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Still Mine
Still Mine | Amy Stuart
51 posts | 33 read | 59 to read
The Girl on the Train meets The Silent Wife in this taut psychological thriller.WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU VANISH FROM YOUR LIFE AND LEAVE NO STORY BEHIND? SOMEONE WILL MAKE ONE UP FOR YOU. Clare is on the run. From her past, from her husband, and from her own secrets. When she turns up alone in the remote mining town of Blackmore asking about Shayna Fowles, the local girl who disappeared, everyone wants to know who Clare really is and what shes hiding. As it turns out, shes hiding a lot, including what ties her to Shayna in the first place. But everyone in this place is hiding somethingfrom Jared, Shaynas secretive ex-husband, to Charlie, the charming small-town drug pusher, to Derek, Shaynas overly involved family doctor, to Louise and Wilfred, her distraught parents. Did Shayna flee? Was she killed? Is it possible shes still alive? As Clare uncovers the mysteries around Shaynas disappearance, she must confront her own demons, moving us deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of lies and making us question what it is shes really running from. Twisting and electrifying, this is a get-under-your-skin thriller that will make you question what it means to lose yourself and find yourself in the most unlikely places.
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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I left this sitting on my shelf for too long. Turned out to be a great read. #5of2020

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Finished this #whodunitbymail selection over my lunch break today. It kept my attention well enough but I wasn‘t riveted by it. It gets a so-so.

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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1. Homemade chicken noodle soup.
2. I haven‘t bought any books in 2019 so I tagged my current #whodunitbymail book. I just started it.
3. 29. Need to plan to see a few more pretty soon!
4. Nope. I stopped collecting things years ago bc I got tired of clutter. I don‘t consider books clutter but the practice extended to them nonetheless.
5. No firm plans yet. Been talking to the bf about a trip to Southwestern Europe and North Africa though.

Tanisha_A Wow! Europe and Africa! 😍 5y
SilversReviews YUM. Looks DELISH. 5y
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BookishBelle @Tanisha_A I really want to visit all 7 continents so we‘re thinking of taking the ferry from Southern Spain to Morocco. We‘ll see. 5y
BookishBelle Thanks @SilversReviews ! I wasn‘t feeling well Sunday so I made soup. 5y
SilversReviews @BookishBelle Soup always helps me. Hope you feel better. 5y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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@dariazeoli This came in the mail today! #Whodunitbymail

dariazeoli Glad it got to you! 5y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Captivatedbybooks Last book i got from Rotation was A is for Alibi and that was 6 months ago 6y
Read4life Definitely. I tried to get us back on track, but I know several people still received no books in last two rotations. I have Let Us Prey. 6y
Kangaj1 I just sent off A Hidden Fire. 6y
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That-Bookish-Hiker Yes! I can help you if you need it. I haven‘t gotten a book in a few months but I expected that since we were kind of off schedule. 6y
Bklover Yes!! I don‘t have a book right now, but that may be because I read it quickly and sent it off to you, Daria. Not really sure. 6y
leslieseidel I don‘t have a book either. @Bklover was your last book the Mary Higgins Clark one? I think that is the last one that I sent. 6y
Bklover @leslieseidel Yes, that was the last one I read. 6y
BookishBelle I sent Behind Closed Doors to @ReadingEnvy a bit ago. 6y
BookishBelle Yes, I think we should probably figure this out. I‘m willing to help. 6y
ReadingEnvy I have the book from @BookishBelle but prob won't send until after the 25th 6y
Susanita My last book was Devotion of Suspect X a few months ago. September, I think? 6y
Marmie7 I have rumor of bones, haven't started reading it yet🙄 6y
Alfoster Im so sorry @That-Bookish-Hiker ! I have 3 to send you but having issues with my hip (need a replacement) so haven‘t gotten to the PO. I promise this week! 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker @Alfoster don‘t even stress about it. I knew that I would not be getting books for a few months and I‘m not worried about it. You take care of yourself first. 😊 send them whenever you can. 6y
Mdargusch We are way out of sync. Let me know if I can help. For some reason @ReadingEnvy has continually sent me books on time and I‘ve sent them off to @Kangaj1 - I wonder when the log jam will hit us? 6y
dariazeoli I think we‘ll know better once we locate all books and send back the ones to those who dropped out of the group. Thanks everyone for weighing in! 6y
NovelGirl82 I am part of the jam! 🤦‍♀️ I sent a few off to @Captivatedbybooks last week, and I have two that came earlier, and one that just came. They were coming pretty quickly (and in bunches of 2-3 at a time) after my original person before me stopped reading them and subsequently dropped out, but was still being sent books, and then I was having some family issues to deal with. I‘ll catch you up on what I have here after work! (edited) 6y
Alfoster @That-Bookish-Hiker Thanks for being so gracious! But I will get them out to you!😍 6y
Captivatedbybooks @Karen is still in if im not mistaken i send my books to her. 6y
Karen @Captivatedbybooks Yes I am still in! 6y
kspenmoll I have not received any books in ages. Not sure what‘s up. Would be willing to help restart. New books? 6y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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What a lovey mail day. Thank you @leslieseidel for sending me the tagged book for our #whodunitbymail. This looks like a good one! And thanks Jessica ( @Lovesbooks87 ) for the wonderful note! Looking forward to writing back to you!! Love the sparkly note!❤️❤️❤️

Lovesbooks87 💜💜💜💜 6y
Reagan I liked that book! There‘s a new one out too. 6y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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#whodunitbymail reading on a beautiful morning. I am enjoying this selection @JoeStalksBeck I find it interesting that many of the book's characters have mysterious pasts, so there are a lot of plot twists to unfold as I read on. 🕵️‍♀️

robinb Lovely view ❤️ 6y
ferskner You have the best views! 6y
Soubhiville Wow, so pretty there! 6y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Just an FYI for our #whodunitbymail group (in case we can ever figure this out ?): I highlighted in green what I have received and two books somehow passed me. (Still Mine and Hidden Fire). Also I have not received my May book from @AndreaReads so I currently don't have a book. Maybe this is a "withdrawn book" month for me. Hope this helps somehow.

AndreaReads I have Still Mine ready to be sent to you! The one listed above it was the missing book! We‘re almost caught up on our end! 6y
leslieseidel Oh great!! Thanks @AndreaReads 6y
Marmie7 My book is missing? (Hidden fire) I had no idea. 6y
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leslieseidel @AndreaReads forgot to mention in the last comment that I am at my NJ address. Thanks! 6y
kspenmoll Still Mine & Hidden Fire I had ages ago but I think the person I mailed them to never passedthem on to @MrsV & @Tiffy_Reads could not get any response. Some books were replaced & may be out of order. Does anyone have them? 6y
MrsV I was just thinking about this. I have had and passed on Still Mine, but not Hidden Fire if that helps at all. The last book I passed on was I‘ve Got You Under My Skin. 6y
MrsV I spoke too soon. I just got The Devotion of Suspect X today! 6y
Marmie7 So my book, Hidden Fire, was lost between @kspenmoll and @MrsV ? Maybe lost in the mail? Should I get another copy and send to @MrsV ? @Tiffy_Reads @Read4life 6y
Read4life @Marmie7 I know in the past @Tiffy_Reads or someone she had assisting with our group organized getting another copy and where it needed to be sent. I‘ve seen on here that @Tiffy_Reads has been ill recently so maybe we should just try and figure it out as a group. I personally haven‘t received a book for May or July. This means I won‘t have anything to send to you in August. 6y
Read4life Let‘s see if we can figure out where we‘re at by book. The last book I received was IQ. Does anyone have The Keepsake? How about Let Us Pray? I think I should have received both by now but haven‘t. 6y
Marmie7 I just finished IQ and will be sending it to @JoeStalksBeck 6y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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I put this in the mail, and now I‘m enjoying some pad Thai from the food truck outside the PO...if the giant bees don‘t chase me away. #whodunitbymail

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Sunday morning read in my PJs! 😊

RaimeyGallant Did you like it? 7y
bookcaterpillar_89 I did in the end. At first I wasn‘t so sure, but the more I got into it the more I liked it. For a book I just randomly pulled off the shelf at the library it was pretty good. 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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“My head is clear, but the shadows 🌑 play the strangest tricks on me”. 🌲

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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1) Still Mine
2) never! My mom would not approve; made my bed everyday growing up!!!
3) Can't believe we had high of only 75 today!
4) ninjas
5) Been doing that since I have been inconsistent while traveling😍
#friYaYintro @jess.how

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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This book was unsettling to me;initially read it sporadically. But once I could put together the bits & pieces the author slowly revealed, I was immersed in the story. Claire, while making some risky, potentially disastrous choices,felt like a true portrait to me of someone running from the life she left behind. A small, dying mining town,where"The good people left",was a setting that reeked of despair & desperation.
#whodunitbymail @Tiffy_Reads

Centique What a lovely spot for reading! 7y
TheLudicReader I found this book odd, but good. 7y
kspenmoll @Centique Thanks- my favorite spot to read. 7y
lilycobalt Your porch is the best! 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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#porchreading #lazySunday #whodunitbymail
About halfway through this book. Finding it unsettling. Part of me wants to race to discover the end.Another part hesitates to pick it up and be immersed in this dank dying town, where "The good people left. We were never the good."

scripturient I love your reading spot. I've always wanted a patio like this. 😍 7y
Simona Beautiful, perfect spot for reading❣️ 7y
kspenmoll @scripturient @Simona Thank you both! I love it! This summer has been so much less humid that usual- out here almost daily! 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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#whodunitbymail #Augustread #thriller
Taking a reading break. 📚

MyNamesParadise Your Target had that book? Lucky! It's on my list! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty!! 📚❤️ 7y
Lmstraubie A beautiful reading spot 😍 7y
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kspenmoll @MyNamesParadise The book belongs @JoeStalksBeck - so she is the lucky owner! But I am lucky to have joined a mystery book swap group where we pass books along. 😍It's my turn to read this😃📚 7y
kspenmoll @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Lmstraubie Thank you both! ❤️📚 7y
JoeStalksBeck Yay ! 7y
JoeStalksBeck This pic is beautiful! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @kspenmoll you're welcome 😘 7y
kspenmoll @JoeStalksBeck Absolutely loved your book pick! Just finished 7y
JoeStalksBeck Yay!!! I'm so happy you did! ❤️👏👏👏 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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#backtoreading #booksandnooks #porchparadise
I am becoming a repetitive bore, but my porch is my book nook when home. Otherwise, I read anywhere.
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck

Gharv Love this! So cozy!!! ❤️ 7y
TheWordJar I ❤️ your door!! 😍 7y
Zelma Such a lovely spot! 7y
JoeStalksBeck 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️ 7y
LeahBergen So beautiful!!! 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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My August #whodunitbymail arrived today from Shona, @Anovelobsession -thanks! Can' wait to begin- appreciate your thoughts and observations about the book. It is challenging to write without giving away too much!!! That was my worry as well. Nicely done. 😍it's fun discovering the journal each of us chose. 📚
#mysterybookswap #bookmail

My_novel_obsession Happy August and happy reading!! 7y
BibliophileMomma Pretty pic! 7y
kspenmoll @Tiffy_Reads Thanks! Obviously I am obsessed with my porch as a book setting!!!❤️❤️❤️ 7y
kspenmoll @Anovelobsession Enjoy your month and reading as well! Thanks! 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Ok @kspenmoll - coming your way for your August #whodunitbymail read!

kspenmoll Thanks; cannot wait. Have to get mine in mail Tomorrow! 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Finished my #whodunitbymail book so I will get it in the mail to you @kspenmoll this coming week.
Great choice @JoeStalksBeck ! I loved the setting of this book.

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Break time to deal with these awesome nachos #24in48

Bookworm54 Ooooo yum! 7y
kspenmoll They look so good my stomach is rumbling!!! 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Getting a late start (I had to sleep y'all!). Munchie and I got up early to get some reading done while the house is quiet. #24in48

batsy Omg Munchie is adorable 7y
My_novel_obsession @batsy He is pretty adorable - that's why I never refuse when my daughter asks me to watch him for awhile. He is so spoiled - I just can't resist that face! 7y
batsy @Anovelobsession It's a pretty irresistible face 💜 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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I feel like I need a weekend to recover from my weekend! So busy running around, etc that I got zero reading or Litsy time the last two days :(. My goal for the upcoming week is to conquer the 800 page Antarctic book and finish my #whodunitbymail book. I hope everyone has a great week!

AprilMae I have the same kindle cover!!! 7y
My_novel_obsession @AprilMaesBookHabit I just got this one a couple of months ago and I love it :). 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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@JoeStalksBeck It's here! Can't wait to get started! #whodunitbymail

JoeStalksBeck Yay! I got you another journal. I'm sending it tomorrow ❤️📖 7y
Mdargusch Fun package! 7y
My_novel_obsession @joestalksbeck So don't use this one? It's cute!! 7y
JoeStalksBeck Lol! If you want you can😁 I just thought you might like a nicer one❤️ Emma and I got stuff for penpals today. She just got home so we are working on them tomorrow ❤️❤️😁😁😁 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Really enjoyed this novel. It was a fun and easy read!

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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Squeee! Amy Stuart started following me! Gah!

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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Well, still home from work sick 😷 but the good news is I got my pillowcase from wish.com! Love it! #catsoflitsy

tpixie Get well soon! And this is an adorable pillow cover!! 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Get well soon! 7y
DivineDiana Feel better! 🌹And the pillowcase is certainly a cheery pick me up! 😀 7y
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[DELETED] 206653737 Cute! Feel better! 7y
Cinfhen Feel better 7y
Reviewsbylola That's cute! I love wish. Get some rest and feel better. 7y
minkyb Feel better but at least you have the adorable new pillowcase to make you smile! 7y
Lmstraubie Great pillow case! Feel better! 7y
mcipher Feel better! Pillowcase is awesome. I want one! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @mcipher Thanks❤️I got it on Wish.com for 1$! 7y
tpixie Wow great price!!!! 7y
TNbookworm Oh, super cute! 7y
Jinjer Cuuuuute!!!! 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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What I do at 4 am because no man nor beast lets me sleep 😴

Jenshootsweddings Love this book 😍 7y
JoeStalksBeck @Jenshootsweddings awesome ! So far it's very intriguing! Looking forward to see how it plays out 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Bedside reading

AmyLarge Oooh, I enjoyed the other Chevy Stevens book I've just finished. What's that one like? 7y
DeborahSmall You is fantastic 7y
SarahK @AmyLarge I just finished still missing and liked it. Not as good as Those Girls, but still really good 7y
bedandabook I agree with @DeborahSmall Hope you're enjoying. 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart

Another attempt at reading a thriller and I'm still on the fence about this genre. This is likely why this wasn't a pick for me. A quick read, darkish twisty plot and chilling ending.


TheLudicReader I found this one odd, too. 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Oh hello my three favourite things.... Starting a short quick read tonight after the last two being 400+ pages, Blanche de Chambly (💓), and cuddled up since it's - 10 outside. #happyfriday #bookblanketbooze #heatingpadnotpicturedbutitsamazingtoo

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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What an awesome gift!!! I am very late I'm opening this bit I freaking love it!!! The candle that smells like a campfire is absolutely divine!!! Thank you so much @Jenshootsweddings !!!! I absolutely love everything in this gift! #secretsantagoespostal

Jenshootsweddings Oh I'm glad you got it!! ❤❤🇨🇦 8y
BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💝💝💝💝💝 8y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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3 ⭐️ That book is all about the tense atmosphere. Dark. Gritty. Troubled. Clare is on the run. She finds herself in the small town of Blackmore, where everyone knows everybody. She soon start asking questions about Shayna's recent disappearance. Her inquiries doesn't go unnoticed. Everyone seems to hide something..

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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Amy Stuart and I met on Twitter and have been plotting our Amy Stewart/Amy Stuart joint book tour ever since. We haven't made that happen yet, but today you can get her dark and thrilling novel for two bucks wherever ebooks are sold.

RadicalReader @AmyStewart what an awesome sounding book can't wait to read it 7y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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🔔 $1.99 ebook Amazon/B&N : for fans of thrillers with dual mystery plots.

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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Though it had a thriller element to it, this book felt way more character-driven than I had expected. This wasn't a good thing since I really disliked most of the characters. That said, I did love the atmospheric writing. Head's up: If you don't like loose ends, this may not be the book for you. I'm guessing that there may be a sequel on the way. If this is the case, I will likely read it because I want to know what happens to the protagonist.

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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"Sometimes I dream of my escape. In my sleep I conjure a way out, another life waiting for me beyond this one. Sometimes I am climbing, or driving, or falling through a void with no clear place to land. But most often I am running, sprinting through the field and into the trees, my clip too fast for you to catch me."

The international bestselling psychological suspense finally comes to the U.S.! Read it.

[DELETED] 2232195534 Got this one on my list! 8y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Happy U.S publication day to a fantastic Canadian writer! This was one of my faves this past spring - a slow build mystery with a gritty backdrop.

Tamye Really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to her next one. 8y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart

Very suspenseful, good book.

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Unexpected book mail today. Sounds interesting. It would be my luck to go into hiding, turn up in a small town, and ask for someone who has disappeared.

jennifersmeth Looks intriguing 8y
Rhondareads On my tbr pile sounds really interesting. 8y
Jenshootsweddings I loved this one!! 8y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Up next... Got it through netgalley.com and picked it because it was touted as similar to girl on the train but goodreads didn't give it great reviews. So far, about 25 pages in its ok and a quick read and something to do on a quiet day at work.

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Long week. Too tired to hold book. But must know what is happening!

StephTKO Hahaha I actually use a penguin for the same thing. 😂 8y
DitrieMarieBowie This pic is great! 8y
alholstrom Excellent mustache. 8y
Matilda @StephTKO penguin and Bambi should meet once a week to complain about how we use them as book holders. 8y
Matilda @alholstrom *twists end of mustache and tips hat 🎩 8y
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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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What a fantastic debut of a Canadian author! An intense and rough setting with characters of the same - the story keeps you turning the pages, almost as if you can smell the grit in the air.

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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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"Because she can't bear to see a woman trapped, held down, tied up no matter what her state of mind". This sentence says it all, about everything, in so many ways.

Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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Good mystery about a woman on the run who shows up in a small town looking for another missing woman. Lots of drama and secrets hiding in this small mining community.

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Still Mine | Amy Stuart
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"...mesmerized by the scowl that sets on his face when he thinks no one is watching."

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