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Joined May 2016

Too many books, too little time
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The Paris Winter: A Novel by Imogen Robertson
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I did a search for good but underrated mystery books and these sounded interesting - let me know what you think j @TheAromaofBooks @robinb @bookandbedandtea

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robinb These all sound good, Denise! Judging from blurbs I‘d probably go with Jar City, The Midnight Witness, Northern Spy and then the Woodstock…but I‘m good with the consensus. 😊 1mo
bookandbedandtea I've read Jar City and Northern Spy. Either of the other two sound good to me! 1mo
Jerdencon Any preferences @TheAromaofBooks? 1mo
TheAromaofBooks I haven't read any of these, so I am fine with whichever one works best!! Probably a slight inclination to The Midnight Witness out of the two that @bookandbedandtea hasn't read yet. @robinb 1mo
bookandbedandtea Sounds great! 1mo
robinb 👍👍👍 1mo
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The book came today @robinb
Of course I‘m running late with mine @TheAromaofBooks but hope to get it in the mail by the end of this week or latest Monday.
@bookandbedandtea #lmpbc

bookandbedandtea @ElizaMarie I went to the post office after work but there 42 (!) people in line and the line did not move an inch for 10 minutes. 😖 I left and will go again tomorrow. 2mo
robinb Great! Glad it made it! 😊 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! @bookandbedandtea I mailed The Recovery Agent to you yesterday - hopefully it actually arrives!!!!! I kept the tracking number this time 😑 2mo
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ElizaMarie @bookandbedandtea I am going out of town till June 2nd. So ... of course no rush. Also... wow 42 people! Intense!!!! 2mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks Great! I'll be watching for it. And I still have my fingers crossed that the postal service will find the previous one under some cabinet and it will still show up sometime. 🤞🏻 2mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks The Recovery Agent has arrived, Sarah! 🎉 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea - yay!! At least one book made it there 😂 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Hey!!! I had a crazy weekend and forgot to let you know that Murder on the Tracks arrived safely!!! 2mo
Jerdencon @TheAromaofBooks I just realized I never mailed this back to you! I‘m so sorry - I will send it along with the next book if that‘s ok - too many books lying around here! 2w
TheAromaofBooks Yes!! That's totally fine - I literally thought the other day that I should tell you do that to save on postage and then I spaced 😂 @bookandbedandtea doesn't realize it yet but that's what is happening with her book as well LOL definitely planning to send them both before the end of July!! 2w
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks You made me laugh! No rush 😄 2w
TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea - I kept thinking, I need to either mail this OR let Paula know I'm going to mail it later... but neither of those things seemed to happen 😂 2w
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Saw the coolest thing in Oslo Norway this past week- a phone booth which is pretty rare to@find these days but inside was a free library - Genius!! Saw a few of them around the town and loved it!

Ruthiella Awesome! 🤩 3mo
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The Absent One | Jussi Adler-Olsen
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My current view in Bergen Norway. So beautiful here but we head out tomorrow. Reading this book that takes place in Copenhagen which was our first stop on our trip…. Love reading about place I know or have been to… anyone else?

dabbe My view was quite similar from years ago! Wonder if we were in the same hotel? 🤩 3mo
Jerdencon @dabbe we were at the scsndic forget Bergen right across from the fish market. 3mo
dabbe @Jerdencon I think we were farther north since the fish market was south from us. What a beautiful place! Fjords everywhere! 🤩 3mo
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Fragile: A Novel | Lisa Unger
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This is coming your way - going to the post office tomorrow @TheAromaofBooks
Was a bit of a slow start but stick with it - picks up and I enjoyed it #lmpbc
@robinb @bookandbedandtea

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4mo
bookandbedandtea Great! I'm planning to get mine in the mail Saturday @robinb 4mo
robinb @bookandbedandtea Looking forward to it @bookandbedandtea , thanks. 😊 4mo
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Took a while for this one to come in from the library holds but excited to start this next one off of the #auldlangspine list from @kspenmoll @monalyisha

kspenmoll I hope you enjoy it as I did!!! 5mo
Jerdencon @kspenmoll what a great choice- I loved it! So heartbreaking at times. 5mo
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Fragile: A Novel | Lisa Unger
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Was thinking of this one for our next @TheAromaofBooks what do you think? @robinb @bookandbedandtea #lmpbc #round20

bookandbedandtea That works for me. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks I haven't read it yet, and it sounds intriguing, so I'm good with it!! 5mo
robinb Works for me too! I've been wanting to read something from this author! 5mo
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One Day | David Nicholls
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I keep hearing about this Netflix show and how it‘s based on a book and sounds right up my alley…. Decide I should read the book first and then watch the show only to see on my Goodreads account that I read it and gave it 4 stars in August 2016…. And have no recollection of it! 😂
Debating rereading or reskimming or just going to the show?? I guess I liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Hate when that happens! Am I the only one?

Ruthiella I don‘t think I have ever forgotten a book wholesale, but then, if I‘ve forgotten, how would I know? 😂 It happens. 5mo
Elizabeth2 It‘s definitely happened to me. Found a book on my shelves and thought, that‘s shelved wrong, I‘ve never read that. Nope. On Goodreads there‘s a rating. No idea what the book was about. It went in the donate pile. 😂 5mo
Crazeedi Oh I've done this too! Thinking oh I'd like to read, then goodreads tells me I read 5 years ago, lol 5mo
Jerdencon @elizabeth2 @crazeedi good to know I‘m not alone! (edited) 5mo
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Third book from #auldlangspine @kspenmoll @monalyisha

Loved this one too! Woke up early to finish it- such a great story.

Crazeedi I have this in audio to read! 6mo
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Out of Bounds | Val McDermid
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This was a great mystery - loved the main character so much I‘ve requested the first book in the series. Happy to have found a new series to get into thanks to @kspenmoll and #auldlangspine

Out of Bounds | Val McDermid
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Of course all my library holds for #auldlangspine came in at the same time. In the middle of both of these and enjoying both of them. @kspenmoll @monalyisha

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Love when I‘m reading a book and it mentions something in my neighborhood - I pass by Creedmoor every day on my way to work as it‘s only a mile from my house - the top right picture was taken today in the fog making it seem even more creepy… it‘s the largest building around for miles in this part of Queens. Also - on the campus are 3 public schools and currently a tent migrant shelter. Interesting place… #literarycrew @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Awesome!!! 6mo
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I finished this today for the first book for #auldlangspine
Liked it a lot - especially the dual narrative and setting - and I might be going to Stockholm in the spring. Had to google the paintings to see them for myself. @kspenmoll @monalyisha

kspenmoll I hope you can see some of her art! I am glad you enjoyed it. I am enjoying the English Garden one so much! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Ended up with a total of 18,469 for the month! #winterganes #gangstawrappers
Thanks for @Clwojick @StayCurious for hosting and @Bookwormjillk for being our group leader.

@MidnightBookGirl @Traci1 @fandom_hellspawn99 @Alora @bthegood @Pigpen_Reads @JessieKB happy new year to my teammates! This was fun!

Bookwormjillk Woo hoo! Glad you had fun! 7mo
Clwojick Great job! Thanks for joining us this year. ❤️ 7mo
JessieKB Awesome job!!!! Happy New Year🥂🤍 7mo
bthegood great job!!🥳🎁 7mo
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Bookstacks | Bucksport, ME (Bookstore)
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Ready for the new year!

Ruthiella Nice job! 👏👏👏 7mo
AuthorDeniseTurney That's good book reading! Go ahead! 6mo
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Reading Challenge | Lesley Yates
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Well - not going to make it this year - although I did read about the same as last year. I definitely get too wrapped up in tv…. Have to set a more realistic goal because I haven‘t met it in 2 years 😔

Jas16 66 books is still great! 7mo
AmyG That‘s what I read,too. So good job! 7mo
Deblovestoread You did well! 🙌🏼🎉 7mo
Bookzombie 66 is great! 7mo
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Planning to start this one tomorrow for #auldlangspine @kspenmoll @monalyisha
Happy New Year! 🎆

monalyisha Can‘t wait to read your review! Sounds fascinating. 👀 7mo
JamieArc Ooh! This looks really interesting! 7mo
kspenmoll I just loved this- I never knew anything about Hilma of Klint & so went into discovery/research mode with joy at her artistry. 7mo
TheBookHippie It‘s so so good!!! Enjoy!! 7mo
TheBookHippie @JamieArc it‘s really good!! 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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1. I think I would say Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano
2. Idk
3. Just going by a neighbors house
4. No
5. Brown Christmas - was quiet but peaceful ☺️
#wintergames #gangstawrappers @Bookwormjillk

bthegood 🎁❄️ 7mo
Bookwormjillk ❄️💙❄️💙 7mo
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Bookwormjillk ❄️💙❄️💙 7mo
bthegood 🎁❄️ 7mo
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Swaps | Sherree DeCovny
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Thank you to @Maggie4483 for my #jolabokaflodswap package! Excited to read the book and I‘ve already started on the m and Ms. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 and thanks for organizing @MaleficentBookDragon

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Excited for #auldlangspine with @kspenmoll
All of these books are new to me except the Louise Penny. Going to start putting in my requests at the library. @monalyisha

Shakespeare's Christmas | Charlaine Harris
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This was a fun little mystery. #wintergames #gangstawrappers @Bookwormjillk

Bookwormjillk I‘ve always wanted to read that series 7mo
bthegood 😊🎁 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Flipping channels and came across our team movie from the beginning - settling in to watch #gangstawrappers #wintergames @Bookwormjillk

Bookwormjillk Nice! 7mo
bthegood 🎁 7mo
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My #jolabokaflodswap arrived yesterday!
Looking forward to Sunday! @MaleficentBookDragon

Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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A bunch of my other Christmas books are still on hold from the library (waited too long to request and everyone must be getting them for winter games 😂😉) but found this and have heard of the author so going to give it a try. #gangstawrappers #wintergames @Bookwormjillk @bookwormjo

bthegood 😊 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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bthegood 🎁🥳 7mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Bookwormjillk 💙❄️💙❄️ 8mo
bthegood 💙💙 7mo
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Book Swap | J E Rowney
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My #jolabokaflodswap package is going in the mail tomorrow @MaleficentBookDragon

Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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#wintergames #gangstawrappers
#wintergamesphotochallenge - Christmas tree
And also finished this super sweet book! @Bookwormjillk

bthegood 🥳🥳 8mo
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Finished our team read #gangstawrappers
Enjoyed it a lot - liked that it was in letter form.
Also - ended up with 3106 points for week one!
#wintergames @Bookwormjillk

Bookwormjillk I‘m glad you liked it! 8mo
bthegood 🎉🎁 8mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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#wintergamesphotochallenge #decemberdreams
#winterganes #gangstawrappers @Bookwormjillk @Eggs @EggnogFabulous74 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @alwaysalive98
Lights - this house won the first season of the great light fight and is in the neighborhood I grew up in.
Scrooge - who doesn‘t love Scrooge mcduck? 😂

Eggs Whoa 😮 Amazing! Great photo! 8mo
Bookwormjillk Wow! Also I am officially worried about the electric bill years old when I see things like that. 8mo
bthegood ☃️🎄🎁 8mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Bookwormjillk ❄️💙❄️💙 8mo
Eggs Excellent 👌🏼🎄💚 8mo
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A book my son would have loved as a kid….
#wintergamesphotochallenge #holiday #gangstawrappers

Ruthiella A book I also would have loved as a kid. I was always fascinated by how others lived in different countries. 8mo
bthegood 🎁😊 8mo
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The Snow Child | Eowyn Ivey
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JenReadsAlot I picked the same! Loved this book! 8mo
Traci1 Love that cover. 8mo
bthegood ❄ ❄ 8mo
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Started this for our team read for #wintergames #gangstawrappers and loving it so far.

@Bookwormjillk @Traci1 @MidnightBookGirl @fandom_hellspawn99 @Alora @bthegood @Pigpen_Reads @JessieKB

Off to catch up on my photo challenges and advent calendar and games. Went away for the weekend to Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania so not a lot of reading but I did watch 3 hallmark movies too this weekend so need to tally up my points!

Bookwormjillk Glad to hear it‘s a good one! 8mo
bthegood 💙 💛 8mo
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Winter Games | Rachel Johnson
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Bookwormjillk We have the same Noel ornament with our names on it 8mo
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@robinb the boom came yesterday! Excited to start it! My book will be mailed on Monday! @TheAromaofBooks @bookandbedandtea
#lmpbc #groupt

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 8mo
bookandbedandtea My next book arrived yesterday also (thanks @TheAromaofBooks ) and I, too, will be mailing mine to @robinb on Monday. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Glad it arrived safely @bookandbedandtea - hope you enjoy!! 8mo
robinb Thanks for letting me know it arrived safely @Jerdencon . 😊👍 @bookandbedandtea I‘ll be on the lookout. 😊 8mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Some of my TBR for #wintergames (one of these is not like the others 😂) #gangstawrappers
@Clwojick @StayCurious

Bookwormjillk Love it! 8mo
Traci1 I'm on hold for Running Grave at the library. I'm hoping it'll come through before the end of December. 8mo
bthegood looks good - 🎁 8mo
MidnightBookGirl Nice tbr! I've listened to the Matt Haig book, and it's definitely full of Christmas magic! 8mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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annahenke I just signed up - thanks for posting the link! 9mo
Clwojick Thanks for sharing! 9mo
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A Cold Day for Murder | Dana Stabenow
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I know @robinb said this book was ok but wanted to double check with @TheAromaofBooks and @bookandbedandtea before I order it.

bookandbedandtea That works for me! 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Yes, I'm for it!! Sounds perfect for our cold-weather four months!! 9mo
robinb Hey @Jerdencon I‘ve finished but will probably be end of this week or beginning of next before I get it off to you. Enjoyed it! And I‘ve really enjoyed this round with you all! Some great book choices! 😊 @bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks 5mo
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Jerdencon Excellent choices! No rush on the book @robinb - ill have mine in the mail sometime this week @TheAromaofBooks 5mo
TheAromaofBooks For a minute I was so confused before I realized this post was from four months ago 😂 I've really enjoyed reading with you all as well!! I just started Celine this evening, so I probably won't have it in the mail until next week. @Jerdencon @robinb @bookandbedandtea 5mo
robinb @TheAromaofBooks I was trying to be thrifty. 😂😂😆 Sorry for the confusion. Your response gave me a chuckle today. 🤗 5mo
TheAromaofBooks @Jerdencon @robinb @bookandbedandtea - I did create another “Mystery/Thriller“ group for #LMPBC this round, so if any of you would like to read along with me again, feel free to sign up!! Apparently this is going to be the last round! 😢 5mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks @Jerdencon @robinb I will sign up for your group again! I'm so bummed it will be the last round since THIS ONE was my first round and I'm really enjoying it! 5mo
Jerdencon Heading there to sign up too - I think I‘ve done almost all the rounds so might as well finish it out! 5mo
robinb Yay!! I'm glad I caught this. Thanks for the tag, Sarah! I'm in and looking forward to more good reading with you guys. :) 5mo
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Book Clubbed | Lorna Barrett
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I missed last round so happy to join again this time! Details and sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/18DcN6bIDZeUbjruT6tlEYWn4BFCYdTgkguRa...
#lmpbc @suvata

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Lcsmcat Congratulations! I‘m eager for Saturday‘s wrap up discussion. 10mo
Librarybelle Congratulations!! 10mo
AnnR 👏👏👏 10mo
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BarbaraJean Woohoo!!! 🎉👏🏼🥳 Congratulations! 🍾🥂 That last line, though… 😂 (edited) 10mo
Amiable 🙌🏼💃🏻🕺👯‍♀️ 10mo
TheEllieMo 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 🎉 🥳 10mo
Daisey Congratulations! I just finished as well! Looking forward to the final discussion this weekend. 10mo
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The Girl in the Triangle | Joyana Peters
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When you are reading a historical fiction book about immigrants and the date of the chapter is the exact date your immigrant grandmother was born ❤️❤️.
Feel like she‘s saying hi!

kspenmoll 🩷😀 10mo
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Thanks @DinoMom
Love my goodies from #athingaday
Especially love the shrinky dinks! 😊
Great surprise to come home to from my first day at work after summer vacation!

The House Is on Fire | Rachel Beanland
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When the current book you are reading, mentions the chunkster you‘ve been buddy ready since January! 😊👍🏻 #clarissa

Amiable I can‘t believe how many references to this book I‘ve seen pop up since we started it ! 10mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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@DinoMom is doing a cool, fun thing! Check out her page for info and to sign up! #athingaday

DinoMom Thanks for sharing! 13mo
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This letter is making me so mad!!!! I almost can‘t keep reading it! Ugh… Lovelace!!!!! 😡😡😡 #clarissa @Lcsmcat

Lcsmcat That is the consensus of the group! None of us like this letter!! 13mo
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Sign ups are up for the next round of #lmpbc
Here‘s the link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tI0EuSgqqxQgFpw1tCDfAqJMbfoPJiiXTgCVdYf... #
Or you can check out @suvata post
I‘m sticking with the theme of seasons this year - so group s for summer this time? Any interest? @Reggie @Deblovestoread @julieclair or anyone else?

julieclair I am still trying to decide what I want to do. I love our group, and have thoroughly enjoyed Winter and Spring, but for some reason Summer isn‘t resonating with me. 🤔 13mo
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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Sign ups are up for the next round of #lmpbc
Here‘s the link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10tI0EuSgqqxQgFpw1tCDfAqJMbfoPJiiXTgCVdYf... #
Or you can check out @suvata post
I‘m sticking with the theme of seasons this year - so group s for summer this time? Any interest? @Reggie @Deblovestoread @julieclair or anyone else?

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It arrived today @Reggie looking forward to this one - @Deblovestoread @julieclair #lmpbc #groups

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