#JokeDay reminded me of this book…
#JokeDay reminded me of this book…
I laughed out loud so many times! Honestly, I connect with Justin more than you know. My step-dad was just like Justin's dad. He had a quip for everything. There was one part in the book that I felt a little deja vu. My step-dad said close to the same thing. It was great to re-live that memory, especially since my step-dad has passed. 5⭐
Page 56:
“I've been poor, so has your mom. There are a lot of things in my life that I try really hard to make sure that you never have to experience.“
“So why can't this be one of them?“ I asked.
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Halpern's father is actually quite loving and doesn't treat his kids like shit. And the word faggot does not appear in this book. At all. Not even once. This is a strange way to start a review, but it's unfortunately necessary, because someone on this link who clearly did not read this book decided to post these false accusations in their review. I don't know why, because I'm not the Idiot Whisperer.
This book is very funny. Read it.
This book was not funny at all. I don‘t find humor in treating your kid like crap. Or the loose use of the word faggot throughout this book.
1. Also Jim Gaffigan books
2. 1st one: I was born in these books and now I‘m intrigued by a great choice of books for the movie of my favorites . 2nd one: I was born to be a happy girl and a friend to my best self for a long while but I‘m sure you know that I love you dearly.
3. Tennis for summer, skiing and tubing in winter
4. Absolutely! Too many to compliment as Litsy is bursting with lovely readers and friends
Good, not great. Some LOL moments but the grousing of dad gets old quickly. 🌟🌟🌟
This book was hilarious. Full of funny nuggets of wisdom from a father that while at times is brusque and an oddity, really loves his kids even when they baffle him. I highly recommend listening to this one!
#pop19 #popsugar2019 #popsugarreadingchallenge
A Book About a Family
I listened to this on audio. HILARIOUS!!! I had moments were I couldn‘t breath from laughing so hard. It was a good thing my husband was driving. Loved the relationship the father and son had. Even through the horrific language, you could tell his dad truly cared about his family. #Book14of2019
This book is free on amazon prime right now.
“If it's not bourbon or sweatpants, it's going in the garbage.... No, don't get creative. Now is not a creative time. Now is a bourbon and sweatpants time.”
#laughtersthebestmedicine #jazzyjune
If you enjoyed the twitter feed, you‘ll probably enjoy this book. Each chapter has anecdotes surrounding some of the quips from dad. Light reading, heavy profanity, loving father/son relationship.
I don‘t sit on waitlists - I just peruse the nonfiction audiobooks available on Libby. This often results in listening to a book I never would have actually read. I had no idea who Halpern or his dad were but ended up having a laugh out loud car ride listening to this. I love his dad. If you are uncomfortable with swearing, don‘t bother listening. You‘d be offended by every second word. 😂😂 A great one to listen to.
I read this for one of my book clubs, I picked it for our humor genre. Honestly, I am going to be a little embarrassed when we meet next week to discuss it because of all of the foul language. I wish that I would‘ve read more reviews or picked up the paperback copy before recommending it. Don‘t get me wrong, I have moments where I cuss like a sailor, however after listening to this book I am likely going to rethink that. Book 21 of 2019
My random audiobook because real life is funny. I used to follow this guy on twitter.
I've been super excited to get started on this book. I wish I would've thought of it with the stuff that comes out of my Dad's mouth.
Funny, down to earth book. This was a light hearted and refreshing read.
Guy tweets out some of his dad‘s pearls of wisdom, gradually gains attention, and collects aforementioned zingers into a book (along with essays about their relationship). Funny and poignant.
Don‘t pick this up if profanity bothers you.
On Friendship, Part II:
“I don‘t need more friends. You got friends and all they do is ask you to help them move. Fuck that. I‘m old. I‘m through moving shit.”
On Silence:
“I just want silence....Jesus, it doesn‘t mean I don‘t like you. It just means right now, I like silence more.”
@Tianarose @TheKidUpstairs @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego
Here are my choices - I own two and have two on my to acquire list. Interested to hear of you have read any.
This audiobook made for an entertaining ride to and from work, listening to anecdotes and hilarious (and profanity filled) words of wisdom from Justin Halpern‘s dad.
I expected this to be funny, it was. I expected every quote from the dad to be peppered with profanity, they were. I did not expect raunchy stories from the author, they did not add anything of value. #AudioMemoir
A funny book about a wise man, if you‘re not easily offended. LOL. Not worth the hype though.
This book was ok. It was short and the stories were entertaining. I didn't enjoy the voice used when the dad was speaking. That was my biggest complaint with this audiobook.
Justin Halpern's dad tells it like he sees it. He is an old curmudgeon, imparting wisdom in a hilarious, most profane yet insightful way. While he clearly has not been the easiest to grow up with, yet the love between father and son shines through as his dad drops gem after gem. I loved the audio - short and hilarious! ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
😂😂 Happy Fathers Day to all the great dads, awesome moms and wonderful people!!
Laugh Out Loud...LITERRALY!😂........ I love this book.. Hilarious!
My first audiobook and I would say I'm hooked! Hysterically funny, laugh out loud funny, literally! I don't have a very long commute, about 12 to 15 minutes each way. However I finished this book in 5 days just driving back and forth to work and running errands. That's approximately three hours that I did not spend reading and yet I finished a book! That's awesome 😁 Gotta Love multitasking! Tomorrow I start my next audio book...
My latest library haul, my second visit this week 😂📚 The last two Books by the Bay in the series that I've been binge reading (new release in May). And, in an attempt to get into audio books, I checked out 3. I popped in Sh*t My Dad Says and laughed all the way home! 😂I may be hooked on audio books🎧
The audiobook is hilarious; the narrator sounds just like the dad looks like he would. Great commute reading. #audiobook #audiobooklove
Day 23 @bookriot challenge: the best thing to do on a rainy winter day is to read a #funnybook #riotgrams #shitmydadsays
I listened to the audiobook while driving back from FL and there was one part that my husband and I laughed so hard at we both started crying. This will forever be considered one of the funniest books I've ever read because of that reason. It has also become one of my fondest memories.
This is absolutely hilarious!!! The dad is a combo of my mom, dad, & grandfather & the anecdotes reminded me a lot of similarly awkward situations I've been in or at least the feeling you get when you worry about what your family is going to say! I loved the inflections the narrator put in his voice when he did Justin at different ages & then his mom and dad. I enjoyed how the final track was a more serious message so it ended on a poignant note!
The worst thing you can be is a liar. . . . Okay, fine, yes, the worst thing you can be is a Nazi, but then number two is liar. Nazi one, liar two.
You say you‘re sick, huh? Well, it looks like you‘ve come down with a case of bullshit.
Get ready to laugh out loud, possibly guffaw, or snort...I've read it twice; will probably read again and again
2016 I passed my goal by 35 books! All because I fell in love with audiobooks 💕 my goal for 2017 will be 75! Wish me luck!
I hate to say it but I'm bailing on this one. I thought it was going to be something funny and family-quirky-fun but Noo.. I guess I should have figured that out from the title. Lol I curse as much as the next person but there was just WAYYY too much in this. And every other sentence the term GD was being used.. That's just too much. I didn't even make 20 minutes into it. ❌❌
Short, fun read. The narrator's dad leaps off the page to the extent that he practically joins the pantheon of comic creations. But there is also genuine warmth, and not a little wisdom behind the laughs. Very enjoyable.
Wahh, the first book I've read in one sitting since babe arrived! Thank you for napping ? so, I don't tweet, and all these stories were new for me. I do love some curmudgeonly old men (props to my Japanese phone Swype for recognizing that word... and never "Tokyo"). Halpern shows off the loveable side of his rough talking dad, and everyone relates. Highly entertaining, especially while cradling your own progeny. #singleservingreads #mommyreads