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Notorious RBG
Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg | Irin Carmon, Shana Knizhnik
You can't spell truth without Ruth.Only Ruth Bader Ginsburg can judge me.The Ruth will set you free.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg never asked for fameshe was just trying to make the world a little better and a little freer. But along the way, the feminist pioneer's searing dissents and steely strength have inspired millions. Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, created by the young lawyer who began the Internet sensation and an award-winning journalist, takes you behind the myth for an intimate, irreverent look at the justice's life and work. As America struggles with the unfinished business of gender equality and civil rights, Ginsburg stays fierce. And if you don't know, now you know.
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Starting this for f2f bookclub. I'm in the 2nd chapter and so far a good start. I think this book might be amazing. We know RBG is.

AnnR She is greatly missed, especially now. 6mo
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VOTE 💙🟦🔷🗳️✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼🌊🌊🌊🔷🟦💙

If you‘re in the states vote🟦💙🔷🗳️🌊

Your daily reminder; Fascism is much worse than inflation.

Vote YES on proposal 3 in Michigan ROE THE VOTE.

Do it for Ruth. ✊🏼

Now back to our regularly scheduled reading.

If this upsets you the unfollow thing top right corner also read my bio -SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTIVIST. this is WHO I AM.


✊🏼I don‘t belong to either party. I‘m an altruistic hippie

IndoorDame ✊🏼💙🗳️ 2y
JenReadsAlot Love it!!! 2y
TheBookHippie @JenReadsAlot ✊🏼💙🌊 2y
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PathfinderNicole I‘m in Michigan too and heading out now to vote! With a strong yes on Prop 3! 2y
TheBookHippie @PathfinderNicole ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼🗳️🗳️🗳️ 2y
Bookwomble From the UK, I love everything about this post 😊✊ 2y
MittenGirlPeach @PathfinderNicole Right there with you! we turned our ballots in yesterday. 2y
CoverToCoverGirl This Canadian is with you. Great post!! Voting is a privilege we should never take for granted. 2y
Bookzombie ✊🏻💙🗳 2y
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The young readers edition of this book keeps all the salient points while slashing the length, but looses some of its compelling nature by drastically rearranging the information included, editing the language a bit, and cutting out all extraneous content.

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A colorful portrait of this dynamo and her legacy. She is missed!

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My mom gave me these awesome bookends for my birthday! I got Kamala Harris and RBG, but they have other badass broads if you want a set: https://www.etsy.com/listing/864753627/build-your-own-feminist-icon-bookend-set?...

Aims42 Happy birthday!! 🥳🎂🎊 That is a fantastic set of bookends!!! I follow this shop on Instagram and the two sisters are a hoot 😆 2y
CBee 😍😍😍 love!!! 2y
Ruthiella Happy Birthday. 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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Amandajoy Happy Birthday! 🥳📚 2y
Sparklemn Badass broads - love it!! 😂 2y
Megabooks I have 6 of these! Love archd!! Great gift! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 2y
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In need of something uplifting.

Karisa Missing her so much this week! 😢 2y
Sleepswithbooks @Karisa - Me too 💛 2y
AmyG FYi…something is coming your way for your birthday! Up to you when to open it. 😘😘😘 (edited) 2y
Sleepswithbooks @AmyG You‘re the sweetest!!!! 2y
AmyG 😘 2y
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Megabooks Good combo! 2y
EvieBee That‘s the way you do it! 😍 2y
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Reading this made me miss her more if that‘s possible. Such a strong advocate for us while at the same time pure class. If y‘all haven‘t take time to read any book about this dynamic and inspiring woman you need to! She was more than a political figure, she fought for what she believed in or she didn‘t bother. We need so many more woman like her. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Leftcoastzen Love your review! I miss her so much . 2y
KristiAhlers @Leftcoastzen 💜 me too. I feel like her loss sadly was more than her not being with us, but also a voice of reason and strength for women who weren‘t necessarily in a place in their lives to believe something could be better. She was a symbol of strength for us all. Proof you didn‘t need to have a bully attitude to hold your ground and that we weren‘t alone. (edited) 2y
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AmyG UGH 2y
BookBosomed1 Bless all the hearts and FFS and ugh. 2y
merelybookish 😠😞😩 2y
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Julsmarshall Same. 2y
Tamra Ugh 2y
GingerAntics 💙💙💙 2y
IMASLOWREADER im scared and discouraged (edited) 2y
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AmyG We live in dangerous times. 2y
sprainedbrain So sad, infuriating, and terrifying that so many are determined to take away the rights of others in this time and place. While also bitching about their own freedoms (masks, guns, lying as free speech)… ugh. 2y
TheBookHippie @sprainedbrain spitting fire over here. 2y
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BookBosomed1 May we all remember to breathe today as our fury ignites us. Sigh. 2y
KristiAhlers I was flying I think to Hawaii to visit my son who was stationed there when her movie came out when she was just getting started as a lawyer. The name of the film escapes right now but anyhow I went and read several books about her. I highly respect her and her loss is a loss for all of us. And I‘m so over how we tear each other down anymore 2y
KristiAhlers And the way I look at it my husband retired from the military and I have one son serving in the Marines and one in the Navy. My family servers so people have a right to voice opinions so I‘ve learned to just smile and say you‘re welcome when I don‘t agree with someone‘s hatred. My heart hurts with how much of that is being aired. And to what end??? This is why I prefer books. People can suck at times. 2y
AmyG @sprainedbrain It‘s never been about Freedom. 2y
TheBookHippie @KristiAhlers “We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression …” is what comes to mind. I agree with the fighting for the liberty to have an opinions. Whose opinion is truly free in this situation. There is not a generation in my family that isn‘t or wasn‘t military. They still know privilege vs oppression -which is what‘s happening with this. It has nothing to do with an opinion. It‘s control. ⬇️ 2y
TheBookHippie It‘s hateful and people take it personally because it is. An abortion saved my life. Twice so I‘m personal about it I was objective before but I was still pro abortion. I saw the movie on an airplane as well. As soon as she died. I knew this was coming. Hopefully we can remember to be kind. I don‘t have a uterus I‘m too old for this to be an issue for me but I‘ll fight like hell for every other person who needs it. ♥️✊🏼 2y
AmyG @TheBookHippie It basically saved my life, too. 2y
BookwormAHN With the U S it's two steps forward three steps back 🤦🏼‍♀️ 2y
TheBookHippie @staci.reads ugh. 2y
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Off to school I go 🥶❄️

jewright Teacher meetings for me today. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. 3y
TheBookHippie @jewright 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 3y
britt_brooke Love the mug! 3y
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vlwelser Awesome mug! 3y
JackOBotts That mug is excellent! 3y
AmyG 🙌🏻 stay safe 3y
TheBookHippie @AmyG 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 waiting to hear numbers 😅 one day at a time. 3y
TheBookHippie @JackOBotts @vlwelser @britt_brooke it‘s the MOOD of the day for sure ✊🏼! Local bookshop sells them! 3y
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She was an amazing woman who brought about a lot of good for women, but I was a bit disappointed that this wasn‘t really a biography as much as a look at her work and career, and the changes she brought to US law. There were bits and pieces of her personal life, but not a lot. I listened to the audio and it was not interesting to listen to various laws being read. It was pretty short – it felt like it was abridged but it wasn‘t. This was “ok”.

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'Gender discrimination is bad for all; it is bad for men and it is bad for children'. RBG worked towards building a more egalitarian world. Her consistent, dogged detemination made sure that through her judicial interventions, slow but steady change kept happening to make the world a better place. I find a message in her life's work- that all of us can work in our individual capacities to make the world a level playing field for everyone

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There are many and I don‘t know which to choose!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m reading this one now.... 3y
marleed I‘ve only read one. It‘s a beautiful book. Also it was published prior to the Trump admin so it was devoid of current politics which was nice. 3y
Megabooks I loved Notorious RBG too. I keep meaning to read My Own Words. There‘s also 3y
Shortstack The only one I‘ve read but I really loved it. 3y
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I love how the title of each chapter is inspired by lyrics from the Notorious B.I.G. 👑

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Not being am American, I can't say RBG had a huge impact on my life politically, but her story is so inspiring and motivating that I can't help but be impacted personally.

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If you‘d like to read a book about RBG but just don‘t want to visit the Trump administration, this is a wonderful book. It was published in 2015 so devoid of that particular political discussion. Additionally, the book itself is beautiful.

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V O T E!!!🗳

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A brief summary of Ruth Bader Ginsburg‘s accomplishments. I wish it was longer and more in depth but it was a satisfying read.
PS. I downloaded a couple of her workouts because I need to get myself back in a fitness routine. She‘s an inspiration in soooooo many ways 😉

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Ever since she died , I grieve a bit every day. Table of contents of fall books issue of The Nation.photo credit Samuel Corum /Getty Images.

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I did 20 push-ups today. Barely made it. Been slacking on the exercise lately. Taking a cue from RBG. I'm going to workout so that I may live a long time & also so that I can VOTE. She did so much for us and voting is a way to honor that. Liked how book showed her accomplishments but also her life outside the court. Marty Ginsburg. 😍

Cocktail Pairing Notorious RB Ginger.https://www.cointreau.com/us/en/cocktails/notorious-rb-ginger

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great book and great lady! 4y
GingerAntics Oh her and Marty seem like they were such a great match and such an adorable couple. It‘s just too bad he never got to see her become the infamous RBG. I think he would have gotten a kick out of that, and maybe had a little fun with it, too. 💙💙💙 Love this book!!! 4y
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I did 20 push-ups today. Barely made it. Been slacking on the exercise lately. Taking a cue from RBG. I'm going to workout so that I may live a long time & also so that I can VOTE. She did so much for us and voting is a way to honor that. Liked how book showed her accomplishments but also her life outside the court. Marty Ginsburg. 😍

Cocktail Pairing Notorious RB Ginger.https://www.cointreau.com/us/en/cocktails/notorious-rb-ginger

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a #FreedomFighter as she fought for gender equality and was a champion for the rights of so many others who were marginalized. I feel bad that this book is still in my #TBR stack but I am hoping to get to it in 2020. #RiPRBG

Eggs 👏🏻📚👏🏻 4y
Gaylagal2 @DebinHawaii This week I treated myself to Ruth Bader Ginsburg : A Life by James Sherron DE Hart and it's amazing! Many of her rulings and dissents are in there, plus in depth writing about her personal /professional career. 🤓 4y
DebinHawaii @Gaylagal2 I‘ll have to look for that one! 4y
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And a new sweatshirt!

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I finished my Dissent Cowl! #chooksoflitsy

Chelsea.Poole 😍 brilliant! 4y
kyraleseberg 😮😍😍😍 4y
Gaylagal2 Brilliant!🤙❤️ 4y
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j9brown Wow! 😍 4y
emz711 Wow! 4y
Heideschrampf Awesome! 4y
Deblovestoread Love, love, love! 4y
Ruthiella Beautiful! 😍 4y
Oryx Wow. Fabulous 4y
Bookzombie Love it! 4y
Nute Wow! That is very pretty! 4y
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My new shirt arrived!

Mrs_B Love it! 4y
Itchyfeetreader I have this in purple. A fab gift from friends 4y
Traci1 ❤❤❤ 4y
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This pattern uses DK yarn and it's working up fast.

My next step is to think about adapting it to fingering weight yarn and converting it into a sweater...

LMJenkins I love that! I wish I had skills, I would knit that up for myself in a heartbeat. 4y
Lauredhel @LMJenkins oh yes, there's a knit version too! But I prefer this crochet pattern 4y
SamAnne 👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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MaleficentBookDragon Very nice! Just bought the pattern. 4y
Chelsea.Poole Oh goodness I love this ♥️😍 4y
KarouBlue Yeeessssss!!! 4y
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I've started making a Dissent Cowl.

britt_brooke Oh, I love it!! 4y
Lauredhel @britt_brooke I have to do something with all these feelings. 4y
JanuarieTimewalker13 That‘s very cool!! 4y
SamAnne Oh I love that! 4y
Julsmarshall Love it! 4y
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A wonderful review of RBG, though I wish the authors used more primary sources in their research.

VictoriaLegend Thank you for this post. I've been meaning to learn more about RBG for sometime now. It's truly a shame that I waited so long. This title has gone straight to my TR list. I plan to get started on this as soon as I clear out my current reading list a little. 4y
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I could kick myself that I didn‘t take a picture of Justice Ginsburg at the National Book Festival last year. In my defense, I was busy helping folks find places to sit, but still...😢

I remember that she was gracious, funny, and tiny.

The main premise of the book in this picture is that conservative fundamentalist Christians held their noses about the orange one‘s dubious character issues because of the Supreme Court.

Well here we are 😱

Cosmos_Moon 😢 I think many of them believe his, and their own lies. So sad. 4y
BarbaraJean I saw a lot of nose-holding and comments of “but pro-life Supreme Court justices” among evangelical friends in 2016. Now I see a lot of willful ignorance, fingers in ears, refusal to believe the “liberal media” as to who 45 really is. 4y
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"Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg. ***Here is the link to the artist. Limited artwork is for sale https://www.stacyinnerst.com/

Chelsea.Poole ♥️ 4y
VictoriaLegend RBG - What an inspiration. Thank you for this post. 4y
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This is such a great loss for all those who loved her dearly, but also to the highest court in the land. She was a brilliant mind, a feminist, dedicated to her profession and just a great human. Her passing for me personally is extremely sad because I've followed her entire career and admire her immensely. RIP Justice Ginsberg 🤙

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RBG, a queen of our times. This is a well-told, brief biography that highlights the things we should all admire about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a resilient, hardworking, quietly ambitious woman from whom we all have plenty to learn.

AceOnRoam 😢 4y
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Reading this book this weekend was an act of mourning for me. May her memory be for blessing. #ripRBG

Bette 😢💔 4y
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It‘s been a hard few days, even reading can‘t help fight the anxiety & fear I feel.

AmyG I love this. 4y
Bette The anxiety can be overwhelming. But this is great. 4y
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Justice Ginsburg was as amazing person and fought hard for gender equality and women‘s rights. I want to learn more about her and this book is on my TBR.

I also signed a petition asking for her last wishes to be honored allowing the next president to nominate someone to fill her seat on the Supreme Court. Below is the link if you also wish to sign. Rest in Power, Ruth! 👊🏽👊🏾👊🏼👊🏿👊🏻👊

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I‘d be remiss if I didn‘t express my sadness at the loss of this giant woman. She fought long and hard for all of us and for our humanity. Let‘s keep fighting.


AmyG Fight...even harder now. 4y
Gaylagal2 I will always keep fighting 🤙👊 4y
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May her memory be a blessing.

Chelsea.Poole ♥️😭💔 4y
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Hooked_on_books 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 4y
Lesliereads 🙏🏾 4y
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The year up to this point has left me so numb I can‘t even begin to process that she‘s gone. Here‘s to hoping for even a fraction of the courage she exhibited right up until the very end.

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I've been meaning to read this forever. RIP RBG!

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Thank you Ruth for your courage, your relentless pursuit of justice, and for making the world a better place for women.

Nute Yes! 4y
Chelsea.Poole 😭💔 4y
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May her memory be a revolution. Rest in power, RBG.

Soubhiville 👊 4y
Lcsmcat 💪🏻 4y
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This isn't about a book, but I've been feeling pretty hopeless about everything lately, and I wanted to share what I've been doing to take action to make the world a better place. I've started writing letters to voters through vote forward (www.votefwd.org).

It's super easy to do, even if you've never done anything like it before. I'd really encourage any of you who are feeling similarly to check it out.

Heideschrampf Sounds like a great idea to get more people to the ballot. And hats off on being so proactive to counterbalance your dark clouds! Hugs from germany! 4y
TrishB Is this to encourage more people to vote? Sounds like a great idea and it‘s hard not to feel down at the moment. 4y
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sebrittainclark @TrishB yeah, you send letters to people who they think are less likely to vote to encourage them to vote. 4y
Nute Is the letter scripted or open-communication? And it is just to get that person to the ballot, right? Seems like a great idea! Checking it out now. Thanks for sharing the info!🙂 4y
sebrittainclark @Nute They provide a printed letter that you add a few personal sentences to about why you vote. 4y
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Sorry, it‘s not a book, but I was just given these socks on Wednesday by my husband as a surprise since he knows how much I like and respect Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I‘m just so saddened. Thank you to all the Littens who have shared a post about her here in celebration of her life and accomplishments.

Chrissyreadit 💗💗💗💗💗 ✊ 4y
Leftcoastzen 😢💔love the socks! 4y
Nute Nice! 4y
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Hooked_on_books Your husband sounds like a good man. May we always be inspired by her—what a remarkable woman. 😔 4y
Palimpsest @Leftcoastzen Thanks! They are from the Jewish Museum. 4y
Palimpsest @Hooked_on_books I lucked out with my hubs. A few years ago for Mother‘s Day he gave me Women & Power. And yes, I hope to continually be inspired by RBG and hope to be always find other examples of strong women. 😊 4y
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When I searched for a quote to post by Ruth Bader Ginsburg I quickly came to the conclusion did this woman ever say anything that wasn‘t worth repeating, that didn‘t mandate quoting in a social media post? She was brilliant and her life was a narrative for equality, representation, fairness and inclusion.

Maybe I should advocate cloning techniques allowing hope that another Notorious RBG will miraculously be the bench replacement.😳

MoonWitch94 @Nute I felt the same way. Every quote screamed important & valuable to me. 😔 She‘s irreplaceable. 4y
Blerdgal_Fenix She tried her best to hold on. She was something special 4y
TrishB Such a loss 💔 4y
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Gezemice So amazing. RIP. 💔 4y
SamAnne Love to RBG. 4y
Cathythoughts ❤️ 4y
KVanRead 💔 4y
Nute @MoonWitch94 Definitely irreplaceable! Sometimes it feels like we only got one shot and we only get one representative to make it happen. 4y
Nute @Blerdgal_Fenix She fought to the end and it is a lesson for us all. 4y
Nute @TrishB A larger than life loss, but that indicates that the world is saddened and diminished by the departure of this one person. 4y
Nute @Gezemice She was the finest example of a lovely humanity! 4y
Nute @SamAnne We we‘re blessed to have had her in our lifetime. Her legacy will lead the way for the direction in which we must go as a decent people. 4y
Nute @Cathythoughts @KVanRead @inthegreensandblues Sometimes we get to know that we experienced someone or something truly extraordinary and we remain awed all the days of our life! 4y
Hooked_on_books She was a remarkable woman, wasn‘t she? May many young women and girls be inspired by her. 4y
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So sad today 😭

Palimpsest 😭 4y
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I‘m deeply mourning the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, both because she was an exceptional person and because of the implications for my country. I listened to this book on audio several years ago and loved it. #RBG #whentherearenine

Liz_M 😭 💔 4y
Suet624 A punch to the gut. 2020 just keeps outdoing itself. 4y
SamAnne I‘m going to rewatch the RBG documentary this weekend and have a good cry. 4y
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Palimpsest 😭 4y
Nute Very broken-hearted! 4y
Nute @SamAnne Where is this documentary available? 4y
SamAnne @Nute I can‘t remember if I watched it on ITunes or Netflix now. But it it excellent. Shouldn‘t be too hard to find. 4y
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My heroine passed. A powerful intellect & force of nature fighting for equality. Courage is her legacy. #rbg #myheroine #forceofnature #ripRBG

SamAnne So inspired by this woman. 4y
Nute “Courage is her legacy.” I will remember this statement in reference to her always! 4y
SomedayAlmost @Nute Thank you! 4y
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