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Wires and Nerve
Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
In her first graphic novel, bestselling author Marissa Meyer extends the world of the Lunar Chronicles with a brand-new, action-packed story about Iko, the android with a heart of (mechanized) gold. When rogue packs of wolf-hybrid soldiers threaten the tenuous peace alliance between Earth and Luna, Iko takes it upon herself to hunt down the soldiers' leader. She is soon working with a handsome royal guard who forces her to question everything she knows about love, loyalty, and her own humanity. With appearances by Cinder and the rest of the Rampion crew, this is a must-have for fans of the bestselling series.
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I highly enjoyed the Lunar Chronicles so I had to give this one a try. The graphic novels followed Iko's perspective. It was fun and a quick read. I enjoy revisiting the beloved characters. 3.5 ⭐️

#BookspinBingo #10 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I really just wanted the Lunar Chronicles to go on forever 😂 5mo
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My final read of 2022! This was only so-so because I haven't read the series it follows. If you love Marissa Meyer books, the odds are good that you'll enjoy this. For me, this was another comic-shelf-walk-by grab and it didn't quite work out. I liked the story and characters, but there was a lot that I could tell I missed by starting here, and a lot of awkward explanation to help me catch up since this is "a standalone". #Comic #SciFi #Retelling

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“It is a beautiful irony that the greatest queen we've ever had is the first to take off her crown.”

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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



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#SeriesRead2021 @TheSpineView

I was excited to get a chance to settle back into a world I love with familiar characters.

This story focuses on the android Iko. She's sent on a special mission by Cinder to help with rogue wolf packs.

Like the other books this one has lots of action and adventure. I personally wasn't the biggest fan of the artwork, but I loved the story.

readordierachel Yeah, I remember wishing there was more color in the art. 3y
TheSpineView Great job!👍📖 3y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Fun graphic novel read that follows post Winter. There are some of Levana‘s special soldiers still hiding out on Earth so Iko takes it upon herself to make Cinder‘s life easier and bring them back.
You get a chance to see all the characters and just have time with Iko. What isn‘t to love?

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Well, I wanted to like it. I do love...
-Iko's character
-that she finally has her own story line
-her badass mission of taking on wolf-operatives

What I didn't like?
-This took place after Lunar Chronicles' events. Wasted too much time on referencing past events.
-Short, disappointing backstory for her
-Art style struck me as unfinished and odd proportions. Characters faces, especially.

Iko deserved better. #dw2020reads

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I didn't realize this took place before the epilogue in Stars Above, danggit!
I was leary of the art at first, but as with all great comics the visual composition and writing shine through. And this one has Meyer's phenomenal writing to boot 🤩

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Finally getting around to reading Wires and Nerve. It's so good! I thought it was the lunar chronicles in graphic novel format, but it's actually a continuation of the series, yay!

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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This is the first graphic novel I‘ve ever read so I didn‘t know what to expect, but I actually really enjoyed it! It was pretty cheesy at times, which I could see being annoying to some people. But The Lunar Chronicles are one of my favorite series, so I was just excited to be able to read about my favorite characters again. It was a super fast and easy read. I will definitely read the second one!

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I was reading the tagged book on my balcony last night when I noticed my cat was watching something and I looked down and saw this little visitor🦝 We live right by a wooded area and he was just passing through, not harming anyone. Needless to say, I got very distracted watching my new little friend and didn‘t get as much reading done as I wanted. But it was worth taking a break and enjoying nature 🌿

marleed My life and raccoons! I‘m some sort of heat seeking missiles for those critters! 5y
JohannaRose @marleed Lol! I‘ve never had the chance to watch one like I did last night so I really enjoyed it! 5y
ReadingRover I love raccoons. They‘re so cute and super smart! Rascally trash pandas 😝 (edited) 5y
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JohannaRose @ReadingRover I agree! I love them too! I kept thinking how cute it was! 😊🦝 5y
marleed @ReadingRover oh yea, they‘re cute and everything until they decide the Village is life under your deck and then invite their cousin Earl and all his family and then the possums decide if it‘s great for that many raccoons we might as well move there too! 5y
ReadingRover @marleed 😂 I love them all! But I totally know what you mean. When one moves in they all do! I‘m a wildlife rehabilitor. So most things that people think of as nuisances really don‘t bother me. I‘ve taken in raccoons & opposums that were orphaned babies or injured. Both are pretty ridiculous. They can be pretty crafty! Definitely kept me on my toes! 5y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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This is my first time reading a graphic novel so my cats are making sure it‘s okay for me to read! 😹 My sister @SarahHarts_books and I are doing a book bingo together and one of the spots calls for a graphic novel so I thought this would be a purrfect time to read this one! The Lunar Chronicles are one of my favorite series so I‘m excited to step out of my element and give this graphic novel a shot!

SarahHarts_books Haha I'm glad Purrl and Noel approve!! 😹😸😻 5y
JohannaRose @SarahHarts_books haha right?! They‘re so silly 😜 5y
mhslibrarylady I am not much into graphic novels, but I loved Wire & Nerves. 5y
JohannaRose @mhslibrarylady I am really liking it so far too! 5y
Nute Super cute photo! 5y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Sometimes you just want to reread a book and so I did last night as Calli snuggles with me. The first time I read this I was a bit put off by the character designs - but the story is really good and true to the characters even if I didn‘t consider them to look the way portrayed in a graphic novel format. #dogsoflitsy

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer

OK so I've been reading the Marissa Meyer books and love them. Have come across these graphic novels. I don't normally do graphic novels but am debating these. Anyone else read them? Any reviews?

Enchanted_Bibliophile If you like Iko then it's a definite must read. 6y
hannah-leeloo It's hard not to like iko lol. Another for my tbr then lol. Thank you for your reply 6y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer

This was an Amazon 237 paged graphic novel with some fighting and kissing, but I liked the game kinda feeling it had to it. I recommend this book to people who like graphic novels or big books

Ryder_hall17 Amazing 6y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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At this point you can probably give me anything with these characters and I'm gonna love it.

I really like this graphic novel and how the illustrations are simplified so you can focus on the story. And the story is really good, unlike most books/graphic novel companions that I've stumbled up on before. It follows Iko's adventures shortly after the end of Winter as she tries to find remaining Levana's soldiers on Earth and send them back.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer

Omg, I SQUEALED when I learned that this graphic novel existed! I was so excited to get my hands on another Lunar Chronicles story, and doubly excited that it would feature Iko. I don‘t usually read graphic novels (I find them intimidating, they‘re like a whole different culture omg) but I absolutely LOVED this one. It felt a bit short (I finished it in, like, 2 hours I think) so I am super glad there is another book.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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This week's #libraryloot !

KimmyM @Sweettartlaura I like weird! Now I'm intrigued!😀 6y
Sweettartlaura Yay 🙌🏻. Can‘t wait to hear what you think of it! 6y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Just started this today, about half way through and enjoying it. I haven't read the novels of the Lunar Chronicles yet but hope to soon. #graphicnovel

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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It was nice to revisit the characters from one of my favorite series again. This story takes place after the original series and it told from the point of view of Iko, an Android with very human traits. It has everything I loved about the original series, plus I enjoyed Iko‘s introspective narrative.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Just grabbed these at the library. 😀

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Love everything about The Lunar Chronicles. Great quick read and love the characters.

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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It was fun seeing all the characters again. Wasn‘t a huge fan of the non-ending but it was a fun ride.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Anyone else participating in the Reverse Readathon starting tonight? I‘m excited. My TBR stack is calling me but so is my bed so we‘ll see how much I read tonight. I‘ll be getting up early to start again though.

thebluestocking Looks like you got a lot done!! I really wanted to do this, but I was out of town. 6y
cozypunk What's a reverse readathon? 5y
Jenny @dwRavenPuff Just saw your comment. It‘s a Dewys 24 hour readathon they some times do in the summer. Not sure if they‘re still doing it. 5y
cozypunk @Jenny Oh cool. I didn't know Deweys did that. 5y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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ohhhh I Loved this! Thorne was probably my favourite with bring sarcastic and then sweet to Cress. I def want more Scarlet and Wolf but I assume that will come in the sequel.

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Crazy excited to finally start this!

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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First lines challenge for #24in48! I'll probably read this late tonight when my brain has given up in regular novels but I want to squeeze another hour in. I love the "once upon a time" allusion to classic fairy tales while leading us straight into all the Lunar Chronicles characters we know and love. @24in48

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I haven't read the books, but this graphic novel was great!

lalatiburona Oooo this looks fun! 6y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer

I just finished both books in this series and already miss that world. The story itself is a bit tidy but that‘s not the point of this. I loved hearing Iko‘s voice and enjoying these characters and their group dynamic again. Such a fun way to spin off a character from the original Lunar Chronicles world and to enjoy this world for a while longer.

RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Hannah_Haymond @RaimeyGallant Thanks for the welcome & kind words! I‘ll check out the tips. 6y
RaimeyGallant I hope you find them helpful. :) 6y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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So..... after I finished "language of thorns" yesterday I MAY have started and finished "wires and nerve" as well lol. It was a fun and quick read! If you haven't read any of the lunar chronicles series I would wait to read this. But otherwise it was really cool to read and nice to see the characters drawn out. I gave it 4/5 stars

GypsyKat I just got the second one, I‘m excited to read it! ❤️ 6y
iread2much Looks like a cool read! 6y
kitkatdallibooks I thought it was! 6y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Graphic novel based after the final novel of the Lunar Chronicles. Decent read and it's nice to continue with the series. #35of2018

hissingpotatoes Yesss I loved this continuation and am waiting for the 2nd one to arrive in the mail! 6y
Chellebearss @hissingpotatoes I read this as a library eBook. Does the print edition have colour? 6y
hissingpotatoes @Chellebearss Not full color. It's mostly shades of blue with black and white. 6y
Chellebearss @hissingpotatoes ok thanks! I was debating buying it if it was in colour as my kobo is just black and white 6y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Hello, Saturday afternoon 🍋🍦

MommyOfTwo Yum and great book 6y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Wires & Nerve provides so much more depth to the Lunar Chronicles series & a wider look at the characters that populate it. I love that the story centres on Iko & how she sees the world & her journey through it. The story is engaging and it moves along quite quickly for a graphic novel that is 200+ pages. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have already started on the sequel, Wires and Nerve: Gone Rogue.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Today's Library haul.


BookFreakOut Nice, I liked Wired and Nerve part 1 but haven‘t read the second volume! 7y
RainyDayReading Injection! 7y
speljamr @RainyDayReading I had not seen this title yet, but I love most of the stuff from Image so I decided to check this out. 7y
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RainyDayReading @speljamr I‘ve only managed to get my hands on the first volume, it‘s really popular at my library right now. It was kind of confusing at first but by the end I was hooked. I hope you enjoy it! 7y
RaimeyGallant Nice! 7y
tonyahoswalt I enjoyed the Wire and Nerve books. I'm curious about your Doom Boy. I'll have to look that up. 7y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I loved this. I love the entire series. I absolutely devoured every one of the novels, so not surprising that the graphic novel didn't stand a chance. 💖📚

JanuarieTimewalker13 If I‘ve only read Cinder and Scarlet, can I read this? Or is it supposed to be read at the end? 7y
vlwelser @JanuarieTimewalker13 I would read Cress and Winter first. This will make more sense if you read those. The story continues from the end of Winter. 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Ok, great!! Thanks!! 7y
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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I‘m not too into graphic novels but since it is a spin off of my favorite series, how could I not?

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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We may be monsters, savages and barbarians. But we will never again be slaves.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I loved the Lunar Chronicles and I'm so glad to see it continue. I'm not a big graphic novel reader but this is great!

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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It felt like my worst failures had come to haunt me.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Totally got sidetracked but i did better than last time and finished 3 1/2 books!
On a sidenote totally enjoyed Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes and Wires and Nerves graphic novel from Marissa Meyer (reccommend for Lunar Chronicles fans)
#24in48 #24in48readathon #readathon

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I think we can all do with a bit more idealism these days.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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What is best for the few is not always best for the many.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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Kai has always admired your strength and determination, just like you admire his honour and compassion. Whether you‘re a mechanic, a revolutionary, or a queen...some things never change.

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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My immune system is trying to kill me.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I am used to people thinking I‘m crazy. At least this time I can say with certainty that they‘re wrong.

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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I never really saw myself as Cress before but apparently we have similitude qualities.

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Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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It‘s too cold to leave the house so I‘m starting my first ever graphic novel. Signature thanks to @vicgreentoriafield ❤️ #currentlyreading

Wires and Nerve | Marissa Meyer
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This is just part of my fantastic Christmas gift from @vicgreentoriafield ... and both of them are SIGNED!!!! I miss her already.

GypsyKat 😍😍😍 7y
Gissy 👏👏👏👏📚😍 7y
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