This is exactly how I feel about the birds who visit my yard. 💛 Yesterday I saw mourning doves, crows, bluebirds, mockingbirds, and chipping sparrows. Today I watched red-shouldered hawks soaring above the trees.
This is exactly how I feel about the birds who visit my yard. 💛 Yesterday I saw mourning doves, crows, bluebirds, mockingbirds, and chipping sparrows. Today I watched red-shouldered hawks soaring above the trees.
I'm so excited to start reading this! My mom got this for me for my birthday a few weeks ago. 🐦
Sunday morning #coffeeandabook
Just a lovely time. Really all about one person's observations of the birds in her backyard. Wasn't sure what the tone would be from the preface, since it had a memoir feel, and mentioned her mother's repeated threats of self-harm, but the rest of the book is full of faithful reproductions of excerpted journal entries and truly gorgeous illustrations by the author.1/?
I have tried a few of Amy Tan‘s fiction books and didn‘t connect well with them. This journal and collection of drawings however was delightful!
She‘s an incredibly talented artist, and I found her observations and commentary on her backyard visitors funny and interesting. Highly recommend if you also like birdwatching or feeding your locals.
Oof, the entry packs a punch, but the ending sentence really knocked me out.
Hee hee. Spicy for birdy, not for squirrel! 🌶️
We have 5 pairs of cardinals that have been visiting our feeders this year. It's impossible for me to get a good photo of them all at the same time. This one isn't bad though.
This morning Sneaky Casey stole a pillow and hid behind BIRDING WITH BENEFITS, which is a lot of fun so far. I love it when something that‘s marketed as a romcom is actually full of jokes and wacky hijinks! (Publishers do seem to be getting better about this.) I‘m excited to read more later this afternoon. Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow so the next person on the holds list gets a go.
This week‘s small library haul, plus a guide to the Châteaux of the Loire I found at the thrift store. BIRDING WITH BENEFITS is the last #AuldLangSpine title I‘ll be able to source before month‘s end, but I probably won‘t get to it until early February. HEAVENLY TYRANT is a long-awaited sequel, while the other two were impulse grabs off the shelf. I‘ve wanted to reread ORANGE for ages now, and I‘m excited to read more plays this year.