Wrapped up a little too neatly for me, but a nice light read:)
Wrapped up a little too neatly for me, but a nice light read:)
After reading Han Kang's previous (and very odd!) novel The Vegetarian, I'm looking forward to seeing what strangeness this novel will hold.
A thoroughly enjoyable read! Julia's relentless work ethic and endless enthusiasm for french cooking was inspiring.
After my last book, I needed something a bit lighter. So far, so good with this one:)
I just love this series on audiobook! 15% into this one.
Such a quick read. Just my second graphic novel, and I'm pretty sure that I won't become a regular reader of the genre but I did enjoy this one.
My first graphic novel! Didn't love it, but I think I'm just adjusting to the format. Moving onto the second book in the series.
Wanted to love it, but just didn't. Despite reading lots of positive reviews, I just couldn't get into it and struggled to finish.
I'm about 80% through this book but having a hard time with it. I was really enjoying it at the beginning but the main character, Darrow, has become so arrogant that I just don't even like him anymore. I think I'll finish this book, just not sure I'll continue on with the series. Does it get better?
Finished! This wasn't a page-turner in the typical sense, nor was the plot particularly unique, yet somehow it was still an enthralling character drama focusing on family, friends and first loves. This novel has a lot of great discussion topics within it, so it would be a great book club selection.
"Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: thus is your time on earth filled with glory."
Finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Loved it!
Really enjoying this audiobook!
I'm not really into ghost stories so I probably wouldn't have picked this one up if it wasn't a book club read. It was an engaging read, but I really couldn't get around the fact that he BOUGHT a ghost. Not feeling much sympathy for a character who invites a haunting into his home.
Enjoyed the book while reading it, although found it somewhat predictable. Hated the end though!
I enjoyed this book about all things war and military. Mary Roach isn't afraid to ask both the seemingly silly questions, as well as tackle some of war's larger issues. I found the most interesting chapter discussed the changing designs of military vehicles, to account for evolving explosive techniques.
Ended up staying up way too late to finish this book last night. This was a great audiobook! The middle portion of the book got a little bit slow, but the end was a real page-turner. It wasn't a typical blood and gore zombie book, but more character-driven, and I thought the ending was perfect.
I'm down to the last 50 pages of this book and I really really want to see how it ends! Why is it bedtime and I can't finish it until tomorrow?!?
Books like this always make me wonder about the inner workings of an author's mind. How did Han Kang come up with this plot? On the surface, it's about a woman who gives up eating meat and how this affects her family. But the underlying issue is clearly mental illness. This book is odd, with all characters acting in strange, sexual ways. I wouldn't read it again, but was intrigued while reading it. Definitely had a few "what the___?" moments.
Was so happy to find this at a used bookstore in excellent condition! I listened to the audiobook in the spring and although it wasn't a fast paced read, I was absorbed in the story so I'm happy to add the hard copy to my book collection.
This book is highly creepy. I'm high on the scared-of-the-dark spectrum and usually certain something is following me if I happen to be outside past sunset. This book is that kind of discomfort & then some, because Malorie KNOWS there is something out there. It's a world where she wants to open her eyes... but can't because she'll die. I was really rooting for her and hoping she had obedient children who wouldn't lift those blindfolds! #booktober
Reading my book outside on this gorgeous autumn day!
I had my up and down moments with this book. Sometimes I loved it, other times I found that I was struggling to make myself pick up the book. I think it would have benefited from a first-person narrative rather than third person. I would have liked to read what Cora was thinking and feeling, more so than just her actions. The brutality in this book is a sad reminder of how cruel people can towards each other.
woohoo! I finished this book and so far it's the best in the series. I loved the narration by Ralph Cosham and can't wait to start the next book in the series! #mystery
Sleeping children + long car ride = lots of audiobook time! Almost halfway done:)
Technically this isn't my very first Litsy post, but since I joined yesterday I'm sneaking it in:) #firsteverlitsypost
Finally starting my October creep reads and first up is Bird Box. Decided to wait until daylight to begin because I've heard this book can make those of us already slightly scared of the dark just a little more scared. So sticking to sunshine reads on this one!
I listened via audiobook (fabulous narrator!), and although it took me a while to get into it I was totally engrossed once I was. I didn't really connect with one of the three viewpoints, but the other two more than made up for that disconnect.
A great page turner! I read almost the entire thing in one sitting. Sci-Fi is one of my favorite genres, but I think it lived up to the hype.