Narnia for adults, in a way. I love Lewis‘ ability to articulate difficult mysteries in an understandable way yet without robbing them of their ineffable-ness.
Narnia for adults, in a way. I love Lewis‘ ability to articulate difficult mysteries in an understandable way yet without robbing them of their ineffable-ness.
“There is but one good; that is God. Everything else is good when it looks to Him and bad when it turns from Him.”
C.S. Lewis
I thought this was fantastic and thought provoking. It was given to me by my step dad as a gift and I mostly read it for him but am glad I did. CS Lewis is a great writer. This also gave me a bingo! for #bookspinbingo and was also the last book I needed for my Goodreads challenge 💜
I think I will read it again another day to make highlights
Nothing really stuck to deep, but not completely unforgettable either. This is one of those religious books that makes you wonder on your Christian beliefs. Starting on the bus from hell to heaven, we take a new look into that same journey. Grace and judgment. A journey of being a whisp of smoke becoming either a solid person of liquid love to heaven, or disappear being sucked back down to hell. Many good points still relevant 50yr later
There have been many before now who got so interested in proving the existence of God that they came to care nothing for God himself. As if the good Lord had nothing to do but exist! There have been some who were so occupied in spreading Christianality that they never gave a thought to Christ. You see it in smaller matters. Did ye never know a lover of books that with all his first editions and signed copies had lost the power to read them?
Picked this book upon a whim from a discount book pile. So here I am working through it this cloudy afternoon while the boys I‘m babysitting are napping.
I loved The Chronicles of Narnia growing up, and was not aware Lewis had other books written! This like it will be one of those subtle religious stories: character on a bus from hell to heaven. Now as in Lewes‘s idea that the gates of hell are locked from the inside
Witness the doctrine of Predestination which shows (truly enough) that eternal reality is not waiting for a future in which to be real; but at the price of removing Freedom which is the deeper truth of the two.
A comfort in finding common beliefs between mine and the author's-what a pleasant surprise.
Although it is said that books are never written to seek agreements on a view from its readers, I cannot help but inclining towards giving thumbs up for the author that shares my beliefs but take them to a deeper truth and of course much more painstaking realization from it.
A book that challenges your prejudice at the least of it all - not really recommended for a night reading since it rolls your head side to side
The Great Divorce is a short but slow read. It reminds me a bit of Lincoln and the Bardo with the ghosts and whether to move on to heaven or not for whatever the reason, and a bit of the alchemist in the spiritual decisions one must make. This was a thought provoking book and will make an interesting discussion at book club next week.
It‘s cold, and rainy, and dark already! I‘ve been dreaming of this perfect moment all day! I have the house to myself for a bit and I‘m diving into my next book club choice. #dogsoflitsy
As I read this book, I found it to be a journey of choices. The characters had decisions to make which would determine their address for eternity. I highly recommend this book. But, read it slowly, taking time to chew and digest it. Better yet, read it along with a group of others, and take time to discuss it.
Not as good as The Screwtape Letters but still an intreaguing read. A real thought provoker about the things that truly keep people out heaven....
4.2 🌟
In this amazing story, the narrator engages on a journey through Heaven and Hell and meets some spirits and ghosts and learns through conversations the nature of good and evil.
This was a fascinating read. I would have to try to read this every year. 👍👍👍
The Great Divorce is a parable about heaven and hell, but it's even more a story of free will and the vices that prevent us from accepting the truth.
“Those that hate goodness are sometimes nearer than those that know nothing at all about it and think they have it already.”
A short story - a slow read.
This prompted a lot of self-reflection and provided cautions for the traps people fall into so needlessly.
One of my all time favorite reads.
I really enjoyed this book. I went in expecting it to be a little dull, but I was surprised. The pacing is very nice and it wasn't difficult for me to read. I definitely liked all of the allegories and symbolism, but if you're not a fan of that stuff I can see why this book wouldn't be as enjoyable.
“You cannot love a fellow creature fully till you love God.”
This was not my favorite CS Lewis work but I still enjoyed it. The work was very didactic and metaphorical, which may be a turn off for some.
Like his other writings, The Great Divorce illustrated his ability to convey deep and profound truths in simple language. But the ending was a let down for me, and I found his depictions of women flat and stereotypical.
#cslewis #christianity #faith #heaven #hell #afterlife
Such a great book. This is one of my favorites on any day but also perfect for the #readathon for its brevity. I wholeheartedly recommend this to everyone: it is well-written and easy to read but wonderful at provoking thoughts, especially as an examination of conscience.
I read this as part of my reading Challenge. Ugh. I'm sooooooo glad it was only 145 pages long.
I am not religious but I really liked this book. I read it as part of the @bookriot read harder challenge and I'm so glad I did. Also, loved the bookmark thank you @tapgurl #readharder
What if you were given everything at your asking, but couldn't get out of your own way? A beautiful examination of the motivations of people and how inconsequential things sabotage the greatest of gifts.
"'Friend', said the Spirit. 'Could you only for a moment, fix your mind on something not yourself?'"
33% through it, and I'm just not into it. Life is too short to force myself to finish reading something I simply cannot get into. It's not like it's assigned reading for any kind of class. #NoGuilt #Abandoned
About a quarter of the way through the book, and I'm finding a few passages where there are conversations in which I'm not exactly sure which of the characters is uttering what. I start reading thinking I get who is speaking, and then something said in the conversation makes me question if I had it backwards 🤔... Feeling stupid... SMH 😔
So I checked out another e-book from the public library... not like I didn't have anything else to read 😂😋😆
Starting a new literature & composition course with my kids & this is our first book. Nothing like jumping in with 2 feet 😳 CS Lewis is the best though!