Unexpected book mail!
I finished this last weekend & I‘m still thinking about it. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5
This mystery, full of twists & red herrings, kept me guessing until the end. It was pure fun mystery entertainment.
How the Light Gets In is, on the surface, a sweet teen summer romantic mystery...but under the surface Upperman explores serious issues such as grief, family, and clashing values.
See the rest of my review in the comments.
Another must-read from Elizabeth Acevedo. Emoni‘s story of struggle, loneliness, family, resilience, & becoming confident in herself is going to resonate with so many of my students.
What are the consequences of our actions? (Yes, this is Warren Ellis the comic writer.) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Just starting this book & hoping I can squeeze in a few hours of reading this afternoon before returning to work Monday. The writing is wonderful so far.
Bookish gifts from my sweet husband. He knows me well. ☺️ Shirt & mug (reveals titles when it gets hot!) via @outofprint
“But she could see that the blizzard had blown itself out & left in its wake, as the worst storms often did, a luminous day.
Though it was, as any good Quebecker knew, an illusion. The sun was gleaming off its fangs.”
*”gleaming off its fangs”.* Wow. I wish I would‘ve written that.
This book. I thought I was reading to find more about modern Native Americans, but found myself reflected back to me. I‘m amazed by how Tommy Orange manages to make this story specific yet universal. I know, aren‘t all stories specific yet universal? They are. But not like this. 6/5 stars
Set in Castle Rock, this suspense thriller took me on a rollercoaster of emotion. Scott is losing weight--losing gravity—though his physical appearance remains unchanged. What will happen when he doesn‘t have any more weight to lose? Probably one of my favorite King stories ever.
It‘s a Black Daggar Brotherhood book: what more needs to be said? This one reveals the new holy being as well as a new threat against the King.
My library‘s display of end of times/apocalyptic books is on point! Each of the paper jackets had a brief summary & representative drawing. I think I‘m going to do something like this in my classroom library for Halloween. #teachersoflitsy #litsyloveslibraries
Went to the public library to use the free restroom. Bought a book. My husband said, “How did you buy just one?” 😘 I love him! Side note: Ocean Beach Public Library has a fantastic book sale section.
#currentlyreading this amazing book & mad that I‘m over halfway finished. It is SO GOOD!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Last week my mom retired from teaching. I finished with my students the previous week; so I got to read to her 2nd graders on their last day of school. They were enchanted by the words, pictures, & message of this book. And they-unprompted by me-impromptu debated whether unicorns are myths or reality. I‘m looking forward to reading this with my 10th graders in the fall! #teachersoflitsy
This novel juxtaposes transcripts & social media regarding a true crime “Serial” type podcast with prose regarding how the podcast is affecting the life of the victim‘s family (one daughter in particular). I guessed who actually committed the crime so it‘s between a so-so & a pick for me (I rounded up to ‘pick‘). This would be a good beach read as it‘s quite readable but forgettable.
Crighton‘s early medical thriller about abortion, published before Roe v Wade, is still current in that it asks that the reader consider medical law versus medical ethics. Crighton‘s intimate knowledge of the medical field, especially pathology, adds rich layers of detail. Though not as well written as his later works, if you enjoy thrillers or suspense you‘ll enjoy this.
True crime meets thriller in McNamara‘s posthumously published account of the Golden State Killer. If you enjoy true crime this is not to be missed, especially with the recent arrest of Joseph James De Angelo.
Someone slipped this into my classroom library & I can‘t stop laughing!
Forgot I preordered this paperback! Unexpected book mail is the best mail, amiright? 😜
American War is the story of a strong woman finding her way when all she has are hard choices. I especially like how the author interspersed “found” nonfiction (interviews, articles, depositions, etc) within the narrative. If you enjoy dystopian &/or novels with strong female characters you‘ll enjoy this. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Starting Spring Break off right: in a coffee sho, reading with my love. His: Nowhere Men; mine: American War by Omar El Akkad. He wanted to read Sex Criminals but was too embarrassed to read it in public. ☺️
I‘m feeling so fortunate to have met Matt de la Pena & heard his personal journey & his reading of his newest book, Love. He then had a personal conversation with everyone who brought books to be signed. What a wonderful experience. #teachersoflitsy I hope you have some/all of his books in your class library.
Airplane reading. So far is heartbreaking & wonderfully written & raw.
So excited that my #cupidgoespostal package arrived from Polska! I‘m spoiled beyond belief: several books from my TBR, bookmarks, pencils, sweet treats, & a book bag from Krakow‘s English bookstore. Dziekuje bardzo @CaroPi !!!
A fast paced thriller with lots of twists & turns, this is classic JAK in the best sense. It does connect with other books but can be read as a stand-alone.
For fans of surprising endings/Girl on a Train/Woman in Cabin 10 type narratives. I guessed part of this thriller correctly. The writing style was challenging for me, & I found one of the characters to be dumbfoundingly naive & another to be unobservant—when his job is to be observant. 🙄 Still, the ending felt satisfying; so it ends up as a ‘pick‘ for me.
Spending time in dr offices means more time to read. This was recommended by a good friend who said “it‘s worth it for the last 3 pages,” & I‘m currently wishing I was the type of reader who could read the last 3 pages & move on to another book. It is so slow right now!
My #cupidgoespostal package is winging its way across the country! I had sooo much fun picking everything out! Thanks for hosting @MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders
A graphic novel (that is “to be continued“ grr) focusing on a young woman & what she does to support her younger sister, who has been traumatized by the events in the “Spill Zone”. Fans of dystopian and/or sci-fi narratives will enjoy this story.
This was a feminist narrative with excellent pacing and good character development. If you enjoy “what if” plots, feminist themes, and hints of magical realism, you might want to pick up Sleeping Beauties.
Trying to finish this tome today. I‘m enjoying it much more than I thought I would. #2017goals
Books I received as gifts...feeling very loved!
This novel in verse is both a testament & love letter to the real life experiences of many of my students. Jason Reynolds is able to craft character & establish an emotional connection quickly. Fellow teachers, this is going in my classroom library & will also be used as a mentor text. #teachersoflitsy
Working with my husband at Panera Bread: he‘s writing papers for grad school; I‘m reading this amazing novel by the sexiest author of 2017.
If you like Michael Creighton you‘ll like this dark thriller. Read the entire book today. I love vacation! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Warning: You‘ll begin this book & won‘t put it down until you‘re finished & crying cathartic tears. I appreciate that Nijkamp explores some of the complexities of being a teenager in an uncertain world. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
New in! I think her poetry is trite BUT my students love it, so...into my classroom library it goes.
My local library‘s Banned Books Week display only had a few books left!
Warning: this fast paced YA thriller will keep you up toooo late as you & the main characters try to figure out whodunit. It was well paced & believable, & I adored both sets of strong, supportive sisters. My students are going to love it!
Forgot I had an appointment today, & happy for unplanned reading time!
#bookmail makes my heart go pitter -patter. Thank you so much @ArielElise for The Moor's Account! The writing is gorgeous & it has a very satisfactory conclusion. I'll follow your recommendations any day. The bottom four I'm going to read & then put in my #classroomlibrary
Ready for #litsypartyofone -- half checking Litsy, half watching National Speech & Debate Awards & wishing I was there with my students. After that will jump back into The Moor's Account, which I'm finding beautiful but slow reading.