This is a fun audiobook. She's very funny. I also like that she uses a lot of video game analogies. She has a lot of good advice but it's also pretty basic.
#BookSpinBingo I'm taking this as a free space.
Quarantine & Chill
Pick but more as a borrow recommendation than a buy for me. Maybe it is better on audio. I liked it enough to skim and read most parts but I don‘t think there was much that was very new here. And there were way too many glossy pictures of her but I‘m not a fan her videos or anything, so her fans might feel differently. Overall this was light and not terrible for this sort of thing. @AVChrista
Starting this. Hope it‘s good!
I got a real kick out of this, even though I‘m not in Singh‘s target audience (ie, the 15-25 crowd, with some wiggle room). She‘s up front about how she intends to challenge and call out her readers, but she does so in a supportive, uplifting way that‘s a joy to listen to and consider.
Expect lots of humour, heart, and creative business advice. Don‘t approach this as a mental health primer, despite Singh‘s occasional interludes about depression.
I took an #audiowalk to the grocery store specifically to get bleu cheese dressing, but they were totally sold out. No buffalo eggs for me tomorrow. 😭
At least the trek gave me some more listening time. I‘m now 46% into HOW TO BE A BAWSE, and Libby thinks I‘ll finish in just over an hour. It feels mighty good to listen to something short after a couple weeks of looooooong audiobooks and minimal listening time.
I made two cranberry macaroon loaves while I started my next audiobook. (The one in front is a mini; it was done before the top could change colour.) A friend three years younger than me told me HOW TO BE A BAWSE made her feel really old, but I‘m enjoying it so far. Singh‘s entertaining and supportive, even if she does clearly target her advice at teenagers and younger 20-somethings. #audiobaking
Back on the Audiobook hustle.
1. I have many but this is on my goodreads profile page today. “The most important thing is that you have to listen to your truths, desires and wants. And have to believe you deserve all of it.”
2. Tagged: I felt so positive and motivated after listening to this that I actually bought the physical book at full price. I should probably read/listen again as I could use some motivational rejuvenation
Unfortunately I didn't take anything away from this book. She briefly discussed depression but barely went into details. If mental illness was a problem for her and she overcame it to be a "bawse", she could've helped so many people. However, the opportunity was lost and filled in with her version of comedic narration.
Overall score: 3.0/5.0
"The universe may like The Law of Attraction, but it likes a good hustle even more"
"A Bawse knows that there are many different pathways to every destination in life, and just because you‘ve only been given one set of directions, that doesn‘t mean ten other roads don‘t all lead to the same place."
I am listening to How to be a Bawse by Lilly Singh. This is my first audiobook experience. Listening to Lilly's story in her own voice is so much fun.
What are you all reading on this weekend? #audible #lillysingh #weekendread
I have never understood (or therefore wanted to try) cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) until thinking of it this way!
Sometimes you just need a self help book. Listening to it at work has been interesting. I am starting this one and so far realizing that most of the advice is for a younger audience and those trying to work in media...we will see how it pans out! #selfhelp #audiobook #advice
#HelloThursday Author Edition (This one is difficult)
1) J R Ward
2) Jennifer Crusie
3) Trevor Noah
4) Lilly Singh (tagged) Goodreads Choice Awards 2017
All of these answers are chosen at random and can change from moment to moment. 😂
"Stand as if someone is creating a statue of you in that very moment.
Walk as if there is an explosion happening behind you and you're an action movie star walking away"
-Lilly Singh
Quite interesting book. Author- YouTube video maker lilly Singh has given us a quick glance to her most dreadful past and how she started from zero to the biggest celebrity now.
Catchy quotes n anecdotes.
It‘s clearly written by and targeted towards a younger demographic than I fall into at this point, and she is still quite star struck and name droppy, but the author makes good points and IMO obviously put a good amount of work into it. I had a tough time getting through it personally, but I could see it being great for a younger reader.
Nice book to read! Mostly to the point. Written in a quirky sorry if way!
I give it a solid 3.5/5 . It's not my favorite self-help/memoir but it's really good. I especially loved the quotes and keeping it real advice I got throughout. It would have been better if I found it more relatable and towards the end I found myself doing some skimming. But overall I think it's s book that everyone should read!
Be a Bawse!! Don't just do, overachieve!! I love getting inspiration from this book and she puts it in such a fun way with cool stories. #ampersand2018
#quotes #selfhelpqueen
Hey hey, Book Dragons! Been a while. Sorry about that.
But, after days of caring for/strategically avoiding sick family members like they had the black spot of Davy Jones, I got the flu. Almost 2 wks now & the struggle is still real...but better-ish. 😷
But I'm still reading. 💛📚 And still participating in #24in48 hr #readathon! Yep, just finished the #Bawse book, & 11 hrs 22 min reading! Yay! *cough*
What about you? How's your weekend reading?
Finished my first book for the #24in48 readathon last night. This was a strange one. I was expecting it to be more autobiographical - it's a guide to life with some anecdotes thrown in. I do agree with most of her advice, though it is a bit simplistic at times. I liked that she got celebrity friends to read some chapters. I think ambitious young Lilly Singh fans will love it. I am ambitious and I do watch her videos but I'm not so young 😄
Starting the #24in48 readathon in local time so I can listen to this while I get ready for bed!
I often am an over sharer especially at work. It's really key to keep some things secret or hidden. Don't give everything away all at once. Do you agree with this?
🤘🏽 Humorous, charming, honest, & real as Lilly chats about numerous different ways to be more proactive in improving your professional and personal life.
🤘🏽 Her voice is humble & accessible; very engaging.
🤘🏽 She draws on real life experiences & scenarios that help make each of the lessons easier to relate to.
🤘🏽 Positive & uplifting.
🤘🏽 Highly rec‘d to everyone who needs some inspiration, esp. people struggling w/depression (like me).
I am more then halfway through this book and i love it. She tells you how to get to your goals and ways to go about doing so.
A guide to conquering life written by a famous internet influence. This book helps many younger people in facing challenges and learning how to deal with some situations. It includes real examples to help make the lessons so relatable! Since it‘s written by someone who is extremely well known on all social media platforms, it will give the readers more of a trusting sense since they are familiar with the author,
🚨🚨 big Kindle sale on Goodreads Choice 2017 winners & finalists today! 🚨🚨
here, take all my money, Amazon.
Entertaining & inspiring #currentread
I‘m was thinking about maybe being a Bawse some day, then I learned it would take a ladder, some stairs and another ladder. My knees are too old for that kind of thing.
📚📚📚📚 I thoroughly enjoyed this read. LS clearly has tried to put her brand of charm and humor on what could have been a dull self-help book. Instead, we get funny lines, honest common sense thoughts. There are no one-trick wonders in here but LS offers common sense work hard tips. It's 50 chapters about 2-3 pages each with graphics. There are some redundancies but they don't detract. The message is clear.
I didn't gain anything from reading this book. It felt like Singh was checking "write a book" off her to do list. I thought there would be more reflections about being Canadian or that moment she knew she "made it". Don't expect too much from this self-help book.
Loving How To Be A Bawse right now! This stack of 22 books is gonna be a my ambitious summer TBR before I go back to college at the end of August. Wish me luck!
I'm sorry Singh but this is so hard for me to get into at the moment. I wish I could return to you later but there's 40 holds on this brand new self-help book. I hope it's just me... I don't enjoy self-help books usually. Everyone else is giving this good reviews. Oh well - at least Singh is motivating me to set reading goals!
I haven't had time to get to this one yet, but it looks crazy motivational with a side of that Lilly Singh humour!
#bookstagram #bookgram #instabook #instaread #bookworm #bibliophile #readthenorth #chaptersindigo #lillysingh #howtobeabawse #tbr #goodreads #epicreads
I finally got this yesterday!!! ❤️👏🏻 I'm loving it so far and diving into it this beautiful beachy afternoon. The pics are gorgeous and just flipping through the book is so eye-pleasing and awesome. I'm #inspired. She is so witty and hilarious too. #bawse #beachreads #summer
There are some good tips on how to be successful in this book. And it‘s funny too!
#bookishsunshine @thelavenderprose (Non-Fiction Book You Liked)
#bookstagram #bookblogger #bookblog #bibliophile #books #nonfiction #lillysingh #canlit
I was hoping to learn more about her, as I'm not really familiar w/her, but instead I was just disappointed. Most of the book is just a not so humble brag about her YouTube success, while the other is pseudo advice/self-help book. I couldn't bring myself to finish this book, it was going nowhere, the way she said bawse repeatedly got annoying, and I have a very long TBR list that contains better books that I would rather spend my time on.
A fun read, part biography and part self-helpish (on how to be a bawse of course). Lots of good advice and fun stories.
Gentle mixture between memoir and a self-help book. I got the audiobook, listening to Lilly's quirky self just made the experience so much more enjoyable.
I'm reading along as I listen to the audiobook. Simply because I love feeling like Lilly is talking to me and giving me life advice. I'm so thankful that I got to meet her & get a signed copy 🙌🏽
can't wait to read how to be a bawse by Lilly Singh!!