Chapter 86: #FRED #thatisallihavetosayaboutthat #pemberlittens
Chapter 86: #FRED #thatisallihavetosayaboutthat #pemberlittens
Chapter 85: Bulstrode tries to make things right #hiswifeislookingoutforthevincys #FRED #stonecourtwillgotoFred #moreweddingbellsmaybecoming #shortchapter #timetowrapitallup #pemberlittens
Chapter 68: #flashback a glimpse at Bulstrode‘s reaction to Lydgate‘s request #rafflesreturns #itstherafflesshow #bulstrodehashadenough #peaceoutraffles #butjustincase #timetoliquidateandrun #whichbenefits #FRED #byebyebulstrode 🤞🏻🤞🏻 #pemberlittens
Chapter 66: #FRED goes the to billiard hall and sees Lydgate gambling 😳 #dontdoitfred #farebrotherbustshim #farebrotherisasaint #withacapitalTandthatrhymeswithP #couldntresist #pemberlittens
Chapter 63: trouble in paradise for the Lydgates #FRED #farebrotherstilllovesmary #fredisstilljealous #nobodyseemshappy #happynewyear #pemberlittens #also #timetothinkaboutournextadventure
Chapter 59: #FRED y‘all. The secrets that are not kept in this town! #fredtellsrosytellswill #nowheknows #wompwomp #rosyaskspapaformoney #papasaysno #wompwomp #somuchdrama #shortchapter #theendisinsight #pemberlittens
Chapter 57: #FRED Mrs Garth clues Fred in on Farebrother‘s feelings #poorfred #healmostmessesup #marylovesfredbest #pemberlittens
chapter 56: #FRED also, alllllll the drama 🎭 #therailroadishere #fredjoinsGarth #vincyismad #butwait #rosamonddoesntlikeherbaby 😳 #WTactualF #alsoVincyknowsaboutLydgatesdebt #somuchdrama #makesupfortheblahblahblah #pemberlittens
Tuesday chapter 52: #FRED Fred is back and hoping to convince Mary to marry him #poorfarebrother #farebrotherlovesmarylovesfred #fredneedstofigureouthislife #pemberlittens