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Joined March 2021

Curse So Dark and Lonely | Brigid Kemmerer
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Beautiful. Gripping. Adventurous. Un-put-down-able. Read Now! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

The Spellshop | Sarah Beth Durst
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Amazing cozy magical book along the lines of The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches. Highly recommend! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Fourth Wing | Rebecca Yarros
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Did anyone else have a hard time getting into Fourth Wing? I'm about to bail.


Soubhiville I hated it for the first 30-50 pages, but enjoyed it once the actual school part started, and the dragons hooked me. 5mo
Zamyah @Soubhiville thank you! I might put it down for a minute and try again. 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I didn‘t understand the hype! I‘m in no rush to read Iron Flame… 5mo
RamsFan1963 I didn't care for the book, but I did finish it, and the ending almost made up for the parts that made me want to DNF the book 5mo
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Finally got Butterbeer at Harry Potter World in Orlando, FL!

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wanderinglynn That‘s a great first line! 5mo
julesG @wanderinglynn The book/series is good. In case you need a cosy yet 🌶️ mystery series for palate cleansing. 5mo
wanderinglynn @julesG I‘ll definitely check it out! Thanks 😀 5mo
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Caught Dead Handed | Carol J. Perry
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It's been a minute, but I'm back!!

Loving this series way more than I thought I would. Witchy cozy mystery 😍😍

Yuki_Onna Good to see you back! 5mo
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Clockwork Prince | Cassandra Clare
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Working through Clockwork Prince. Not as captivating as Clockwork Angel but I can't give in now. Doggo included as tax for not posting in such a long time.

Warcross | Marie Lu

I'm struggling to read this month and I'm struggling to be okay with that. Sigh. I've only finished 2 books and I usually read about 7 each month. It's not that the books aren't good ... it's more a desire to be up and moving.

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Be gentle with yourself & listen to your body. I feel a bit bummed that last year I easily read more books but life is just more demanding right now. The books will be ready for you to pick them up when you can. Enjoy the movement because our bodies need that, too. 2y
Zamyah @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thank you! I know it's not a bad thing to take a break but being a booklover is so much a part of my identity that it feels "wrong" to not be consuming books left and right. 2y
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The Last Bookshop in London - 🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I read a lot of WWII fiction and this is definitely at the top of the list. Such an amazing account of Londoners during the Blitzkrieg.

The Box in the Woods - 🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Just Wow! Maureen Johnson does it again. I absolutely love the Truly Devious series and this is probably one of my favorite books I've read this year.

Good Girl, Bad Blood | Holly Jackson
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Good Girl, Bad Blood - 🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Pippa is at it again and things get darker and more dangerous. And I did not see that end coming.

Critical Role - more like ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 but it was a decent start to a new (to me) series. All the snarky half-elves.

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Measuring Up - ?⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ super cute YA graphic novel about a young Tiwainese immagrant who loves to cook when she discovers Julia Child
The Vegetarian - ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I honestly don't know if this is a pick for me or not. It left me with a "What did I just read" feeling. But I did keep reading. Mostly to find out what happened.

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Heard this poem at the Renaissance Faire yesterday and it's stuck with me.

TheSpineView Have always loved this poem! 2y
Zamyah @TheSpineView I have always loved Keats! He is able to express so much longing and it struck me as a teen. I also have breast cancer. I love your profile picture ❤️ 2y
TheSpineView @lirahlu The picture is in honor of another Litten also fighting breast cancer and is part of the #LitsyLove group. It was @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks idea. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sending love and hugs 🤗 💗 2y
Zamyah @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Right back at you! 2y
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Gallant | V.E. Schwab
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Gallant 🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - all the Gothic home feels and continuous sense of unease.
My Sister the Serial Killer 🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - just wow! This is going to be a reread for me for sure. And to think it languished on my kindle for 2 years.

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I've been MIA for a while but have definitely continued reading!

Deathless Divide🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Pure magic. I hope there is a 3rd in the series.
Honey Girl ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - I wanted to love this book but it hits harder than I wanted it to. Super straight laced girl gets drunk in Vegas and ends up with a wife. But woven in the Lighthearted premise is a ton of trauma to unpack. It's a good book it just leaves me feeling so low.

How To Fail at Flirting | Denise Williams
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OMG so fun!!

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I don't normally read Manga but this book was so good. I can't wait to continue the story.

Blerdgal_Fenix Really good anime too. I need to get back to watching the rest of it 2y
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Deathless Divide | Justina Ireland
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Finally wrapping up Civil War Zombie Apocalypse awesomeness.

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Girl, Serpent, Thorn | Melissa Bashardoust
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So far I'm enjoying this book. It's a little predictable but it's a nice passive listen.

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My next read. Hoping for an amazing adventure.

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Thank you so much @Yuki_Onna for my awesome #sliceofsummerswap box! I'm so excited about the books and all the amazing German chocolate! And thank you for being my first international swapper 💝 I hope you're feeling better!

Yuki_Onna Jenna - so happy you like your box! Just to be clever-clever - the chocolate is NOT German - Lindt is Swiss and Manner is Austrian/Viennese to be exact. 🤪Not that I care - but the lovely Austrians and Swiss people would surely object to have their chocolate called 'German'... 😏 2y
Yuki_Onna And jep - as of today I'm Covid-negative!✌️Still feeling a bit weak and tired - but very much better. Thank you so much for caring!😊 2y
Catsandbooks Love this! Have a great summer! ☀️ 2y
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House of Hollow | Krystal Sutherland
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Thank you @Gissy for my amazing #spookysummerswap box! I love the books and book sleeve so much! I will be using my cat mug to drink the delicious tea you sent. 💝💝💝

Gissy I‘m glad you liked everything! Enjoy your reading!📚🤗 2y
Zamyah @gissy I feel like an idiot. Your Package was supposed to be delivered today but I forgot to put your apartment number on it. It's coming back to me and I will mail it out ASAP. I'm so sorry! 2y
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Well Matched | Jen DeLuca
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@Kar2b you spoiled me!! I cannot believe how above and beyond you went for my #sliceofsummerswap ! I'm so excited about the books and I am in love with the Pride and Prejudice print. Thank you thank you thank you!!

Catsandbooks This is awesome! Have a fantastic summer! 😎 2y
Kar2b You‘re so welcome! I‘m glad you enjoyed it 🥰 2y
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This Wicked Fate | Kalynn Bayron
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Currently Reading:
This Wicked Fate - digital ARC
The Lost and Found Bookshop - ALC
Crocodile on the Sandbank - Physical reread

5feet.of.fury I‘m so excited for This Wicked Fate! 2y
Zamyah @5feet.of.fury it's really good so far. Going more in depth with the mythology 2y
5feet.of.fury @lirahlu yay! Glad to hear it! 2y
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paperwitchs Hi, I wanted to see if you got my email about the swap? :D 2y
Zamyah @paperwitchs no I don't see anything. 😱 2y
paperwitchs Let me resend :0 2y
Zamyah Got it! Went to spam! 2y
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Garden Spells | Sarah Addison Allen
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#sliceofsummerswap Summer Aesthetic. I love being in and near the water but I also love the greenery of my garden. @Catsandbooks

Catsandbooks ☀️😎💕 2y
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A lot has been going on so it's time for a comfort reread.

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The Book Charmer | Karen Hawkins
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Book Haul from a lovely (new to me) shop called the Reader's Cafe. Delicious London Fog, delicious food, and lovely atmosphere

Zamyah @Kar2b picked up a copy of Legendborn! (edited) 2y
Kar2b The House in the Cerulean Sea is so good too. Great choices! 2y
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Just starting my newest witchy/baking cozy mystery series. It's my 2 favorite cozy mystery types rolled into one.

Mollyanna This is a fun series. Enjoy! 2y
bthegood added to my TBR - thanks for the review 🙂 2y
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The 2nd book in the Carribean Kitchen Mysteries did not disappoint. In the first book, Miriam snoops so much she often gets in trouble, but I really appreciated the passive why she stumbled upon clues and bodies. The people, food anthropology, and crazy situations keep me coming back to this series. And I WILL be trying some of the included recipes. This whole series is YUM! Also, it's definitely helping me learn Spanish.

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This Poison Heart | Kalynn Bayron
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OMG! Read this now. It's so good. I can't wait to read Part 2!
5 🌟

5feet.of.fury Yessss! Just finished this recently and I‘m so glad I don‘t have to wait too long for book 2! 2y
Yuki_Onna @lirahlu
Hey! 😊 Will start shopping for #soss in the next days and I wonder: Do you prefer the jungle or the sea (or do you dislike one of them?) as design theme?
What is your fave landscape type/country to travel to?
Zamyah @Yuki_Onna I'm so excited for #soss! I love the sea AND the jungle. I'm very much a fan of all things green and love the water. Deserts and bleak landscapes make me so sad. I've always wanted to visit the a coastal town in the U.K. but I love rivers and lakes. Fun fact: my husband grew up in Germany! 2y
Kar2b I loved this book, too, and have its sequel preordered. Did you read “Legendborn”? That‘s another top YA read of mine from last year. (And another sequel I have on preorder. LOL) 2y
Zamyah @Kar2b I have not read "Legendborn" but will definitely add it to my TBR. 2y
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This book is extremely dense and took about 1.5 years to read the entire thing. It is composed of short snippets that makes it easy to pick up as needed and will be a valuable resource as I journey further along the Wiccan path. Excellent starter resource.

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I enjoyed this one way more than I thought I would. I was also positive I knew #Whodunit but I was wrong. 4 🌟


I HATE giving up on books but life is too short to read books you don't enjoy so I threw this one in the DNF folder. I felt so sorry for Mary and while she often is ignored I was too depressed by her story after reading a third of the book to continue.

eeclayton I finished and overall enjoyed it, but I can see why one could give up on it. It's definitely very wordy. 2y
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Murder Most Pemberley | Jessica Bert
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Featuring a cast of fantastic and quirky characters, an immersive setting, a sweet romance, and a mystery plot that had me guessing until the very end, it has everything a cozy mystery should offer. I got bogged down in British slang and it took me a few pages to understand that our heroine is the descendent of Elizabeth Bennett Darcy but overall this was a very pleasant read. Highly recommend even for those who are not Austen aficionados.

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Murder Most Pemberley | Jessica Berg
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Enjoying this arc though it took a moment to adjust to the universe. So far more Rom Com than cozy mystery but still fun.

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I enjoyed this book so much! It was a lot of fun seeing Non Player Characters react to the actions of "Real World" players in a Dungeons and Dragons type game. The humor and nerdery were also well appreciated. I'm definitely going to have to check out #2.

The Ex Hex: A Novel | Erin Sterling
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I loved this read. I was laughing out loud in parts and am so glad I picked up this cozy witchy romance. Thoroughly enjoyed every chapter.

The Ex Hex: A Novel | Erin Sterling
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Workout audio book. So far super fun.

LitStephanie I got a real kick out of this one. 😁 3y
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I'm behind on my #cozymysterybookclub reads but found last month's book on Hoopla. So far it's nothing special but it features baking so I'm here for the noms.

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Drinking tea and reading about tea and spending a beautiful spring afternoon with my cats. Life is good.

BethM Welcome to the best place on the internet! @Chrissyreadit has a how to link! 3y
Zamyah @BethM thank you so much! 3y
Chrissyreadit Welcome to Litsy! 3y
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Crinoline_Laphroaig I love this book. 🫖 3y
TheNeverendingTBR Welcome back to Litsy, thanks for following and hope you stick around! 😁 3y
Zamyah @TheNeverendingTBR thank you so much! 3y
Zamyah @Chrissyreadit thank you! 3y
Zamyah @Crinoline_Laphroaig I love when the recipes say rub the pound of butter into the pound of flour for 1.5 hours! I didn't even think about how grueling baking was before modern appliances 🥐🍰🥧🥺💀☠️ 3y
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Meet Your Baker | Ellie Alexander
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Hold my tea while I go find and buy the rest of this series. “Meet Your Baker“ hits all of my cozy favorites without being cliche. The Oregon bakery backdrop and Shakespeare Festival themed town are convincing and unique. Plus I love when yummy recipes are included.

Nute Welcome back to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂
Check out #LitsyEvents for a varied listing of fun-related happenings within this neighborhood of fellow readers.🤗
Nute Looks like a lovely porch/deck space and a beautiful day to read outside. Enjoy! 3y
Zamyah @Nute thank you so much! I will definitely check out #LitsyEvents. I'm already considering Litsy my favorite social media platform! 3y
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Smrloomis Welcome back! 🥳 3y
DebinHawaii Welcome back to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉 This is a favorite series of mine for all the reasons you mentioned. 🤗 2y
Zamyah @DebinHawaii Thank you! I'm excited to read the next in the series. 2y
Zamyah @Smrloomis Thank you so much! 2y
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Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo

So awesome. Hoping Netflix does the series justice!

BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 3y
IMASLOWREADER welcome to Litsy 3y
tpixie Welcome to Litsy!! Check out #LitsyTips (edited) 3y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit Has great tips and her bio 3y
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