I read this all the way back in February for Valentine‘s Day! This was a fun and diverse collection of romance comics. Not my usual genre but cute art and stories nonetheless 💘
I read this all the way back in February for Valentine‘s Day! This was a fun and diverse collection of romance comics. Not my usual genre but cute art and stories nonetheless 💘
I just love these stories so much. I need to look at reading there single issues.
I just loved volume 1...I have really higher hopes for this one.
Fun, diverse anthology of romance comics. I am left to wonder if the transfer of publishers will leave these stories in a lurch...
This was a fun quick read👩❤️👩💑. Of the four stories the first and last were my favorites.
My #tbr for this week.
I‘m going to finish The Friendly Jane Austen (making progress in my year of Austen goal).
I‘m also going to finish Darker Shade of Magic as part of a informal buddy read with @sprainedbrain (tho I think she‘s probably finished with book 3 by now 😄).
I‘m starting The Complete Persepolis for #LitsyGetsGraphic and look forward to discussing it later this week!
The other two are bonus just for fun reads. 😁
Okay, let's be real for a minute. Nose kisses are actually the cutest. Maybe even better than forehead kisses.
👏👏👏this graphic novel was great, but I definitely preferred the first of the four stories in it. ❤️️❤️️❤️️
Does anyone else immediately think of Mean Girls when they see this?! 😂😂
This one is so cute! I am absolutely loving it.❤️️
Ruined is a historical romance short story included in the Fresh Romance anthology, which I read and loved last year.❤ Brought it with me the other day so @minavesguerra can borrow it. I'm interested in reading more romance in graphic novel format, do you guys have any recs? Also, Fresh Romance Vol. 2 from Emet Comics is already out and I need to find a way to get it! Pretty sure it's not available in Manila bookstores.😭
#romantsy #graphicnovel
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 | Ok in light of all the dark stuff going on...I needed something sweet and light. This was it! 4 different love stories, basically cute one-shots and all the happy feels. My favorite has to be The Only One, about 2 people and how they met and knew each other three different times...very When Harry Met Sally!
I decided after reading Spell on Wheels a couple weeks ago that I need more Kate Leth in my life.
IT CAME! It finally came!!! 😍♥️😘 #own #kickstarter #Vol2 #bookmailisthebestmail
#ComicsByWomen for #AndItsAugust: Out of these three tiles, I've only read Fresh Romance and loved it. I think Vol. 2 had a Kickstarter campaign earlier so I hope it gets published soon! Also hope they continue the Ruined short story from Vol. 1.
#graphicnovel #comics #romantsy
I've had one of those magical Fridays at home where I've done nothing but read and drink coffee. My goal this weekend is to get through all the comics and graphic novels I have checked out from the library. This one's first and I'm loving it.
I loved this! It's an anthology of romance stories in graphic form. My favorite was the one pictured here, Ruined. It was actually the one least like the others in the collection, which all had paranormal elements to them. I enjoyed them all, but this one really did it for me. This one fits in more with the historical romance novels I enjoy. It ended with a To Be Continued, and I really want more!
I liked almost every single story in this collaboration. A high school forbidden love between women. A Regency romance with a young woman with a new husband; will they, won't they? A waitress match maker with magical abilities. A play on Beauty and the Beast.
Sunday afternoon book and snack. I'm excited to start this romance comic anthology!
Yay!! My library told me back in September that they were ordering it based on my recommendation, and I pretty much gave up hope of it ever coming in. But it's finally here!
They just launched the kickstarter for volume 2!! Yay! 🎉🎉 The line up looks great, even if there's isn't the next piece of Ruined ☹️
Here the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/emetcomics/fresh-romance-brings-you-volume-...
So cute and fun. Hope they have the second volume soon.
Graphic Novel Sunday, excited to dive into this one.
I read this in several sittings over an extended amount of time because I wanted to savor it. It's a beautifully produced volume of very different love stories, and I adored them all in their own way. (But if I had to pick a favorite, it's gotta be Ruined. I mean. Regency romance. Comic format. Come on, guys.)
Today's #RiotGrams Kissing Books! This may be the only "romance" I own (not counting erotica)
Picked up this graphic novel anthology after seeing @Chachic post some pages from the book. It's not a format I'm comfortable with, so it's taking me a while just to get the gist of the first story, School Spirit by Kate Leth. But the illustrations are gorgeous, and the book just feels wonderful, and I know this will sound naff, but I love the smell of the pages. ☺️ #romantsy #graphicnovel #anthology
The art and the language in this fantasy romance short story gave it a fairytale feel. I like how it had unexpected depth by portraying different kinds of love, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the other stories in this anthology.
#romantsy #graphicnovel #comics #fantasy
The Ruby Equation was a fun read with just a hint of magic. It's short but I liked how it focused on how messy human emotions, relationships and love can be. I thought the cafe setting was cute. As with the rest of stories in this anthology, I felt that the art complemented the story.
#romantsy #graphicnovel #comics
Ruined was SO GOOD! First time I've read a historical romance in graphic novel form and I loved it. It's a marriage of convenience romance and this first installment was a great introduction for both the hero and heroine. I can't wait to find out more about them. The art was a visual treat, perfect for the story. Where is the sequel?! I tried searching for info about Fresh Romance Vol. 2 but couldn't find anything.
#romantsy #graphicnovel #comics
Good morning! Here's #bookandbreakfast: my current read and a rosemary chicken sandwich and soy matcha latte. Christmas cups are back! Also, I usually bring my Kindle when I go out but I kept thinking I'd rather read Fresh Romance whenever I find a few minutes free. Good thing it could fit in my bag! What's your current read?
#romantsy #bookandtea #bookandbrew #graphicnovel #comics
It's 1am here in Singapore but I'm still in denial that the weekend is over! So, so, so. Having a dose of historical hotties before sleeping.
#romantsy #graphicnovel #Mondayblues
Finished reading School Spirit and I thought it was a lot of fun. It's a complex and diverse YA that was easy to get into and had likable characters. I'm glad these teens had the courage to stand up for themselves! I thought the artwork was perfect for it, and I would be interested in reading more from both the author and the artist.
#romantsy #graphicnovel #comics #WeNeedDiverseBooks
Bought this yesterday and finished it this morning while waiting for my friend. What a quick, fun read. 5 romance comics with something for every romance reader: fantasy, LGBT, contemporary, historical 💕 Personal favorites are Ruined and The Ruby Equation. I need to know what happens in the next part of Ruined though! Must get the next volume! #romance #romantsy #graphicnovel
Just the romances I needed this week!! 💚
#bookanddinner: The only book I was able to buy from today's bookstore sale. Romance graphic novel? Why yes, please. Dinner was a deluxe cheeseburger, sweet potato fries (shared with my friend) and truffle mayo dip.
#romantsy #graphicnovel #bookhaul #LitsyFeature #bookandtea #bookandbrew
I really liked this! I need more of School Spirit and Ruined, please! Ruined was my favorite because I love historical romance and this one is in graphic form! I'm ready for the next volume already.
Saw this at the bookstore and I wanted to get a copy but it's expensive. I might wait for the bookstore to have 20% off, or order it from Book Depository. #romantsy
A great collection of really varied comics. I loved the surface complexity and diversity in School Spirit, the art in The Ruby Equation, but my favorite overall was Ruined for its simplistic depth of emotion and my NEED for the next installment.
My #libraryhaul from today, mostly holds. I do work there but I still may have a problem! 😳😬
School Spirit- adorable AND featuring many fashion goals!
Definitely slowed down this month due to work and other social obligations... still, not bad. 🙂 #monthlystats #bookstats #septemberreads
Tilney thinks I stayed up too late reading this comic anthology... and while he may be right, it was totally worth it. I loved everything about this collection. Happy feels all around and I can't wait to read more!
Oh man, I loved almost everything about this one! I think my expectations were a little high for the last story since I'd heard some gushing but that was the only one that I didn't love (the art was beautiful, the story just didn't pack the punch I needed). The rest were amazing and I'm desperately waiting for the rest of Ruined and a sequel to School Spirit is 100% necessary!
When you accidentally stay up until 2am because you randomly started paging through one of the library books you'd dumped on your bed earlier that day 😬😬😬😴😴😴
This was a cute graphic anthology! My favorite is a tie between the "School Spirit" and "The Ruby Equation." I liked the former's romance the most, but the latter's art and setup were my absolute favorite. The colors are so PRETTY. (My photo, sadly, makes them look darker.) The other two stories were okay...they were missing the great personality that were in the others.
It's always a good day when the books I request come in. My plans for the evening are made: poetry AND comics! 👍
Have we started a Landfall Freight support group yet? I can dedicate myself to sharing all the rad female-centric comics and graphic novels I find, but who's gonna surprise me with the same? #riplandfallfreight
This was the final shipment. Sigh. 💔