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I woke up to this. And it's still snowing. Vermont's version of April Fools, I guess. I picked this book up after seeing the story was based in Vermont. A baker leaves a job in Boston to work at a country inn. It was light and fluffy like the pie crust she kept writing about. It was just what I needed. And the love interest was my kind of guy so that helped too. #Vermont

LauraBeth That's a lot of snow! 7y
Suet624 @LauraBeth I know. They guesstimate we'll get between 6 and 16 inches. Gotta love those weather people. You'd think they could narrow their guess down a bit more. 7y
Melissa_J Snow in April sucks (well okay, I actually on like snow on Christmas Day). We woke up to snow, too, although we didn't end up getting as much as initially forecast. Your pics are lovely! It looks so beautiful and peaceful there. 7y
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Cortg Ugh! It's pretty and I hope it melts quickly so you can enjoy some spring weather! 7y
saresmoore This is UNBELIEVABLE! I know you're over the cold, but I wish I was there. I'm clicking my heels! Also I was so close to grabbing this book at the library. I could use a good light & fluffy book right about now. 7y
My_novel_obsession It is beautiful! (Hope you get some spring weather soon though!) 7y
CrowCAH 😂 no to the snow! 7y
Reviewsbylola Holy 😳😳😳 7y
AmyG Good for the ski resorts! 7y
Lmstraubie Oh, my! Well, guess you just have to hunker down and read! 📚 7y
Hobbinol Oooh how I long to be snowed in with my books. When I retire, we're going to relocate to New England. Such beautiful photos!💙💙💙 7y
CouronneDhiver Haha! That seems about right... the year we got married, my aunt almost didn't make it on account of snow... it was JUNE 1st. 😂 #GreatWhiteNorth 7y
Suet624 @Melissa_J You're right. I'm currently living in a sleepy, peaceful town which is a delightful oasis from distractions. Lends itself to lots of reading. 7y
Suet624 @Cortg Thanks! I hear it might be sunny tomorrow which always makes me happy. 7y
Suet624 @saresmoore it really is beautiful and I'm strangely okay with it. 😂 7y
Suet624 @Anovelobsession @Lmstraubie @AmyG @Reviewsbylola @CrowCAH For some reason I'm fine with the snow today. It's really quiet and peaceful right now and the ski areas are celebrating. 7y
Suet624 @CouronneDhiver the latest snow fall I remember was Mother's Day and I was PISSED! 7y
Suet624 @Hobbinol New England is a large area and includes many states. Settle down in Vermont. 😀You'll be near Montreal too which is a beautiful city to explore. 7y
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Scythe | Neal Shusterman
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Major #stormday here today. Fortunately for me, I've been able to sit and read for most of it, while also making brownies and praying the power stays on. I've finished two other books today, and am now starting this one. Can't wait to read it, with all the good things I've seen/heard about it. #snowday #nslittens #fantasy #maybereadingbycandlelight #greatwhitenorth

LeahBergen Aww! 💗 8y
Melissa_J How much snow have you rec'd? My sister-in-law in New Brunswick has been sending us pics and OMG the snow!! 8y
sherryvdh @Melissa_J I'm not sure the exact number. It's hard to tell with the 100+km/h winds blowing. My husband says definitely more than 30cm they called for. There are snowdrifts in our driveway up to my waist though! 8y
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Thought you'd all like to see our new-to-us refurbished library with the skating oval in front #librarylove #greatwhitenorth #nslittens #canlitten

Hooked_on_books It's beautiful! 😍 8y
Libby1 Heavenly. 8y
Texreader Ok that doesn't even look real. Is it??? It's amazing!! 8y
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TheCanuckReader And two towers on either side got cropped out by the Litsy crop function. I'm not a fan of that feature! 8y
DGRachel Truly beautiful! 8y
saresmoore Unbelievable! 8y
LeahBergen 😍😍 8y
mllemay So beautiful! It looks like it could be part of the set for the Nutcracker ballet 😍 8y
annahenke Wow! This is spectacular! 8y
GoldenGirl Wow! So beautiful! I thought I was looking at a painting at first! 8y
Jas16 Gorgeous! 8y
Suzze Amazing place! 💜💜 8y
megt So beautiful! 8y
bookdrunkard78 I'm just a tad jealous! It's lovely! 8y
Bookworm83 Beautiful! For a second there I thought it was a painting. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I thought it was a painting too! It's stunning and I also think you should send that photo into a contest or the newspaper - it's a fantastic photo. 8y
Jaimelire Where is this? 8y
Jinjer I thought it wAs a Painting at first glance!!!! Then I realized those were real people!😳That is amazing!!!! 8y
jessdean WOW!! Gorgeous!😍 8y
mcipher Is that even real?!? So beautiful! 😍 8y
Cinfhen That is incredible 😍😍😍I would never want to leave😉 8y
I-read-and-eat That's so pretty 😍 8y
minkyb Fabulousness! 8y
christineandbooks That is your actual library that you get to go to whenever you want to??!! Wonderful... 8y
TNbookworm Wow! What a gorgeous library! 8y
Kappadeemom Beautiful! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Wow, that's beautiful!😍 8y
Hobbinol Skating and then a book! Wow! I'd love that all winter long!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 8y
TheCanuckReader @christineandbooks yep. It used to be a college and last year it was turned into our library. I try to get v there at least weekly! I feel pretty lucky. Not my photo, taken by a friend but I had to share! 8y
Patrella Omgosh! That is real life?! I've never had so much jealousy! 8y
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Most of Saskatchewan is under an extreme cold warning tonight. Environment Canada only issues these when the temperature with the windchill is expected to reach at least -40C. So, yeah, might as well read a book set in Alaska because misery loves company. #LitsyAtoZ #letterI 🏔❄️🌬🌨🌫☃️ @BookishMarginalia

LeahBergen Oh, Canada! 🇨🇦 😉 8y
CouronneDhiver Oh geez! We're not sharing in that level of cold right now, but southern Ontario is super windy (40 km/hr) tonight. #GreatWhiteNorth 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 8y
Hooked_on_books That's a perfect book for that weather! 8y
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Merethebookgal That's crazy! Stay warm! 8y
TrishB Stay safe and warm! 8y
RealLifeReading Woah!! Keep warm! 8y
LitLogophile 😮 I thought Ohio was cold 8y
Centique I can't even comprehend how cold that is!! Stay safe and warm. 8y
Suet624 Holy Toledo!!! 8y
lynneamch Good day to be a Book Hermit. Brrr. 😉 8y
BookHermit Woke up to -29 without the windchill. Yeah, I'm not leaving the house today. It's at least 10 degrees warmer in the part of Alaska featured in the book. @LeahBergen @CouronneDhiver @Hooked__on__books @Merethebookgal @TrishB @RealLifeReading @lostlogophile @Centique @Suet624 @lynneamch Thanks for your warm wishes! 8y
MyNamesParadise I'd love to visit all the Canadian provinces one day! I've only been to Atlantic Canada during the summer a few times but I loved it so much!! 8y
BookHermit @MyNamesParadise So would I! I've been west all the way to Toffino but no further East than Toronto 😕And I would most love to see the Yukon 🏔 8y
MyNamesParadise @BookHermit I'm from the States but my dad grew this obsession with seeing Atlantic Canada so we went a few summers! I really want to see Vancouver!! There aren't many cities here in the US that I can say I'd like to see compared to Canadian, Australian, & European ones!! 8y
BookHermit @MyNamesParadise Vancouver is great but if you get out that way, I recommend touring around Vancouver island. It's like another world. Parts of it feel positively primeval. Being a prairie girl born and raised, trees, mountains and oceans all make me swoon. 8y
MyNamesParadise @BookHermit aww cool!! Hopefully I get to one day!!! 😊😊 8y
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My hold finally came in from the library! Could barely make it home before cracking it open. I've heard so many good things about this series. I love that she's a #CanadianAuthor too!!
#lovethatcover #canadianreads #greatwhitenorth

Meg11726 I love her books. I'm currently reading Bury Your Dead by her in the same series. Be interested to hear what you think! Enjoy! 8y
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Chocolat | Joanne Harris
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You know it's winter in Canada when we break out the hot chocolate collection 🎄

rabbitprincess Mmmmmm hot chocolate! Also, love the mugs! 😄 8y
writerlibrarian BRrrrrrrrrr kinda covers it perfectly with a layer of icicles on top. 🌨 8y
MrBook Yesssss!!! 😁👏🏻 8y
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Faibka The weather is perfect for it 😋 beautiful mugs! 8y
TheCanuckReader The peppermint matcha was yum! 8y
MaleficentBookDragon I'm about to have a hot chocolate with some RumChata in it. Yummmm 8y
TheCanuckReader What is this RumChata of which you Speak?🍾 8y
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saresmoore Oooooh neat! And this photo is so snuggly! 8y
I-read-and-eat Now I know what to give my boyfriend for Christmas. This book looks perfect 😍 8y
ultrabookgeek I've always wondered about animals in winter! 8y
Suet624 A wonderful professor at the University of Vermont. Now retired. 8y
TheCanuckReader I have several of his books :) 8y
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