First book of #lmpbc round 8 group v. “In Search of America,“ a memoir by the classic novelist John Steinbeck. Written in 1961 and still so relevant. Can't believe it took me this long to read it, and so worth the wait.
First book of #lmpbc round 8 group v. “In Search of America,“ a memoir by the classic novelist John Steinbeck. Written in 1961 and still so relevant. Can't believe it took me this long to read it, and so worth the wait.
#lmpbc round 8 group V - we are ready to begin our memoirs
Ready for March? It‘s not too late to join the fun. #LitsyLove2020Challenge #LitsyLove
#lmpbc round 8 group V - couple ideas. Any preference?
4/5 stars. Really enjoyed 'meeting' Virginia Woolf from the eyes of her artist sister Vanessa. Love this round 7 of #lmpbc group E.
Must read. Haunting and disturbing - but important.
Anyone doing the #LitsyLove 2020 Challenge? JANUARY: Mail a letter to someone not in your country you've never mailed before. I'm putting mine in the mail this weekend. #LitsyLove2020Challenge
A dear friend/colleague (former teacher and principal) who was diagnosed with ALS a few years ago wrote this book as she lost mobility of her hands. She finished it using a typing app that used the focus of her eyes.
If you are interested in joining a postal or electronic book club in January, here are 4 different types to choose from. (If you want to receive more information before signing up, use the link without including all the information and the organizer will contact you. Or you can message me here.)
“Naw, she say. Not vain, just wanting to share a good thing. I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.“
If you are looking for a postal book club that includes journals instead of marking up a book, use this link to sign up. It is a 12 month journey with 11 other members from around the country. You pick your book and journal. You mail the book and journal to a member in your group, and you will receive a book and journal from a member every month. In one year, you get your book and journal back.
Strongly encourage everyone to read this if you are frustrated and deeply concerned about the deep and dangerous division we are currently experiencing. Don‘t shy away due to the title. This is for BOTH sides of the division.
Every parent needs to read chapter on the drinking culture at colleges. I highly recommend this as a whole.
An absolute gem. Everyone needs to read this delightful story about a family who deals with all the trial, tribulations, and joys of raising a child with gender dysphoria. Beautifully and gracefully written.
An endearing story about volunteers who offered coffee, sandwiches, popcorn balls, and love to soldiers and nurses traveling to stations all over the world during WWII.
This endearing story follows the lives of young women who volunteer their time to provide coffee, sandwiches, magazines, and even birthday cakes to brave soldiers who are traveling to unknown destinations around the world during WWII. The canteen offered acts of kindness and love to young men and women who, the volunteers knew, may never return alive to U.S. soil. The story centers around women who find and share love, friendship, and heartache.
I know! I know! It's a classic. But I found it extremely disturbing. I've read it twice, and still didn't like it.
I enjoyed reading this more the second time, over 30 years after reading it the first time. Having a better understanding, and less romantic view of reality, made the story more frustrating, but more real. I found myself constantly wondering if Maxim's view of the story was fair and honest? I've been on the opposite side of a scorned man and his view of reality is not often objective. Was Rebecca really the cruel wife he describes? Great read.
It was a decent story, but somewhat disappointed. I think I'm just tired of WWII stories, even though this took yet a different angle.
4.5/5 stars. I was very pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. Fantastic character development and interweaving of lives. One thing I found very realistic is how the kids each want the home/lifestyle/parenting of someone else. How often do kids want what they don't have and wish they had different parents? I did not give a 5 because the ending was rushed- so much action in the last two chapters compared to the rest of the book.
4.5/5 stars. This is definitely a book that will make you think, and it will stay with you long after you have finished reading it. Would you live your life differently if you knew the exact date that you will die? I enjoyed reading the stories of four young siblings who made the decision to meet with a gypsy who revealed this information.
5 stars. I know why this book is a classic. Margaret Mitchell is a master storyteller. Written from the perspective of a white female living in the South, this novel gives you a birds-eye view of what it was like for the women and children who were left behind by the men in their lives who went off to fight in the Civil War.
I learned so much about the history of Italy and the lives of its citizens who immigrated to the United States in the early 1900s. Helena Stapinski takes us on a journey as she researches her family history and discovers murder, deceit, love, incredible loss, strength, and resiliency.
I‘m so excited to read my first marked up book! @mrsmarch @Lidia @Fridameetslucy
If you love the tenets on which this country was founded, you need to read this book. What is the easiest and quickest way to bring down the strongest, most respected country in the world? By creating division - ‘united we stand, divided we fall.‘ It is documented that interference took place, and our enemies benefit when America loses confidence in the fundamental linchpin of democracy - our voting process. Scarier than Stephen King books.
3.5 stars. A hauntingly raw journey as Grace contemplates becoming Cyrus; becoming they, sometimes he, and back to she at times. It feels like Grace was secretly in search of a metanoia to relieve the guilt and paranoia about feeling she is doing a disservice to the female gender, and feeling he is not worthy of being a man. More stories from the LGBTQ community need to populate all our shelves to help inspire and advance acceptance and normalcy
Really, really enjoyed this book. Will read all current and future books by this author.
A must read for anyone pursuing jobs in medicine, and for everyone dealing with a rare disease. David Fajgenbaum is author, med student, doctor, researcher, patient and guinea pig for the rare Castleman Disease. Well-written; it‘s neither clinical nor maudlin as the memoir divulges the unknown world of clinical trials and the surprisingly unscientific approach to treatment protocols. I was rooting for Dr. Fajgenbaum from start to finish.
I ❤️ #summerreadingswap ! I received the absolutely perfect package. Thank you SO much @AsYouWish ! Look for thank you letter in the mail. Can‘t wait to do this again!
I ❤️ #LitsyLove! I mailed out 5 and picked these up. Ironically I sent letters to 2 of the same people who wrote me.
Going to adopt ideas from this book into my high school classroom next year. Free reading during class, with vocabulary and grammar moved to homework. 20 minutes 2x a week.
Enjoyed the unique story of a non-practicing Jewish girl and her discovery of hate/love, safety/security, and trust/betrayal during WWII. Young Sarah Mayer must leave her family when Nazi's occupy Comar, France where the young protagonist is working as an apprentice for her father, a violin maker. The plot was really interesting and well researched, but the story and writing felt rushed and unpolished. I felt Maas often over-explained.
#lmpbc #group j @Lidia @mrsmarch @Fridameetslucy are we all set? Super excited.
@Fridameetslucy @Lidia @mrsmarch Here are selections that are less than 300 pages. I‘m happy to read any of them. #LMPBG #GroupJ
As the parent of a queer son, and as the teacher of students struggling with their identities and places on the binary spectrum, this book is enlightening. The Introduction was especially informative and well-researched. Knowledge about a subject that many of us are unfamiliar with will only help allies support everyone. Reading the stories of those struggling to be understood and accepted in our binary world will help us towards acceptance.
Are you interested in joining a book club this summer? I'm helping organize 4 different types. Take a look and see if any of these might be of interest: https://forms.gle/Vu2SCagxELKn8ewAA
I'm finding this fascinating. I'm going to flip my classroom and follow some of the advice in this treasure. Highly recommend this.
Enjoying this far more than I expected. Watched the film adaptation years ago but much prefer the non-Hollywood characterization.
This was the pick of a person in my International book exchange group and I would never have selected it in my own. Frankly, I don‘t like the title. But it was a really fun read! I‘m do glad I was invited to share in the magic of Mullably. The imagery and sensory details were exquisite. I now think if people in terms of color and smell. Loved this charmer.
Great story line but too linear and one-dimensional. Two generations of Indian immigrants living in Canada deal with the effects dark and light skin tones in 2 generations of sisters.