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Shelf Life
Shelf Life: Romance, Mystery, Drama, and Other Page-turning Adventures from a Year in a Bookstore | Suzanne Strempek Shea
19 posts | 3 read | 27 to read
The author recounts her memories of working in a local bookstore while she was recovering from breast cancer.
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I‘m trying very hard not to hold anything else till 2020 lol

Scochrane26 This may happen to me soon. 5y
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#31bookpics @howjessreads

Prompt: Shelves

2 of 4 tall shelves also have a short bookcase for under the window. Still have books stacked on my night stand and on my desk.

Velvetfur So organised and tidy! 😍 6y
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I am running out of room. I have 4 bookcases and only one shelf left. I also have 4 stacks of books (pic on right) waiting to be catalogued and filled away. I also have two more stacks on my night stand. There is no way they will all make it. What am I going to do!? Hubby suggested a culling. 😱😡

CatLass007 Nooooo! 6y
ManyWordsLater I spy some room on top of the shelves.... 📚📚📚 6y
LazyDays Oh no! Agree👆👆👆 6y
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Reviewsbylola I‘m out of room too. But like @ManyWordsLater suggested, I stack on top of the bookshelf too. 6y
TheSpineView Yes but it is a last resort. I am a bit OCD and prefer shelves. Maybe I will move the nonfiction on top. @ManyWordsLater @Reviewsbylola 6y
jb72 I stack my small paperbacks two deep. I ran out of room a long time ago. I‘m gonna need more shelves soon. 6y
TheSpineView @jb72 Good idea! 6y
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#3. #3shelvesin3days. This is fun, looking at what people have yet to read. I see I buy a lot through Thrift Books. Lol.

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#2. #3shelvesin3days. Post.a book shelf.. No fussing or rearranging.

SilversReviews Looks good. 6y
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#riotgrams Day One shelfie

readordierachel Cute Groot! 6y
DianaVijay Is that griot? Too cute!! 6y
Liatrek @DianaVijay Yes❤️ I love me all things Groot😊 6y
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#Shelfie #RiotGrams @bookriot

amvs1111 Love the calendar quote! 6y
Christine11 @amvs1111 I love it too ! 😊💛 6y
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tammysue Love all the candles! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @whatshesreadingnow thanks!💕💕💕🙌 7y
AmyG Candy! 7y
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JoeStalksBeck @AmyG lmao! Oh yes! I love tootsie pops and blow pops 7y
AmyG @JoeStalksBeck I love tootsie pops, too. 7y
DrJAdMerricksson Violin Sherlock! Drizzit!! Books!!! 7y
JazzFeathers 😍😍😍 7y
JoeStalksBeck @DrJAdMerricksson lol!!! @Tiffy_Reads got that Sherlock for Emma 7y
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I really should be reading, instead I am going to try and catch up on photo challenges.
Here is my #shelfie for #spookyoctober . Sadly these are all the physical books I have left now. :-/ I used to have so many.


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Check out my new shelf ornament. 😂. For some reason he *needed* to jump into this bookless hole.

MrBook 😻😻😻 #catsofLitsy 7y
rubyslippersreads Such a handsome shelf ornament. 😻 7y
Sace So handsome! 😻😻😻😻 7y
Sassy_Steph Only spot available to him!! Ha ha! Maybe books surrounding him is comforting? I know it works for me! Smart kitty!! 7y
Libby1 😻 7y
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#aprilbookshowers Day 24 - #shelfie

It's nice to finally live in a place where I have room for bookshelves. 😊📚 My books used to be stored in boxes and piles in closets.

ValerieAndBooks Nice 📚😍! 7y
LeahBergen 😍😍 7y
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#TBRtemptation post 9! From the 5-time acclaimed author comes a memoir for those who love bookstores & have fondness for a particular one. While recovering from radiation therapy, she volunteered at a bookstore to help customers find the books they needed. She lived & breathed books through all occasions for a year. She also talks about growing up with books, the Bookmobile, & the hundreds of bookstores she's visited. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

ValerieAndBooks Blaming you yet again 😊!! 7y
TheCanuckReader Are you trying to kill us??? How can I resist all of these books about books? 😂 7y
MrBook @ValerieAndBooks ☺️👏🏻 I take full responsibility 😆. @TheCanuckReader And there's lots more of them to come 😎🙈! 7y
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TheCanuckReader Don't make me block you....LOL 7y
MrBook @TheCanuckReader 😂👏🏻 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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this is the shelf i look at most. it's in my den. also, i shelve chronologically/order read. TBR on the bottom. #feistyfeb #shelfie

britt_brooke Pretty! 7y
Reviewsbylola 😍😍😍 7y
Cortg Very pretty! I'd look at it the most if it was in my house 😍 7y
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My #shelfie for #riotgrams Day 1. I have floor to ceiling shelves on 3 walls of my library, so this is just a small slice. Note the shelf of witchy stuff for full moon rituals 🌕, and the quote cards in bottom left. If I panned down from the cards we'd see my writing desk. I cycle through quotes that inspire me & make me laugh. @bookriot @Liberty

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Okay, I'll belatedly join the #24in48 shelfie selfie fun. I'm picking my 2nd read of the readathon now (and hiding the bedhead). Woo hoo!

saresmoore Perfect! I love your hat! 7y
StephBengtson That hat! 🙌🏼 7y
LauraBeth I need this hat! 7y
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katedensen Yay!! 7y
Suzze A Book hat! Love it. 7y
britt_brooke 💚💚💚 7y
Hobbinol 😍Adorable ❤❗And I love your bedhead-hat! 7y
MrBook Ah! Love that hat and those shelves!!!! 7y
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I need this. You need this. We all need this. Also, shout out to all the nasty women marching today! I wish I could be at the march in Phoenix, but I have a tiny human to take care of. Remember, we don't have to take no ish from no man!

Desha 😂😂😂 cute shirt! ❤️ 7y
Bookzombie 😍😍✊🏻 7y
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Thing is, if we have to do something other than what we're meant to do creative-wise, isn't it wonderful that our other jobs can almost be like hobbies? I play with the coining: Hobbs? Jobbies? Hork? Wobbies? #lifegoal