There are reviews doubting Musser, but if even half of what she talks about is true, the events are still horrific. Another reviewer complained that she used dialog when there‘s no way she could remember every talk verbatim. That‘s a ridiculous complaint as it‘s true of every memoir. Musser herself acknowledges that her memory is often different from others. As an account of FLDS life & Warren Jeffs‘ trial this is an important book.
I‘m having an extremely hard time understanding WTAF is wrong with someone like Warren Jeffs and the people who continue to defend him, knowing the things he‘s done. 7:00pm seems to be a decent time to walk as it‘s only 90° instead of over 100° at that time. #audiowalk
And finally, the last book for January!
I may have an unhealthy facination with the FLDS and Warren Jeffs but this one is a must read! You don't really learn much different in the way this branch was run but the way Rebecca Musser handled herself over time and the bravery she showed in speaking out is admirable. I hope this book was freeing and she continues to heal ❤️
#Bookspinbingo #Jumpstart2023 @Clwojick @Lizpixie @TheAromaofBooks
Another day another tbr 📚 Rebecca Musser‘s memoir of her escape out of the FDLS cult and taking the witness stand to save young girls from the abuse she had endured through WJ‘s religious fanaticism.
A good #bfc #bookfitnesschallenge day today - walked to a circuits class in glorious sunshine (AND remembered to put my Fitbit on before I went?👍), then a quick dash to the shops in what looked like a bit of a shower, and swiftly turned into a downpour! 💦💧💦
And started tagged book on audio. Not my usual, but I was craving non-fiction, and this has a lots of Litsy positivity. I know very little about FLDS, so I‘m finding it shocking already.
Wow! This book was amazing! I listened to it on audio and i am glad i did as i may have found it a bit of a struggle to follow, and would have possibly given up. What these women went through is horrendous and i felt for them with every word i heard. I got goosebumps whenever kindness or support was shown to them - so much so i just wanted to cry for them. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I‘m obsessed with FLDS and polygamy and I found this book dirt cheap on a Book Outlet sale a few months back and couldn‘t pass it up!
DAY 20: Warren Jeffs is not #justacreep , he‘s a money-grubbing, brain-washing, child-abusing piece of shit. For years, he‘s controlled the Fundamentalist LDS church, largely located in the bordering towns of Colorado City, Arizona and Hildale, Utah, and the Yearning For Zion compound near Eldorado, Texas. He‘s currently in prison yet remains the FLDS leader.
Finished this audio book this morning. Non fiction that reads like (or listens like) fiction is my favorite. Often, when I read about fundamental religious groups or cults, the people telling the story were in it for a short time or always on the outskirts. This story being told basically from the perspective of FLDS royalty was fascinating.
First audio of 2018! An intense FLDS memoir on audio, narrated by the author. For those who follow my reading at all you know I love reading FLDS memoirs. I really liked this one because it talked about the YFZ ranch in Texas I didn‘t know much about. I will say it was a bit long, but I can understand Musser‘s need to tell her own story in her way.
Nov 19th in #NovemberByTheNumbers. Sometimes it‘s takes until #19 until someone speaks up and speaks out....honestly that‘s a long time to wait, what were the first 18 thinking?
#augustgrrrl #familyaffair @Cinfhen
While certainly not a normal or happy family, Warren Jeff's polygamist cult is fascinating to me.
This book is still TBR, and I need to get to it soon!
This wasn't the most well written memoir but it gets the job done. It exposes the FLDS and pulls back the curtain on many of the abuses followers, especially women, suffer from. Interesting and appalling Musser exposes all she was privy to and the way in which she personally suffered even after leaving the church. Definitely an account worth reading if you are interested in the FLDS
Starting this today. Full disclosure: I have been obsessed with polygamy for years because I simply dont understand it and it is so far removed from anything I could imagine. Decided to read this before tackling an ARC fiction about a young girl in polygamy. This book is about Warren Jeffs, the FLDS church and the journey of the woman who would eventually speak out against the church...
Jeeze, reading about what these poor people have gone through all in the name of "religion" makes my blood boil. ?. Recommended reading for anyone wanting to know more about spiritual and sexual abuse in the FLDS
Some of my #feministtbr for #24in48. These are all badass amazing women who I would be honored to march with today. About to head out to our little town march in over a foot of snow! #badfeminist #pussygrabsback
As if I don't have enough to read, I'm entering @Liberty giveaway. Here's hoping I win some books, #Andawaytheygo
#setinasmalltown and what a small town Short Creek (Colorado City/Hildale) is. Creepy. #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading
Not sure what to think yet. Horrifying? Skeptical? Wishing I had a family tree to keep up with the FLDS, but it would look more like a tumbleweed.
All together, this was a good memoir of a survivor of the FLDS cult. Obviously there are some triggers (child rape, extreme misogyny), but the author is pretty careful about not getting too graphic. The only negative I have is that she uses the word "admonish" too much. It bugged me a little. Also as a non-believer, some of her personal talks w/God were a tad over the top to me, but it's not too prevalent. 4?
Having a hard time getting to sleep tonight. Someone else...not so much. Taking a short break from The History of the Medieval World (a great book, but so fast-paced I just needed to slow it down for a couple hours.)
This book was horrifying and hopeful and riveting and compelling all at once. I could barely put it down. And I want to be best friends with Rebecca. She is so determined and gutsy. An awesome woman to read about.