Elizabeth Gaskell is one of my favorite authors. This collection of Gothic tales are truly engrossing and this is one of my favorite reads to dig out each Halloween season when I want a true Gothic read!
Elizabeth Gaskell is one of my favorite authors. This collection of Gothic tales are truly engrossing and this is one of my favorite reads to dig out each Halloween season when I want a true Gothic read!
A little seasonally appropriate reading tonight 😱
For several years now I've meant to join in for #Victober (which started out on booktube). This year I managed to squeeze in the group read and enjoyed it! These are stories of dread, menace, and the quotidian terror of patriarchy. As a collection of stories, some are simply better than others. Yet I think anyone who's read Gaskell before and knows of the ways in which she can pull a reader in will find lots to think about and take pleasure in.
There are not enough hours in the day for me to get through my proposed October TBR, but I‘m all for trying. I may be buying copies of a couple more of my print books on audio. 😂 #settingmyselfupforfailure #toomuch #sleepisfortheweak #screamathon
Perfect read to start off the month!
Today's library sale. Upon returning, hubby says, "Now just go upstairs and play with your books" ?
We weren't supposed to get more than 1" of rain from Matthew. It's now been raining at my house for nearly 24 hours and will rain until the evening, there's a lake in my yard, and I lost power about 15 minutes ago. It's too dark to read hard copy. So grateful for a loaded, fully charged Kindle!
Elizabeth Gaskell would have loved Facebook. We would totally have gotten along. 🕵🏼♀️
Just in time for Halloween. I love classic gothic fiction. 👻 #shortstories #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
While I do have a favorite classic that I posted earlier I can't just post one because it's like asking me to pick a favorite child. 😭
So behold, my ever-growing list of favorite classics because I can't even narrow it down to a few, lol. Not sure if you can tell but I really enjoy gothic and dark literature. 😂 The darker and more brooding it is, the better. 🤓🏰💀🕯🗝
#Classics #SeptPhotoChallenge #SomethingforSept
Gothic Tales on this hot, Southern, summer night....🕯☠⚰