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Whiskey Beach | Nora Roberts
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I'm in the midst of that first-of-the-year optimism where I start a bunch of books all at once! Besides the tagged book, which I will hopefully be finishing today, I'm working chapter-a-day on five(!) others... the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - The Story Girl (a reread for me, but it's been a really long time since I read it); I'm #WanderingThroughWutheringHeights with the #PemberLittens (and enjoying it more than I did in junior high haha); my ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) #BookSpin for the month is David Copperfield, another book I read many (many) years ago & don't remember at all - those Murdstones are dreadful!!; I just started Pinocchio for January's #ChildrensClassicRead - I've never read this one before but the chapters are quite short so I'm going 2 chapters/day; and I'm trying to work my way more diligently through my nonfiction TBR, which I tend to put off. My first NF read for the year has ⬇ 2y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) been on hold at the library for so long I didn't think it was ever going to arrive! It's Amelia Earhart's account of flying in the Friendship across the Atlantic - 20Hrs; 40Mins.

So I have a lot on my plate @Andrew65!!!

What are the rest of you #weekendreading? Feel free to share!!!
(edited) 2y
Daisey I'm also in the middle of so many readalongs! A few of the same as you listed and hoping to fit in The StoryGirl this month as well. 2y
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Andrew65 Wow! A lot to have on the go. Happy reading. 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig January Optimism. Besides my 2 #PemberLittens Readalongs I finished my #irl 📚 and 🍻 Club read of Ann Cleeves Raven Black then decided to seasonal read her 2y
Crinoline_Laphroaig And I still want to do Month by Month Reread of 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Daisey - Buddy reads really have helped me tackle some of the books on my list I've been reluctant to read (I never would have read Moby-Dick on my own!) and it's been a fun way to inspire me to reread old favorites that I never seem to make time for otherwise, like #PotteraDay. 2y
TheAromaofBooks @Crinoline_Laphroaig - I love the idea of reading seasonally!! 2y
tokorowilliamwallace @puzzledbooks Here's another prompt for you. 2y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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My 2021 in Books:
▪️18042 pages over 45 books
▪️Average book length 400 pages (guess I like chunkier ones)
▪️Average rating is 4.1 ⭐️ (makes sense…I generally like things)
▪️All 12 #sundaybuddyread
▪️8 #bookspin & 7 #doublespin
▪️reread the Harry Potter series in #potteraday
▪️Met my goals of 3 books a month and 36 books a year but missed my goal of getting a bingo

Best Year Yet!

Gonna keep the same goals because it was a good life balance. 📚

Sargar114 A big thank you to @TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie @Linsy for all the work you‘ve done in your various reading challenges and read alongs to help push me and grow my enjoyment of reading. Love to you all! 2y
TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! What a fantastic year!!!! 2y
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#4thBookof2021 I really enjoy Lisa Gardner‘s books. This was one of a few 5⭐️ books from #April.
#5thBookof2021 Quite a few 4 1/2⭐️reads in May but only one 5⭐️. I listened to this for #PotterADay and Jim Dale captivates me every time. ⚡️

Andrew65 Great choices. 3y
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#readathon #mistletoemaniacs #csreadathon #potteraday #dailycheckin

Here is that TBR, not all of the 9 books can be seen. My theme is magic, and DieAReader and I will host some fun for that🙏🏾

Thank you to our Team Captains, you have brought new meaning to the end of the years🥳

DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES 😏📚You bet we will! I‘m thinking some planning is in order this weekend🧐🤓🎦 3y
Clwojick Oooooo! Can‘t wait to see what you ladies cook up for us! 🪄🧪🧙🏼‍♀️⭐️ 3y
GHABI4ROSES @DieAReader and @Clwojick only FUN allowed. November was not the finish that Amanda and I expected! (edited) 3y
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DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES 😂😭That my girl, is putting it mildly!♥️ I am looking forward to kicking December‘s arse out into the bloody cold where it belongs! 3y
Andrew65 Some great books, good luck. 3y
GHABI4ROSES I love how I cannot even correct my typo. November was a weirdo, period @DieAReader. @Andrew65 I looked at my stack and I do agree with you on the titles! Thank you! 3y
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This was just so excellent. It should be required reading in every middle and high school. The graphic novel edition takes Snyder's text on how tyrannical governments get power -- and how to resist -- and makes it even more accessible. Definitely going to be gifting this to my nephew!

Side note: I was reading this during #potteraday and saw so many parallels! HP + On Tyranny would make an excellent course together.

#netgalley #nfn2021

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Pieces of Her | Karin Slaughter
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Game One results being posted under separate cover!
#SpookoweenReadathon #Scarathlon2021 #TeamSlaughter #PotterADay

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Ready. Too ready. I honestly feel like I am heading out for a vacation, thank you, Littens🥳

Goal this weekend is attack that afgan and finish the remaining 170 pages in the featured book by end of Saturday. Sunday I hope to read The Turn of the Screw in full👻

#ReadAThon #TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon2021 #PotterADay #Hufflepuff

Andrew65 Have a great reading weekend 😍 3y
Clwojick Enjoy your weekend plans! 🧡🧡 3y
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I stayed up past my bedtime to finish this one. While this is a reread for me, since so much time has past, it was just as riveting (maybe more so!). As an adult this quote stands out so much more to me now. Thank you @Linsy for hosting #potteraday

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We did it! Seven books, a chapter a day. Thanks for going on this journey with me!

1. I recently listened to Witch, Please and they pointed out that Snape and Lily's story is a lot like Helena Ravenclaw and the Bloody Baron's. Blew my mind! What do y'all think?
2. Did you read the train station scene with Dumbledore as literal or metaphorical?
3. Is the Elder Wand actually important in the end? Or is it just their belief?


Sargar114 1. I was behind on it, but I just had read the chapter of Snape‘s pensieve and this comparison is spot on! I had forgotten why I liked Snape so much as he is so despicable through most of the series, that one chapter singlehandedly turned it around again. 3y
Sargar114 2. If you ask Dumbledore, it‘s both!!! I was wondering as I was reading it if it had something to do with him having the resurrection stone. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
Sargar114 3. It seemed like the Elder Wand was actually powerful, but I wonder if it‘s power was greater for Harry because he possessed the other two Hallows when no one else had…I mean he did survive a killing curse for a second time with all 3 3y
GHABI4ROSES I just have this book left! Planning for November. So glad to be on the list! 3y
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I‘ve said it before, and I‘ll say it again - I am so thankful and pleased that I decided to do #potteraday. The last book was just incredible and the whole series enlightened me in ways the movies never could. Thanks to @Linsy for organizing this! ⚡️♥️⚡️♥️

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