1. Self-care. Need to value my mental health more.
2. Usage of social media
3. So far is quite an ambitious word... But lately I can say is the realization that is ok to get help from others.
1. Self-care. Need to value my mental health more.
2. Usage of social media
3. So far is quite an ambitious word... But lately I can say is the realization that is ok to get help from others.
Enjoy the sprint with a book from an author I really enjoy. Just starting the first story and is promising
Is a very nice book. Fast read very compelling story. I read it in Spanish. Not sure if there is a translation to English. The dessert was also good.
1. I will likely spend more than the 20! 🤣
2. I walked into the bookstore and then I went back to the other side of things 🤷♀️
So Listy remind me that 7 years ago I joined this amazing community 🎂🎂🎂🪅🪅🪅
So I know that I have been off the grid lately. Not doing great but hopefully it will improve in the next weeks. Nevertheless trying to re gain my old tradition of having a bookish breakfast with this great Sci fi book.
Pretty good thriller. Since I am returning to read thrillers are great. I have read all the books of this author and this is my favorite
I had read her 3 books before this one and I like all of them. She always manage to surprise me. I really like her books and already waiting for the next one...
1. Because I enjoy reading. I love to be able to travel to different worlds with words... A good book is always a good thing
2. My parents. They are also great readers and encourage me to read since I was little.
3. After work, when I travel and when I go to a coffee shop to read. In general when I have the time 😁
Actually the title in English is Phenotypes. But this is the author
Is a physical book
I will give 3.5 /5 is a very interesting topic but the paragraphs are way too long. Is difficult to read it
I do that in some books. But pencil and sticky notes. Specially if they are for a reading club. In my ebook I also highlight and take notes some times
1. I don't have a garden but I have a balcony that every year I put flowers. Also my house have plants all around. No garden when you live in a building 😩
2. I have 6 orchids. Some of them more than 5 years old! I have in my balcony something that is a small strawberry and soon I will have the first ones of the year!
3. I am not into reading about flowers or gardens. I think I have never read about the topic
1. I enjoy both but at the moment just in virtual reading club. If someone is interested is called Borderless and we read books translated to English published by independent publishers
2. When I have to read books that are not that popular or from countries that I normally don't read books
3. Is the one that I tag
1. Here Eastern is big. On Saturday we go to church to get our basket blessed, Sunday a huge breakfast with the family. Poland is big on this.
2. Depends how you see it. At the moment I am taking a latinamerican literature course so I read a lot but not books.
3. The health of my family
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
So these are my stats for March. You can say it has been my non fiction month 🙂 the stats are courtesy of #thestorygraph
Yesterday Litsy remind me that 6 years ago I joined this amazing community! I wish many more to come 😊.
This is a nice short book of the stories of the people that lives in this area of Berlin. I really like it. Is from the perspective of a writer that works as a chiropodist
1. I like both. As long as the story is good... I am up to it.
2. Yes. My mother tongue is Spanish so I read in both. Unfortunately more in English than Spanish 😕
3. A mood reader for sure
1. Yes, specially in Instagram
2. Caro Pi in Goodreads and story graph and Caropibooks in Instagram 😊
These are some short stories diverse and very nice. I really enjoy my time reading them.
I made my reading goal... Yes.. Nevertheless I feel that in 2021 I didn't get into my books... Kind of a reading slump... For some reason I didn't enjoy books as much as I usually do 🤷🏼♀️. Nevertheless they are some accomplishments and I am ready to twist these results in 2022!
The stats come from #thestorygraph
This was a very nice graphic novel that shows how hard is to fight with our inner monsters. Highly recommended
I actually read this on the 31st of October. Is a great retelling of some stories for kids that promotes diversity. Highly recommended for kids and adults.
A bit late but here it is!
1. The possibility to travel
2. The book I just tag
3. Amy Dunne from #gonegirl
4. Finally see my family after 2 years
Favorite fruit - I love 🍌
I can't wait to read The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towels
I am grateful for my family
Morning breakfast with this great book that takes place during the times of Franco in Spain.
1. Yes I am quite good at it. That is why I have problems reading books that people say have unexpected twist
2. I don't read many series. I am not a fan.
3. This is a tricky one... But I will say I like anti - heroes
4. I am grateful that my friend who has cancer in the heart is doing well in her chemio
1. Very few. One of them is about books
2. 2 or 3 but none that reads and enjoy reading as much as I do 😔
3. My mood, how much I enjoy the book. Nowadays is hard for me to give five starts. I guess age made me picky 🤷🏻♀️
4 I am grateful for my family health
PS I just noticed today is Thursday 🙈
So this was my #readingstats for the month of July. Better than June. Usually I don't read that much in the summer so I think is a good result.
The exorcist is death
This book is called in English The Choice. And yes is a hard book. No it doesn't focus on her experience in Auschwitz. It focus on the importance of healing. She uses her experience as well as the experience of some of her patients to show us the long road to heal. Highly recommended!
I have not been posting much lately because... I haven't been reading much ☹️but overall I think I had a good start of the year. Yes June was a bad reading month for me... Hope to get in a better track soon
1. I have started a couple of other series but this is the only long series I finish. Is 12 or 13 books
2. In general yes
3. I had never read a series that switches between different protagonist so is hard to tell.
I enjoy this book a lot. Is more hard science than what I usually read but I like it. It has an interesting story and it makes you believe it. I think it will stay with me a long time and that is what it makes a good book. I v know they will make a movie but I can't imagine a movie ever makings justice to Rocky. My favorite character
So I got a new cover for my kindle. And I love it! Perfect for every reader I will say....
Sunday plan... Nice cake with a book
1. Is my nick name since high school. Only my good friends use it.
2. Whenever I have good light and a book.
3. Hard to say not that much reading this month. But so far the tagged book is good
4. I live alone. No pets but tons of plants
So I am listening to this third book... I love her narration... And I am in this chapter and I could help but crying... I usually do not cry with books... Not even true crime. But all of the stories with her voice... I just couldn't help it. I admire her so much!
1. Bogotá - Colombia
2. Krakow, Poland
3. I have a sister and a brother.... Both in Colombia
4. I had an amazing collection of the Fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen & one of the Grimm Brother's. These are my first memories of reading alone. Was magical.
1. They are too many.... But I remember that I really cry after the death of Primmrose in the hunger games. Really in the part that Katniss is back home and she cried with the cat
2. One Hundred years of solicitud
1. No but... When I read Shakespeare I like to watch the play at the same time. It helps me a lot...
2. There is some books that I will never read if it wasn't because they are audiobook. Also the fact that I can do other things at the same time....
So these are my #readingstats for last month. And I am quite happy. I really enjoy the days in the sofa reading and travel to so many places without really moving from home 😊