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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother's coffin as the world watched in sorrow--and horror. As Diana, Princess of Wales, was laid to rest, billions wondered what the princes must be thinking and feeling--and how their lives would play out from that point on. For Harry, this is that story at last. With its raw, unflinching honesty, Spare is a landmark publication full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Tell-All book from Prince Harry 🤴🏻

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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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This book was incredible. Like everyone, I had seen the headlines and harassment that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had suffered but this was a beautifully written version of their side of the story. I‘m glad that they‘ve found some sense of peace and hope they are able to continue living out their lives, raising their beautiful children and continuing their charitable work.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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This is worthwhile. It was neat to get a glimpse of what Harry has endured, but he also glosses over some parts and attempts to justify others. Still, I feel more sympathy for him, so I am glad I gave it a shot.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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My goals are 📚Finish Spare by Prince Harry 📚Read The first mistake #JoysofJune #readathon @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, best of luck 😁 14mo
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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I was finally able to borrow this book from my public library. I‘m not in favor of royalty or monarchies, but I‘m finding Harry‘s story very appealing.

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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Enjoying this book. Got a little snack from my garden to. Nothing beats fresh veggies.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love cucumbers 🥒 14mo
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Currently starting this one. Heard good things about it.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex

There‘s been so much already said on this book and on this life. I liked when he gave his rationale for sharing his story- saying that everyone else already had been but that it was his turn to do it openly and honestly. Also, unrelated, perhaps, but he would be super fun to party with you just know it.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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So far so good in the first couple of chapters. Very eloquent with words.

bio_chem06 Although everyone has a version of a story, I do feel like he speaks as someone who has worked through a lot of trauma in therapy, that gives him a lot of perspective and boundary building 14mo
BethM @bio_chem06 I totally agree! 14mo
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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I have a lot of empathy for Harry. In a world where his family is constantly hounded by the press yet often unwilling to respond to media stories, his choice to tell his own story is understandable. There‘s definitely some spin visible in places, but I‘m pretty sure we all do that. Glad I listened to it, but given how petty William comes across as, by opinion of him is diminishing.

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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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He stood by his wife.He gave up everything and stood by his wife.How can anybody fault him for that?The day before I finished this book,Prince Harry and Megan were all over the news because the paparazzi led them on a dangerous high speed chase.I feel for this family.I really enjoyed this audiobook. I found it especially good because it was read by Prince Harry. I don‘t really follow the royal family, so Harry‘s story was new and interesting to me

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Guess who‘s audiobook hold FINALLY came in! What am I getting myself into. I don‘t have high hopes. 😂

BooksNBowls I liked it. I‘m on part 3 now when he just met Meg. Idk why everyone hates on Harry. The Royals are corrupt af. 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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5-15-23: My 51st finished book of 2023! Known as the Spare to the Heir his whole life, Prince Harry really didn‘t have an easy time of it. Even though he is royalty his life never seemed to be his own. Losing his mother at age 12 really traumatized him and it took many years before he was able to deal with that. His life in the army was intense. His life with Meg was a whirlwind of love and sadness but he is now in a happier place. Well written.

GidgetsTreasures75 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣5️⃣1️⃣ 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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5-14-23: My husband snapped one of me reading. Even though that‘s all I do I don‘t have many of these. Reading on the beach is bliss. 💖📖🏖️

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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5-14-23: Spent Mother‘s Day on the beach in New Smyrna, Florida! Couldn‘t have asked for a better day laying out and reading Spare. Happy Mother‘s Day to all!!💖📖🏖️

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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All was laid out there, for the moments that could be divulged. And it was a great read. I could feel the sorrow, the anger, the rage, the humor, and everyday people in this family that happens to be royal. got to see the Netflix and Oprah specials to introduce the subject matter of the press and their part. From his mother the Princess Diana and the subsequent headlines, all is touched on or elaborated on. It‘s fascinating and heartbreaking.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex

I enjoyed this book. I like Harry, and I say good on him to not want to follow all those ancient customs and make his own choices. No one wants to be the Spare.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex

A strong accounting of a man who is doing all of the emotional hard work for his family. Wishing them all well. Historians will be happy to have this one.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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As someone who has no deep knowledge or interest in the royal family, a lot of this book didn‘t intrigue me in the way I‘m sure it did others. Still, Harry comes across as a very sympathetic figure, and I found his discussions about mental health to be particularly impactful.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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You never think about how hard it is to never be allowed any privacy. Interesting point of view about the monarchy from someone who lives it yet has decided to be apart from it.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
#boleybooks #princeharry #spare #bookbeast #bookjoy #bookbuds #readwithme
What are you reading?😊

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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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I read this in print the week it came out, but now that my library hold is in, I can‘t resist listening to Harry read it!

AmyG He does a wonderful job. I just finished this. 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex

I‘m not one to be overly fascinated with celebrities or royals, but this book kept popping up on lists and recommendations. I‘m glad I gave it a listen. We all deserve to tell our story and hearing Prince Harry‘s is eye opening. The lack of privacy and utter disregard for human decency he‘s undergone from the press starting at such a young age is abhorrent. Shame on the royal family for not being more supportive.
Book #25 in 2023

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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#Wardens2023 #ARCApril #ThingsInCommon #BookSpin

#UnpopularOppinion I found myself highly underwhelmed by this one. I was ok but I still can‘t honestly see what the fuss is about. I was always a fan of Diana‘s & therefore Harry, William & then Kate🤔Now however, I find myself disliking them & sad for poor Harry (I‘m not a fan of M).

Imo no great bombshells were revealed. They may be royals but they are l, after all, still human.

persephone1408 I hated it. 1y
DieAReader @persephone1408 My expectations were high & it‘s like they just…fell off a rock cliff, face first🤦🏻‍♀️ It was, as they say, “nothing to write home about”.🤷🏻‍♀️ Could have have, should have, imo, been so, so much better. Can‘t win ‘em all, I guess🙄 1y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
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Andrew65 I struggle having too much sympathy for any of them. We have tragic times, my dad died suddenly overnight when I was 6, but haven‘t let that define my life. I can understand them wanting to be away from everything but then why keep courting the media to tell your story. Don‘t poke the bear! Feels,like they want to have their cake and eat it. They all live a very privileged existence whilst people across the U.K. struggling to afford food for 👇 1y
Andrew65 Their families and heat their houses. Then the last month long Prime Minister escalated by her decision making mortgages to unprecedented levels so people struggling to afford their mortgages. Food prices gone up by in many cases 50% in the last year.

So with all this I feel little sympathy. I would if they had not courted the media and told their story to the whole world in the process. None want our dirty linen washed in public. 👇
(edited) 1y
Andrew65 Sorry 🤷‍♂️ I‘ll get off my socialist soap box. 😂 1y
DieAReader @Andrew65 No need mon ami❤️‍🔥 You & you‘re🧼📦are always welcome! I agree with you, even if I am from “across the pond”😉🥰 1y
CoverToCoverGirl I listened too. He is a very talented narrator. I do have empathy for all of them but it only goes so far. Time to move forward. Some things don‘t need to be shared… cringe, cringe. 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Yes, Harry had a rough go of it - a cold family who didn‘t even give him a hug when his mother died - but I think the biggest reveal here was that he has never gotten along with Will, completely counter to the prevailing press narrative for like three decades. Anyway, I wish him and Meghan happiness and hope this memoir gave him some closure.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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#Wardens2023 #AwesomeApril #WeekendReading #BookSpinBingo #ThingsInCommon

Just started🤓🎧📖 My months long wait for this library hold was much, much shorter than predicted or expected. No complaints on that from me though😈📚

TheAromaofBooks Good luck!! 1y
BethM I loved this! 1y
Andrew65 I‘m fed up with the constant soap opera on this over here. Feel sorry for him but feels as if they are feeding the situation and making it worse. A case of not washing your dirty laundry in public. 1y
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AmyG I‘m about a third of the way through the audio and am enjoying his narration. 1y
BooksNBowls I just started too! I‘m about 3 hours in. I think his “airing his dirty laundry” is the whole point of the book. It‘s a screw you to the press and a you can‘t use anything against me now. Idk I see lots of controversial opinions about him, but I don‘t see why everyone cares so much about him and his relationship. And why are people so loyal to the crown? They certainly have lots of skeletons in their closet.. 1y
Clwojick I‘ve heard such mixed things about this book. Regardless of who you “side with”, I hope you enjoy the book. 1y
CoverToCoverGirl I‘m with @andrew65 on this one. All families are complicated. Their issues are just played out on a world stage. They need to move on, that was their choice or plan, and live their private non public lives more quietly. They want the press to go away but they are also inviting them in when it suits them. It‘s terrible for all involved. Having said all that, can‘t wait to see your review or thoughts @DieAReader (edited) 1y
Andrew65 @Clwojick Don‘t think anyone comes out of this well. 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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An interesting perspective into what the British royal family is like. I was struck by how little Harry seemed to know about his family members and had such strange relationships with them, seemingly being quite far removed from them. He only found out that his father loved music so much after Megan started discussions with him about it. It appears that much of Kate and Meg's issues came from breach of protocol and the differences between...

IamIamIam Not only American behaviors and mannerisms but how differently the royals are to interact. I wouldn't have made it through the print but enjoyed Harry's reading of the book. 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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There are 3 sides to every story, but I find this perspective quite interesting I was impressed with his army career and how he and William are financially beholden to their father. He doles out allowances! Lots of competition, lots of slander by the press.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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I didn‘t find anything to be salacious or controversial and so am not sure why I heard this book was so polarizing. All families are dysfunctional in their own way. His family issues were amplified and speculated on by the masses and the company line was always not to comment, until he did.

I think all Prince Harry wanted and sought out was peace, happiness, and freedom. It seems like he finally found it.

AileenRR I hope so! I have a soft spot for Harry 1y
Kristy_K @AileenRR After this, I do too. 😊 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex

I read this and listened to the audiobook simultaneously, which made for a more engaging experience. The book disarmed me. You can feel, almost taste, how much Harry adored his wife & kids, that one could not help but root for them. The book was also a study of human behaviour. About how the Royal Family operates, why they behave as they do. Spare was beautifully written. Harry as the narrator for the audiobook was perfect. I highly recommend it.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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The first half engrossed me. I was less interested in the second. Was it because we are already saturated in Meghan mania or because the writing lost some of the stronger themes in the first half? Idk. Unlike Harry, I think monarchy is total BS. I do not find value in noble classes. This is likely why I‘m curious about the mindset of someone so entrenched & benefitting from a happenstance of birth stretching understandings of humanity in this way.

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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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First sentence. #Easteromc

Listening on audiobook. I have high expectations for this one.

Clwojick Hopefully you enjoy it! I‘ve heard mixed reviews 1y
Kristy_K @Clwojick I have too. I‘m enjoying it so far. 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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The truth is somewhere in the middle.
This is what I kept thinking as I was reading/listening to this book. I believe that the things Harry talked about were his authentic experiences. I can‘t imagine how much all these pressures have ‘flavored‘ his life, but those same pressures apply to his family and ‘flavor‘ their actions too. I skipped a lot of the middle, because the military pieces didn‘t capture my attention. #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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This book is proof that there is no ‘fun‘ in dysfunctional family! Hearing the story in Harry‘s own words is interesting, sometimes heartbreaking, but also somewhat hopeful. How you view this story is largely dependent on which side you support, and I‘m admittedly #TeamSussex!

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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#4-2023. Very interesting to hear his side of the story. I was hoping to hear more childhood memories. Lots of details about his time in the military. So sad what the press has done to his family. Would love to hear his brother‘s side of the story.

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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2/3 way through. From an audio walk. I‘m enjoying the audiobook so far!

⚠️Content warning ⚠️

If you‘re sensitive to animal cruelty, you might want to skip the last few chapters of part 2.

He talks about animal poaching in Africa & describes some upsetting stuff. Thankfully I was home when I listened to that part. I would‘ve been bawling in the street if it had been on a walk 😬😭

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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I absolutely loved this book. I do think the audiobook is the way to read this.
He really puts it all out there and at times is super vulnerable. I admire him for being brave enough to write his story. I don't know much about the royal family, but I do know that tabloids are trash. And this absolutely confirmed it.


Kerrbearlib I‘m listening to the audiobook now and really enjoying it. 1y
The.Great.Catsby @Kerrbearlib that's awesome! For me, it had pretty strong momentum all the way through. Can't wait to hear what you think! 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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FINALLY posted my book review video on Prince Harry's memoir! I had a lot of feelings about it! 💗


CoverToCoverGirl Great review! I definitely agree on two points for sure—more editing was needed and some bits we definitely did not need to know. (edited) 1y
Branwen @CoverToCoverGirl Right?! We did NOT need that much detail regarding the frozen nether region incident! 😵‍💫😂 Thank you so much for watching! 😊💕 1y
Dragon Great review 👍💚🐉 1y
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CoverToCoverGirl It was great. You‘re welcome! 📚🙂 1y
Branwen @Dragon Thank you so much! 🥰📚💕 1y
Dragon 🙏💚🐉 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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2.75⭐️ I really wanted to like this book but it just felt like it was very one-sided and that there were some details that shouldn‘t have been disclosed. I realize that this is from his point of view and that the BRF won‘t be releasing anything to contradict or confirm what he “wrote”. Just not my cup of tea. And personally I‘m kinda tired of him .#2023 #nonfiction #bookreview #bookstagram #brf #hypedbooks

melissajayne Was my #doublespin book for March 1y
melissajayne My thing about the whole #megxit situation is this: if you want privacy from the media and step back from being a senior royal, fine, but then don‘t go and blast your dirty laundry to the world and create more fodder for the tabloids. I get wanting to have a fairly normal family life but just don‘t. And despite what Harry thinks, families have disagreements. ⤵️ 1y
melissajayne Now I need to find a book to cleanse my brain… 1y
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TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
SamAnne I‘m not going to read it. I can sympathize with his need to process some of what happened to him but….Patty Davis, Reagan‘s daughter, wrote a tell all back in the day. She had a thoughtful op-Ed in the NYT a few months back reflecting on her decision to publish (older and wiser, she deeply regrets it). She was grateful to have closure with, forgiveness from, her father at the end. He had Alzheimer‘s by then. She was gentle w/Harry but ⬇️ 1y
SamAnne Thought he would deeply regret publishing when he was older, just like she does. This comment is in no way a defense of the BRF but I do agree with you. 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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I am thoroughly enjoying puzzling. This book was meh. So much blah, blah, blah, blah. The royal family certainly takes the fun out of dysfunctional. I‘d never have finished this in print

TrishB I love that- fun out of dysfunctional. It‘s a lot more diplomatic than what I normally say! 1y
mcctrish @TrishB I want to believe he is telling the truth about how the family handles the media and it‘s just wrong how the media plays them, the standard line taken in reaction to the shit storm created by the media. But most of it I either already knew or didn‘t need to 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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March Break Madness here. I got a puzzle to build while I listen to audio books. I love it! The book however is boring the bejesus out of me

Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Mugs to match books is a game I play. Listening to Harry tell me his tale while I read sections of the paper

Amiable Ha! Love the concept and the execution! 😄 1y
mcctrish Thank you @Amiable ☺️ 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Current audiobook.

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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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I have to admit, I wasn‘t sure what to expect, but this was excellent. I cried more than once, had some jaw-dropping moments (particularly when he talks about the way his family has treated him, it‘s baffling). I applaud his bravery and strength, and I‘m so glad he found happiness, after so many years of despair. Oh, and the epilogue almost did me in 😢🙁 #teamharry

fredamans It did the same thing to me, I was literally in pieces.... 1y
CBee @fredamans I‘ll be thinking about it for a long time. And so well-written, too! 1y
fredamans @CBee Agreed! 1y
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Spare | Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex
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Overall a good book. It's sad all he went through as a young child. Losing his mother and never being able to properly grieve for her until he was in his thirties. It seems his whole family and the palace were against Meghan from the start. I don't think they even gave her a chance. I wonder if it would have been different if she was British.

#BookSpinBingo #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
#MarvellousMarch Readathon #4 @Andrew65

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
Andrew65 There seemed too many frictions in the family and competition for attention. Who knows who is to blame. As someone who lost his dad suddenly at 6 I can sympathise in so many ways and has been with me throughout my life and I didn‘t have to do it in the public eye.

I don‘t think it helps to lay out all the issues in the media repeatedly, allows no time for repair and recovery in the family.
(edited) 1y
Monica5 @Andrew65 sorry for your loss. No the issues within the family shouldn't be laid out for all the world. Plus people should understand bc every family has issues😊 1y
Andrew65 @Monica5 Thank you 🥰 Families are very complex. 1y
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