I‘m late with yesterday‘s #CoverLove post because I couldn‘t access Litsy last night. 😅 Anyway, here‘s my post for the #orange prompt!
I‘m late with yesterday‘s #CoverLove post because I couldn‘t access Litsy last night. 😅 Anyway, here‘s my post for the #orange prompt!
I cant believe Ive never read this one! I really liked her story about her and Felipe and learning more about her emotions and her life. However, she dives into what marriage means to other groups and countries and some of it was a tad boring. I get what she was doing but I wouldve enjoyed a more focused story on her and Felipe.
Book 88
This was an interesting read. She hates the idea of getting married because of her first divorce but has to marry her foreign partner in order for him to be able to stay in the country. This is basically her coming to terms with the institution, detailing the faults and intricacies.
She talks about the concept of marriage and how it has changed throughout history and in different cultures.
I thought it was enlightening and honest.
This has been a good reading month for me so far and I'd like to keep my momentum going 🔄
My goal for the next week is to finish reading the tagged book (which is due back to the library soon) and the Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (which my book club will be discussing on the 24th)
I also want to make some progress in Persuasion, which I'm listening to on audio 🎧
#FabulousFebruary @Andrew65
1. Tagged book is what I've picked up most recently but I've got like 5 books in progress as usual 😅
2. Ebooks are what I mostly read but I like audiobooks for my commutes sometimes as a break from podcasts
3. In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
I had to read this after really enjoying “Eat, Pray, Love.” I like how while Elizabeth Gilbert has a conversational tone in her writing, she truly respects the reader and furnishes them with rich, researched information. I quite liked how she dug deep into the question of marriage and many of the points that she raised helped me shape my own views on marriage. I‘d recommend this to all woman.
I‘m not sure what I was expecting from this book but I wasn‘t over the moon about it. Gilbert obviously did thorough research regarding the traditions of weddings/marriage around the world and was brave in sharing her own skepticisms. (All useful things to someone who is currently planning her own wedding!) But in the end I found myself slogging. I wouldn‘t discourage anyone from picking it up but I‘m not shouting it from the rooftops either.
“Marriage IS those two thousand indistinguishable conversations, chatted over two thousand indistinguishable breakfasts, where intimacy turns like a slow wheel.”
“The poet Jack Gilbert ... wrote that marriage is what happens ‘between the memorable‘ He said that we often look back on our marriages years later, perhaps after one spouse has died, and all we can recall are ‘the vacations, and emergencies‘ - the high and low points. The rest of it blends into a blurry sort of daily sameness, the poet argues, that comprises marriage.”
I preferred Eat Pray Love but I enjoyed this book as well. Made me realize a lot about mariage that I had not though about. A book to read a little at a time.
Felt like self indulgent tripe. Maybe the publisher demanded a follow up after the success of Eat Pray Love? In retrospect I don‘t like Eat Pray Love so much anymore.
I must read this. They have to get married to get him in the country, childless by choice.
Halfway through and I'm only more committed to remaining single for the rest of my life.
I CAN commit myself to this I'm Terrible at Challenges challenge posted by @cathysaid ONE challenge for 2018
Starting a new book today! I loved Eat, Pray, Love and am so excited to have stumbled across her follow up book. #accidentalfind
I love how Ms Gilbert writes authentically and lovingly about her marriage. I love how I found this book at the time when I really needed a fresh, beautiful and deeper insights on being a couple.
Yesterday was a very happy day for us! We MADE rings!
Ian and I have never connected to the idea of marriage in a traditional sense. We believe in commitment, yet the legal part & expensive party are not particularly important to us. But, rings? We love that idea. So we made them! In an all day workshop, with a nugget of gold from his dad, who passed away in May. After lots of fire, sanding, hammering, and polishing, we put them on. For good.
So true! Side note: where did the blurring feature go with the new upgrade? Am I crazy?? Trying to jerry rig this quote was not my best moment.
marriage becomes hard work once you have poured your life's expectation for happiness into the hands of one person.
Ain't that the truth ;)
Pretpostavljam da sam ocekivala previse, nakon prve njene knjige koju sam procitala. Citanje ove knjige je za mene zaista bilo bolno: toliko toga napisanog, a nista nije receno, preduga poglavlja... Puko istrazivanje i nista vise. Sve sto je napisala u ovoj knjizi, mogla je napisati u dnevniku i raskrstiti sama sa sobom tu "bolnu temu" ponovne udaje.
Found this lovely church while driving down the California coast and listening to Elizabeth Gilbert ruminate on love and marriage a few months back. Seemed fitting. #readingoutside #roadtrip #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge