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Reservoir 13
Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Reservoir 13 is a quiet, creeping bummer of a book. It‘s a well written one, masterful in fact, but a quiet, creeping bummer nonetheless. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/reservoir-13-jon-mcgregor/

Donna1980 This review made me smile… how often have I read a book that is so beautifully written but definitely a bummer of a read! Im keeping that phrase in my vault! 6mo
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Our January book club read. Sadly I just couldn‘t get into this book at all. I ended up skimming through it

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Well, I'm glad I carried on reading. However, I can truthfully say that few of the characters have stuck in my mind.
I liked the prose very much.

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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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It's a bit repetitive. I'm finding that I'm not hugely interested in the villagers but equally am wondering if they find her. I'm assuming not.

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Library book club.
Going in blind!

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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The way this is written takes some getting used to. The book revolves around the disappearance of a 13 year old girl in a rural British village. Each chapter is a year that passes, told by way of the cycle of the seasons, countryside and wildlife. Bubbling away underneath is the mess and mundanity of normal people living life. I can‘t describe how relaxing I found this book to read, but at the same time how drawn into the individual stories I was.

Cathythoughts Great review... 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Ms_T Marvellous review! 5y
BookwormM This is a great book will you be reading the next one 5y
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TrishB Great review and my thoughts exactly! 5y
batsy Nice review and photo! I still need to read this. 5y
SamanthaMarie Your review made me stack it :) 5y
JillR @BookwormM I need to check that one out - have you read it? 5y
JillR @BookwormM having just checked it out I‘m stacking! 5y
JillR @samanthamarie hope you enjoy it too! 5y
BookwormM I have read it and I did enjoy it 5y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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My very first Litsy post was my Brooklyn Book Festival #bookhaul, almost two years ago. I have read three of the four books, but not the book I was the most excited about in the original post -- The Book of Disquiet.


Lcsmcat 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
BarbaraBB I still need to read that one too. I‘ve heard such great things and yet I keep postponing... 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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I think I liked the idea more than I liked the actual book. It‘s a book about a town with a tiny sliver of a missing person involved. Nothing is really resolved, you just follow their lives for a bit. It was okay.

Nute I still want to read this but it seems that nobody really likes it.😕 5y
Godpants @Nute it feels like it‘s a thriller-ish story for people who only read literary fiction. I enjoy a concept novel, but for me it was just a little flat. I‘d love to hear what you think if you check it out! 5y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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This has been pretty interesting so far. How a small town deals with the aftermath of a missing teenager.

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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I‘ve gone with the film on this one - Reservoir Dogs.



Moray_Reads Really enjoyed this one. The style was so unusual but so effective 5y
RohitSawant Nice! 🙌🏼 5y
squirrelbrain I did too @Moray_Reads - have you read any of his others? I‘ve only read one other but really liked it... 5y
Cinfhen Wasn‘t crazy about this book....painfully slow 5y
gradcat Different takes...hmmm.... Love the tie-in, but haven‘t read anything by this author. 5y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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This is the second McGregor book I‘ve read and I really like his unusual style - looking at the everyday minutiae of like but with a distanced, distracted air.

Usually I dislike books where there are no ‘answers‘ and when we‘re expected to fill in the gaps, but not in this case.

4.5 ⭐️ - I really want to read it‘s ‘companion piece‘ now - The Reservoir Tapes, which gives the backstories of the characters.

jhod I loved this book! You were able to listen to the reservoir tapes on BBC Sounds as they were recorded for R4 - worth looking to see if they're still there... 6y
squirrelbrain Ooh thanks @jhod - I‘ll have a look on the app to see if they‘re still there. 6y
eraderneely I normally struggle to enjoy books where there‘s not much plot, but this book just sucked me in. 6y
BarbaraBB I enjoyed this one but I really LOVED 6y
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - that was the first book of his that I read! I think actually I preferred Reservoir 13, but only a little bit! 😁 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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This is an extraordinarily ordinary book. I loved the description and being able to completely be immersed in the village life. However, it is not a fast paced exciting book and the ending had me feeling a bit let down. Mcgregor has an incredibly unique writing style but not my favourite...
#JohnMcgregor #Resevoir13

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“The search for the missing girl goes on, but so does everyday life. As it must”
#reservoir13 #jonmcgregor #newbook #bookworm #reading

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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#adventrecommends day 21

A teenage girls goes missing, and for the next years we see how this effects the entire community and how lives move on.

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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The scope of this is so ambitious, but Jon McGregor pulls it off to perfection. Don't expect your usual thriller/mystery about a missing girl - you will be disappointed. What it is, is infinitely more interesting and special.

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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What a book! It‘s a subversion of the “missing girl” trope. It opens with the search but then takes a birds eye view of the village in the years that follows. I love the way he observes both the characters & ecology-the change in seasons & people‘s lives from a distance. But never veering too far away from the tragedy, which is like a shadow over the village- occasionally letting in light before obscuring it again. Meditative and methodical.

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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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So, this was the other book about a small English village I‘ve been reading the past few days 🙄Nope, it didn‘t work for me. The writing was lovely,but absolutely BORING. I was expecting a mystery about a missing girl and this is NOT that story. Instead it‘s a 13 year cycle of life in a small village with too many characters to keep track of. I feel cheated, I want my hours back. 2/5 stars #StarScrooge

Simona Seeing your post yesterday (or the day before?), I was almost sure that you will be disappointed and that your expectations are going in the wrong directions... 6y
TrishB Yeah, I didn‘t think you‘d like it as you were reading!! 6y
Cinfhen You were both correct!!! @simona @TrishB 😩 6y
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Simona Sorry 😕 If I were warn you, would that be a spoiler? 6y
Cinfhen It‘s probably better that I didn‘t know how the story would unfold @Simona otherwise I probably would have bailed 6y
Mdargusch That‘s a shame. Well now you can move on to something better! 6y
Mdargusch This book also gets a lot of so-so ratings like the book I warned you about yesterday. 6y
RealBooks4ever I always appreciate an honest review! 💜📚 6y
emilyhaldi Bummer!!! I have high hopes for all of his books 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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#FriYaYIntro @jesshowbooks

1. Needed Google to help me with popular movies from 1976!! Rocky & Bad News Bears ( the original- hello Tatum O‘Neal) definitely jogged my memory
2. FF and the thin crispy kind🍟
3. Love most music but I‘m jamming in the car to RHCP 🌶
4. Very atmospheric
5. Will do

batsy Yes to 2! 🍟😋 6y
RealLifeReading Mmm now I want some fries 6y
Pamwurtzler I‘m going to have to google for that movie answer too! Stay tuned! 6y
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Lizpixie I had to google too! E.T was everyone‘s obsession when I was 10, I bawled my eyes out😭🚲🛸 6y
Cinfhen Ha!!! I remember ET “phone home” 👽 @Lizpixie 6y
BarbaraBB Love the third answer of course. I do too 🎶🌶🌶😍💕 6y
Cinfhen Yup!! You‘re my rock chic 👍🏻😎 @BarbaraBB 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Not sure how I got to this book last night. It‘s not what I was expecting but it‘s haunting and absorbing in a very slow meandering way. A 13 yr old girl disappears from an English countryside town and the book is chronicling it‘s effect on the town‘s citizens. If you skim you‘ll miss tiny little hints and details that I‘m hoping will ultimately lead to the guilty party.

julesG A 'can't skim' book. Oh, I might have to try it. But it's a big might 6y
Cinfhen I won‘t hold you to it @julesG 6y
TrishB I loved this one for the atmosphere and the slow steady pace of village life. 6y
Cinfhen Absolutely slow pace @TrishB but it‘s still very compelling 😜 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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The Millions Most Anticipated 2018 list tipped me off to this #mystery novel. The author has written a follow-up that launches next month, so I'm doing the prep work!
"Jon McGregor has revolutionized that most hallowed of mystery plots: the one where some foul deed takes place in a tranquil English village that, by the close of the case, doesn‘t feel so tranquil anymore. . . . McGregor‘s writing style is ingenious." ―Maureen Corrigan

BarbaraBB A follow-up to Reservoir 13?? I didn‘t know! 6y
ReadingEnvy Don't see it as a mystery novel because going in with that expectation may let you down. They should never have pitched it that way. 6y
BarbaraBB Reservoir 13 wasn‘t a real mystery novel either, I think, but I love his writing. He writes so well about how people interact and his descriptions of the scenery are great too! Thanks for tagging the book! 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Thank you so much @Christine11 and @jhod ! Two gorgeous books of #litsymail this morning, which couldn't be more different- New York high society and a small English village after a tragedy. I'm really looking forward to both of these, and the bookmark's lovely, Christine. Thank you 💕 #jbuk

sudi That card is so beautiful 💖💖💖 6y
rockpools @sudi It is! 💕💐 6y
readordierachel What a lovely edition of Rule of Civility! 6y
Christine11 You‘re welcome 😊 I‘m glad it arrived safely! 💖 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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The rhythm of life in a small village, the cycles of nature, the stages of grief and the process of tragedy- Jon McGregor is an exceptional author and brilliant observer. This book was a poignant read and stirred up lots of feeling while provoking lots of lush imagery. That said, it dragged in parts and could have been shorter while remaining just as impactful. 3/5

HardcoverHearts Jack from Daunt recommended this to me as well. I didn‘t get it because I have seen it here in the US. Good to know you liked it. 6y
emilyhaldi Nice review 👌🏻 I need to read this! 6y
Caksf @HardcoverHearts I did like it, but I think you will like it even more. Beautiful, lyrical writing.. .. absolutely up your alley. I struggled through the slow patches but understand that the slow pace is part of the overall point! 6y
Caksf @emilyhaldi Thanks! It‘s a slow paced book that almost reads like poetry in some spots. I would definitely say it is driven by the overarching narrative as opposed to any specific plot point if that helps! 6y
emilyhaldi Sounds right up my alley!! 😉 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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I wanted to share with you the books I bought in Ireland ;) Outside one that has nothing to do with Ireland, they are all about Ireland, or by Irish authors. It's going to be a lot to bring back to the US, especially after going to my French local bookstore (many French books that I want to read, and that are hard to find online or f*cking expensive online...)
While I'll be in France, I'll also try to find an e-reader not affiliated with Amazon.

Lcsmcat Kobo readers let you support local book stores. 6y
Anna40 Looks great! 👍 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Guys, I get this is a book of beautiful sentences, and that it shows life progressing slowly, but I didn't love it. I kept putting it down and forcing myself to pick it back up. The last few chapters were easier to appreciate, but I'm glad it's done, and don't think I'd look at it again for at least a decade!

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Another of the books on last year‘s Manbooker long list. And my first McGregor read.

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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Thank you so much to @squirrelbrain for my #bookmail today. Your generosity is overwhelming and the book will take pride of place on my shelf. The chocolate especially is more than welcome this evening after I spent the day being grilled by Ofsted. It will be enjoyed with a large glass of wine! I love #Litsy and this amazing bunch of #Littens. Feeling the love tonight people 💗💗💗

KennedyBooks One of my best friends also had ofsted in this week, after hearing what she said about it I think you deserve that chocolate! Enjoy! 7y
ShookBelf @KennedyBooks It was brutal. My first involvement with an inspection and it was just awful. Thankfully we've remained 'good' so that's a positive but that's all I can take away from today 😭😭😭 7y
KennedyBooks @ShookBelf That‘s an amazing achievement so you should be really proud! I think that‘s a very big positive for the day- and the bright side is hopefully they won‘t be back to darken your door for a couple of years! 🙏🏻👍🏻😊 7y
squirrelbrain Ooh glad it arrived ok! I was going to ask if you‘d got rid of the Ofsted ogres or were they back tomorrow, but it sounds like they‘re finished and you did really well so enjoy your chocolate and wine! 📖❤️📖❤️ 7y
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Have been to my book club tonight to discuss this book (still haven‘t finished).
One of the reasons I enjoy book club so much is that the people are very different to me with lots of different backgrounds. They help me see the ‘other side‘ of books.
I‘m definitely enjoying this book more than when I started and the rhythm of it is very soothing.
Two of the group had been to see the author talking, so it was interesting to hear their views.

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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor

Should I continue with this book? It‘s for a book club meeting on Tuesday evening and I didn‘t go to the last meeting.
I‘m enjoying the writing, and I get that the pace is slow but can someone who has read it tell me if there is any point continuing?

TrishB I reviewed a couple of weeks ago! It‘s slow, nothing particular happens, beautiful writing and I really liked it. 7y
andrew61 Yes I really liked it and id recommend the bbc podcast reservoir tapes which tells 15 more individual stories about 15 mins each. 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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I actually loved the lyricism of this book, the pastoral descriptions and the way it gives you the impression of glimpses of life caught at the right moment. But at times, it was very hard to keep up with all the characters and I feel that maybe certain parts of the book could be omitted. Although I am a big fan of McGregor's writing, this one didn't impress me as much as I would have hoped.

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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Just started this one, and can already tell this is going to be a different sort of read.

Aimeesue I liked this one, though people who hate non-resolved storylines will not. Requires being able to tolerate leaving questions unanswered. At least I learned what a body warmer is! 6y
DannyOlda I totally agree, @Aimeesue. It's definitely not the murder mystery some blurbs make it sound like. Felt alot more like people watching for 13 years. I personally loved it, but could definitely see why some wouldn't. 6y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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This book was pastoral and lovely and I enjoyed reading it for the most part. But I just felt like it would never end. I also had a hard time differentiating many of the characters. The teenagers all seemed like the same person and I could never figure out which generation of Jackson the author was talking about in any given sentence. But it was lyrical and I liked the style.

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Going to start this one today.

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Kindle deal on this one today. As you can see, I already bought it.

Bklover @cinfhen- thought you were looking for this one! 7y
Bklover Thanks @Redwritinghood ! Just bought it! (edited) 7y
Cinfhen I was!!!! Thank u for the heads up 💚😊 @Bklover (edited) 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Ohhhh......I really enjoyed this book. The rhythm of the book is as suited to the pace of life in a small village, supported by wonderful descriptions of the nature cycle. Great insights into human nature.
Not a lot happens and it is slow going - but wonderfully written and I actually did want to know more about all their lives.

Lindy Yay! I‘m you enjoyed this. 7y
BookwormM Companion book The Reservoir Tapes should be out soon I reviewed an ARC a while back. 7y
minkyb Another great review! 7y
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TrishB @BookwormM it‘s out in UK - on future list! 7y
TrishB @Lindy a comfort blanket read ❤️ 7y
TrishB @minkyb thank you 😁 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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I read this in two sittings, loved the prose and structure and feel like I lived within this town. The ending has me pondering. But I think in a good way. I just need a bit of time mulling it over before I review it...

Lindy I found the prose mesmerizing. 7y
andrew61 Id strongly recommend listening to the reservoir tapes - it's on a bbc r4 podcast - added a lot to a book i enjoyed and captured the feel of the peak District very well. 7y
TrishB Just finished this tonight too 👍🏻 Impressive. 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Everyone else still in bed on lazy Sunday morning and I‘m just starting this book whilst Sansa snores ❤️

Cinfhen So curious about this one!! Hope it's as good as the blurb describes it 7y
AceOnRoam I'm with Sansa because I was snoring whilst reading this one... but lots of people loved it. 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen @AceOnRoam we‘ll see how it goes! 7y
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batsy Sansa! ❤️ 7y
PenguinInFlight Awww! Sansa is so cute! ❤️ 7y
JaneyWaneyB 😍 Sansa is so cute 🐶 enjoy your lazy morning I'm doing the same 📚☕🤓 7y
Velvetfur Aaww I love Sansa 💜😍 7y
Elizabeth2 My favorite time to read is when everyone else is asleep in the morning. I don‘t get that opportunity often with a bunch of early risers! Who better to spend that time with than a cute pup? Enjoy! 7y
DGRachel She‘s beautiful! Looks like a perfect way to spend a Sunday! 7y
ladym30 She is so beautiful! 7y
Reviewsbylola Perfect! 7y
minkyb Perfection! 7y
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Current read. Can‘t put my finger on why I find this story so completely absorbing. Everything is on the periphery and yet it‘s all so clear I can feel it

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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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I really loved this. Hooray for Jon McGregor!

Cinfhen Stacked! 7y
Lindy @Cinfhen 👍😀 7y
SharonGoforth Yay! Such a good book!! 7y
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shawnmooney Just got the ebook cheap on iBooks. Everyone seems to think it‘ll be a bail for me but I‘m willing to give it a try! @Cinfhen are you wagering on this one? 😻 7y
Cinfhen I'm in a real conundrum @shawnmooney but I'm gonna go check & see if it's still cheap on iBooks 🤑 7y
Cinfhen Damn @shawnmooney it‘s back to $15.99 ~ I did pick up shrill for $2.99 🙈let me know how it goes 7y
Lindy @SharonGoforth @shawnmooney @Cinfhen An unusual writing style (let it flow over you, Shawn, and I think it‘ll be okay) and such a life-affirming novel. It reminded me of 7y
SharonGoforth @lindy My thought while reading this was Sebastian Barry should have (or could have) written it. 7y
Lindy @SharonGoforth I must read Barry. He‘s been on my TBR for a long time. 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Quiet and rolling.. an appropriate last book for the year 2017. Many thanks to @Catapult and a #goodreads giveaway for the ARC. I‘d say go into this with no expectations, regardless of what you read of the plot, and just enjoy the writing.

Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Books+wine+real fire+snowing all day here in Big Sky Montana=perfect Christmas day.

jhod Idyllic 7y
JoeStalksBeck Perfect 7y
SassyBookworm Sounds like a perfect end to any day!!! 7y
Posemn That does sound absolute perfect. Merry Christmas. 7y
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Congrats @cinfhen on a magnificent milestone! And thanks for doing the #pickpanbailsoso giveaway! On Litsy I give everything over 🌟🌟🌟 a pick and I don't really do bails, but even so I think its fair to say I've had a very high rating reading year and am sure some of that is down to Litsy and fellow Littens! #payitforward

Cinfhen Another #NoBail!!! That's awesome 🤗I'm so quick to bail 😬thanks for playing❣️ 7y
TheSketchyReader I almost read Modern Lovers but I‘m happy I passed now 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Big thanks to #goodreads and @Catapult for this copy of Reservoir 13.. I‘ve had this on my to read list and am about 20 pages in.. so far so good... have you read this one yet?

jhod Yes it's great! Don't go in with any expectations! 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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I loved this book and wish it made the Man Booker Short List. It‘s quiet, meditative, and was the perfect to read this week when it was cold and snowy and I was sick and feeling like taking things slow. I finished it tonight in my fleecy purple footie PJs while Mr H watched Parks & Recreation.

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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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I almost spit out my coffee laughing this morning.
I don‘t know if I‘ve ever come across a Yuri Gagarin joke in a novel before.

Reecaspieces 😂😂😂 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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Cozying up with my #currentread by the fire. My hold came in from the library yesterday so I‘m putting my other reads on pause until I finish it.

Kendra.Diane Love getting a hold notification 🙏🏼 7y
eraderneely @Kendra.Diane it‘s always so hard to schedule for! 7y
Coco Looks cozy! Enjoy ur read! 7y
eraderneely Thanks @Coco I really did! 7y
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Reservoir 13 | Jon McGregor
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#sickday #humpdaypost
1. Gilmore Girls & this awesome book
2. There‘s a teeny tiny bit of pink on my bottle of Polar seltzer water
3. The Office
4. Ice scraper
5. Too many to count! Mink River, Shotgun Lovesongs, The Animators


rockpools Hope you're feeling better soon. And 💕to Mink River! 7y
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