#Jolabokaflodswap on the way tomorrow.
#Jolabokaflodswap on the way tomorrow.
#jolabokaflod thank you Chelle!! Seriously you made my heart so happy with perfect vegan chocolate and a favorite author! ❤️🎄❤️🎄❤️🎄
Also, you can tell from the shadows that this Holiday picture was not photoshopped.
And a close-up of @Smarkies ' amazing talent 😍💚
#jolabokaflodswap @MaleficentBookDragon
Thank you so much for this thoughtful and beautifully put together package, @Smarkies ! I'm so excited to discover both Max Porter & Alfian Sa'at (the latter whom I've been meaning to read for a long time!) And I look forward to devouring the chocolate ☺️ The notebooks are gorgeous. Thank you ❤️
And thank you for organising the #jolabokaflodswap @MaleficentBookDragon 🍫🎄📚
Just one more....i am in love with this country!
I saw this on Instagram from book_ish_life. I think this is a wonderful tradition. I usually get PJs. How wonderful would it be to get PJs AND a book on Christmas Eve?!?!
Our version of Jolabokaflod (and a few others) in Singapura. Whee! A Merry Christmas to all Littens!
Shhh, Littens, don‘t tell, but I‘ve been working on our Jolabokaflod presents! For mystery & thriller hubs: Flynn‘s Transfer of Power & Hillerman‘s Blessing Way. For college Game Design daughter: Lu‘s Warcross. For college International Studies-French minor daughter: Lebovitz‘ Sweet Life in Paris. And for me, b/c I love myself too: Beard‘s SPQR. Happy Jolabokaflod to YOU, Littens! (Also more recs happily accepted since I still have B&N coupons!)
Every year this pops up in my feed, and every year I think this is the best Christmas tradition ever! Sounds like a perfect Litsy holiday!
Happy Jólabókaflód!
I'm wrapping my Jolabokaflod books for my family! 📚😍🎉🎄
How does one sign up to be honorary Icelandic? Is half-Canadian geographically close enough?
I think I am ready to move to Iceland. I read this to hubby, and he is all in. Little does he know that I ordered a book for him from Amazon today that should be here by Christmas Eve 😄
What a fabulous tradition ❤️
I think I‘m living in the wrong country.
1. Last vacation a couple weeks ago to Copenhagen and then a road trip around Iceland ✨.
2. Comfort food: 🍕🍔🍟.
3. Bucket list: it's so long! Buenos Aires, New Zealand, Machu Picchu, Mexico City (but this is booked already for New Year's!!!). Back to Tokyo and Italy.
4. Currently 📖: Finishing The Women in the Castle, Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore, New People, and next up is The Invisible Furies and Home Fire 😍.
5. Audio + Hardcover!
Wall of books at the Reykjavik airport! 😍📚
Thanks to @charl08 for reminding me of this lovely Icelandic tradition! I'm going to try to get my family to do it this holiday season! 😍📚
Last waterfall of the trip! This was my favorite as well. It was beautiful from all angles, and I struggled with which picture to post! Last day is tomorrow and as always with traveling, it's bittersweet.
PS I know my pictures are not book related on the trip! I apologize and just know I AM READING whenever I can! However, Game of Thrones was filming at this exact beach back in January so watch for it this season!
That's us! And right next to us is the very powerful Skógafoss waterfall. The greenery here is seriously SO magical ??.
3 years ago I was in Iceland with my husband and @TaraNewman *sigh* it's so beautiful there- I can't wait to go back ❤️! #tbt
My #coffeetablebook is a hardcover photo book I created with pics I took during an amazing trip to Iceland. If you ever get the chance, definitely go! I can't wait to go back myself, but next time in the summer 😉 (Oh, and Jimmy decided he wanted to be in the picture, too 😸) #FunFridayPhoto #catsoflitsy #kittenlitten #JimmyCat