An easy read & lots to think about. I still prefer Can‘t Hurt Me by the Seal himself!
An easy read & lots to think about. I still prefer Can‘t Hurt Me by the Seal himself!
This is the book that got me reading more books. Enough said.
The SEAL that Itzler is referring to in this book is David Goggins, who just wrote an outstanding autobiography. If you enjoyed reading Living With a SEAL, you'll love this book.
The guy was a cross between a gladiator and the G.I. Joe action hero my son has, but life-sized. He looked indestructible. Battle tested. Dangerous. Alone. Determined.
Even the way he spit was scary. If he hit you with it, it likely would leave a scar.
#FierceFeb #RichMansDream 💰I use this book often for prompts, mainly because I like it so much. It was my first thought for today's musical prompt because Jesse Itzler is a rich man (on his own-not to mention that his wife is the billionaire inventor of SPANX) who had a dream of being mentally tougher & in better physical condition so he hired a Navy SEAL to come live with him & his family & train (torture) him for a month-a rich man's dream. 💸
#ScenesFromABook #DailyWorkout 🏋🏻I've posted about this book before-a millionaire hires a former Navy SEAL to live with him & train him for a month-but this prompt had me remembering the daily workout scenes in the book like doing 100 burpees in 10 minutes or less, or the more extreme 4/4/48--running 4 miles every four hours for 48 hours. Crazy! Still it's an entertaining read--humorous & inspirational even for the athletically challenged! 😆👍
"Now get your strength up and do a hundred push-ups before you can come in the house. That's ten every thirty seconds. I'm not fucking around, man, this isn't sleep-away camp in upstate Fuckville."
Again, what?
Four months after Badwater, SEAL completed the Ultraman World Championships in Hawaii. Whereas an Ironman is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run, the Ultraman is a 6.2 mile ocean swim, 261 mile bike ride, and a 52.4 mile run. WHAT? That is over a double Ironman.
If you don't challenge yourself, you don't know yourself. --SEAL
The days of fancy gym memberships are numbered. Things like Crossfit and street workouts are going to prevail in the future. All you really need to do is get your push-up and sit-up routine consistent, and you can see amazing results.
Every day is a challenge, otherwise it's not a regular day. --US Navy SEAL David Groggins
Day 5 #JubilantJuly #workaholics I thought of SEAL, a Navy SEAL that the author hired to live with & train him for a month. With mantras like "If it doesn't suck we don't do it" & "When your mind is telling you you're done, you're really only 40% done"-SEAL is a machine. He's an Ironman triathlete & endurance runner who does it with about 3/4 heart capacity due to atrial septum defect-a defect caused by a hole in the heart that limits endurance.?
Somebody got in big trouble for romping in the creek behind our house, trotting her muddy self inside and falling asleep like nothing happened 🙀and it wasn't my mom's dog 😹
#Bitsy time 😀
Glad I listened to my friends-this was a fun & inspiring read that crosses genres. A great mix of humor, sports, memoir & even a bit of business & motivational self-help mixed in. Although most of us aren't hard-core marathoners, wealthy successful business owners (married to the founder of Spanx) w/ multiple homes & able to hire a former Navy SEAL to live with & train us for 30 days, we can all learn something from SEAL's focus & determination.
When you're sitting in church and your Pastor quickly and casually mentions a book he just read and loved - and you scribble it down while feeling like everyone else is totally missing out on a book recommendation 😂
"It doesn't have to be fun. It has to be effective." -SEAL. Pretty sure I'll not hire a former Navy SEAL to come live at my house & train me because I prefer fun (like funny books & potato & egg breakfasts)?SEAL made the author sleep in a chair all night (not sure why-SEAL doesn't explain much) Day 4 morning workout was a 6-mile run, 15-min treadmill test carrying 2 20-lb weights up increasing inclines, 50 box jumps, 36 pull-ups & 100 push-ups.?
Venturing out this morning to run errands & grab gift wrap & hopefully a few items for my #cupidgoespostal match & starting w/black coffee (good for the wheezes), a cheese bagel & this book. My good friends & Hawaii ohana (family) are hard-core athletes who also read & they were raving how good/funny it was, so I checked it out from the library via Overdrive. The author hires a former Navy SEAL to live w/ & train him for 30 days. So far so good!😆
I expected to like this book because I like books about people shaking up their daily routines. (I once conducted a 30 day experiment of gluing on fake lashes to see the impact it had on my life.) But wearing fake eyelashes and training with a Navy SEAL are very different things and I'm no workout junkie. I didn't expect to be inspired to look at my own life differently and I definitely didn't expect to cry at the end!
#memoir #personalgrowth