RIP Anne Rice.
Thank you for the vampires
RIP Anne Rice.
Thank you for the vampires
I keep up with all the Vampire Chronicles, but this one was hard to get through. So much of the book was devoted to these alien creatures that inhabited Atlantis with background on Amel. I feel odd saying this but there‘s way too much mushy love going on among the vampires. I‘m all for love but she says it so much that it belittles it to me. In any case, I got my copy at THE Garden District Book Shop in New Orleans, and Anne Rice signed it 🤩
The orchestra is generating a soul 😊🎼🎻
My haul from the Garden District Bookshop in New Orleans. I got to see the houses Anne Rice lived in, the Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 where some of Interview with the Vampire was filmed, and you‘re seeing correctly that I bought a signed first edition of Anne Rice‘s latest addition to the Vampire Chronicles 🤩
This book was the last straw. When I realized she straight up killed Quin and Mona "offscreen," I just immediately bailed. Outside Lestat, Quin was my favorite vampire. I mean, I was a little worried when she brought in honest to god aliens, but I was willing to soldier through. Not anymore. I am DONE. I consider Blood Canticle the end in my own head canon.
Last night I was sitting there hating the book I‘d gotten from the library and really wanting to read, so I found this one on the ebooks on their #overdrive app, I‘m so excited I love her books, this series is amazing! #vampirechronicles #lestat #ihatelestat #bookworm #2018 #reading
😍 look @tea.n.books Scarlet Witch is keeping the Queen safe!! #bestpenpal
I have been reading the vampire series since I discovered the series in the 80's. I just can't see the purpose in the direction of this story, no spoilers. I'll leave it to say I missed the version of Lestat that I grew up with. I feel the character was just off in many ways. How was the book for anyone else who read it?
Wish I met her
I am an unabashed Anne Rice fan, and I actually fully enjoyed Prince Lestat but, I'm at the third chapter and I swear to god if we're adding aliens into this I'm going to be exhausted trying to keep up with all this supernatural shit.
I have always enjoyed Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, but I was nervous about this book. It sounded a bit more out there, and I was afraid it would ruin some of the mythos for me.
I was delighted to find that although it did add completely new elements to the story, it did so in a way that captivated me. If you have ever wondered about the origin of the powerful spirit Amel, the "core" of the vampire species, here's your chance for answers.
#BookNLunch time! We have to taste test our new specials before we open some days. Today's new feature is the Fry Day Burger (yes, we like bad puns). Special thanks goes out to @MrBook for inspiring this post!
i like where this is going
In a series where the main ongoing protagonists are immortal vampires, that element is one of the least fanciful parts of this story. This tale includes genetically engineered humans, aliens, highly advanced ancient civilizations, and a plunge into Theosophical metaphysical writings. If you are a fan of the Vampire Chronicles, as I am, you will still enjoy some parts. For everyone else, there are better volumes to spend your time with.
Another adventure in the never ending saga of our beloved Brat Prince, Lestat de Lioncourt, with an interesting spin on the origins of the blood thirsty spirit Amel.
Ok guys I need help!!! Husband and I are having a debate. Who would win in a fight Buffy or Lestat? #teamlestat
Anyone else guilty of this?
Funny thing how I went to target to buy coffee for tomorrow, and some ended up forgetting the coffee, buying #princelestatandtherealmsofatlantis and #wine 😐 I'm a lost cause! And I have to go back out for coffee, or there will be blood in the morning😂
Kindle users and Lestat lovers this is on sale for $.99 right now on Amazon!! If you were like me waiting for it to go down in price our moment has arrived!!
I have loved all of the Rice books in the Vampire Chronicles until this one. I feel it sadly just kept getting in it's own way.
I wanted to love this, but it was just so-so for me. There is no doubt that Anne Rice is a stellar writer and I have loved most of what she has written. This one fell a bit flat because I feel like the sci-fi slant took away the magic that is the Vampire Chronicles. I feel like it should have been a different book with no vampires. Still glad I read it and I still love Anne Rice ❤
I had started reading this book before I ended up in the hospital in December. I just couldn't pick it back up when I got home because I felt awful. It has called to me now though and I've re-read a chunk to bring me up to speed - I'm looking forward to finishing this at long last
Though not as good as the early books in The Vampire Chronicles, it was a lot better than I expected. Felt it dragged a bit to start but once it picked up, I was gripped and back into the Savage Garden I went 😄
Birthday gift to my hubby!❤️
So many books I want to buy!
Well, look at what the cat brought in to the library today. Plucked this beauty off the "New Books" shelf for a quick browse. This'll be a great addition to our signed "Prince Lestat" copy, right @BookBabe ??????! Any #AnneRice fans in the #LitsyHouse? #TBRtemptation #LitsyLovesLibraries #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?
At the book signing last night, they also had these cool t-shirts for sale. And Anne graciously signed it with a silver marker. 😍 I believe one of her staff members designed it. #warwicks #annerice
Look who I met last night at #Warwick's bookstore in La Jolla? I took a friend of mine for her birthday, but I think it was my birthday too! 😉Gotta say, Anne couldn't have been nicer to us. #warwicks #annerice
After months of waiting for it to be released then almost 2 weeks of waiting for books-a-million to fix the fact that they didn't actually ship it I finally have my hands on this amazing beauty 😍😍
They looked like angels, but they were actually beasts.
Ridiculously excited to see this on the new release shelf at the library. Ready to spend time with the brat Prince.
Just finshed the book, I don't think the lore needed to be changed/ added to the way it was. Lestat himself did not seem to have a very active roll during the story until the very end. I can only hope that any future story lines move very far away from this thread.
My husband pre-ordered it for me, and it's signed!!!
Time to see what Kind of interesting ordeal happens to the brat prince!!!
I enjoyed this but I'm also obsessed with Lestat. As a standalone book it doesn't work. You need to be invested in Lestat's complete story to enjoy.
SO THIS HAPPENED TODAY...STILL IN SHOCK... #booknerdforlife #imallbooked #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #annerice #princelestat #booksignings
My books for the weekend!