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Absalom! Absalom!
Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Published in 1936, Absalom, Absalom! is considered by many to be William Faulkner's masterpiece. Although the novel's complex and fragmented structure poses considerable difficulty to readers, the book's literary merits place it squarely in the ranks of America's finest novels. The story concerns Thomas Sutpen, a poor man who finds wealth and then marries into a respectable family. His ambition and extreme need for control bring about his ruin and the ruin of his family. Sutpen's story is told by several narrators, allowing the reader to observe variations in the saga as it is recounted by different speakers. This unusual technique spotlights one of the novel's central questions: To what extent can people know the truth about the past?
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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57 pages in and Bail. I am not a fan of Faulkner‘s writing style. I will only read a certain number of pages in a book before I will not push forward any further. Life is too short and there are too many good reads to be had. I would have considered giving him another chance at another novel but I didn‘t care for the Sound and the Fury either with my main discontent being the authors style. This will be my last attempt at Faulkner.

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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What an utterly amazing book by certainly a brilliant author. It deals with all aspects of human nature and relationships: love, lust, family issues, rivalry, greed...and on and on. Then, there‘s the characterizations which not only include complex people but also a house, the South and the Civil War era. It reads like an unfolding and once you get to the core, you find the never-ending branches that remain with you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

BarbaraBB Fab review. I will read the book! 3y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads It‘s not for everyone I know @BarbaraBB 3y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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There are some things which happen to us which the intelligence and the senses refuse...occurrences that stop us dead...like a sheet of glass through which we watch all subsequent events...

(I surprisingly required a hip replacement)

Tamra Ahhhhh Faulkner. I need a reread phase because I‘d get a lot more out of his writing now than in my early 20s. 3y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads @tamra This is my first Faulkner. I‘m excited now about reading his other books 3y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Just like with Virginia Woolf, halfway through, I figured out Faulkner‘s language. Wow, what an amazing book including the writing, characterization and story. It can be understood once you realize that he goes on a tangent until he gets back to the main point of the sentence. (Haha, my husband does that; maybe why I‘m familiar.) It‘s written from different perspectives so it did not matter that I skipped ahead.

KathyWheeler I loved this book. Honestly, the way I speak is probably very similar to how he writes— with the tangent thing — so I didn‘t have a problem understanding the book. 😄 3y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads @KathyWheeler Haha...like I said... just like my husband. Me: what were you talking about in the beginning? 😆🤦🏽‍♀️ (edited) 3y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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I just couldn‘t help myself! I skipped ahead to the end of the book. It was kinda worth it. Now I‘m going back to my original place. Although the writing is beautiful and the story is so compelling, Faulkner was getting too long-winded.

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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I am truly surprised at how much I am enjoying this book. Looks like there‘s more Faulkner in my reading future. His writing style is like Virginia Woolf‘s. You stop and say: Whoa! Did he just say all of that? 🤓

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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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I‘m glad I read this, but it was hard to get through and while the prose was beautiful in a lot of places I didn‘t like it as much as the sound and the fury and was surprised to see it called Faulkner‘s masterpiece when I‘ve liked others of his so much more. I felt lost a lot and the sheer scale of use of the N-word was jarring for me.

#scarathlon2020 #teamharkness @StayCurious +6 pts

ChasingOm Oof. 4y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Before the year started and in the absence of outer structure, I made myself this list of reading goals for 2020. It was casually done but then I became absolutely obsessed with sticking to it. I‘ve bailed on only one so far (The Stolen Child), but I keep going back and forth on whether or not to finish Absalom, Absalom! I am itching to get to October‘s creepy reads.

Reggie Looks like you‘ve done pretty good! 4y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner

That was all. Or rather, not all, since there is no all, no finish; it not the blow we suffer from but the tedious repercussive anti-climax of it, the rubbishy aftermath to clear away from off the very threshold of despair.

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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The strange places you go when looking up something on Wikipedia....did not expect to end up rewatching Beyoncé‘s “Formation” video because of Absalom, Absalom! but glad it happened.

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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#weeklyforecast for me and #hiselderliness

I‘m going to continue with Absalom Absalom and hopefully get into IQ as well, which is a #blameitonReggie read 😂

Two nature books for dad. Had to wait for weeks for the Wilding book at the library - seems very popular!

Cinfhen I bought that Douglas Adams book on Kindle last year...I‘ll be curious to hear your dad‘s thoughts 😉 5y
vivastory IQ is fantastic! 5y
AlaMich What @vivastory said!! 5y
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Cathythoughts Looking good 👍🏻I enjoyed IQ ...Happy Reading friend X 5y
readordierachel I've heard good things about Wilding! Also, is that a dahlia up there in the corner 😍 5y
Centique @readordierachel yes! It was a crazy huge dahlia - but not from my garden unfortunately - at a hotel I was staying at. 5y
Reggie I hope you like IQ! I need to get to the 2nd one. 5y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Well Mr Faulkner, we didn‘t want you in our #spinsterlit club anyway! Embattled in virginity indeed. Tish tosh young man.

(But all the same, I am enjoying this!)

rockpools 🤣🤣🤣 Tish tosh, indeed! 5y
Lcsmcat 😂 And yet, I had great aunts that immediately came to mind upon reading that. 5y
batsy I love "tish tosh" ? Hmmph yes, #spinsterlit club has no time for this twit ? 5y
LeahBergen Wow, that‘s harsh, Faulkner. 😂😂 5y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Southern Gothic
1/6/2019 to 10/12/2019
Reason: Started reading the book, but never got a chance to finish it.
Summary: In 1833, a wild, imposing man named Thomas Sutpen comes to Jefferson, Mississippi, with a group of slaves and a French architect in tow. Thomas Sutpen's daughter with a slave woman and now a withered old woman herself, sets fire to the manor house, killing herself and Henry, and bringing the Sutpen dynasty to a fiery end.

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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This book is truly a fantastic read. It was a very difficult book to follow sometimes but truly worth every moment.

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Friends of the Library book sale haul. I am anxious to give Faulkner a go.. I'll probably just add my own punctuation 🤣

BulkingBookie From "The Sound and The Fury", I can tell you.. It is tough ? 5y
RealBooks4ever “A Walk In The Woods” is really funny! 😆💜 5y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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madamereadsalot1 That is an amazingly beautiful and accurate description of life's chaos. Thanks for sharing this one. I've never read Faulkner. I think I should. 5y
toofondofbooks @madamereadsalot1 Faulkner is definitely an acquired taste lol, but once you get used to his lack of punctuation and paragraph breaks his writing is unparalleled. I've read most of his works, and recently have been listening to it on audio which makes it even better. 5y
gradcat What a gorgeous paragraph!! How much do I love Faulkner? Let me count the ways.... Hope you‘re feeling better. I love your choice today! ♥️ 5y
Dragonfairykats I love Faulkner 5y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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This one took some getting through. The style was hard work and even harder to follow the plot as two characters basically speculated their way through the history of Sutpen‘s rise and fall. The descriptions were beautiful but the structure of the tale was gosh-darn hard work.

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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“It was just public opinion in an acute state of indigestion.”

What a brilliant line!

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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So close to finishing this now, I can almost taste it. This marks the 5th book down on what most people believe is the ‘100 Books to read before you die‘ list as seen in Denzel Washington‘s “The Equalizer” movie. It‘s been a hard, hard slog through Faulkner‘s classic and I have to admit, it didn‘t have much of an impact on me...

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner

Probably Faulkner's greatest novel. He simultaneously crafts a riveting tale of colossal ambition and reveals how that story is the product of its narrators' speculations.

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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Crosby approved. #catsofLitsy

mcipher That face!! Oh my goodness! 😻 6y
Leftcoastzen @mcipher He thinks he‘s special! I don‘t try hard enough to talk him out of it!😂 6y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Crosby inspects Hardcovers from the Library sale.

Reviewsbylola Those Follets will tire your wrists out! 6y
Leftcoastzen @Reviewsbylola sometimes I think he is the king of the chunksters and I haven‘t read the first one yet , but then again King is the king of the chunksters or ...😂 6y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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A little, light early morning lake reading.

arubabookwoman I love Faulkner, and this one is my favorite, but I know he‘s not for everyone. 6y
BarbaraBB Beautiful picture. Still need to read this one. 6y
Liz_M @arubabookwoman I am enjoying it, but I was also careful to schedule the re-read during vacation and I'm only reading 30 pages a day. 6y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB It is wonderful, but hard. I am glad I read a plot summary first! 6y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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I found this rather unusual drawing of Rosa Coldfield to go with today's #bachelorette prompt for #Fiercefeb
Atrocious drawings aside... Rosa Coldfield is a great example of the post civil war Southern woman whose sense of reality is irreparably shattered.
If you haven't already read Absalom Absalom please, please do. It's absolutely worth it.
@Cinfhen @batsy

batsy I haven't read it, and now I will! 👍🏽 That drawing is pretty amazing. 7y
PagesOfKate Ah, I'm so glad someone is going to give it a go, sooo worth it @batsy I feel a little bad for hating on the drawing. I have no artistic skills myself, strictly a stick man creator! 7y
batsy I dabble in the realm of stick figures, as well 😆 I just find this so vivid, like she's about to come out of the page. Also a little bit unnerving, in that sense! I've been wanting to read Faulkner for so long and your enthusiasm for this has convinced me to start with it. 7y
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Cinfhen Ha! I agree, she looks menacing and this is one of those classics I‘ve always been afraid to tackle...you go first @batsy 😉 7y
PagesOfKate Probably one of the many people who are afraid of dying from boredom but I promise you it's a great story! @Cinfhen 7y
Centique I just heard about this book on a podcast yesterday - synchronicity! I loved Sound and Fury many years ago so I must try this. 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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🌟January books! 🌟 So this is a much smaller number than usual as I kept to some New Years resolutions! 1) Only one book at a time and 2) Only real copies, no e-books. It was great - I read slower, enjoyed more, and didn‘t feel pressure to keep up or lose attention span. Winner of the month: ☝🏼Absalom! Absalom!

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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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In spite of the surface racism and misogyny, this book was actually full of strong women and pointed out in its 1930‘s way how nonsensical trying to divide people by race is. The prose is dense but lovely, and there was sly humor and atmospheric descriptions galore. #litsyclassics @Sarah83

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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“one of those things that when they work you were smart and when they dont [sic] you change your name and move to Texas “ 😆

DrSabrinaMoldenReads I want to read this book! 😍 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I did not remember I said this, now 3 years later..,😳 3y
Lcsmcat @Joyfulmimi I‘ve done that. So. Many. Times! There‘s not enough time for all the books! 3y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I had to go back to where I was reading on this one. I skipped ahead because I knew the ending was going to be good and I couldn‘t wait. @Lcsmcat 3y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Half the previous, unseen page, all the way to the arrow is ONE sentence. This book astounds me. #Faulkner

suvata Wow 😮 7y
Chelleo Seriously 😳 7y
AmyG Faulkner is something else. 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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“I waited not for light but for that doom which we call female victory which is: endure and then endure, without rhyme or reason or hope of reward —and then endure;”
Most sentences in this book are too long to quote, so here‘s a sentence fragment! I‘m enjoying this book, but it‘s not one to read quickly.

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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Settling in for the last bit of the weekend with Faulkner and my cozy socks. #sockSunday

Bloomingjen I want to read this this year. I want to read 1 Faulkner and 1 Steinbeck and I heard this book is a good beginning book for Faulkner. 7y
PagesOfKate I love this novel so much! 😍😍 7y
Chrissyreadit I love your socks! 7y
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Faibka Cute socks! 7y
Lcsmcat @Bloomingjen @PagesOfKate I‘m enjoying it, but it took me several chapters before I could read it in a non-quiet environment! (edited) 7y
Lcsmcat @Chrissyreadit @faibka Thanks! (edited) 7y
Bloomingjen @Lcsmcat thanks for the warning. Lol. Nice socks, btw. 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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This prose is so dense, yet so beautiful. I can tell it‘s going to take me a long time to finish. (Especially if my husband keeps talking to me while I‘m reading. 😏) @shawnmooney @batsy Want to jump back in? #LitsyClassics @Sarah83

batsy Haha, I had to scroll down until I realised I had made "plans" with @shawnmooney 8 months ago to read this in 2018 ?? I had completely forgotten and have made my list for litsyclassics and don't have a copy of Absalom, Absalom yet. Even if I get around to it this year it'll probably be a little later ? Thank you for the tag, you've reminded me to move Faulkner up the TBR. 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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So the family text thread became a literary meme war tonight. I found this one. #faulkner #currentread

Aczimprich 😂 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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My husband and I finished de-decorating and then rearranged the living room. Now I‘m settling in to start this for my #letterA for #LitsyClassics. After the bomb that was my last read I wanted a sure thing. 😀 @Sarah83

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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...when a book is so much more...love it from the first page to the end... #williamfaulkner #absalomabsalm

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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The Complete #bookhaul that I found in the mailbox when I got home from yoga tonight! All of these are for challenges, and all but the Tadjo are from Better World Books, my first experience with them. They were fast and all look to be in good shape. They‘re all ex-library books, but I don‘t know if that‘s coincidence or if all of their books come from libraries. I‘m excited to read them all!

Tamra I am a long-time faithful customer.👍🏾 They have a range of books, used & new. Not all are former library books, but I think they are identified as such in the description. 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Baby's First Faulkner.

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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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#catchingup on #fallintobooks #day14 - #classicsforclassicshaters

Can't say this will win over the haters, only that it was among the first classics I really enjoyed, certainly the first to encourage me to actively seek them out.

GatheringBooks i don't think i have read this one yet. 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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This is not my usual kind of bail: this is but a deferral. I typically read about a dozen books at any one time; a William Faulkner novel is not meant to be read this way. I found it mind-blowingly interesting, and I loved the rich, dense prose. So I'm going to try again at some point and read only it, hopefully alongside other readers, maybe a professor or two, and with secondary reading guides. Looking forward to it!

BookHermit I've never read any Faulkner and have been trying to figure out just where to start with his massive oeuvre. 7y
saresmoore That sounds like a great strategy for future reading. 7y
Verity I read it as part of a history module at uni and whilst it wasn't the worst book in that module that prize goes to the TE Lawrence it ran it close. I couldn't tell you what it was about any more I've blocked it out so much! (edited) 7y
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batsy Based on the quotes you posted, it does seem like the kind of book one has to completely focus on without several other books on the go. I've never read Faulkner and would love to, at some point 😓 7y
shawnmooney @batsy Is that a buddy-read tease? 😍😍 7y
batsy @shawnmooney LOL, yes! We can do a buddy read when you're ready to tackle the book again. And when we have some more time, so like early 2018? 😂 or alternatively, later this year 7y
shawnmooney @batsy Woo hoo! I am thinking early 2018 at the earliest. Let's both have a think and touch base on this down the road. I am excited! 7y
batsy @shawnmooney Me too! Sounds like a plan 💚 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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saresmoore Every quote you've shared from this has taken me a few reads to even begin to understand it. Either I'm not smart enough for it or it's just very dense, or both! 7y
Verity I had to read this for my history and literature module at uni. It made my head hurt back then. I think it still does. 7y
BookHermit That's quite a remarkable sentence! 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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MayJasper This quote is making my brain hurt. Sounds interesting but too twisty for me 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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20 year old college Ashlin tickles the shit out of me. #bookmark #obviously

Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Spiderfelt That's quite a mouthful. 7y
saresmoore I think I went temporarily cross-eyed reading this. 7y
Sydsavvy It's funny, I can digest this better in your little snippets than I could reading the book as a whole. !!! 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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This is absolutely mesmerizing: I'm not sure I should be reading it at 11 at night after a long, busy day… :-)

Kerouacthedog So good. 7y
ReadingEnvy Ive never read Faulkner. Bad southerner, no sweet tea for me. 7y
shawnmooney @ReadingEnvy I'll see your Faulkner gap and raise you one Handmaid's Tale omission... 😂 7y
ReadingEnvy @shawnmooney Bad Canadian, no crunchies. 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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It's my first Faulkner novel. I've long heard you either love or hate his prose. There's no in-between. I think I might belong in the former category. 💖

Dorianna It's true. There's no grey area with Faulkner. Welcome to the Faulkner Love Fan Club. This was my first Faulkner novel, too. 7y
saresmoore Oh, I haven't read Faulkner, either. I hear this quote in the drawl of my Uncle Cecil (Bubba) and it flows quite nicely! 7y
andrew61 I have a copy of 'As i lay dying' but have not braved so far. Perhaps it's time! 7y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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TheKidUpstairs Wow. I've never read Faulkner before, but I think I'm going to have to after these quotes you're posting! 7y
Megabooks Fantastic! 7y
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