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I think this quite apt at the moment as you need to enjoy every day rather than waiting for the perfect day. I have always liked this quote as I tend to live my life this way as it seems it is always stormy for me.

Thanks for the tag @maich


Cathythoughts Great quote ❤️✨ 3y
maich I love it😍💕 3y
Crazeedi Beautiful quote and a favorite 💕 3y
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OriginalCyn620 This is wonderful! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Cathythoughts Love this 4y
Chrissyreadit 💕💗🎉🥳🙌👏🤩💗❤️ 4y
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Arvena 👍💓 4y
tracey38 Yes, love this! ❤❤❤ 4y
UwannaPublishme 😍🙌🏻 4y
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Texas wildflowers in bloom. We went on a walk along the bayou yesterday. @Eggs 😁 #keeplitsypostive

Eggs I‘m in TX too👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
BookLove4Ever @Eggs yeaaa! 😁 4y
CaramelLunacy Pretty! 4y
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Flowers | Gail Gibbons
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#bloominglitsy @Eggs #keeplitsypostive

Thanks for the tag @EadieB 😘📚📖

@Books.Bottles.and.Babies @ozma.of.oz @Schnoebs do you want to play? 😘❤️📚📖

EadieB @Birdsong28 I have some of these flowers. What are they called? Do you know? Very pretty. Thanks for playing! 4y
BookmarkTavern @EadieB They‘re lovely! I think these are grape hyacinth. 💜 4y
EadieB @ozma.of.oz That would be a perfect name for them. Thanks! 4y
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Birdsong28 @EadieB Not sure myself, it is my mum who does the gardening 🤭 I mown the lawn that is my contribution to the garden 😂 Thank you for the compliment tho. ❤️📚📖 4y
EadieB @Birdsong28 You're welcome! I'm not a gardener either and cutting the grass is a very needed job, so you're doing good! 4y
squirrelbrain @EadieB - @ozma.of.oz is right - they are grape hyacinth, also known as muscari. 4y
Eggs So beautiful 💜💜 4y
EadieB @squirrelbrain Thanks! Glad to hear from someone who knows their flowers! 4y
Tamra Loving all the flower pics! Breath of fresh air! 4y
BookishMe 😍😍 4y
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“Society is designed around the pleasures and benefits of the extroverted: open floor plans in the workplace, team-building exercises everywhere, office calendars that let the boss and co-workers track your every move. Now, though, the virus has done what a revolution never could: The social order has been upended, and extroverts find themselves living in the introverts‘ world.”

#keeplitsypostive #keepitpositive

Full article in comments:

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Adventures in teleworking cont‘d:

Co-worker no. 2, meanwhile, is more productive today. He‘s spent hours this morning taking a careful inventory of the local bird population.

#petsoflitsy #keeplitsypostive

wanderinglynn BTW, I‘m tagging those who‘ve expressed interest in these posts. If you want to be tagged on future ones or if you want me to *not* tag you, just let me know. 😀 4y
squirrelbrain I do hope there hasn‘t been an inventory reduction due to his over-zealous management of said bird population.... 4y
wanderinglynn @squirrelbrain No, he‘s an observer only. Even if he could get outside, he‘s too chubby & lazy, much like his human. 🤣 4y
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BookwormM Tag me I love these updates 💕💕 4y
wanderinglynn @BookwormM will do! 🥰 4y
ChaoticMissAdventures 😂😍😍🐈 4y
alisiakae Glad to see him hard at work 😹 4y
Scochrane26 My coworker stole a twist tie & has been chasing it around for at least 30 min. At least he‘s getting exercise. 4y
wanderinglynn @4thhouseontheleft Right?! It‘s about time he earned his way around here. 🤣 4y
wanderinglynn @Scochrane26 😂 I love when they do that. I‘ve stopped buying cat toys because mine prefers bottle caps and twist ties. 🤣 4y
squirrelbrain Are your co-workers taking part in #bfc28?! Maybe they should have targets.... 4y
wanderinglynn @squirrelbrain 🤣 I‘ve put fat cat on a doctor-approved nutrition plan. He loudly expresses his displeasure about it every time I walk into the kitchen. 4y
squirrelbrain Poor puss! 4y
robinb 🤣🤣🤣WOW...working hard for that bonus this year, huh?!! 4y
AlaMich Yes, but is bird-inventorying in his job description?? Or is he just trying to pass it off as “work?” (And I would love to be tagged!) 😊 (edited) 4y
Leftcoastzen 😻😂 4y
wanderinglynn @AlaMich will do! 🥰 And he‘s arguing that it‘s part of those “other duties as described.” 😂 4y
Lauram There‘s no way my cat is a co-worker. He‘s definitely management. 4y
wanderinglynn @Lauram oh mine likes to think he‘s the boss. He certainly bosses me around enough. 😂 4y
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The Library Book | Susan Orlean
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#keeplitsypostive #chickensoup #thecureforallills #dinnerandbooks #wineandbooks

Homemade chicken soup, bread, wine. Heaven!
Making some progress on this book. #Bookspin

Patchshank Looks really good😍 🤤 4y
Crazeedi Mmm good!💙 4y
Branwen That looks really yummy! 😍 4y
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LauraJ Umm...who/what is that sitting at your table? 4y
Cathythoughts Yum 😋❤️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks haha I feel like this is turning into the neverending book for you!! Are you hopefully enjoying it?? 4y
Gissy I made soup today. That quarantine is magic because I usually don't cook☺️I'm a terrible cook 4y
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Thank you so much @squirrelbrain for my lovely gifts!! I‘m having a tough day and this cheered me up no end!! So thankful for Litsy and all the beautiful people it has brought into my life! 💖 😊 #keeplitsypostive

Crazeedi 💙💚❤💙💚❤ 4y
squirrelbrain Oh no, sorry to hear you‘re having a difficult day. 🙁 Let me know if there‘s anything I can do to help. We can have a chat on email or phone if you‘d like. Drop me an email to helenharrogate at gmail dot com 😘 4y
Caroline2 @squirrelbrain Thanks Helen. That‘s lovely. It‘s important to keep contact isn‘t it, I‘m beginning to feel v cut off. The fear is getting to me today. But Litsy helps as always. 😉 👍 4y
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squirrelbrain Yes, it must be very difficult, particularly with the kids off school. I have some days when I‘m Ok with it all, and then others, not so much. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Sorry you had a tough day, sending virtual hugs! 4y
Tamra Great book! I listened to the audio, but it is so good I want to read it in print too. 4y
LoverOfLearning What a gracious gift! Enjoy! You deserve it. 4y
Caroline2 @squirrelbrain it‘s a surreal time isn‘t it! 😬 4y
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