How do we carry parts of us when we go through change? Which parts do we let go, and which parts do we keep? What happens when we board up a house filled with our faults, and then need to break back in?
#QuotsyFeb19 Day 17: I don‘t like the #weather forecast all that much. It has been awhile since I read Palahniuk.
@howjessreads #friyayintro
1. I can't remember why exactly I hated this book so much. But I threw it down and never read another Palahniuk again.
2. Been buying lately but I prefer to bring from home.
3. Ugh, my entire middle school existance was an embarrassment.
4. Almond extract
5. Blue Familiars
November 2018 Monthly Pick. Read the review and other books selected here: http://www.wildgrunge.com/diaries-of-princesses-mad-women-artists-with-suicidal-...
#monthlypick #botm
I couldn‘t put this one down. Raw truths of being an artist and art graduate turned waitress. How life interrupts art, and the failures of love. Just 100% raw. But, then it gets weird. Really weird. And that‘s even better.
"Your handwriting. The way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It's all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. Everything is a diary."
#QuotsyJune18 | 12: #Diary
?: Made with Typorama
Just for the record, the weather today is partly suspicious with chances of betrayal.
Perhaps this is because I haven't read any of Palahniuk's other works, but I was amazed with this novel. A psychological thriller with an unreliable narrator, written in the form of a diary. I stayed up until 5 a.m. reading this book and it left me paranoid and anxious. A great heart-pounding read by an incredible writer.
#chuckpalahniuk #diary #adultfiction #thriller #suspense
I finally found time to read again after uploading all of my books. For that reason, reading Diary took me way too long and I never got really into the story. So I don't even know what happened - and what not - in this horror story. Picture: Our new coffee machine. I now feel like a barista.
A stack of great books should make any reader celebrate #LGBTQpride
I am terrible about keeping a diary/journal. I always end up tearing out the pages to start over. #diary #journal #riotgrams #day4
I was going to take an artistic pic of my #yellowcovers but then Olive (Olivia Newton John) decided to photobomb. #riotgrams #day2
This is a Palahniuk book I hadn't read yet, which is odd because I've read so many. I liked this one and thought the story was interesting (aren't they always), even though I had a hard time getting into at first since the diary writing style was weird at first. Overall, I would recommend!
I used to have this book, but it's been gone and forgotten for a very long time so I picked it up when I saw it at a thrift store today.
It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.
It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.
I tried to start a gang once, it turned into #MyBookClub We first gathered around this book. We are scattered around the world now, but bond is still strong.
#FunPhotoFriday My favorite scary reads. I picked these three because I had WEIRD AND SCARY DREAMS when I read each one.
#Recommendsday I'm surprised I've not seen more Palahniuk around Litsy for Halloween. That dude is creepy AF. I read Diary when I had a fever and the flu and had some of the craziest and creepiest dreams of my life! It's pure creepy awesomeness!! 👻👻👻👻#giveascarybook
"The goal isn‘t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will".
Today's shopping 📚📚📚
OMG! This was unbelievable! A brilliant idea to write a diary within a diary. A slow slip into madness that is quiet reminiscent of The Yellow Wallpaper. Very creepy and full of WTF moments. 4/5