I don‘t consider myself a short story kind of gal but I‘m really enjoying the tagged book. Should finish it today so I read both my #bookspin and #doublespin.
I don‘t consider myself a short story kind of gal but I‘m really enjoying the tagged book. Should finish it today so I read both my #bookspin and #doublespin.
A “winter” compilation of short stories. “Five Tuesdays in Winter” is the 2nd story. The book is nestling among a cozy quilt & a pillow, necessary accompaniments for reading in winter.
#naturalitsy #midwintersolace #week1 #winterfiction
Apologies, I inadvertently sent the email with my #naturalitsyswap match to trash. Can any of you resend it?
I entirely loved this collection! Such an interesting range of characters and settings. And of tones - sweet and funny to heartbreaking and dark, even brutal at times. The complexity of relationships shines through in every story. Hard to even pick faves, but the title story, When in the Dordogne, and Creature were standouts.
I enjoyed reading this collection of short stories, exploring love, life, and relationship complexities. The measured writing and slow unraveling make them very absorbing. The stories are emotionally charged..some painful, some sad, others hopeful - leaving me wanting more. Some stories worked for me better than the others; my favourites: Creature; When In Dordogne; North Sea; Hotel Seattle; The Man At The Door.
I love Lily King and the only thing wrong with this collection of short stories is that they weren‘t all books
I love her writing. This small 200 page book contains only a handful of short stories, but it‘s well worth reading. Each story features a small slice of life of each character.
This was . . . fine? I guess I have higher expectations for Lily King, but I felt a little disappointed -- these are well-written, finely crafted stories but other than “'When in Dordogne“ -- which I really loved -- they aren't really at the level I anticipated.
A short story collection, mostly set in New England. The opening story, “Creature,” was excellent, but my favorite was probably “When in the Dordogne.” King is a brilliant writer and these stories don‘t disappoint.
“To wish your parents ill, to wish that they would never return, seems heavy from an adult perspective, but it sat lightly on me that summer.“
Lily King, “When in the Dordogne“
“The Summer I was fourteen, a few months after my mother had moved us out of my father's house, I was offered a job on Widows' Point babysitting this old lady's grandchildren who had come to visit for two weeks.“
#FridayReads #FirstLineFridays
I don‘t know how other people do it, not stay with the girl whose ankle socks made your stomach flip at age fourteen, whose wet hair smells like your past—the girl who was with you the very moment you were introduced to happiness 👩❤️👨
Adults hid their pain, their fears, their failure, but adolescents hid their happiness, as if to reveal it would risk its loss 🌚
It‘s been several weeks since I read this and I can‘t remember one story. I do remember looking forward to reading the next story so that must mean something, right? But I still remember stories from Lauren Groff‘s short story collection (Florida) and I read that several years ago. So that must mean something too, right?
#doublebookspin #bookspinbingo Square 10. I don't think short story collections are for me. I'm never quite sure how to rate or review them. Though there are a couple of stories in this collection that I really liked (including the title story) most were just okay. This is three star ⭐⭐⭐ read for me. I wouldn't discourage anyone from reading it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone either.
Like most short story collections, there are some that are fantastic and some that fall a little flat. There were some great ones in this one, but some that I had a really hard time getting into. King is a good writer, and I liked that each story was so very different. Some are 5s, but those 3‘s left a mark.
I adored a small few of these stories, and the rest left me feeling bored or ready for them to be finished. And I didn‘t fully understand the connection between them. I enjoyed Writers & Lovers, more, and would advise that book if you are looking for a Lily King book to read!
@BkClubCare This book is gorgeous. Sounds interesting, too. Hope I don‘t have to wait too long!!
I love short stories. This didn‘t disappoint. I enjoyed all of the stories.
Already loving these beautifully written short stories. So far I have been fully immersed in each one.
I don‘t pick up books of short stories very often but I liked Writers and Lovers so decided to give this one a whirl! The characters were very human, with qualities we can all recognize in ourselves.
I really enjoyed this audio collection of stories. The title one, especially, made me teary. I have a new favorite author. A perfect read between challenge reads, refreshes my love of books, restores the joys of spontaneous reading. #blueberrypie 🫐🥧 Book#3
A lovely collection of stories focusing on children, love, loss, and discovery. They all had beauty within them, and diversity within the characters too. These characters have gone through something or are going through something, have lost something and are in this unfinished state, discovering how to get to a place of revelation. King writes with much empathy and expertise. #bookreview
Blueberry 🫐 🥧 Pie! Sliced into 3 pieces and piled with ice cream. Oh yea! (Being audio, I don‘t have the *exact* words) #PieinLiterature #LitPie
I think this is an Audible freebie and yes, it didn‘t hurt that Ann Patchett blurbed it… yes, I might have a crush on AP… #WiaN2022 category Seasons
Go Chiefs! 🏈 #DogsofLitsy #EsthertheGriff
Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! I had a lovely morning with bookish gifts (I grew up NEVER being gifted books so this was very exciting). I‘m now headed up to the Leelanau peninsula where I will spend the weekend solo with a room on Lake Michigan cozied up to the fireplace getting a lot of reading done. This is my second year doing this and it fills my soul ❤️📚🌊
I really enjoy Lilly King‘s writing. This was a 4⭐️collection of short stories. 👍
Thanks @Andrew65 for this fun challenge! My final pick for #12booksof2021 #12thbookof2021 #December is this fabulous short story collection from one of my favorite authors.
These stories absolutely shine…. So full of heart, love, sadness and hope… Lily King‘s writing is so gorgeous, every character so relatable, each story full of beautiful detail and nuance. This is one of the best short story collections I‘ve read in a really long time.
This collection of short stories was…disappointing. At her best, King knows how to capture themes of longing and human connection so well (Writers & Lovers, Euphoria), and I see hints of the same themes in FTIW too. But perhaps the short story format just wasn‘t the best move. I couldn‘t help but think, “What‘s the point?” when reading each narration, and none of the stories had a connecting thread. Or perhaps the theme was just too broad.
1. Safe travel for everyone coming to our family gathering .
2. Not really
Just wow! These stories absolutely shine…. So full of heart, love, sadness and hope…
Lily King‘s writing is so gorgeous, every character so relatable, each story full of beautiful detail and nuance. This is one the best short story collections I‘ve read in a really long time.
Lily King can do no wrong for me.. this is my third of hers in a little over a year, and I love everything she puts out!
I‘m glad I waited to review this. I adored this when I read it, but the only story I can clearly remember 5 days after finishing it is the title story, which was absolutely fantastic. Does this diminish my feelings for the book? Not really. Good incentive for a reread one day. 😉 But of the ones I‘ve read this year, it‘s firmly in the good not great category. #BorrowNotBuy I think it‘s available on #hoopla. 👍🏻
Five Tuesdays In Winter is a collection of ten short stories by Lily King. Each of the stories talk about the human condition – desire, pain, loss, ties that bind and ultimately, the different forms that human love can take. It is beautifully written and invokes heartwarming and sometimes heartbreaking emotions. Each of her characters have unique voices and are memorable way past the pages of this book.