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From the Corner of the Oval
From the Corner of the Oval | Beck Dorey-Stein
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Diving into this one. Anyone read it? #Sportsmomlife #alwayshaveabookinthecar

MallenNC I read this earlier this year. There was a lot more of her personal life than her work but it was interesting and I liked getting a look at life on the White House staff. 4y
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I really enjoyed read the “behind the scenes” stories from Beck, who worked as a stenographer for President Obama. Although I appreciated the personal stories added in, there were times I wished the story was less about her personal work/relationships/struggles and more about what her life was like when she talked about speeches, traveling on Air Force One, working in the White House, etc. A very unique story! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Review: Dorey-Stein tells of her experiences in the Obama White House. It is told honestly even down to an affair she had with a cheating senior staffer & her doubts of if she was good enough for her job. This book is filled with strong women, a president they all loved & the stresses of running a country. I appreciated reading this book for its insight into politics, what it takes to run the WH & the long hours all the staff & POTUS worked.

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This was an enjoyable memoir of a non political person who almost accidentally gets a job as a White House stenographer during the Obama administration. It is an atypical political book because most of it is about her personal life, which was interesting but became tedious after a while. I wanted to shake her when she kept going back for more with a senior coworker who made clear he didn‘t care about her. This was my #doublespin for April

LiteraryinPA I liked the parts about her job more than the parts about her relationship choices. 4y
MallenNC @LiteraryinLititz Same for me, although I didn‘t mind the personal parts, until she just kept making the same bad choices. She was young, but I think old enough to know better. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 4y
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Read a book or stare out the window? Wondering how best to spend breaks during this pandemic. #catsoflitsy

AlaMich Um, but isn‘t a cat‘s entire life one long break?? 😂 4y
MallenNC @AlaMich My cats work very hard watching birds, eating, and preparing for naps. 😺 4y
AlaMich @MallenNC I‘m so sorry, I didn‘t realize! 🤭😹 4y
MallenNC @AlaMich They forgive you! Since I‘ve been working from home they have “helped” supervise my projects too. My mom asks me when we chat what time the cats started work. 4y
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From the Corner of the Oval | Beck Dorey-Stein
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I couldn‘t wait to get “home” from work and back to my book.

TheKidUpstairs I borrowed this on OverDrive last night! Are you enjoying? I was feeling very indecisive last night, so I borrowed about 7 books. Started one and I'm almost half way through 4y
JenReadsAlot I liked that book! 4y
MallenNC @TheKidUpstairs I don‘t know why I‘m just seeing this comment. I am enjoying From the Corner of the Oval a lot. But I totally relate to being indecisive about books. I‘ve found myself that way a lot lately. 4y
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1. WOOOOW I miss Obama.
2. Not the book I expected it to be— I expected a political memoir with lots of insight into the dynamics of the Obama admin. Didn‘t really get that.
3. BUT this is a very courageous book. It is mostly about the author‘s coming-to-terms with herself through mistakes she makes with love interests and friends. I would not be ballsy enough to write this book so I really commend her.
4. WHO is Jason?!? Daaaaaamn he SUCKS 🥴

MallenNC I am reading this right now! My main feelings (I'm about halfway through) are I miss Obama, and I'm so jealous of this woman's job. I like that it is different than a typical political memoir.

I need to know who Jason is and also The Rattler! Who are they?
BarbaraTheBibliophage Felt exactly the same way. Heard her speak not long after the book came out. She was lovely, funny, and so much more grounded than the book seems. Another good one (with less romance angst) is by David Litt. 4y
ONH @MallenNC same!!! What an AWESOME job would that be?!! 😫 The book definitely fills a unique space in the world of political memoirs and even though it wasn‘t what I expected I still think there are valuable learning moments for us all here. And it‘s REALLY hard to put down omg 4y
ONH @BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘ve been watching YouTube videos of her after I finished it and you are so right ☺️ I‘m definitely adding ^that book to my list too. Thanks for the recommendation! 4y
MallenNC @ONH I second the recommendation of Thanks, Obama. I listened to the audiobook and it was great. I wish I could just sit and finish From the Corner of the Oval. Maybe tonight. 4y
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Starting my #DoubleSpin book since I finished my #BookSpin pick last night (review soon). The #Vibrant cover was one of the things that first drew me to this book. Its turn has finally come. (I‘m nostalgic for Pres. Obama) #BloomingBibliophiles

OriginalCyn620 Me too! 4y
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Good morning @OriginalCyn620 I can find a book with a pink cover! It‘s my #DoubleSpin book for April. #ISpy

I‘m not sure who all is playing so I don‘t know who to tag.

OriginalCyn620 Awesome! And good morning! 🌞 5y
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It was engaging because I had an interest in the Obama Administration but not the best written memoir.

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Immature 26 year old falls into a job at the White House. Drinks too much, sleeps around and tells about the dumb stuff she does. Only read 70 pages. Pass.


Imminently readable and entertaining! This was a neat read as a follow-up to Becoming. It illustrates the challenge and gift of working at the highest level of government.

From the Corner of the Oval | Beck Dorey-Stein

Interesting quick read. Much of her personal story is included along with some interesting insights on her job in the White House.

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This book was a delightful read! Beck Dorey-Stein is refreshing and talented!

RaimeyGallant Good to know! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗👏🏻 5y
Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! 5y
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CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
Crazeedi Welcome to litsy!!🎉🎉🎉 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
JohannaRose Welcome to Litsy! I hope you love it as much as I do 😊 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I enjoyed this one also. And I saw her in person with David Litt (who wrote Thanks, Obama). They were both delightful. 5y
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If you miss the Obama administration, this is exactly what you need! Stein was the presidents stenographer. She also young and made lots of dumb personal choices, but her take on the administration is great. She was honest, funny and clever. I hope she continues to have great success.

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From the Corner of the Oval is the story of Beck Dorey-Steins experiences in the White House under the Obama administration as a stenographer. She has a witty way with words that brings you along and makes you giggle as she succeeds and struggles.


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Oof. A tale of two halves. I loved the insider stuff about working in the Obama White House (but not being a political staffer) but was so frustrated with her stupid decisions about her personal life. Just wanted to shake her. Well written but a so-so for me for the frustration factor!

Jas16 I felt the same way. 6y
Verity @Jas16 just so. Many. Bad. Decisions. Urgh. Smart lady, dumb choices. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I agree. Saw her in person and she‘s funny and charming. But, like you said, stop following that man! I liked David Litt‘s book much more. (Not much drama!) 6y
Verity @BarbaraTheBibliophage I have the David Litt on my list to read. I can imagine that she‘s great fun to listen to but as you say, hoo boy, that man is no good and he‘s not changing 6y
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My library hold finally came in! So excited to read this at last.

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Well-written toxic bachelor torture

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Starting this today! I‘ve borrowed it a few times yet never started which always bugs me, so it feels like an accomplishment.

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This book could do with a massive edit and I don't agree that the author is a great writer but at the same time it was soooo readable. Blends travelling around with Obama as a junior staffer with a reminder of what it is to work in a fun, intense workplace when you're young - definitely recognised her experiences and bad choices though as mine weren't in the White House, they might have been less exciting to read about! 3 stars, book 9.

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Not what I was expecting but by the end I didn‘t want to put this book down! This is a sort of coming of self story of Beck, professionally and personally, with little windows into the White House during Obama‘s administration. Now I want to read more Obama 😳 Yes I was frustrated with Beck multiple times but overall enjoyed her voice.

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I found this memoir really engaging. Beck is personable & her frank openness refreshing. However when she tried to sound noble it came across as preachy & fake. I liked that this book was a true behind the scene look at the cogs who keep the political wheels spinning. A really interesting reflection of our current history. This book is more lowbrow than academic & Beck still has some maturing to do as both a writer& as a responsible adult.

TrishB Great review 👍🏻 6y
LauraBeth Great review! I saw her interviewed on the news and she was very off-putting 😂 so after that, I put it on the back-burner. I know I‘ll enjoy it though. 6y
Cinfhen I think her age shows and her lack of polish but it also makes her human & endearing @LauraBeth I‘m pretty sure you‘re gonna enjoy!! Try to listen to the audio (I feel like in print her poor writing might be more noticeable) 6y
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KarenUK I‘ve been on the fence about whether to read this one.... and now I‘m still not sure! 😂🤷‍♀️... @laurabeth @cinfhen 6y
Cinfhen If you want a gossipy read about behind the scenes White House staff this is it @KarenUK If you‘re looking to actually gain some kind of knowledge take a pass!! 6y
LauraBeth @KarenUK I think that if you‘re looking for a book that really details the inner-workings of the Obama WH with some political wonk mixed in - this won‘t satisfy like some of the other Obama memoirs. If you haven‘t read The World As It Is, I highly recommend it! But if you go into Beck‘s book as @Cinfhen mentioned - knowing ahead of time there won‘t be any emotional maturity or professional growth at the end of it - then I‘m sure it‘s a decent read 6y
Cinfhen Yes @KarenUK EXACTLY what @LauraBeth said 👆🏼 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @LauraBeth 💋💋💋I‘ll be cutting & pasting 6y
Reviewsbylola Totally agree with your assessment, 1000% 6y
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#TimbitTunes My current audio book finds English major Beck Dorey-Stein, living in D.C ; she‘s 26 unemployed waiting tables and working at Lululemon when she answers a Craig‘s List ad for a stenographer. What she didn‘t know at the time...it was for a position at the White House...working for POTUS himself, Barrack Obama. #StartedFromTheBottom now she‘s flying on Air Force One, attending briefings around the world and dishing ALL the dirt!!!!

TrishB Wish I‘d answered that job advert 😁😁 6y
Cinfhen Right!!! It‘s really crazzyyyy!! @TrishB 6y
TheKidUpstairs Woah, sounds crazy! 6y
jhod I've just started reading this one. It could do with s good edit in my opinion but it's very readable! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m almost done and I don‘t think I would have enjoyed if I read it. I think listening to her story is more engaging than reading it because I think you‘re right @jhod she‘s not a very strong writer ( in my opinion) 6y
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When life gives you some overripe bananas 🍌🍌🍌#AudioBaking

vaanshere Looks good! 6y
ElishaLovesBooks Yum!!! 😋💕 It‘s -20F here in #chiberia, I imagine I‘ll be doing some baking later today to entertain the kiddos! I also have some bananas that need to be used! 6y
Cathythoughts A woman of many talents... they look gorgeous ♥️👍🏻 6y
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Ashley_Nicoletto Yes. Every time. I love banana chocolate chip muffins. 6y
Cinfhen Ha!!! #Chiberia 🥶🥶🥶I heard it‘s brutal @ElishaLovesBooks I miss you!! What‘s been going on??? 6y
Cinfhen I love banana choc chip everything @Ashley_Nicoletto Thanks @Cathythoughts I made them without oil, butter or margarine and only 1/2 cup sugar so kind of healthy @vaanshere 😉 6y
vaanshere I am soooo hungry! Wow! 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen Miss you too! Not much happening, we did go to New Orleans over my winter break without kids! That was fun! Today we literally can‘t leave our house-businesses are closed-it‘s so cold here!!!! 6y
Cinfhen Stay indoors!!!!! Read!! New Orleans sounds awesome @ElishaLovesBooks send regards to Yitzy!!! 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen that‘s the plan! I will! How are the kids? My oldest turned 18 a few weeks ago 🙈💖 Time goes so fast! 6y
Cinfhen @DivineDiana she just mentioned waiting on the platform at 30th Street Station for the R5 train 🚊 6y
Cinfhen 18 is getting old!!!! Is she going to Sem next year @ElishaLovesBooks ??? 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Now, that I can relate to! 😀 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen YES! Tomer Devorah 😊 6y
Tanisha_A Looks soooo yum! 6y
emilyhaldi yum!!!! Love banana bread 🤤 6y
kyraleseberg I made banana muffins yesterday! Yum! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m always secretly happy when the bananas go to mush @Tanisha_A @emilyhaldi @kyraleseberg I feel like it‘s the universe telling me it‘s ok to eat cake & muffins 🤗🤗😂 6y
Cinfhen Exciting @ElishaLovesBooks maybe she‘ll come with a friend for shabbos 😊 6y
TrishB I‘ve just thrown ours out..... 6y
Cinfhen Boo @TrishB next time stick them in the freezer and use them for a smoothie if you don‘t feel like baking.....which I know you don‘t feel like doing too often 😜😂😘 6y
TrishB 😁😁 no one in when I got home, hubby working late, daughter out with friends. I had 2 pieces of toast whilst standing up in the kitchen for my tea.....it was a bad day.... 6y
kyraleseberg @Cinfhen I couldn't agree with you more! ? I'm like, "Well I can't just let these bananas go to waste..." 6y
Cinfhen Boo on the bad day @TrishB😢😢 6y
TrishB Tomorrow will be better.....or else ❤️ 6y
Centique I make banana choc chip muffins almost every week! My son is a banana fiend - always have to have a bunch of bananas on hand so constantly get overripe ones🍌🐒🐒 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen Yes, please! 💕💖 6y
Cinfhen Looking forward @ElishaLovesBooks 💜 6y
Reviewsbylola 🤤🤤🤤 6y
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Been listening to this gossipy fueled memoir of a young stenographer‘s time as she served during President Obama‘s second term. It‘s pretty engaging. Sure makes #AudioLaundry go by quickly😁

Reviewsbylola I thought this one was very entertaining! 6y
TrishB Stacked because my son would love this! 6y
Cinfhen It‘s much more behind the scenes gossip than actually about policy or real politics @TrishB but it‘s very readable!!! Or in my case listenable 😁 6y
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TrishB He likes the gossip occasionally!! 6y
DivineDiana Just wondering, if it is read by the author? 6y
Cinfhen Yup!! It is @DivineDiana she hasn‘t mentioned Philly to often 🙁 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen 👏🏻 I liked her energy! 😘 6y
Cinfhen She seems very genuine and unaffected @DivineDiana and a little immature and very inexperienced 😉 6y
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This was like a book version of Scandal! Beck had a 4 year term in the White House, scribing Barack Obama‘s every word. This book gave a lot of detail on what happens during Obama‘s presidency and beyond what we see of the White House. The lavish parties and hotels, the rendezvous and multiple cheating stories, in between being flown together on fancy air jets. Overall great read! 4/5.

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I relate to this author so much

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There were so many things about this memoir that I really enjoyed but omg the relationship stuff. Reading about a person making the same mistake over and over again drove me crazy.

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What a great #memoir . The memoir of a stenographer in the Obama White House. Lots of fun details of a young persons‘s life in DC in the Obama era.


Ballets are full of bloody slippers

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The ocean always wins because the ocean never cares. But you, my dear, can drown in six inches of anything.


If we are lucky, we turn out to be nothing but wiser, happier versions of our younger, stupider selves.

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Does anyone else subscribe to the Penguin Random House 'Season of Stories'? They send you book excerpts for free by email.

Cathythoughts No , must look it up 👍🏻 6y
rockpools That sounds interesting! 6y
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Sometimes it's what people don't do that hurts the most.


. . . POTUS grabs my attention when he says the narrative of history is long, and "We just try to get our paragraph right." Life is short and this world is big. Get your paragraph right. And if you're not sure what's right, write.


I like to say hello to everyone, which is why my friends in Manhattan are embarrassed whenever I visit them.

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I haven't trusted the internet since the sixth grade, when I was talking to Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys on AOL Instant Messenger and then found out is was some nine-year-old girl. . .


. . cover letters are, just as I thought, total bullshit.

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Reading Break: Some days are hard days. Beau is a wonderful dog, but she is a rescue. As a rescue, she has a lot of idiosyncrasies. Her anxiety has gotten much better, but some days we end up in the closet just trying to get by.


Lel2403 Awww bless you both...❤️❤️ 6y
ontheBL @Lel2403 Thankn you! 6y
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Some may say that this book was a poor reflection on Dorey-Stein, who worked as a stenographer at the White House during the Obama administration. D-S has a very toxic love affair going on during the course of her time in the WH that is difficult and irritating to read about, but I also thought it was genuine and brave for her to share every aspect of her story.

#badselfportrait #nofemmeber

Cinfhen She recently spoke at my “local” library in PA. Apparently she‘s a neighborhood girl and I heard she was super chill and a lovely speaker ~ right @DivineDiana 6y
Reviewsbylola That‘s the thing, it‘s easy to judge and want to shake some sense into her, but I think most of us go through these learning experiences in our youth and at least she is brave enough to tell her story. I definitely think she would be a cool person to hang out with. And I found her story fascinating. @Cinfhen 6y
Billypar I'm curious to try one of these behind-the-scenes memoirs written by non-politicians: this reminds me of another one (with that cover that cracks me up). But the romantic angle is interesting to me- I think a good memoir should cover all dimensions when it's about a specific time in the writer's life. 6y
DivineDiana Yes, she is! @Cinfhen Love makes you do foolish things particularly when you are young. I haven‘t read the book yet, but she is an intelligent, charming, young woman with a great sense of humor. When I attended the author talk, her parents, sister and former teachers were all there to support her. I was impressed! 6y
Cinfhen Now I really want to read this book @DivineDiana 💕 6y
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This memoir from a millennial stenographer in the Obama administration started off slow but won me over with delightful behind-the-scenes anecdotes about the White House. Her details about her love life were presented as a way to frame her growth but honestly I wished she had just left that stuff out, as I liked the parts about her work best. Thanks for the #lmpbc read, @Schlinkles !

@Schlinkles @TsundokuAleax are we picking books for this month?

Schlinkles @bookandcat and @TsundokuAleax I have some ideas for the next go round and could probably be ready to mail the beginning of December. 6y
bookandcat @Schlinkles great so we will read next round now and mail out at start of December then if that's okay with @TsundokuAleax ! 💙 6y
TsundokuAleax Sounds good to me ladies. Will post my picks shortly. 6y
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Glorious, glorious fun!!!!!!

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Listening to this audiobook was like hanging out with a younger sibling or cousin. She‘s got an interesting job, and very few obligations. She travels the world, but also makes some ridiculous relationship choices. And that last item? It‘s what she talks about the most, but the other stuff is interesting enough to wait until she gets back to it. A good antidote to my heavy politics choices.

Full review www.TheBibliophage.com

TsundokuAleax I felt the same way about the relationship stuff. But she was in her 20s, which is when one should be stupid about love that way. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TsundokuAleax Yes, better in your 20s than 40s or 50s or beyond. Although it can happen anytime. 6y
LiteraryinPA I agree with your take. The drunken one night stands were almost too much for me, but I was interested in her job! 6y
Pamwurtzler I totally agree about the relationship stuff, but the rest of it was just so interesting! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LiteraryinLititz @Pamwurtzler I just kept rooting for her to dump the jerk! So, there‘s that. But yes, I loved the Obama stories the most! 6y
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I gave up on this one. Just too flurfy (that‘s a word because I say it is). I wanted more backroom politics and less drunken bad decisions.

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Archie thinks maybe I'm trying to read too many things at once

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Started this one after dumping Jane Eyre yesterday. It‘s funny, recalling a different White House. So far, so good.

And I‘m hoping to hear her at Midtown Scholar Bookstore on Sunday!

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This is not your typical White House memoir. Beck Dorey-Stein was only looking for a job when she answered a Craigslist posting looking for a stenographer. She had no idea she‘d spend the next few years working in the West Wing, forming lifelong friendships and unwise romantic entanglements. Part Sex and the City and part West Wing, this was a light, fun and hilarious read that I had a hard time putting down.

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This is a good rule of thumb