Adventures in Teleworking - when your co-worker argues with you about whether it‘s break time.
I hope everyone is having as good a day as Lil D. 💜
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive

Adventures in Teleworking - when your co-worker argues with you about whether it‘s break time.
I hope everyone is having as good a day as Lil D. 💜
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in telework—day: I‘ve stopped counting
I got up for 5 minutes and returned to the chair to find this plot afoot. Although they rarely collaborate, co-workers nos. 1 & 2 have put aside their differences to take back the chair. With this latest conspiracy, I fear a hostile takeover of the house is imminent.
Adventures in teleworking: week 4
Co-worker no. 2 practices smart social distancing by staying in his office (also known as the jigsaw puzzle closet). And he‘s warning Co-worker no. 1 to keep his distance.
#catsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in Telework: week 4
The look I get from Co-worker no. 1 when I‘m trying to collaborate with Co-worker no. 2.
Luckily, Co-worker no. 2 is completely unconcerned with Co-worker no. 1.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in telework week 4
Week 4 is not starting off too stellar. Co-worker no. 2 has had it with Mondays. And telework. He‘s decided to stage a sit-in. Or maybe it‘s a sit-under.
Meanwhile, Co-worker no. 1 has decided to work on his tan.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in teleworking: end of week 3
I get up for one minute and Co-worker no. 1 once again appropriated my chair. And he‘s not sorry at all. I swear, this work place is going to the dogs.
Meanwhile Co-worker no. 2 has not accomplished anything today. Apparently he thinks Fridays are for lounging and cat naps.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in Teleworking - week 3
I had to go into the office today. When I came home, I found Co-worker 1 & 2 in a meeting. The meeting ended right after I got this photo, so I‘m not sure what was on the agenda. Later I saw Co-worker no. 2 (🐈) on the computer, but he quickly moved when he realized I saw him.
I‘m expecting a hostile takeover any day now.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in teleworking, 10:30am Wednesday:
When you can‘t find Co-worker no. 1 but see a lump in the bed that wasn‘t there earlier.
I think many of us can empathize. 😂
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Today‘s Adventures in Teleworking: Co-worker no. 1 took a sick day today because he was feeling small.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in teleworking: Monday lunchtime co-worker drama.
Co-worker no. 1 wants to go for a walk and was not pleased when I did not go on his schedule.
Co-worker no. 2 is “working” by looking over my shoulder. He says he‘s “supervising.”
Who else has co-workers like these? 😂
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
In today‘s adventures in teleworking:
I actually had to go into the office today. When I got home, I found my co-workers playing. Clearly nothing got accomplished while I was gone.
(Co-worker no. 2‘s photo is a bit blurry because he wouldn‘t stay still. I think he had some cat nip while I was gone.)
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in teleworking:
I thought co-worker no. 2 wanted to collaborate. Turns out, he just wanted to steal my spot and hog it all for himself.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositivd
In today‘s adventure in teleworking:
I tried to ignore his incessant need for attention and invasion of my space. But co-worker no. 1 would not be deterred. He got in my lap, directly in my face. Clearly this guy thinks me teleworking is all about him.
On a side note, I think when all this is done, I‘ll make a Shutterfly book out of all these posts.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Adventures in teleworking cont‘d:
Co-worker no. 2, meanwhile, is more productive today. He‘s spent hours this morning taking a careful inventory of the local bird population.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypostive
In today‘s adventures in teleworking, I caught co-worker no. 1 on a dating site.
I‘m fairly certain this is a violation of the IT policy.
#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypositive
Telework day 7 or is it day 1,204? 🤔🤪
In today‘s co-worker drama:
Co-worker no. 1, in addition to constantly invading my personal space, continuously asks me to rub his belly.
This is clearly a violation of HR rules.
Meanwhile, co-worker no. 2 disappeared for hours only to be found lounging by the baseboard heater. When caught, he simply turned tail & walked away. 🐈 Incredibly rude on top of being a slacker! #noshame
Today‘s teleworking co-worker drama:
Co-worker no. 1 just wants to keep chatting, like the overly friendly cubicle worker who constantly is popping up to say something.
Meanwhile, co-worker no. 2 keeps taking longer and longer “smoke breaks”.
It‘s amazing that anything gets done around here. 😂
#keeplitsypositive #petsoflitsy