A beautiful and heartbreaking book 💔
Read for reading challenges
Library book 📖
A beautiful and heartbreaking book 💔
Read for reading challenges
Library book 📖
5+/5 ⭐️
"Figlio mio, guardo il tuo profilo
alla luce dello spicchio di luna
che rischiara il cielo,
il tuo sonno innocente,
le ciglia che sembrano disegnate.
Ti ho detto: "Dammi la mano.
Non ti succederà niente di male".
Una poesia di paura e speranza, che racconta la storia di chi deve scappare, del loro passato, e del loro l'incerto futuro.
Book 29 I put Sea Prayer on hold because I've loved all of Hosseini's work. I was shocked to find IT'S A PICTURE BOOK! I feel guilty counting it as one of the books I've read this year, but I wouldn't have looked into it, reserved it, and read it if it hadn't been by a notable fiction novel author. It's a book written to a child about his homeland that he won't recognize as war and violence have changed it. Very poignant. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
A short (just 48 pages) but beautifully illustrated book from #KhaledHosseini for #AugustAuthors
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620
Such a profoundly moving book. 💚 In very few words, and with breathtaking artistry, this book captured my heart. Beautiful, heartbreaking story. Highly recommend.
A very short and beautifully illustrated book that really tugs at your heartstrings.
#khaledhosseini #seaprayer #bookworm
“.. Because all I can think tonight is
how deep the sea,
and how vast, how indifferent.
How powerless I am to protect you from it.
All I can do is pray.”
#MOvember not #likeaprayer but a really heartfelt prayer.
A love letter from a father to his son as they wait to flee in a boat. Beautiful book.
#octoberstats #octoberwrapup
In October I read 14 books, a pretty good amount for me. Among those 14 my favorite was the tagged little book, more of a poem actually but so heartbreaking. That was a 5 star read for me, but I also had 9 (!) 4 star reads so I had a very satisfactory month!
“Because all I can think tonight is how deep the sea is. How powerless I am to protect you from it.
You are the most precious cargo there ever was.
I pray the sea knows this. Inshallah.”
What a heartbreaking book, inspired by the story of Alan Kurdi, the 3-year old Syrian refugee who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea trying to reach safety in Europe in 2015. 😢💔
The story was inspired by a 3 year Syrian refugee who died in the Mediterranean sea trying to reach safety.
Even though this story is short it is so heart breaking and real. Beautiful😭😭😭😭
Interesting that I have both of these from the library at the same time for #24b4monday. The Hosseini is beautiful and so sad. (And very short, a picture book really.)
The Best We Could Do is a graphic memoir. I‘m loving the story of Bui‘s family history. Tagged book below in comments.
Father and son have fled their home in Homs, Syria due to the Syrian Civil War, and face the dangerous Mediterranean crossing.
#letstravelaugust @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620
I don‘t think I can truly review this book without tearing up. That famous photo taken by the beach keeps flashing while I was reading this.
Beautiful yet heart wrenching. Hosseini‘s writing shines in this mournful tale. There is a whole generation of children that know nothing but war, with no end in sight. Bless the refugees and may they all find “home”, wherever it maybe.
Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know🎶
#greeneyes #julycoldplay
A bit late but thanks to @Tanisha_A for tagging me! Here are my #top6reads of the year so far! Saga are random - all the volumes are at top🙈
I tag @MrBook @Sarah83 @maralinchen and @Moony and hope you havn‘t been tagged before🙈
Very quick read. It‘s a picture book. Such beautiful art is in this book. I bought this when it first came out and Barnes and noble was offering a special to have it signed by him.
Since I just finished his latest novel, I‘m going to do this quick read. It‘s also my day 9 for my June book challenge.
#day9 #30junebooks #prettybooks
Such a gorgeous and striking book, it's hard to pick a favorite page. And this was a signed copy ??? What a find !!!
Also: all proceeds from the book go to the UNHCR!
This is written to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Alan Kurdi, the 3-yr-old Syrian boy who drowned while attempting to reach Greece in 2015. Till today, people continue to attempt this journey. ‘Since Alan‘s death, at least 8,500 refugees and migrants have died or gone missing‘ trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to seek shelter from war and persecution.
#MayMovieMagic #GimmeShelter
Lovely and heartbreaking. One to reread many times. I could also see lots of uses in the classroom as well
Heartwrenching story told in short paragraphs of prose and beautiful illustrations.
Heartbreaking...what Marwan remembers of the once beautiful village of Homs.
What a beautiful, heartbreaking, important poem. It is only one poem, stunningly illustrates. Still, very important and everyone should have this is his library. It‘s a letter to a refugee son, about pain, fear; running away from war and not being welcome anywhere else. 5/5🌟
So sad, haunting and beautiful, and in so few pages. A sort of long poem with illustrations to match, which tells the story of a Syrian dad and his son, and their struggle for life. Impactful and important reading 👌
#MuslimAuthorOrMC #Booked2019
Don‘t read this one on the train on the way to work. So beautiful and so sad. Should be required reading for people who are against Human Rights and will not accept refugees in their country. It‘s illegal not to.
This is adult picture book, beautiful and haunting. The illustrations are gorgeous, and powerful and add much depth to this short story.
Syria has become a dark, war zone. People were attempting to flee to freedom. This is a letter from a Syrian father to his young son, on the eve of their journey. It says so much with so few words.
Captivating and poignant reminder of how important democracy and respect for others dreams truly are.
5 ☆ A short, but powerful epistolary poem with illustrations that beautifully amplify the story, written father to son, it solemnly depicts the beauty of the life and the country they‘re about to leave.
Sea Prayer was inspired by the story of Alan Kurdi, a 3 year old Syrian refugee who in 2015 drowned in the Mediterranean while escaping to safety, and is dedicated to the thousands that have died in their attempt crossing to safety.
A heartbreakingly beautiful picture book about the plight of refugees. It is told from the perspective of a father speaking to his beloved son as they wait for the boat that will take them across the sea in the hope of reaching safety. It is dedicated to the thousands of refugees who have died in the attempt. #ReadingAroundTheWorld #Afghanistan
A poignant, and brief, illustrated story of the refugee crisis and experience. Hosseini inspired by the real tragedy of Alan Kurdi‘s death. Although brief, this story captures the human heartbreak of this global crisis, and personalises refugees. In a way, I feel a bit uncomfortable about the use of this book as “charity”. The Q9 from the sale of each copy which is donated to UNHCR pales next to the profits made from publishing such a book.
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Very touching and sad story. I really wasn‘t expecting the ending. A good quick short read. ❤️❤️
A children‘s book with beautiful art and a harsh story.
This is the saddest book I have ever read. It brings me to tears just thinking about it.
can a week start better💞📚 finally in my hands💪#croatianedition#bookcover#booklove#readingchallange2019🏵
I checked this out of the library after seeing @Krisjericho ‘s review. I need to own my own copy. It‘s beautiful and heartbreaking and I‘ve been sobbing for the last five minutes.
It looks so deceiving- a beautiful, short picture book that is a father talking to his son. Definitely could be read at any age, but if you are willing to walk in those shoes, it is devastatingly powerful.
What can I say about an illustrated poem about a refugee crisis by Khalid Hosseini, other than that it is beautifully heartbreaking? It is lyrical and poignant. It will take you all of fifteen minutes to read, but then you will have to reread to absorb the language and emotion.
Grabbed a Quick Pick feature at the local library. My first time reading Khlaed Hosseini but it won't be my last. This story is touching and suitable for all ages. The illustrations here are lovely too.
From my Goodreads Your Year in Books graphic. 65 books/19,478 pages. Not a stellar year numbers-wise, but not too shabby. Sea Prayer was a perfect follow-up/companion read to From a Low and Quiet Sea, both of which were 5 🌟 reads for me this year. Looking forward to many great books in 2019. Still deciding what challenges I‘ll do and where I‘ll set my Goodreads Challenge number. #2018inbooks #2018wrapup