right beside him. Christopher is wanted for murder. His head is worth twenty pounds. And the King's men are not the only predators hunting it. Yet here you are."- If only we were all so lucky to have such a friend. I love this quote it sums up there friendship beautifully.

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

I started this book while in line to vote, and I enjoyed it much more than the results of the election! I thought the mystery was well-paced and the characters believable. I also appreciated the historical alchemy woven throughout!

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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Seriously loving this book!

sheilamaverbuch It's one of the best middle grade I have read in a long time 8y
CorLostForWords It was awesome! I'm quite enjoying MARK OF THE PLAGUE right now as well too. 8y
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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Opened up Soulless and found a bookmark and guess who has the book. Almost forgot I bought it at the Raise-A-Reader

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The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

Opened up Soulless and found a bookmark and guess who has the book. Almost forgot I bought it at the Raise-A-Reader

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

Simply put, THE NAME OF THE ROSE for teens. Great mystery, action, characters-- and some super smart moments kept me guessing.

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands

A really fun story!! Written for young readers but I enjoyed the mystery and action. I read it to see if my son should read it. I think he'll love it and it will give us something to talk about as he works out the mysteries and action. I'll be getting the next book in the series.

The Blackthorn Key | Kevin Sands
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Trying this out to see if it's appropriate for my son. Anyone have thoughts on that?

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